What are You Thankful for Today?

If you’re having a hard time answering that question, you are not alone.

Some people feel that they don’t have much to be grateful for during the pandemic because of its impact on their health, jobs, and relationships. These days, it takes tremendous strength to be grateful and say, “Thank God.”

So, how do we hold on to gratitude even when times are tough?

Angie Garcia’s story is here to inspire you.

One day, Angie woke up with an excruciating pain on her left knee. Brushing it off as a simple leg pain, she endured it for two months until she couldn’t take it any longer.

When they rushed to the hospital, Angie found out that she had a torn ligament which required her to undergo an emergency surgery.

Suffering in physical pain, Angie was also mentally distressed about where she would get the surgery fee amounting to Php 100,000.

“It was painful. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t move. All I could do was pray, ‘Please, Lord. I’ve had enough. This would’ve been my 11th surgery, so I didn’t want to go through it,’” lamented Angie.

Like Angie, have you ever come to a point when you’re frustrated about your situation?

How did you overcome it?

At her breaking point, Angie chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and the hosts were praying for someone who has a torn ligament. Deep down, she knew that the prayer was for her.

Angie joined the prayer without second thought. She remembered to trust God and thank Him for her life. She thanked him for the healing that she is yet to experience.

Angie recalled, “I prayed, ‘Lord, thank You! I claim that I will be healed!”

And it happened.

Angie felt instant healing right after the prayer. She immediately texted the program and expressed her gratitude, “I told them, ‘Thank you for your prayers.’ Then I claimed healing of my torn ligament.

Brimming with excitement, Angie went to have her knee checked by the doctor again. To her doctor’s surprise, Angie’s knee was well and healed!

“My doctor told me that my condition looked even better than before!” Angie said while smiling.

How about you, how do you remain thankful when you are going through a suffering?

Angie chose to thank God even before she received healing. She chose to believe that God is greater than her current circumstances. She chose to trust that He will always carry her through.

“The joy in my heart comes from the Lord. That’s the most important thing for me. The joy in my heart, His healing, His provision… everything — big or small— comes from Him. And I would like to thank Him for that,” Angie ended.

What are you grateful for today?

Being thankful isn’t easy in times of suffering. It takes faith to look beyond your current situation and look to God — the one who is in control of everything.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV)

Do you need someone to pray for you? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

If you are seeking God’s grace and comfort during these trying times, listen to “2AM Wide Awake,” an inspirational song by Neo Rivera and Jericho Arceo! The song is produced by Reverb Worship PH, CBN Asia’s music arm.

Watch the lyric video visualizer of 2AM Wide Awake on YouTube or stream it on all digital streaming platforms worldwide.

Battling One Disease After the Other—Is Healing Still Possible?

After all the pain she went through, Haidie Columna can answer a resounding “Yes!” to this question. Be encouraged with her story.

Haidie was pregnant with her second child when she faced a life-threatening battle in the form of uterine polyps.

“Even a miniscule cough or sneeze made me bleed. There were moments when I thought the baby in my womb died because of the intense bleeding,” Haidie recounted.

Her worries about her delicate pregnancy were aggravated with all the costly medications she had to take.

But, the most agonizing part was that Haidie had to battle her sickness without her husband because he was working overseas.

Have you been through a miserable situation like hers?

Haidie was crying out to God when she came across her favorite inspirational TV program, The 700 Club Asia.

“I was encouraged with the story of a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with cancer. She trusted God for her healing,” she shared.

The woman’s testimony filled Haidie’s heart with hope that God would preserve her son.

And He did.

Haidie gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and her uterine polyps miraculously went away.

Haidie trusted God wholeheartedly, and He did not fail her. Would you do the same?

But, just when Haidie thought her struggles are over, another adversity came that test her faith.

She was diagnosed with appendicitis and had to undergo surgery.

If you were in Haidie’s position, how would you feel and what would you do?

