God is a Father to the Fatherless

Are you longing for your father’s presence?

JR Etis was.

His dad worked overseas as an OFW, as a result, he navigated his childhood without a strong father figure. Without his dad by his side, JR often felt vulnerable. In addition to this, he was bullied in school. He had no one to stand up for him, no one to run to for protection.

“My classmates would discourage me, saying that I am hopeless and would not graduate,” he shared.

When his father finally retired and returned home, JR was overjoyed. He believed this was his chance to make up for lost time and to bond with his father, to experience what he had longed for all his life.

But that moment never came. Shortly after coming home, his father became sick.

“The doctors told us he had prostate cancer—stage 4. We were completely shocked. There were no signs,” he recalled.

Before JR could truly get to know his father, he passed away.

Because of this, JR sank into deep depression.

Have you ever felt the same way—like the pain is too much to bear, and you have nowhere to turn?

That was JR’s reality. But little did JR know, God was moving.

He had a friend who never gave up on him—constantly encouraging him and sharing the Gospel. That same friend also urged him to watch The 700 Club Asia.

One night, as he tuned in, he heard the host, Peter Kairuz, praying for someone struggling with depression. Something inside him stirred. Deep down, he knew that prayer was for him.

Desperate for help, he called the number on the screen. A prayer counselor answered, prayed over him, and encouraged him to surrender his life to Christ. Right then and there, JR made the decision to accept Jesus into his heart.

“The prayer counselor advised me to attend church, and I followed,” he shared.

And that decision changed everything. His journey with God wasn’t instant, but it was real. Step by step, JR grew in faith. He found strength in God’s Word, healing in His presence, and hope for the future.

Years later, JR has completed his degree in IT. He, too, is working as an OFW—this time in Abu Dhabi, UAE. But more than just building a career, he is building the Kingdom of God.

He now serves as one of the core group leaders in Every Nation Church in Abu Dhabi, helping others find the same hope and healing he once desperately needed.

JR’s story is a testament to God’s faithfulness. No matter how broken you feel, no matter how deep your sorrow—there is hope in Jesus. He can turn your pain into purpose, just like He did for JR.

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.” (Psalm 30:11)

Like JR, are you struggling with grief, depression, or loneliness?

You are not alone. Call us today and allow us to journey with you in prayer.

How Do You Respond When Things Don’t Go as Planned?

Was your plan interrupted by something unexpected?

Christopher Franco’s goal was interrupted by an accident, but it led him to something even better.

Christopher had big dreams of working abroad to create a better future. With everything ready for his move to Saudi Arabia, he was excited and hopeful.

Just a week before his departure, he met with friends in Laguna for a farewell gathering. But in an instant, his life changed forever.

Riding his motorcycle with his friend, Christopher lost control and crashed. The impact left him unconscious. When he woke up, he felt extremely weak and confused. His friend stayed calm, but Christopher’s head injuries were serious. None of the bystanders were willing to help.

When tragedies happen, how do you respond? Do you believe that God can help you through?

Thankfully, God intervened for Christopher.

Reverb Worship artist Jack D’Preacher, drove past the accident scene along with his wife.

Jack had first-aid training, so he immediately offered to help Christopher. When his call did not connect to 911, Jack decided to personally bring Christopher to the nearest hospital.

Being in the hospital made Jack realize how our lives can be easily taken away, so as a believer of Jesus, he wanted to comfort Christopher with God’s love. He told Christopher not to worry because Jesus loves him and is taking care of him.

“Before I knew it, I was already lifting my arms as Sir Jack prayed for me. It felt like I regained my strength knowing that I can lean on someone as my Savior,” Christopher said.

The accident made him reflect on life and turn to God. He prayed, asking for strength and purpose. Each day, he felt his faith growing stronger, knowing God was with him.

During this time, Jack introduced him to his song — Muli by Reverb Worship. The lyrics spoke deeply to him, reminding him of God’s love. The song became his source of peace and hope. He realized that God is giving him a second chance to live with purpose.

Christopher’s journey is a story of faith and redemption. The experience was painful, but it became a reminder that God’s plans are always greater than our own.

Now fully recovered, He is ready for his new life abroad. His story reminds us that even in our darkest moments, God is always ready to heal, restore, and guide us toward a new beginning.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 NIV)

Are you like Christopher who wants to know God’s care?

You don’t need to be perfect to know Jesus, come as you are, and He will meet you in your current situation.

