“God’s outpour of blessings did not stop. Here’s what He did in our lives_4

“God’s outpour of blessings did not stop. Here’s what He did in our lives”

Lourdes Cresencio blurted out these words. She could not believe the miracle that was set before her eyes.

Before that, Lourdes remembered experiencing an extreme low when she suffered a heart attack while her husband suffered a stroke. They were caught off-guard. They had no money to cover their medical expenses that amounted to more than a million pesos. 

“I asked, ‘Why is this happening to us? We were so unprepared financially, yet I believed that God would not allow situations that I cannot handle,” Lourdes recalled. She was left with Php 6,000 in her pocket after trying to sell their property to no avail.

They had nowhere to run but to the merciful arms of God.

In the midst of her despair, Lourdes chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and was moved by the story of a woman who learned how to give even though she, too, was in dire need.

Boldly holding onto God’s promises of healing and provision, Lourdes faithfully supported God’s work by donating to the CBN Asia. 

“Even when we got sick, we did not stop giving because I know who my God is. I know that He will finish what He has started,” Lourdes hoped.

True as they say, God moves in miraculous ways. God honored Lourdes’ generous and obedient heart. Just a week after she made her donation, the outpour of miracles started.

It was effortless and trouble-free! Someone reached out to me and wanted to purchase our property. God was really faithful to us,” she shared.

Apart from that blessing, Lourdes’ husband was discharged from the hospital for freeWhat happened next further solidified her faith, stirred her love for God, and strengthened her belief in giving.

God’s outpour of blessings did not stop there. I recovered from my sickness and was told that I did not need to undergo any medical operation. All my medical needs were met. I was in awe of how God miraculously moved in my life!

Do you also want to experience God’s outpour of blessings in your life?

Out of her own need, Lourdes gave to the work of God. If God honored her heart, it could happen to you as well! As you give generously and freely, may you experience His blessing in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.

Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. (Deuteronomy 15:10 NIV)

Are you moved to support God’s work of sowing seeds of hope, salvation, and comfort to our kababayans through CBN Asia?

Partner with us today! You may visit this page for more information on how you can give, or send a pledge through our Facebook page.

If you need prayers, our CBN Asia Prayer Center is here to help you! Do not hesitate to call 8737-0700 and we would love to pray for you.

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Do Miraculous Healings Still Happen Today?

Inutile. Hopeless. Better off dead.

These are the words that Joseline Adversalo used to describe herself when she found out that she has rheumatic heart disease.

Joseline lost hope and spiraled into depression when she learned that apart from the serious disease that damaged her heart’s valve, she also has a growing cyst on her chest. Their family felt like they were drowning in financial problems on top of her health challenge. They were faced with overwhelming and seemingly unending problems.

This is when Joseline contemplated suicide to end her miseries. She was deceived into thinking that, maybe, a bottle of muriatic acid could stop all the physical and emotional pain she experiences.

“I did not know what to do then. I lost hope because my problems came all at the same time. There were times that I wanted to kill myself because I felt I was inutile; I could not take it any longer. I felt so useless, Joseline recalled.

Like Joseline, have you ever felt so helpless in life? Where do you find hope?

Amid her helplessness and anguish, Joseline saw a sliver of hope. A concerned friend came and advised her to watch The 700 Club Asia to be inspired by stories of people who are miraculously healed by God.

“My friend was right. When I watched The 700 Club Asiathe hosts prayed for people who have cysts. joined the hosts in praying and claimed it when they said that God has already healed me, Joseline shared. 

Right after the prayer, Joseline felt the instant relief and peace that overflowed in her heart. While she prayed for miracles, she grew deeper in faith and believed that she will experience them, too.

God did not disappoint Joseline. He proved that miracles still happen today, and He showed it in her life.

“I did not undergo any operation; I did not take any medicine. The instant healing of the cyst in my chest is God’s miracle,” she said, in awe of the unexplainable healing that she experienced after she prayed.

Because her cyst was already clearedit became possible for her to underwent heart surgery. God also surrounded Joseline with people who blessed her financially and supported her in prayers.

Heart mended and faith strengthened, Joseline discovered that nothing is impossible for those who believe in the power of Jesus.

Before, all I can do was cry about my problems. But now, my heart is full of thanksgiving and joy because God keeps on pouring blessings after blessings into my life,” Joseline ended.

Would you like to experience God’s miraculous healing, too?

If it happened to Joseline, it could also happen to you. Whatever sickness you may have right now, know that God’s healinfavors the faithful. As long as you believe that He can do wonders and miracles in your life, then He can bring it to fruition.

Do not give up on your miracle.

Surrender all your worries and claim the miraculous healing, blessings, and peace that God is offering to you today, just as how He promised in His Word.

“But now I will heal and mend them. I will make them whole and bless them with an abundance of peace and security. (Jeremiah 33:6 CEB)

Allow us to strengthen and comfort you through prayers. Feel free to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3