She and her husband knew they needed a weapon as they walk through another trying time—prayer. So, they called the CBN Asia Prayer Center to seek encouragement.

Prayer works!

Haidie had a successful surgery. She witnessed God’s favor in every step of the way.

“The Lord sent doctors that are strong in the faith! And we only had to pay a smaller amount for the whole surgery,” she joyfully narrated.

Haidie’s story of healing is a beautiful testament of God’s boundless grace overflowing in the lives of those who trust Him.

And she wants to encourage you with Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Living under God’s boundless grace and unfailing love starts by knowing Jesus. Receive Him in your heart today!

Are you believing God for healing and restoration? We want to stand with you in prayer! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center hotline 8-737-0700 or leave a message here.

Help us proclaim the Good News of Jesus to everyone! Be a CBN Asia partner today.

Are You Praying for Healing?

If you are, then be encouraged by how God healed the son of Luvie Liao.

As any mother who loves and cares for her children, it was a nightmare for Luvie to see her son Ken in the brink of death, fighting for his life.

Luvie was already worried when Ken started feeling sick. His fever got so bad that he was delirious already. When Luvie checked, his temperature had already spiked up to 40°C! She had to rush him to the hospital fast!

Nearly out of her mind with worry, and clueless of what was happening to her son, Luvie waited for the results of Ken’s tests. Being in a hospital with sick and dying people didn’t assure Luvie at all.

A doctor finally went out to meet her at the waiting room and confirmed that her son has a severe case of the Dengue Virus II.

Luvie’s heart sank.

As the days went by, she watched her son, whom she had never even allowed to be bitten by bugs or mosquitoes, lay on a hospital bed, weak and helpless. He wasn’t getting better; in fact his sickness was becoming even worse.

Ken was in a critical condition.

Ken’s platelet count dropped. He bled from his nose and gums. Luvie watched helplessly as her son curled up from the pain in his stomach. He needed seven bags of blood, which they had no idea where they were going to get.

“I couldn’t bear to look at him. It was painful as a mother to see my child in that situation,” Luvie recalled.

It was a dark and devastating time for Luvie and her husband. The costs for Ken’s hospitalization piled up each day. They needed 25,000 pesos for an urgent transfusion. Seeing Ken almost lifeless on his bed broke their heart. They didn’t know where to turn to anymore.

Fortunately, they turned the television on and chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. Desperate and searching for any help and reassurance, Luvie and her husband joined the hosts’ prayer.

To their amazement, the hosts’ specific words were, “There’s a mother watching now, and she’s so concerned about her son who has dengue. The Lord is touching your son. As you are crying out to Him, He is raising the count of your son’s platelets. He’s being healed completely.”

Crying as she prayed, Luvie felt something divine touch the back of her bowed head.

In that moment, in front of the television with her husband, she believed and claimed that Ken was already healed.

As immediately as the following day, the doctors confirmed that Ken’s platelets has risen back to the normal levels, and he was generally doing better. They pronounced that he could already be discharged and leave the hospital because he was finally healed!

“Instant,” as Luvie described it. She came to realize that the Lord’s help is always available. She only needed to pray hard and ask for God’s intervention on all the things happening in their lives.

Their son Ken came home healed and whole from his brush from death. And this was the starting ground of Luvie’s faith in Jesus Christ. From then on, she became a partner of The 700 Club Asia. She continues to trust God’s healing and provision every step of the way.

“I am not as scared as I was before because I was able to build my faith. The Lord showed me that nothing is impossible when you believe in Him,” Luvie shared.

Are you also praying for healing? Did Luvie’s story give you hope?

Let us know by leaving a comment below.

And if you need help in praying for a sick loved one, we are here to pray for you. Call 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

Have you been touched by God to bless people with prayers and encouragement?

Visit this link to partner with us today.

Can You Still Trust God to Heal You from Brokenness?





These are the words that resonated deeply in Aika’s mind.