If you feel blessed to help people like Christopher, partner with us!

Your Setbacks are God’s Setups for Breakthroughs

Vicky Tamban experienced this firsthand.

Vicky runs a successful business, has completed her college degree, and earned a doctorate. She became a university professor, and her family’s life was transformed in ways they never thought possible.

Before her breakthroughs, Vicky and her family endured many breaking moments.

In 1989, when Vicky and Santiago eloped at a young age, they found themselves struggling to survive. They didn’t have enough money, and even their food was limited. There were times when they could only eat rice once a week.

Santiago, worked as a laborer, while Vicky worked as a seamstress, but their combined income still wasn’t enough to make ends meet.

“We weren’t just living paycheck to paycheck, we were barely getting by,” Vicky recalled.

Are you facing the same situation? Where do you turn for help?

Vicky turned to God.

Despite their hardships, something in Vicky changed as she grew deeper in her relationship with God. A story from the Bible stood out to her—the story of the poor widow who gave all she had—just two small coins. The words of Jesus echoed in her heart:

“Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:3-4, ESV)

This story deeply touched Vicky’s heart. One day, when she only had 10 pesos left, she decided to give it all to God’s work.

God, in His faithfulness, blessed her for it. He opened doors for Vicky, leading her to a job in a big company. She and her husband also started their own landscaping business. Their income grew, and they were able to rise above poverty.

Just as things seemed to be falling into place, Vicky’s path took another turn.

At 36, she returned to college to finish her degree. The pressure of balancing her studies with the demands of their business was overwhelming.

Slowly, their once-thriving business began to crumble, and the tension between Vicky and Santiago grew. They fought often, and her husband started picking up unhealthy habits.

The weight of it all crushed Vicky. How could this be happening when they had been so faithful? She found herself questioning God.

Like Vicky, are you facing challenges that have you questioning God’s goodness?

Don’t lose hope. God sees your struggles, and in His perfect timing, your breakthrough will come—just like it did for Vicky.

In the darkest moments of her life, God met Vicky in her need.

She watched The 700 Club Asia once again and found a renewed hope and encouragement. During the episode, host Coney Reyes shared a powerful word from God about restoring troubled marriages, which deeply resonated with Vicky.

Inspired, Vicky decided to give to CBN Asia’s work, even though money was tight.

And soon after, a breakthrough came. A client placed a large order for plants, and their business started to thrive again. Their marriage was restored, and Vicky finished her degree, earned a doctorate, and became a university professor.

Now, with every blessing, Vicky continues to support God’s ministry.

“We get to help so many people, not just with financial or material needs, but most importantly, spiritually. The 700 Club Asia is truly fertile ground,” Vicky shared.

And now, she desires to give even more.

Just like Vicky, you too can help change lives of our kababayans in need. By partnering with us, you can help reach more people, pray for them, and lead them to Jesus.

If you’re looking for your own breakthrough, start by knowing Jesus more. He’s ready to meet you right where you are.

The 700 Club Asia Live Inspires Hearts in Bulacan

CBN Asia brought the beloved program, The 700 Club Asia (TSCA) closer to its audience through TSCA Live event, at GCF Malolos, Bulacan, on February 5.

Hosted by Peter Kairuz, Icko Gonzalez, and Joselle Feliciano, the event featured a heartfelt ministry session—where hosts prayed for the audience, a time of uplifting praise and worship, and inspiring testimonials from different ministries of CBN Asia.

Among the highlights was the story of Joanna, an Operation Blessing scholar whose journey of resilience and redemption inspired many.

After her parents separated, Joanna struggled with bitterness and distrust, especially when her father abandoned them for another woman, leaving her and her mother to live with her grandmother. Determined to rise above her circumstances, she pursued her studies and later attended a youth camp, where she encountered God and found the strength to forgive her father.

With support from Operation Blessing’s Back-to-School program, she graduated cum laude in Christian Education. Now married and serving in her church, Joanna remains deeply grateful for the support that transformed her life.

In Bulacan, Operation Blessing continues to support six scholars, covering their monthly allowance, school uniforms, supplies, and review fees when needed. But many more students are still in need of help.

Continue to support TSCA Live, as this event encourages people to keep going and have faith in God, knowing that He is faithful and always ready to help in times of need. By bringing TSCA Live to different churches and places in the Philippines, we are personally proclaiming Christ and transforming lives,” said Rolando Alto IV, one of the producers of TSCA Live.

