Struggling to Forgive Your Parents? These 3 Tips are for You

Are you struggling to forgive your parents?

Do you blame them for what you have become today?

It is not easy to forgive people for their past mistakes, failures, and weaknesses, especially when the pain they caused was too deep.

You tried to forgive and forget, yet the hurtful scenario keeps playing in your head over and over again. Now, you wonder, is there really a way to heal and let go?

To encourage and help you reflect this Holy Week, here are 3 tips to help you start forgiving your parents:

Tip #1: Recognize that your parents are imperfect

Like you—and any other human that walks on this planet—your parents are imperfect and may stumble many times (James 3:2).

Recognizing that your parents have a fair share of troubles, heartaches, and imperfections may help you understand that sometimes, they unintentionally and unknowingly make mistakes that cause pain.

Instead of blaming your imperfect parents, you may show compassion and love for them just like how God forgives and saves through Jesus (Ephesians 4:32).

Tip #2: Know that you have a Heavenly Father

Do you know that you have a loving and compassionate heavenly Father who cares for you?

Sometimes, you might feel that no one cares for you, but the Bible teaches that there is a loving, gracious, and compassionate Father in heaven who really cares (Psalm 86:15).

When you’re bound by shackles of bitterness and unforgiveness toward your parents, find freedom in the truth that God is your loving parent. He can fill in the shortcomings of your earthly parents, and he can change their hearts, too.

Pray and trust that God would touch their hearts and that your family would find God’s healing and transforming love.

Tip #3: Cling to God’s promise

Do you want to be well?

Do you want to live longer?

The Bible teaches that God’s first commandment with a promise is honoring your mother and father.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’” (Ephesians 6:1-3 NIV)

In times when your parents do something that hurts you, allow love and compassion to prevail in your heart and let God, your heavenly parent, bless you according to His will.

Are you still having a hard time forgiving your parents?

God wants to give you a peaceful heart today. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to uplift you through prayers.

Join us this Holy Week! Witness an inspiring story of hope and forgiveness in Tanikala presents Kampihan, on April 7, Good Friday, at 5 p.m. on GMA.

Tanikala Brings You Stories of Hope and Forgiveness with “Senior Moment” and “Kampihan”

CBN Asia’s much-anticipated Holy Week special, Tanikala, brings you two brand-new made-for-TV films about hope and forgiveness, with Senior Moment airing on Maundy Thursday, April 6, and Kampihan on Good Friday, April 7, at 5:00 p.m. on GMA.

In Senior Moment, seasoned actors Carla Martinez and Mari Kaimo tell the story of a balikbayan couple who decide to retire in their hometown in Batangas—and to everyone’s surprise—end their decades-long marriage.

In this dramedy, their characters, Pepe and Pilaring, are welcomed by neophyte burglars, Hutch Perales and Arcy Morfe, followed by a hilarious situation that changes their lives forever.

Thrilled about their first Tanikala role as husband and wife, the actors shared that they felt the deep connection to their roles and hoped that viewers would resonate with Senior Moment, too.

“That also happened to my marriage. I can relate to Pilaring because during a trying time in my marriage, I also felt that I was not appreciated anymore. There was a point that I wanted to end my marriage, but I thank God that He saved me and my marriage,” Carla recalled.

Meanwhile, Barbara Miguel, Karen Atendido, and showbiz couple Jan Marini and Gerard Pizzaras are back in another heart-tugging story in Kampihan.

They are joined by rising actors Angel Guardian, Neo Rivera, Carlos Canlas, CJ de Guzman, and Ellene Cubelo, who will play a group of travel joiners who accidentally end up in a remote fisherman’s village. This life-changing turn of events leads the group on a journey of discovering more about faith, family, and purpose.

Mang Fred loves his child very much and I could relate to him in that aspect. Like him, I try my best to protect my relationship with my children,” Gerard said. His wife Jan, who plays mother roles with ease, has a slightly different take on her role, “I can’t see myself having a laid-back life like Nanay Anita, but when it comes to parenting, we are both very hands-on and involved in the lives of our children.”

Senior Moment is directed by John Valdes Tan and written by Gina Marissa Tagasa and Icko Gonzalez, Kampihan is written and directed by Icko Gonzalez.