They say time heals all wounds. But for Aika, there’s really no timetable for healing and recovering from the sexual abuse she suffered before.

She was just 12 years old.

Too young to deal with pain and shame, Aika kept the abuse all to herself. But the abuse went on from months to years until it became a normal thing for her.

The traumatic and life-altering experience resulted in Aika’s distorted view on love and relationships.

“I don’t like men. I don’t feel comfortable around them or being close to them.”

It started with hate towards men, then one thing led to another. She got hooked on pornography, drinking, and she started exploring relationships with the same sex.

Aika felt that there was a void she needed to fill. For her, love was the answer.

But looking for love in all the wrong places put Aika in a position of getting hurt and broken too easily.

So, she decided to end her latest relationship and focus on a networking business.

But like her relationships, her business venture also failed. Completely broken, depressed, and at her lowest point, Aika contemplated on ending her life.

Are you feeling like you’re at the end of your rope just like how Aika felt? Be encouraged that there is hope at the end of your sufferings.

“During the time that I was so down and I wanted to end my life, I chanced upon the 700 Club Asia and saw the testimony of young people like me. I said, ‘Lord, it is true, there is still a chance. You can change people’s lives.’”

This inspired her to travel to Manila and seek more of who God is and to look for the church featured on the testimony she saw.

“I didn’t expect them to welcome me, but they did. They appreciated who I am. I knew it wasn’t an accident that the preaching that day was about The Call. I knew God was calling me.”

The invitation was only the beginning of God’s greater plan for her. That day, she surrendered everything to God and embraced her new life in Christ.

“One day I woke up like a new person. I felt like I was born again. God has completely wiped away the mess in my life.”

And if this remained true for Aika, it will also be true for you. God indeed has the power to change your life.

Aika continued attending the church and has found spiritual mentors to help her in her faith journey. She also continued to watch The 700 Club Asia and found inspiration from real-life testimonies of people whose lives have been changed just like her.

“It really is a big help to know that the only thing we need is to have a relationship with the Lord. It’s not enough that we only know His name.”

God continued to use Aika in ministering to young people. He has also restored her relationship with her family and has blessed her to work in Dubai. Together with other OFWs, they established a church to serve and reach more people in need to hear God’s word.

“To people like me, who experienced the same situation, remember, God will fight for you, you only need to be still. God really has a purpose for everything, and He is using different situations where You will meet Him. He only wants you to have a relationship with Him so He can show you the love that only He is capable of giving,” she ended.

May Aika’s testimony be a reminder to you that no matter how dark your past was, and no matter how broken you were before, God will meet you where you are and His light will shine through your brokenness.

Like Aika, you too can experience healing and a fresh start.

Do you also want to be healed and be transformed by God’s amazing power? Surrender everything to God and trust in His process and timing.

If you need someone to talk to and pray for you, you can call us anytime, at CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or contact us via email ([email protected]) or Skype (The700clubasia). You can also bring hope and help transform people’s lives by partnering with us. Be a CBN Asia partner today!

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Do You Believe that God is Bigger than Autism?

Yes, and if you believe in God’s healing, then you will receive. 

This is what Daisy Callanta and her son Josiah witnessed in their lives. 

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Just like all children, Josiah was born an exceptional boy. But when he stopped talking and responding when his parents called his name at the age of 2, Daisy knew that something was wrong. 

They took him to a doctor and in just 5 minutes, they found out that their worst fears have now become a fact. Josiah was diagnosed with Autism, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Pervasive Development Delay (PDD). 

They were told that Josiah was “zero to non-functional”. They were told there was no cure. 

“At first I was angry at myself,” Daisy recalled. “I was angry at my husband, at the world and I was angry at God. I said if God really exists and He’s loving and kind, why would such a loving, cute boy be exceptional, then suddenly not? It just doesn’t make sense.” 