Join us in this mission! Partner with CBN Asia today and share God’s love and hope with our kababayans. Visit cbnasia.com/give.

Operation Blessing and Superbook Team Up to Bring Hope and Cheer to Children in Zambales

What makes children smile? Receiving gifts, playing games,   or eating their favorite food?

Operation Blessing, in partnership with Superbook, gave all that to make sure children from To God Be the Glory Church in San Marcelino, Zambales would feel happy when they visited last January 17!

The event, called “Holiday of Hope and Cheer,” started with a worship time where children enjoyed dancing and singing praises to God. Then they watched “The Sermon on the Mount,” a Superbook Season 5 episode where Jesus taught about living right, loving others, and being wise.

11-year-old Dylan shared that she learned to “obey the commands of the Lord” through the Bible story they just watched.

After watching Superbook, Dylan participated in a fun game to save Gizmo from being trapped in the spaceship. The children’s mission was successful because soon after, their beloved robot friend Gizmo came out and greeted them!

Gizmo, the Super Crew, and the children danced and sang to The Salvation Poem and meditated on the Bible verse, John 3:16. Dylan shared that it was her favorite part of the event, and that seeing Gizmo made her really happy.

But the surprises were far from over!

The children received gift bags from Operation Blessing containing toys and grocery items. They also received free lunch and snacks!

Thanks to your faithful partnership! CBN Asia can continue to bring hope and cheer to children all over the Philippines through your prayers and generous support. Help us continue this mission of making more children smile by sharing God’s love! Tap here to partner with us today.

They Speak Like Us: Boholanos Share How Superbook Bisaya Helps Them Learn the Bible

Although the national language of the Philippines is Tagalog, many families in the Visayas and Mindanao regions primarily speak Bisaya.

Superbook saw this as an opportunity to reach more children in these regions by producing Superbook episodes in Bisaya for the first time in 2023.

During a recent Superbook Bisaya Caravan: Sabay-Sabay Lilipad in Bohol, children and parents alike were surprised and overjoyed to hear their own dialect spoken by the beloved Superbook trio—Joy, Chris, and Gizmo.

The room buzzed with excitement as they watched the episode “A Giant Adventure!” Together, they laughed and marveled at how the show captured the unique Bisaya accent, expressions, and humor, making the experience all the more relatable and memorable.

Ms. Rebecca Omila, a Sunday school teacher from Dauis, Bohol, expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the Superbook team’s visit to their church. She shared how impactful the show is for their students, many of whom come from non-Christian households.

Superbook plays a vital role in teaching children Bible stories,” she said. “At first, I was surprised to watch an episode in Bisaya, and I’m deeply thankful to the creators of this show. Children today love watching animated programs, but unfortunately, many don’t promote good values. That’s why we are so grateful for Superbook, which is a positive influence on the next generation.”

Ms. Rebecca also highlighted how important the Superbook Bisaya episodes are for children in underprivileged communities who do not have access to television or gadgets. “It’s even better now that it’s translated in Bisaya,” she said. “We have more than a hundred indigent children in our church who don’t understand Tagalog or English. This will truly make a difference.”

Similarly, Ms. Jiecel Lou Sacay, a parent from Victory Temple in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, shared her amazement upon hearing about Superbook in Bisaya. “I was surprised. It sounded funny at first because we’re not used to hearing Bisaya on screen. But this is a wonderful tool to teach my children our mother tongue since schools don’t offer Bisaya as a subject.”

Meanwhile, Maribel Movera, a parent from the Badjao community in Dauis, Bohol, expressed deep gratitude for the availability of Superbook Bisaya.

Although her community speaks a different dialect, she noted that Bisaya is the closest they can understand. “The kids can relate to the show. They grasp the lessons better, especially those who don’t understand English or Tagalog,” she said.

Not only did parents enjoy the newly introduced Superbook episodes, but children expressed their excitement and appreciation, too.

Angela Usaraga, a 9-year-old girl, shared her enthusiasm, saying that Superbook Bisaya is fun to watch with friends. She particularly enjoyed the episode because the characters “speak like us,” making the experience more relatable.

Similarly, Sungel Sacay, also 9 years old, expressed her love for Superbook Bisaya, saying she plans to tell her friends about it. “I really like Superbook because it makes you smart!” she exclaimed.