“Our hope is that Senior Moment will encourage viewers to reflect on the significance of marriage and inspire them to work towards building and maintaining strong and lasting relationships. In Kampihan, we aim to inspire others to find fulfillment in the knowledge that they are loved and valued by our Creator. These stories are ones that must be told, and we invite you to be a part of the journey,” Gonzalez said.

Witness stories of hope and forgiveness in Tanikala presents Senior Moment on Maundy Thursday, April 6, and Kampihan on Good Friday, April 7, at 5:00 p.m. on GMA.

Healing after Infidelity: How Can You Recover from Extramarital Affair

Have you just found out that your spouse has cheated?

This must be a painful, painful time for you. You feel angry, confused… lost. To you, there are no words to describe this life-shattering news that the person you love and trust had an affair with somebody else.

If you are in this difficult situation, here’s an encouraging message for you today: you can heal.

There is hope for your marriage despite all these things that just happened. It may seem like a far off, distant thing, but it is possible to heal after an affair as you and your spouse take the first steps toward change.

Here are some ways to help you recover from infidelity and rebuild your marriage, from CBN Asia’s Holy Week Special, Tanikala: Paghilom:

1. Pray and seek God’s help

Toni Miranda, played by actress Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz, found herself cheating on her husband John, portrayed by actor Marco Alcaraz. After realizing the weight of her sins, Toni fell on her knees and sought God’s forgiveness. She and her husband asked God to help restore their marriage and heal their broken hearts.

Thankfully, God is in the business of restoring broken things—especially marriages (1 Peter 5:10). Seek His guidance because His desire and design for your marriage is to be strong and healthy.

Pray that He gives you the strength, comfort, and wisdom you need to rebuild a relationship that stands the test of time. Trust that He can do miracles in your marriage and in this situation.

2. Choose forgiveness

It’s hard to forgive after all the texts you’ve read, the pictures you discovered, the conversations you overheard, or the numbing situation you walked into.

John knows exactly how you feel. In Paghilom, John’s world turned upside down after learning about his wife’s multiple affairs. Instead of lingering on the offense or punishing Toni, John chose to fix his eyes on Jesus. He chose to love and forgive his wife.

The pain of betrayal stings like no other, but forgiveness is like the healing balm that liberates you from the wounds of the past. You might struggle to forgive at first, but it becomes easier as you realize that when you needed forgiveness for your sins, God has freely forgiven you.

“Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.” (Proverbs 10:12 NKJV)

3. Go to marriage counseling

Throughout their healing journey, Toni and John sought God. They also sought the help of trusted friends, marriage counselors, and signed up for a healing recovery program which helped them address their issues as a couple and as individuals.

Like them, you might want to consider consulting with a trained marriage counselor or family counselors at church. You don’t have to carry the pain alone—seek help. Both of you can make the decision to get some outside help and prayers.

Invest time for your marriage and be intentional in rebuilding your relationship with your spouse. As devastating as an affair is, God does some amazing things when a couple commits to rebuilding their marriage.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ( Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV)

Do you need God’s healing and restoration in your marriage?

We are here to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

If you are blessed by this year’s Tanikala and you want to bless the ministry, you may do so through this link.

3 Thoughts to Ponder When You Find it Hard to Give

What comes to your mind when you hear about someone in need?

Do you think someone else will help them, or do you ask yourself how you can help?

Some people find it hard to give to those in need due to a lot of personal reasons. And if you, too, are struggling to lend a helping hand, here are 3 thoughts to ponder that can help you cultivate a generous heart, from Tanikala: Tugon sa Dalangin—an Operation Blessing Special:

Thought #1: God will provide for my needs.”

Do you hold on to your resources with an iron fist, or an open hand?

Sometimes, people want to give but find it hard to give because of fear. Fear of losing resources. Fear of not having enough for yourself and for your loved ones. Fear of the future.

If fear keeps you from giving, it’s time to ask yourself: Do I trust that God will provide for my needs? Do I truly believe that God will take care of me?

Tugon sa Dalangin featured the story of sisters Janine and Rheine Doña. In the wake of Typhoon Odette, they offered prayers and encouragement to their neighbors—in faith that God will comfort them, too. Their family received relief items when Operation Blessing visited their community.

Trusting God with your needs can free you from fear. Next time you struggle to give, pray. Remember that God loves you and has a better life for you. As you care for others, trust that God will take care of you too.