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Hoping to find some sense into what’s happening to her beloved son, Daisy buried herself into research and started looking for support groups. But the more she discovered about autism, the more she felt hopeless and alone. 

Soon after, the marriage of Daisy and her husband suffered. He sought comfort in the arms of another woman and even became physically abusive to his wife. Their eldest, on the other hand, tried to find comfort from his friends and became rebellious for a while. 

Daisy found nowhere to turn to while all these were happening at the same time. 

“I was tired of fighting,” she recalled. 

Like Daisy, have you ever found yourself in a seemingly hopeless situation? Where do you seek strength in the midst of uncertainty? 

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Amidst the hopelessness and anger, Daisy encountered the transforming love of God. Daisy knew that after attending a prayer gathering, God touched her heart and helped her forgive her husband.  

“The Lord showed me that love and forgiveness are the keys for the divine kingdom to open. So when I started being close to the Lord, the battle now is on bended knees,” she said. 

Daisy and her husband sought counseling, anger management sessions, and spiritual advice left and right to restore their family. She allowed herself to forgive and heal. She believed that God could heal Josiah from autism. 

Little did she know, her personal encounter with Jesus will lead to a supernatural experience. 

Six days after her encounter, God led Daisy to pray over her kids. But as she softly laid her hands on Josiah to pray, his reaction shocked her. 

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“I touched him lightly, but he suddenly pushed me and said, ‘You’re hurting me don’t touch me!’ The Lord said, ‘Just touch because there’s a spirit of infirmity.’ So I started praying and praying, but Josiah was fighting it off!” Daisy said. 

The mother also testified that while praying, they heard a loud thud on their roof and shaking of their window, as if somebody wanted to get in. Knowing that the enemy is at work, Daisy continued to lay her hands on Josiah, and fervently prayed from dusk till dawn. 

The next morning, miracles started to unfold before their eyes. 

“God spoke audibly to me, ‘Daisy, Josiah is healed. Autism is not from me, it’s from the enemy. All sicknesses came from the enemy to put sicknesses to the lives of many,’” Daisy shared. 

Boldly believing in the power of Jesus, Daisy texted her son’s specialist, “Think me crazy, but the Lord just told me Josiah’s healed and I receive it in faith.” 

To which the specialist affirmed medically, delivering the great news that there is no trace of autism at all in Josiah. 

It was a miracle, and they’re up for another one. At five years old, Josiah suddenly spoke. 

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Daisy recalls the scene vividly, “We were in a cable car and he saw birds flying. He pointed and flapped his hands. We were all surprised because Josiah spoke all of a sudden, ‘Mommy, look! Birds are flying.’ 

It was a joyous moment for their whole family. From zero to non-functional, Josiah became highly functional. When asked about his healing journey, Josiah answered, “I remember the day when I got healed. I was feeling happy.” 

He is now living proof that there is no sickness nor situation that the Lord could not carry. A living proof that God is bigger than autism. 

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Being a witness of God’s supernatural healing, Daisy was moved to be an evangelist and founded Jesus HUGS Ministries, an NGO which aims to show God’s love to people and communities. 

If you or your loved one is on the autism spectrum, Daisy has a message for you. 

“There’s nothing impossible with the Lord. Never lose hope because, in God, there is hope. If we believe in faith that there is healing, healing can be received. The healing is not about the Lord not wanting to give, it’s about us not being able to receive.” 

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Do you find it hard to believe that God is bigger than autism? 

This Autism Awareness Month, know that there is supernatural power in the name of Jesus! Pray and believe that He loves and cares for you. Surrender and see that you will experience His goodness personally! 

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 ESV) 

If you or your loved one is on the autism spectrum, it would be our joy to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page. 

Has this story blessed you? Allow others to be blessed too by sharing this article with your social media accounts. 

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How do You Pray for Healing?

How do you pray for the sick? 

You might have uttered a couple of healing prayers for a sick loved one or even prayed them for yourself. But is there a way to make your prayer more effective? 

