What Would You Do When Your Emotional Distress Led to Physical Illness?

It’s one thing to feel disconnected from your spouse and another to discover they are cheating on you.

Jeanifer Tan felt like her heart shattered in pieces when she learned of her husband’s unfaithfulness.

Have you ever been in the same situation?

Instead of having a shoulder to lean on, you suddenly found yourself left alone and broken by the very person who was supposed to be your protector and comforter?

Husbands and wives are designed to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses while being each other’s life companion.

Jeanifer believed that a loving and healthy marital relationship is the foundation of a stable and functioning family. She’s right. The parents’ relationship affects children’s development and outlook in life.

So for the sake of her children, Jeanifer stayed in their home despite the betrayal she experienced.

As she endured the pain of a broken marital relationship, her distress started to manifest physically — in her heart. They found that her heart was enlarged.

Because of her distressed, the Jeanifer wasn’t able to take care of herself. Her health worsened, along with her smoking habit.

Like Jeanifer, do you turn to an unhealthy habit to cope with your pain and stress in life?

Jeanifer started to binge-watch TV programs to distract herself from the painful reality of her marriage. And that is where God intervened in her life.

She came across The 700 Club Asia episode that featured a story about infidelity and forgiveness in marriage.

Jeanifer couldn’t help relating to the story. Right then and there, she decided to pray with the host. She admitted her need for God’s rescue. Her decision to commit her life to Jesus changed the way she dealt with problems.

“That’s where I learned how to pray for my husband and my children, and for my family to be reunited. I surrendered to God the struggles I was going through that time,” Jeanifer recalled.

As she responded to God’s call to soften her heart, He started to transform her from the inside out. He opened her eyes to see the things she needed to let go of, change, and develop.

God is just waiting for you to acknowledge your need for Him. He loves it when you call upon Him, believe and trust in Him with all your heart.

You, too, can enjoy breakthrough as you let go of all the things you cannot control and let God take over your life and concerns.

Through God’s grace, not only was Jeanifer able to forgive her husband but also herself for letting unhealthy habits cause harm to her body.

“I was convicted that my body is a gift from the Lord so I should not waste it, but instead use it to glorify Him.”

Seeing herself as how God sees her, Jeanifer received healing and miraculously overcame her smoking addiction without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

The changes she experienced restored her marriage. Most importantly, her new life led her husband to experience the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Have you been waiting for God to change you and your situation?

Trust God’s faithfulness and believe that He is your strength in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Call upon the Lord in times of your trouble (Psalm 50:15). He promised to save you so that you can bring honor to His name, just as how Jeanifer testified about His power.

In your suffering, remember that the Lord sees you, feels you and understands you. Everything about you matters to Him.

Do not let suffering cause you to harm yourself. Stop stressing yourself to change the things you can never control. Shift your focus from your own strength and understanding to God’s boundless grace and limitless power.

If you are praying and longing to experience freedom from a painful past, addiction, and unforgiveness, God is faithful and powerful to answer your prayers and to be the Answer to your every need.

Do you want to experience His liberating and transforming power? Make room for Jesus as you give Him the throne of your heart.

We are here to help you establish and strengthen your relationship with Jesus, the One who can change our hearts and transform our situation.

Meanwhile, if God is prompting you to partner with us to reach more hurting and hopeless people, we welcome you to be our faithful partner.

May the God of boundless grace make you abound in love, power, hope, and faith as you journey through life!

Battling One Disease After the Other—Is Healing Still Possible?

After all the pain she went through, Haidie Columna can answer a resounding “Yes!” to this question. Be encouraged with her story.

Haidie was pregnant with her second child when she faced a life-threatening battle in the form of uterine polyps.

“Even a miniscule cough or sneeze made me bleed. There were moments when I thought the baby in my womb died because of the intense bleeding,” Haidie recounted.

Her worries about her delicate pregnancy were aggravated with all the costly medications she had to take.

But, the most agonizing part was that Haidie had to battle her sickness without her husband because he was working overseas.

Have you been through a miserable situation like hers?

Haidie was crying out to God when she came across her favorite inspirational TV program, The 700 Club Asia.

“I was encouraged with the story of a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with cancer. She trusted God for her healing,” she shared.

The woman’s testimony filled Haidie’s heart with hope that God would preserve her son.

And He did.

Haidie gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and her uterine polyps miraculously went away.

Haidie trusted God wholeheartedly, and He did not fail her. Would you do the same?

But, just when Haidie thought her struggles are over, another adversity came that test her faith.

She was diagnosed with appendicitis and had to undergo surgery.