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NKJV)

Thought #2: “My giving is not in vain. God sees me, God is glorified.”

Some people struggle to give because they feel that their money, time, effort, or love won’t be appreciated.

Whenever you feel this way, ask yourself: What is my motivation behind my giving? Do I believe that God sees me?

If you give to receive praise from other people, there is a high chance that you’d be let down. But when you fix your eyes on Jesus—on being a vessel of His love and grace—you can be assured that your giving is not in vain.

This is what volunteer dentist Dr. Marissa Pascua believes. She joined Operation Blessing’s medical mission in Tacloban where she met Marilou Fabi—who was suffering from severe toothache. Upon receiving free dental surgery and medicines, Marilou concluded that it was God’s hand that led the volunteer doctors to their community.

God appreciates and is pleased with your small acts of kindness. God is glorified by your wholehearted service to others.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 4:10-11 ESV)

Thought #3: “Any help, no matter how small, can change lives.”

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by the needs of the world that it feels like there is nothing you can do to make a difference? So instead of giving, you hold back—because you think it won’t change anything anyway.

Try to avoid thinking that what you give is not good enough. Focus on the reason why you are giving: Do I give to glorify God? Do I believe that every good thing I have is entrusted to me by God? Do I trust that God multiplies whatever I give?

For instance, giving a small amount to typhoon-affected families may not change their life instantly, but it will give them the food they need to survive the day. In the midst of their helplessness and hunger, receiving any help gives them hope that God answers their prayers.

Instead of finding a job in the city, teacher Irene Bertudez of the Dumagat tribe in Quezon chose to give back to her community. Amid the pandemic, she prayed for school supplies that they can use for modular learning. Her prayers were answered through Operation Blessing partners. These acts of giving continue to inspire Dumagat children bit by bit each day.

So next time you hear of a need and you can do something about it—even if it seems small—give it a try. In the end, you also benefit. God blesses you with a deep sense of joy and purpose that only comes from giving.

“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11-12 ESV)

Are you praying for a generous heart?

It would be our joy to pray for you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

If you are blessed by this year’s Tanikala and you want to bless the ministry, you may do so through this link. 

How to Pray? 3 Keys to Make Your Prayers More Effective

What are you praying for today?

Whatever you may be praying forhealing, restoration of relationships, or provisionyou can be assured that God acts on your behalf. But do you know that the condition of your heart when you pray is such an important factor to bring God’s response?

This Holy Week, unlock the 3 keys to an effective prayer:

Key #1: Simply pray

Prayers are powerfulthere’s no single ounce of doubt about that.

Prayers are powerful because the God who hears them is all-powerful. Likewise, the effectiveness of your prayer does not rely on rituals, length, or big words. Prayers don’t have to be complicated.

So, what does it take for your prayers to be effective?

Simply pray. Do not heap up empty phrases (Matthew 6:7) and simply present your honest self to your Heavenly Father. That said, there is no limit as to when and where you can pray!

Key #2: Pray with faith

Do you pray confidently? Do you pray in faith?

Prayer and faith go hand-in-hand because without faith, it is impossible to please God! (Hebrews 11:6). That’s why when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all (James 1:6).

If you pray about something yet you still worry about it, isn’t it defeating the purpose of praying? Let go of your worries and doubts.

How to pray effectively? Have faith that there is a loving God who hears your prayers. Have faith that He will answer. Have faith that whatever you are praying for right now, know that it is safe in God’s hands.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24 ESV)

Key #3: Pray with thanksgiving

Through prayers, bodies are healed, relationships are restored, lives are transformed.

That’s how good God is. Though God can do miracles through prayers, praying is not just about presenting your requests to God; it is also an opportunity to worship God and reflect on His goodness.

Saying “Thank you, God,” covers a lot of things. First, it is a powerful act of acknowledging that God is in control. Second, it pleases Him when you pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

So if you’re praying for something and it’s a yes, a not yet, or even a loving no from God, pray with thanksgiving. After all, whatever the outcome is, God is worthy of praise and honor.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6 ESV)

But before you focus on the results of your prayers, know that praying is a blessing itself. Imagine, you’re given an opportunity where you can commune with the Creator of heaven and earth!