Discover how you can pray for healing today, from CBN Asia’s Holy Week special: Tanikala presents Isa Pang Hiling: 

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1. Ask God for help

JarolynMoulder, played by actress Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz, saw her world turn upside down when her husband and son suffered from COVID-19. Although she believes that she is a strong person, she surrendered everything to God in that particular situation and covered their family in prayers. 

Like Carolyn, acknowledge that God is in control of everything. Humble yourself before Him and ask for His help. Allow God’s mercy to surround you and your loved one, and watch healing unfold before your eyes. 

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV) 

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2. Pray in the name of Jesus

If you know God’s character, you know that He wants to heal and restore people. Your Heavenly Father is the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26). 

In Isa Pang Hiling, Jarolyn believed that there is power in the name of Jesus, so she kept on praying in His name. She wanted her beloved son to be spared from death, and God heard her constant prayers. 

You have an assurance that Jesus will do whatever you ask in His name (John 14:13). So whenever and wherever you are, pray in faith – and pray in His mighty name! 

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3. Seek God, not the reward 

Who wants a healing miracle? 

Of course, you want to see your loved one be miraculously healed from COVID-19, or whatever sickness they may have. Of course, you too, would love to experience God’s healing prowess. 

Although it’s true that God rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6), He wants you to focus on Him and not on the reward. 

Focus on the Healer, not the healing. Focus on the Miracle-worker, not the miracle. 

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4. Pray for spiritual healing

All throughout their COVID-19 battle, Jarolyn sought God. She praised God for the healing they received, but the most important restoration God bestowed to their family is spiritual healing. 

While you are concerned about the physical healing of your loved one, God is more concerned about their spiritual healing. After all, everyone will soon perish, but the spirit will return to God. 

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So when you pray for your loved one’s physical healing, pray for their heart and soul, too. Pray that God uses their physical restoration to open the door for their spiritual restoration.  

Pray that their healing journey will be a journey of discovering the saving love of Jesus, the ultimate healer. 

Are you praying for healing? 

Allow us to pray with you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page. 

If you are blessed by this year’s Tanikala and you want to bless the ministry, you may do so through this link. 

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Do Miraculous Healings Still Happen Today?

Inutile. Hopeless. Better off dead.

These are the words that Joseline Adversalo used to describe herself when she found out that she has rheumatic heart disease.

Joseline lost hope and spiraled into depression when she learned that apart from the serious disease that damaged her heart’s valve, she also has a growing cyst on her chest. Their family felt like they were drowning in financial problems on top of her health challenge. They were faced with overwhelming and seemingly unending problems.

This is when Joseline contemplated suicide to end her miseries. She was deceived into thinking that, maybe, a bottle of muriatic acid could stop all the physical and emotional pain she experiences.

“I did not know what to do then. I lost hope because my problems came all at the same time. There were times that I wanted to kill myself because I felt I was inutile; I could not take it any longer. I felt so useless, Joseline recalled.

Like Joseline, have you ever felt so helpless in life? Where do you find hope?

Amid her helplessness and anguish, Joseline saw a sliver of hope. A concerned friend came and advised her to watch The 700 Club Asia to be inspired by stories of people who are miraculously healed by God.

“My friend was right. When I watched The 700 Club Asiathe hosts prayed for people who have cysts. joined the hosts in praying and claimed it when they said that God has already healed me, Joseline shared. 

Right after the prayer, Joseline felt the instant relief and peace that overflowed in her heart. While she prayed for miracles, she grew deeper in faith and believed that she will experience them, too.

God did not disappoint Joseline. He proved that miracles still happen today, and He showed it in her life.

“I did not undergo any operation; I did not take any medicine. The instant healing of the cyst in my chest is God’s miracle,” she said, in awe of the unexplainable healing that she experienced after she prayed.