If you were in Haidie’s position, how would you feel and what would you do?

She and her husband knew they needed a weapon as they walk through another trying time—prayer. So, they called the CBN Asia Prayer Center to seek encouragement.

Prayer works!

Haidie had a successful surgery. She witnessed God’s favor in every step of the way.

“The Lord sent doctors that are strong in the faith! And we only had to pay a smaller amount for the whole surgery,” she joyfully narrated.

Haidie’s story of healing is a beautiful testament of God’s boundless grace overflowing in the lives of those who trust Him.

And she wants to encourage you with Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Living under God’s boundless grace and unfailing love starts by knowing Jesus. Receive Him in your heart today!

Are you believing God for healing and restoration? We want to stand with you in prayer! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center hotline 8-737-0700 or leave a message here.

Help us proclaim the Good News of Jesus to everyone! Be a CBN Asia partner today.

Have You Ever Questioned Your Worth?

Have you ever received negative comments from the people around you, and they made you feel worthless?

You are not alone.

This happened to Natalie Rivera too.

Natalie grew up believing that she brought all the misfortunes on her family because her family lost their business on the same day she was born. Since then, her parents had labeled her “malas” or bad luck.

Shortly after she left home and got married, their family surprisingly went back to business. Sales were high and income was great again.


Her husband, who was a seaman, couldn’t go back to work despite all their efforts. This made him think that it was Natalie’s bad luck again.

All these instances convinced Natalie to believe she did cause mishaps and misfortunes to her loved ones.

She started seeing herself the way people closest to her, her family, and her spouse saw her –– bad luck!

Natalie nearly bought into this false idea of who she is until she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. That moment allowed her to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior; a brief yet a life-changing encounter with the Lord.

Coincidence? Absolutely not.

“God wants us to learn something from all the problems we face in life. When I had a relationship with Jesus, I started believing that I am not a bearer of misfortune. What others say do not and will never define me,” Natalie said.

Her mindset changed. She started seeing her worth and value in God. She stopped letting the words of others define how she perceived herself.

Everything was in place, or so she thought. Then a day came when her faith was put to the test.

She was accused of stealing from the pharmacy she was working for.

If you were in her shoes, what would your response be?

You might start questioning God and ask why He would put you in that kind of situation.

But Natalie’s response was different.

Her faith did not waver through this unfortunate situation. She held on to God’s promises and found strength in Him. She knew that He is always faithful!

Eventually, the truth came out.

Natalie was found innocent, and the real culprit was identified.

“I really appreciate the times that The 700 Club Asia reached out to me, especially during the moments that I badly needed prayers,” Natalie described.

There was also a time when Natalie was praying for healing from the pain in her left ear.

Once again, she watched The 700 Club Asia and stumbled upon the prayer of Peter Kairuz — a prayer that was very much related to what she was going through that day. So, she claimed the prayer and miraculously, she experienced instant healing.

She was amazed by the faithfulness of God in her life.

Truly, nothing happens by chance. God is sovereign over everything, over every aspect of everyone’s lives. He allows things to happen to His creation, for His great purpose.

As the Bible says in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” 

“I thank God for The 700 Club Asia, I learned that there is really hope in God. Truly, there is hope!” Natalie declared.

Like Natalie, have you ever questioned your worth or is your faith being put to test?

Your value is not defined by what the world says you are. God created you in His own image and He wants you to value yourself the way He sees you.

Come to Jesus.

He can change your heart and mind. He can change you in ways you would’ve never thought of.

Do you need prayers?

The CBN Asia Prayer Center is available 24/7 to pray for you! Call 8-737-0-700 or message our Facebook page.

And if you also want to partner with us in proclaiming Christ and transforming lives, donate now and be a CBN Asia Partner today!

Are You Jobless and Feeling Hopeless?

Are you exhausted?

Despite your best efforts to find a job, you’re still rejected by multiple companies.

Now, you’re depressed and anxious. You don’t know what to do. Being unemployed is extremely difficult. Marvin Anoos knows how that feels.

He was jobless for six months.

Everything was going well with Marvin. He worked as an engineer in Brunei.

When he came back home to the Philippines, he applied as a real estate agent in a company. He did pretty well and closed multiple deals.

He can still recall going home from work to watch The 700 Club Asia. His heart was moved by the stories and he became a faithful giver to CBN Asia since 2011.

“I know what it feels like to be helpless. It’s about time to share. For me, money is just a tool so you can bless others,” he shared.

Then, an unfortunate event happened that tested Marvin’s faith.

After a year of abundance, his sales drastically dropped. He went from little to nothing. He had to jump from one company to another, in hopes of increasing sales and closing deals. Unfortunately, he failed.