As you pray, remember that though God wants to bless your prayers, He does not want you to place your faith in the outcome. He wants you to place your faith in Him.

This Holy Week, witness how a faithful God answers faithful prayers. Watch Tanikala replays Habang May Ngayon on April 14, Isa Pang Hiling on April 15, and Suklob on April 16, on GMA Pinoy TV and TBN.

Tanikala Replay airing schedule:

How to Trust God during Difficult Times?

Are you going through a challenging season in life?

How do you remain unshaken when the struggle is very, very real?

It is easy to trust God when everything in life goes well. But when life takes an unexpected turn, you might find yourself struggling to put your hope in Him.

To encourage and help you reflect this Holy Week, here are 3 tips on how you can grow your trust in God, even in difficult times:

Tip #1: Know God’s character

Who is God in your life?

What are His plans for you?

Do you believe that He is trustworthy, loving, sovereign, and kind?

It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know. Thankfully, the Bible will help you discover who God is.

Once you get to know God’s character and ability through His Word, you will know that He is fully able to deliver (Psalm 34:17). Knowing His unchanging character will help you trust in Him during changing times.

Tip #2: Build a personal relationship with God

Whatever it is that has shaken you today; whatever it is that does not go as you planned; whatever it is that makes you worried, frustrated, or even scared—you are faced with an important question: do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

It’s not easy to go through trials, but a personal relationship with your Savior gives you a different perspective in life. As you pray constantly and persevere unwaveringly, you begin to trust that God is with you, and that He is in control.

“…And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 NLT)

Tip #3: Cling to God’s promises

Who is blessed according to the Bible?

Those who keep God’s Word and seek Him with all their hearts.

“Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.” (Psalm 119:1-2 NIV)

During trying times, you can cling to this truth and to the hundreds of truths in the Bible. Allow God to remind you of who He is and what He promises to you.

Let His Word help you grow in faith and trust Him, even when, and especially when times are rough.

Are you having a hard time trusting God during difficult times?

God wants to give you a peaceful heart today. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to uplift you through prayers.

This Holy Week, be inspired by people who continue to trust God during difficult times. Watch Tanikala replays Habang May Ngayon on April 14, Isa Pang Hiling on April 15, and Suklob on April 16, on GMA Pinoy TV and TBN.

Tanikala Replay airing schedule:

4 Safe and Meaningful Ways to Observe Holy Week in the New Normal

How did you spend the Holy Week during the pandemic?

You may have spent the last two years cooped up in your own home—waiting and praying for the pandemic to end so you can observe Holy Week the “normal” way you would.

Like you, many Filipinos missed visiting churches, going to prayer mountains, or simply spending a relaxing vacation with their loved ones.

Things will be a bit different this year.

As travel restrictions ease, churches have resumed religious activities while more and more people are travelling. In fact, the Manila Bulletin has reported that the government is preparing for the biggest Holy Week traffic surge.

If you’re wondering how you can spend a safe and meaningful Holy Week during the new normal, consider these 4 ways:

1. Spend time with God

The world needs your prayers, always.

Whether as an individual or as a family, the new normal is a season to spend more time with God. Close that door, open the Bible, and meditate on God’s Word.

Ask, “What have I learned during the pandemic? How can those experiences lead me closer to God? Jesus, what can I do to be more like You today?”

Apart from praying for protection, provision, and continuous healing of this nation, may your prayer times be as what CBN suggests on their article titled Lent: What Is It Good For? The days of Lent and Holy Week are a time of meditation, fasting and repentance. It’s a time to wage war against desires that may be contrary to God’s Word.

2. Spend time with family

Spending quality time with your family is one of the many things you can do during the Holy Week.

It doesn’t have to be a lavish out-of-town trip. You may simply gather at home and watch shows that foster good family values like forgiveness, or shows that teach what it means to give and share love like Jesus.

It could be a perfect time to express love, restore relationships, and create meaningful conversations with your family members.

3. Be wise and obedient

As you set foot once again onto the busy roads, remember that the threat of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus is still present.

Stay informed about the rules implemented in your community, churches, and the places you plan to visit—and obey them accordingly. Spend a safe and meaningful Holy Week by observing basic rules such as wearing face masks and practicing social distancing.

Show how you value your God-given life and the lives of others. This Holy Week, honor God through your actions wherever you go.