Because her cyst was already clearedit became possible for her to underwent heart surgery. God also surrounded Joseline with people who blessed her financially and supported her in prayers.

Heart mended and faith strengthened, Joseline discovered that nothing is impossible for those who believe in the power of Jesus.

Before, all I can do was cry about my problems. But now, my heart is full of thanksgiving and joy because God keeps on pouring blessings after blessings into my life,” Joseline ended.

Would you like to experience God’s miraculous healing, too?

If it happened to Joseline, it could also happen to you. Whatever sickness you may have right now, know that God’s healinfavors the faithful. As long as you believe that He can do wonders and miracles in your life, then He can bring it to fruition.

Do not give up on your miracle.

Surrender all your worries and claim the miraculous healing, blessings, and peace that God is offering to you today, just as how He promised in His Word.

“But now I will heal and mend them. I will make them whole and bless them with an abundance of peace and security. (Jeremiah 33:6 CEB)

Allow us to strengthen and comfort you through prayers. Feel free to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

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If I Pray, Can God Heal my Loved One from COVID-19?

Deep inside Minda Donaire’s heart, she never believed that God could bring total healing for her daughter Jonalyn who tested positive for COVID-19.

Jonalyn flew to Saudi Arabia to be a domestic worker with hopes of providing a good future for her three children who are left in the care of her mother Minda

Fear started to plague Minda when in the midst of the outbreak, she lost all communications with her beloved daughter. 

After a week, she received the news that her daughter was put in quarantine after showing symptoms of the dreaded disease. Her world turned upside down when Jonalyn confirmed that she tested positive for COVID-19.

“It was so painful when my daughter told me‘Ma, please take care of my children. The ambulance is here already, Minda recalled. Since that callshe never again heard from Jonalyn. 

This left her paralyzed with fear. It was during this time that one of Minda’s grandchildren encouraged her to watch The 700 Club Asia. Their whole family watched the show and joined the hosts in prayer.

She also called the CBN Asia Prayer Center to ask for prayers.

I told the prayer counselor that I cannot contact my daughter and I do not know if she is still alive. I told her all my problems, and she prayed for me,” Minda said.

Just minutes after they prayed, Minda received a message from Jonalyn, who then assured her mother that she is safe in a hospital. Minda felt immediate relief. She literally jumped for joy and thanked God for hearing her prayers instantly, “I told her that I sought help from The 700 Club Asia in praying for her.”

However, despite hearing from her daughter, Minda still felt doubtful that God would miraculously heal Jonalyn from COVID-19 – until she opened her Bible and stumbled upon God’s Word in Jeremiah 33:3:

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

The next day, the hospital declared that Jonalyn was COVID-negative – a miracle that both Jonalyn and Minda could not fathom.

Even though she wrestled with doubt at first, Minda learned that God’s Word can defeat fear and disbelief.

“Calling the Prayer Center was a huge help for me. They stood with me in prayers. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the best healer!” Minda ended.

Do you also doubt that God can heal you or your loved one from COVID-19?

Be assured that when you call to God with all your heart, He is willing to help you overcome your doubtsBelieve that powerful, faithful prayers can bring instant answers!

He is willing to answer your prayers – loud and clear.

If you are still struggling to believe that God can hear your prayers, allow us to pray for you. Don’t hesitate to call our Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Is This How My Life Would End?

As the number of COVID-19 patients continues to rise, you might be questioning God the same way Fely Dait did. She uttered these words when her life was in danger. 

Before that encounterFely lived a life totally disregarding God’s existence. She sought what she wanted and abused her own body by being a chain-smoker. Not a day went by that she won’t give in to her vices. 

However, the day came when she had to face its consequences. Fely was hospitalized for months and experienced extreme difficulty in breathing and speaking. It was the turning point of her life. 

While thinking about her children, she fell on her knees and asked for God’s mercy and forgiveness. 