Mark Dave Movera, a 10-year-old boy from the Badjao community in Dauis, Bohol, reflected on the powerful lesson he learned from the episode. “It taught me to be strong despite the giants you face because you have God on your side,” he shared.

Superbook Kicks Off Its First Teachers’ Training in Baguio

Teachers are often referred to as “second parents” because they play a significant role in influencing a child’s development and experiences. As secondary guardians, they provide care,  support, and guidance beyond the four corners of the home.

That’s why Superbook is thrilled to hold its first-ever teachers’ training to empower and equip educators with God’s Word and make a lasting, transformative impact on the next generation. A total of 37 participants, composed of daycare, preschool, and Sunday school teachers, eagerly attended the training in Christ Reigns Ministries Church last October 22, 2024 in Baguio City.

It was an afternoon filled with anticipation and enthusiasm as the teachers learned how to use Superbook into their lesson plans. Teacher Abby Rodolfo, one of the attendees, shared “During the training, I was particularly drawn to the teaching outline presented, as it helps me set a standard. You don’t just let the students watch the episode; the facilitator provides a step-by-step plan that helps the kids retain the lesson.”

After providing the teachers with essential resources and support,  they split into small groups to apply what they learned. They had fun brainstorming creative ways to share the Superbook episode with their students using the teaching outline.

Icko Gonzalez, Special Projects Manager, has hopeful expectations following the training. He said, “I really hope we were able to equip the teachers with the basic skills on how they can use Superbook as a supplement to what they are already doing. I hope that they will take it to heart and fly with it.”

Superbook is more than just an episode that kids watch; it’s a valuable teaching resource that educators can use to make a meaningful impact on their students. This is what Teacher Norman San Juan, the curriculum coordinator and facilitator, aims to communicate. He shared, “The younger generation is surrounded by many influences, and we want to teach them the Word of God through Superbook. Our goal is to share that same mission and vision with the teachers.”

What makes this groundbreaking event more memorable is its location—Baguio, regarded as the Education Center of the North. Many young people flock to this city in search of educational opportunities. Pastor Jojo Solis and his wife, Pem, who graciously hosted the event in their humble church, are driven by the desire to influence young minds with the Word of God through Superbook.

“Our mission has been towards the youth and children ever since we started this ministry. Our big idea is to bring Superbook to all barangays. A lot of young minds are being molded here that’s why this is our battle cry. If you cannot feed them with the righteousness of God, they risk losing their way,” Pastor Jojo exclaimed.

Do you also want to conduct Superbook teachers’ training in your community and be a part of what God is doing for the next generation? Send us a message through the Batang Superbook Facebook page.

Superbook Cebuano Helped a Child Grow Deeper in Knowing God’s Word

What stories do you hope your children will remember as they grow up?

For ten-year-old Xhaun’s mother, Jennifer, it’s the Bible stories she has shared with him since he was little.

“My mother taught Bible stories with us at home. She also lets me watch Superbook on TV and cellphone. Moses became my favorite character,” Xhaun said. Thanks to her, he grew up immersed in the Word of God. So, when the opportunity came, Xhaun and his mother eagerly joined the Superbook Bisaya: Sabay-Sabay Lilipad Caravan at their church, Pentecostal Church of God Asian Missions Inc. (PCGAMI) in Gusa, Cagayan de Oro.

Xhaun, along with over a hundred children watched the Cebuano version of “A Giant Adventure!” and were thrilled to hear the characters speaking in their language.

“My favorite part was when David defeated Goliath because God helped David. The Cebuano version makes the story clearer and more relatable. Thank you, Superbook, for translating it!” Xhaun added.

After the show, the kids played fun games to help Gizmo come to the event. Once Gizmo arrived, he sang and danced The Salvation Poem with them. Xhaun and the kids, guided by the Super Crew, then prayed together to accept Jesus as their God and Savior.

Pastor Ian Miyake of PCGAMI emphasized the importance of introducing children to God’s Word early. He noted that Superbook is a big part of their outreach program, and the kids were thrilled when they learned about its visit.

“Having accepted Christ when I was a child, I know how important it is for kids to learn about God early. I’m thankful for Superbook’s role in this,” Pastor Ian said. “I encourage parents to let their children watch Superbook. It’s a great way for them to learn about God and His truth.”

Join us in our goal of sharing the love of God with people around the world! Click the link to partner with us today!

Superbook Bisaya Has Landed in Mindanao for a Joyful Caravan!