4. Extend help

Aside from spending time with your loved ones, God also calls His people to show compassion to those who are in need.

You might feel as if the pandemic is over. You might think that everything is going back to normal. But truth is, many of your kababayans are still struggling because of the pandemic.

Observe a meaningful Holy Week by sharing hope to families in need. Support them by giving to humanitarian organizations, like Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines. As you experience more of Jesus this Holy Week, let others experience His love through you.

May you have a safe and a meaningful Holy Week!

Do you want to know more about Jesus, and the real meaning and importance of Holy Week in your life?

Know Jesus by visiting this page.

If you need prayers and encouragement, we are here for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to [email protected].

CBN Asia’s Tanikala Brings You Inspiring Stories of Hope and Healing with “Tugon sa Dalangin” and “Paghilom”

CBN Asia brings you inspiring stories of hope and healing in its much-anticipated Holy Week Special—Tanikala: Tugon sa Dalangin which airs on Maundy Thursday, April 14, and Tanikala: Paghilom on Good Friday, April 15, at 10:30 am on GMA.

In Tugon sa Dalangin, disaster survivors and families affected by the pandemic recount moments of helplessness and how God answered their prayers through Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm.

This Operation Blessing Special is hosted by The 700 Club Asia hosts Erick Totañes and Sonjia Calit. Erick narrated, “When we bless others, we are blessed in return. If we join our hands together to be the ‘answered prayers’ of our kababayans, God’s good plan for our nation will come to pass.”

Sonjia added, “It’s a cycle of blessing that grows bigger and wider—until finally it reaches to the ends of our nation.” Tugon sa Dalangin is directed by Timmy Yee.

For Good Friday, top-caliber actors and real-life couple Marco and Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz are back in another heart-tugging, true-to-life story of a marriage tarnished by infidelity, in Paghilom.

Lara plays the role of Toni Miranda, an ambitious wife who fell into a cycle of adultery. Toni’s husband John—portrayed by Marco—bears the brunt of his wife’s affair and was ultimately torn between revenge and forgiveness.

Paghilom is directed by John Valdes Tan and Seth Blanco.

Witness stories of hope and healing in Tanikala: Tugon sa Dalangin on Maundy Thursday, April 14, and Tanikala: Paghilom on Good Friday, April 15, at 10:30 am on GMA.

Join our online conversations and use the hashtags #Tanikala, #TugonSaDalangin, and #Paghilom.

For more inspiring stories, subscribe to the CBN Asia’s YouTube channel and spend a meaningful Holy Week by watching Tanikala Rewind—a YouTube marathon of previous Tanikala offerings.

Feeling Sad? Apply these 3 Habits that Bring Joy

Are you one of the many people who want more joy?

Of course, you are. But with all the conflicts, political divide, natural disasters and the ups and downs of life, joy is something everyone longs for but often seems difficult to grab hold of.

Thankfully, experiencing joy is part of God’s will for you! It’s the kind of joy that doesn’t depend on what you do or what happens around you. It’s the joy that surpasses human understanding and rises above any circumstance.

God shares in His Word how you can experience more of His joy in your life. Here are 3 habits that lead to true and lasting joy:

Habit #1: Obey God

Obedience to God is the most important habit that you can practice to experience more joy in life. To some, this may seem illogical—doesn’t joy sound freeing while obedience sounds restricting?

Truth is, obedience brings great joy! The Bible paints a clear connection between obedience to Jesus and experiencing His joy. In one of His last conversations with His disciples, Jesus tells them to abide in Him, abide in His Word, and abide in His love.

“If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:10–11 ESV)

Obedience to God is the way to experience the fullness of His joy. This means that every time you turn to Jesus, you turn to knowing His love and the joy that it brings. Yes, obeying God isn’t always convenient or easy, but as you walk in His will, you also walk in His blessing.

Habit #2: Live a life of contentment

Contentment is freedom. Contentment is being happy right where you are. And as you learn to let go of painful cravings of what you can’t have and be thankful for what you have right now, living a content life leads to joy.

In the Bible, apostle Paul said that he learned contentment—this means that contentment is a learned behavior, a discipline that must be cultivated every day.

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11-13 ESV)

Like obedience, contentment doesn’t come easily for everyone. But by God’s grace, you can learn and grow.