Lord, is this how my life will end? If this is just a test from You, please transform my life completely. If You’ll give me another chance to live, I will not abuse my body anymore. I repent for not believing in You, that I had to suffer a lot before surrendering my life to You,” Fely saidbursting into tears as she recalled her past. 

Along with her repentance is a newfound, unshakeable faith that God can heal her. On her road to recoveryshe tried her best to live her life the way God wants. Fely started supporting God’s work even when she’s not completely healed yet.

She wholeheartedly donated to the CBN Asia, believing that her simple offering would reach those who are in dire needI donated to CBN Asia because I saw how they help the underprivileged. 

Meanwhile, Fely faced another struggle when the doctors found out a blood clot in her brain, requiring her to undergo a major medical operation. It was fatal. It could end her life right then but her faith in Jesus remained unshaken – until she heard a piece of incredible news. 

“The doctor canceled my operation and told me that I am so blessed. My arteries returned close to normal and I don’t need the surgery anymoreThat very moment, I cried and praised God for saving me!” Fely exclaimed. 

After that miracle, blessings outpoured Fely’s life. God revived her careergave her a new business, and helped provide for her son’s education until the latter finished his studies.  

Blessed abundantlyFely now serves as a vessel of God’s blessings to other people, especially in their church. 

Like Fely, are you anxious right now and don’t know what to do? Are you wondering if this is the end of it all? 

Fear notGod is in control. He wants you to hear His message in 2 Chronicles 7:14-15, “Then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears will pay attention to the prayer made in this place. 

These trying times, allow your Heavenly Father to enter your life. Ultimately it is Him who can save you from the things that make you anxious. God is the best refuge from all the worries of this world, and He is waiting for you to come to Him.

Are you distressed and in need of someone to encourage you? You may send us your prayer requests through the CBN Asia Prayer Center or call 8737-0700 and we would love to pray for you. 

Can You Still Thrive in Life Despite Cancer?

Yes. Dr. Corazon Velasco is a living testimony to that.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Corazon and her family experienced struggling financially. She is a dentist, but her profession was not enough to cover the medical bills. Having to shell out millions to cover her surgeries and chemotherapy caused conflict in her marriage. If one thinks it wouldn’t get any worse, her husband lost his job, too.

Constant fights immensely affected the couple’s relationship. They thought ending their marriage would be better. As much as they try to put their heads above water, the family struggled to make ends meet and Corazon planned to sell her dental clinic.

While drowned in debt and distress, she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia, and felt the strong urge to join the hosts in prayer.

“While raising my hand, I felt God’s presence. The Holy Spirit was there. I felt relieved when the host prayed for me. I asked God to heal me, because my children are still young and I want to live for them,” Corazon shared.

Partnering her prayers with obedience and generosity, she faithfully and cheerfully donated to CBN Asia amid the challenges that flooded their family.

Corazon shared, “It’s such a great relief and satisfaction when you give. I know the feeling of having nothing, that’s why I want to give, with or without problems.”

She never thought that God will surprise her with more than what she asked for. Her friend, who is also a dentist, encouraged other people to donate for her medical bills.

Support outpoured eventually covering all her medical bills. She didn’t have to sell her clinic anymore. What’s more astounding is, God blessed her with 2 more branches after some time.

And the biggest miracle of all? Corazon was declared cancer-free! More than just surviving cancer, Corazon thrived in life through the Lord.

“Wherever I go, God is always with me. His Word guides me in whatever challenge I face. God is so good in answering my prayers! I also want to thank The 700 Club Asia because God used you to help me be whole again,” Corazon ended.

Do you feel like you’re sinking in troubles, perhaps, fighting a “cancer” in your life?

Be secure in God’s promise that healing is on its way, as said in Jeremiah 33:6, “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”

Do you also want to experience God’s miraculous healing? Visit the CBN Asia Prayer Center or call 8737-0-700. You can also watch more stories of hope and miracles by following The 700 Club Asia Facebook and Youtube pages.