He was unemployed for 6 months.

“I can’t describe what I was feeling that time. I didn’t know where to get my next meal. I didn’t know how I could pay for my expenses. I was just lost, and I had nowhere to go,” he said.

If you are experiencing this, you are not alone.

Like Marvin, your story does not end in darkness and hopelessness.

The Lord encountered Marvin through The 700 Club Asia Live in Cavite where he was challenged to give in faith despite his lack.

“Alex Tinsay was exhorting about the power of giving. The only money left in my wallet is Php 1,000. I stepped out in faith and gave half of it despite knowing that it will not be enough to sustain my needs the following days,” he shared.

Marvin obeyed the Lord. He believed. He trusted then a miracle happened.

One week later, Marvin collected unexpected commission sales from his previous clients which amounted to Php 100,000.

Shocked. Delighted. Overwhelmed.

Marvin couldn’t describe how he felt. He just said, “I’ve been through ups and downs, but God is always there. He is faithful.”

Truly, He is faithful and gracious! A month later, Marvin landed a new job as a property specialist in a company.

“God is alive! He is real. You don’t have to worry about your life because He is a Great Provider,” Marvin testified.

If you are praying for a job, we hope that Marvin’s story brought hope and encouragement to you to keep going.

God did not abandon you. It says in Psalm 9:10 ESV, “And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

Do you want us to pray with you as you wait on the Lord for breakthrough in your job?

We can be your prayer partner! Just call us at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

If Marvin’s testimony touched your heart to step out in faith and give to CBN Asia Family of Ministries, you can partner with us today.

Can You still Give even with Overwhelming Debt?

For many, the very idea is absurd.

But Anna Sinapilo’s story is proof that God’s grace can turn life from being in financial debt to being a faithful giver.

Anna used to own a small retail store with the help of her family. Despite this, she still had to borrow money from time to time. (https://youngmedicalspa.com/)

Her debt grew even more when she helped people despite her financial lack. Their business eventually failed due to its losses.

“I was in debt with almost Php 300,000 without my spouse and children knowing about it. At that time, my mind was blank,” she shared.

Are you also facing a financial crisis?

Wait for the Lord! He will turn your life around just as He did to Anna.

Just when Anna was going through a tough time in her life, she saw a program that helped relieve her miseries.

“I love watching The 700 Club Asia. So, I prayed to God to help me recover once again,” Anna recalled.

Although she was facing financial struggles, Anna generously donated her last Php 300 to The 700 Club Asia, not knowing that this would change the course of her life.

After joining in God’s mission by joyfully giving, Anna experienced God’s redemption from her debt.

She shared her financial problems to her son, who eventually helped her settle her financial accountabilities and start a new business.

Not only did God provided Anna a new business venture, but more than that, blessings overflowed into their family.

Are you also praying for your business to flourish, especially in these trying times?

If God can do it for Anna, He can certainly do it for you as well.

Until now, the business of Anna is not just providing income for their family, but it also became a blessing to their community through the employment opportunities that they provide.

“When you support the works for the Lord, there is prosperity in your business. That is what happened to us. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, The 700 Club Asia!” Anna said.

Indeed, there is blessing in giving!

When you cheerfully give to God despite your scarcity, His provision will overtake you, and it will multiply to your family and community. Just like how God worked in the life of Anna.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

Are you also praying for God’s deliverance from debt?

The CBN Asia Prayer Center is available 24/7 to pray for you! Call 8-737-0-700 or message our Facebook page.

And if you also want to partner with us in proclaiming Christ and transforming lives, donate now and be a CBN Asia Partner today!

Are You Tired of Living with Depression and Brokenness?

Tonee Candia was.

She was able to break to free from the seemingly never-ending pain of heartbreak, and so can you.

Tonee and her boyfriend were the “perfect couple.” Both achievers in school, they set an example of balancing romantic relationships and academic performance.

But behind the façade of a pure relationship, they did something that not even their parents knew.

“We were engaging in premarital sex,” Tonee confessed. “We were living a double life.”

Have you ever been so in love with someone that nothing else mattered?

Tonee gave her boyfriend her all—love, time, and attention—so much that her heart was drawn away from her family.

“He was my world. My life revolved around him,” she shared.

But just when she thought their love will never be torn apart, it did.

Tonee’s heart was crumbled into pieces when her boyfriend left her after many years of staying together.

“Letting him go was so painful to me,” Tonee painfully recounted. “I was left so devastated that I questioned my worth. I felt nothing without him.”