Children and families in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City in Mindanao gave Gizmo and the Super Crew a warm welcome on a fun-filled five-day Superbook Bisaya Caravan: Sabay-Sabay Lilipad last July 23 to 27.

For the first time, children at Potter’s Wheel Church in Dansolihon, Cagayan de Oro, got to watch Superbook Bisaya. The room was filled with excitement as they realized that the characters from “A Giant Adventure!” were speaking a language familiar to them.

The kids and parents at TOP Centerpoint Church shared the same excitement when Gizmo visited them. The children eagerly played Galactic Word Quest, where they showed off their English skills, and Cosmic Calculation, where they impressed everyone with how good they are in Mathematics.

Gizmo’s final stop in Cagayan de Oro is to meet the cheerful kids at Pentecostal Church of God Asian Missions Inc. (PCGAMI) in the town of Gusa. Andrea, one of the certified Batang Superbook from the church shared, “I watch Superbook on my parent’s cellphone. My favorite character is Joy because she’s a kind person.”

The kids learned about Jesus’ love for them and they invited Him to lead their lives as their personal Lord and Savior. Hundreds of kids got to know Jesus personally that day!

The Superbook Bisaya Caravan: Sabay-Sabay Lilipad adventure continued in Iligan City at the Covenant Baptist Church hosted by pastor and social media content creator, Khan Santos. The kids from the church and outreach programs excitedly played games to save Gizmo from being trapped. In the end, they successfully saved Gizmo and had fun singing and dancing with him!

Princess, one of the kids who attended, shared with a big smile, “I’m so excited to finally meet Gizmo for the first time!”

Gizmo and the Super Crew capped off the Mindanao Caravan at Robinsons Place Iligan. Kids came early to meet Gizmo and watch Superbook in Cebuano. They cheered loudly when Gizmo arrived and joined in singing The Salvation Poem.

Pastor Ian from PCGAMI Gusa said, “This was very helpful for us because we were able to bring the children from our outreach program here and experience this kind of event.”

Thanks to your generous donation, CBN Asia was able to translate Superbook Reimagined Season 1 in Bisaya, one step closer in bringing animated Bible stories to many children in a language they understand. But our mission doesn’t end here. Help us continue reaching more children through this ministry. Click here to become a Superbook partner.

How to Trust God During the Most Difficult Times?

What if the blessing that the Lord gave you was taken away immediately? Would you still trust Him?

After a year of being married, Joan and her husband were very happy to receive the good news that she was pregnant. They believe that it was a blessing from God.

But after 7 weeks of pregnancy, Joan experienced bleeding, and sadly, had a miscarriage. Grieving, she prayed to the Lord to help her accept and understand what was happening.

After a year, Joan was surprised that God answered their prayers once more: she was pregnant again.

Because of excitement, she went to the doctor the next day.

Joan’s ultrasound showed that she has a blighted ovum. It was a condition where her embryo stopped developing that caused her second miscarriage.

Joan started to ask why God allowed this to happen to her.

Do you also question God during the most difficult times?

You are not alone.

Joan had many questions too, and she felt hopeless.

Until one day, she saw a video from The 700 Club Asia on social media that featured the story of a woman who is suffering from PCOS and had a hard time getting pregnant. But true enough, our miracle-working God answered her prayers, and she soon gave birth to twins.

Joan regained her hope and began to trust God again.

She then sent a message to The 700 Club Asia and asked for prayers. She hoped to be pregnant again. She also surrendered everything to God and received Jesus as her Lord and Personal Savior.

On May 29, 2022, Joan received God’s answer to her prayers, that she was 6 weeks pregnant!

“I am very happy and I thank God because I was able to hear my baby’s heartbeat,” she recalled.

After experiencing God’s miracle in her life, Joan wanted to give back and started giving to CBN Asia. God touched her heart to give and to share His goodness with many.

Joan gave birth to her daughter, Janaya Tiffany Iris, last December 22, 2022.

“My daughter is my answered prayer. She is God’s miracle to us. Nothing is impossible with God,” she testified.

Joan’s story is a beautiful reminder to trust in God’s plans.

He is a miracle-working God and He hears the cries of your heart. Although we experience delays and setbacks in life, it is best to hold on to His promise that He has something great in store for us. In His time, He will make it happen.

As Isaiah 60:22 says, “At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Do you need someone to pray for you? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700, or send us a message through Facebook.

If God is touching your heart to become our partner in sharing His love and blessings with others, visit cbnasia.org/give.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3