For more information, you may contact us through:
info @
Contact numbers: (+632) 8810-5389 | (+632) 8810-5381
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15, NIV)
The Asian Center for Missions (ACM), CBN Asia’s missionary training arm, was established with the mission of advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by training and facilitating the sending of missionaries to least reached peoples. ACM does this through prayer, mobilization, resource generation, and missionary care in partnership with churches and other organizations.
Mission students go through a Missionary Training Program which includes six months of classroom training, two weeks of local exposure trip, and two years of cross-cultural missions before they are given recognition as ACM graduates. They also have a 6-week intensive training program and an 8-month ladderized program leading to a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership and accredited by the Commission on Higher Education. ACM continues to support its graduates by providing missionary care and other services.
I admire what ACM does for the Lord. Their sacrifice for missions is not easy. I was inspired by how they reach out to nations and support missionaries, and I decided to partner with them. As a retiree and a single parent, giving also became challenging for me. However, I was not discouraged because God remained true to His promise that He will sustain me and bless me. I encourage everyone to support ACM and the whole CBN Asia because they are doing their best through the Lord’s guidance to reach out to His people and bring them to His saving love!
-Leila Custodio
For more information, you may contact us through:
info @
Contact numbers: (+632) 8810-5389 | (+632) 8810-5381