Like Tonee, have you experienced a heartbreak so severe that the thought of moving forward seemed impossible?

“I felt like a complete failure.”

“No one will ever love and accept me.”

“Where is God in this mess?”

These were Tonee’s words. Have you said these too before?

In the midst of her depression and isolation, Tonee chanced upon The 700 Club Asia.

“Praying with Peter Kairuz and Coney Reyes gave my heart unexplainable peace,” she said.

Tonee then started a habit that helped her process her emotions.

“Every night, I would write my prayers to God in a journal,” Tonee explained. “I would write anything, like ‘Lord, it still hurts,’ or ‘God, please heal me from this pain.’

Tonee stepped further into God’s healing by being part of a church community. There she gave her life to Jesus, the One who gave her a new identity.

“I am His princess, worthy to be loved,” Tonee boldly declared.

Her healing journey perfectly echoes God’s heart in Psalm 147:3, He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”

Bring your deepest pain and heartbreak to Jesus, and He will soothe your wounds with His loving care.

Tonee’s transformed life became a signpost for the whole family towards God’s salvation.

“I saw how the Lord mended her broken heart, and that led us to surrender our lives to Him, too,” her sister Marilette testified.

No life is too messed up for the Lord to restore. Give Him every piece of your broken heart, and let Him do the mending. Start your spiritual healing journey here.

Do need someone to talk to during a trying time? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center hotline 8-737-0700 or send us a private message here.

Click here if you want to partner with CBN Asia.

If God is Good, Why would He Allow Me to be Miserable?

Have you ever come to a point where you questioned God’s goodness?

“Why is everything so difficult?”

“Why am I all alone?”

“Is there anybody on my side?”

Difficult and painful circumstances often lead us to doubt the character of God.

This is how Lito Marasigan dealt with life growing up.

He was devastated as a child upon seeing how his mother suffered when his father abandoned them for another woman. He often asked God,

“Why is my family broken?”

“Why do I have a miserable childhood?”

“Why am I abandoned and left on my own?”

At an early age, Lito had to be the breadwinner of his family. He did everything to make money to support his family, from selling balut, cigarettes, and newspapers to trading scrap metal.

As he struggled in his everyday life, Lito longed for a complete and whole family. He wondered if God was really fair and good as people said He was.

Do Lito’s sentiments sound familiar to you?

Are you like him as a child? Have you been forced to stand on your own when you still needed someone to guide and walk you through life?

Because he lacked the guidance of a father, Lito was left to fend for himself and grew up a troublemaker.

Lito’s mother encouraged him to trust God’s plan and to live a decent life, but he went on the wrong path to survive on his own.

He struggled to see the purpose of his pain and brokenness. He lived his life with no direction.

Because Lito could not see a future for himself because he had to find the means to survive each day, he resorted to stealing.

But even as Lito broke the law time and time again, God never gave up on pursuing him.

When his partner in crime got mobbed and escaped from being salvaged, he turned to Lito for help.

Overwhelmed by fear and helplessness, Lito was left awake in the middle of the night.

In his restlessness, Lito chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. Listening to the host, Lito that even if he lived his life in his own terms, he was still miserable.

That’s when Lito surrendered his life to Jesus. As he cried for help, he invited Jesus to come to his life and to forgive and make him new.

“Lord, I am tired! Would you move in my life and show me Your miracle?” Lito cried out to the Lord.

Is your heart crying the same prayer as Lito’s?

It’s time to give up control and surrender your life to Jesus. He is gracious to forgive you and embrace you for all you are and all that you have—your desires, concerns, and even your troubles and mistakes.

God’s grace and forgiveness empowered Lito to live a changed life.

Though transformation is not an instant process, he claimed God’s promise in Hebrews 13:5b, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

The Lord is faithful in changing us to be more like His Son Jesus.

Step by step, Lito chose to follow Jesus. Eventually, this path led him to meet his father and to forgive him for abandoning their family. Without hesitation, Lito gave his father the same forgiveness he received from the Lord.

Are you exhausted living on your own? Do you struggle to forgive someone who ruined your life?

Has your pain or bitterness blinded you to see God’s goodness?

Rest in the knowledge that God has always been there for you. He has the power to change your future no matter what kind of past you have.

Though Lito chose to live a reckless life, God still pursued him and showed him His goodness.

Today, God entrusted Lito to lead many people to experience the power that can change lives. God used Lito to plant several churches. And what’s more, Lito is serving God alongside his sons!

“Only God can fulfill the good life you are longing to live,” Lito declared.

Do you want to experience God’s grace and forgiveness? Our Prayer Center is available 24/7 to pray for you.