Ask God to help you realize that circumstances don’t have to lead your feelings, that you don’t need to seek worldly happiness because you have eternal joy, that you don’t need to seek love because you’re already loved by God. Ask Jesus to help you experience the joy that comes with being content in Him.

Habit #3: Serve and give

Money, time, talents, stories, kindness… life.

It’s easy to keep these things to oneself. But God’s Word suggests a radical thought: to experience joy in life is to share it with others.

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. ( For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38 ESV)

It doesn’t necessarily mean that, when you give one bread to the hungry, you will get 10 breads in return. Jesus gives back something much more valuable than material things; He blesses your giving with joy and sense of fulfillment.

Increase your joy by serving others cheerfully and giving generously. As you serve and give, you also receive. You also experience the greatest joy in life from the source of joy Himself—Jesus.

What about you, what habits do you practice to cultivate more joy into your life?

Let us know in the comments section below!

This Holy Week, be inspired by stories of changed lives made possible through joyful giving. Watch Tanikala: Tugon sa Dalangin – an Operation Blessing Special, on April 14, at 10:30 AM, on GMA.

5 Tips to Cultivate Forgiveness in Your Marriage

Agree or disagree: Forgiveness is one of, if not the most important aspect of marriage.

You might say it is love, but come to think of it—isn’t forgiveness a huge part of it? There is no love without forgiveness, and you can only sustain a marriage if you know how to truly forgive.

Here’s the good thing about forgiveness: It is possible! You can always choose to cultivate forgiveness in your marriage and your home.

Let forgiveness reign within your marriage with these 5 helpful tips:

1. Be quick to forgive

One of the most common misconceptions about forgiveness is that it is a “one-time, bigtime” thing. Truth is, forgiveness is a day-by-day process of extending grace into your marriage.

Colossians 3 holds the same message: forgive quickly and completely. Be honest about how the hurt has affected you, but don’t stay in that pit for too long lest it breed anger and bitterness. Choose not to linger on the offense. Forgive quickly. Forgive frequently.

“Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you.” Colossians 3:12-14 MSG)

2. Keep no record of wrongs

When your spouse wronged you, it’s so easy to fall into the habit of finding faults in everything that they do. Knowing this reality, the Bible has a gentle reminder: Love keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5).

Do you want to cultivate forgiveness in your marriage?

Avoid keeping mental notes of what’s been done to you. Stop looking for occasions to be offended and avoid continuously punishing your spouse for the offenses they have made in the past. Let go and let God do the work in their hearts.

3. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth

Things might not have worked out the way you wanted; you’ve been hurt the way you hadn’t expected. All that pain, disappointment, and anger could easily contaminate your communication with your spouse.

Allowing hateful talk with your spouse is like rubbing salt into an open wound. It aggravates the situation, yet it brings no good. Instead of reminding your spouse of their failures and frailties, sow gentle words of love and encouragement to build them up. Choose your words wisely.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29 ESV)

4. Confess, apologize, and pray

You and your spouse will both make mistakes, that’s a given. But if you look at successful marriages, you will see a common denominator: they are good forgivers.

Therefore, a lasting marriage is a union of two very forgiving people—a husband and wife who both have this habit of confessing their wrongs, apologizing, and asking for forgiveness.

Why not start with yourself? Show your spouse that you forgive them, then pray for them. Show how much you value forgiveness, so you can encourage them to make room for forgiveness as well. It might be hard at first especially when the offense is too deep, so it’s good to remember that you can always ask God to help you forgive.

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16 ESV)

5. Realize that you needed forgiveness too

Before you can extend forgiveness to others, it’s important to realize that you needed forgiveness, too—and it was freely given to you.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means that you, too, make mistakes. Thankfully, God isn’t only just—He is continuously forgiving! He showed His forgiveness, mercy, and love for you by dying on the cross and giving you an eternal life.

So whenever you’re torn between exercising justice and forgiving your spouse, choose forgiveness. Forgiveness is powerful and healing, so give it to your spouse in the same way you have received it from God.

This Holy Week, witness the power of forgiveness in restoring a marriage marred by betrayal. Watch Tanikala: Paghilom, starring real-life couple Marco and Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz, airing on April 15, at 10:30 AM on GMA.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3