Do you want to partner with us in reaching many people who struggle with hopelessness and brokenness? Donate now and be a CBN Asia partner today.

Experience God’s overflowing favor and boundless grace as you extend His goodness to others. God bless you!

God Will Provide for Your Family

Do you want a good life for your family?

But what if that meant sacrificing your time and relationship with them?

Like many parents, Joel Somontina dreamt of providing his family with a life where they can afford both their wants and needs. Because of his success as a Sales Executive, he was able to do just that.

But this level of success came at a high price. Joel had to give up time with his family, and it cost his relationships with his wife and children. His success also made him proud, which eventually caused the downfall of his career.

“I was at the top of the world, I thought,” Joel shared. “I was full of pride. I had problems with work. I had problems at home. Eventually, I resigned from my job.”

Joel was humbled by this experience, but little did he know that this was only the beginning of a greater financial challenge for him and his family.

Are you also experiencing financial challenges? Are you worried of not being able to provide for your family? Trust in God and in His provision!

One night, Joel’s wife, Ginkee chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. She was moved to support the ministry and gave her savings of Php 30,000.

“I know that the donations given to The 700 Club Asia go to worthy causes. They are able to help a lot of people,” Ginkee said.

After a month, Ginkee and Joel faced a huge problem. The owner of the house where they were living in sold it to another buyer.

But God was already at work. The little seed Ginkee sowed upon the Lord’s work returned to her a hundredfold!

When she told her relatives about their family’s situation, a family member gave them 5 million pesos! Not only that, but they were also given a car!

Truly, we can never outgive God. He is a generous and loving Father who cares about the needs of His children.

If you care about your family, God cares for them more. If you love your family, God loves them more. Don’t hesitate to go to Him with your needs.

Remember that what we do for others, we also do for God. He said in His Word in Proverbs 19:17:

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord—and He will repay you!”

Let us help more people like Ginkee and Joel know that the Lord provides. Partner with us today!

If you need prayers, we have a 24-hour Prayer Center who is very willing to pray for you! Call us anytime at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

Are You Still Waiting for God’s Promise to be Fulfilled?

Has God put a desire in your heart for your family? Career? Finances? Health?

But as you walked through life, disappointment and discouragement have steadily crept into your heart because until now… you’re still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled.

Perhaps, you’re asking God, “Is this really going to happen?” or “Are You hearing my prayers?”

Let’s be honest…

Waiting is frustrating and exhausting, especially if you are not given a timetable as to “when” God’s answer is going to happen.

However, while your “when” is still unclear, you need to trust the One “who” made the promise – God.

For Maricris Pammit, it was a promise of a new house for her starting family.

She can still vividly recall the struggle they went through.

“We moved to seven different places, one of which is a room for rent with no windows. It was not even sturdy enough to withstand the rain. Another one was too hot and too small,” she shared.

At this point, the most reasonable response is to give up when you feel like everything is against you. But, remember that in your walk of faith: It’s about fully trusting God even when you don’t see the promise yet.

This is what Maricris did.

Despite the stress of moving from one place to another, God planted in their hearts that one day, they will find a decent home to settle in.

She believed it and lived out her faith through the power of giving.

One night, she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and was deeply moved by the faith-filled stories.

“My husband and I donated without expecting something in return. It was out of an overflow in our hearts because we saw the impact Operation Blessing had helping in the far-flung communities,” she said.

Beyond Maricris’ awareness, God was transforming her heart to prepare her for the promise.

Through continuous watching of The 700 Club Asia and the guidance of her church, God revealed to her the principle of giving.

Her prayer turned from “Lord, please provide for us,” to “Lord, we want to be channels of your blessing.”

When the focus of their prayer changed, they started seeing improvements in their financial situation.

Years passed, then doors of God-given opportunities opened for her family.

“I received promotional increases in my company one after another. It was unexpected! God brought into my remembrance that I was reaping the money we sowed in CBN Asia years ago,” she said.

Maricris and her family cultivated a lifestyle of generosity!

Blessing after blessing ran after them. In God’s perfect time, the promise of a new home finally came.

“God provided our every need. We dedicated the whole house to Him,” Maricris said.

More than the blessings she had received, she knew she gained greater treasures – a heart that trusts, obeys, and pleases God.

“Our motivation for giving is we want to be used by God. We want to give back to Him because after all, everything we have comes from Him,” she shared.

Like Maricris, what is it that God is teaching you in the waiting?

You may be praying for your breakthrough for years already. We hope that Maricris’ story encouraged you that God has not forgotten about you nor His promise to you.

But while you are in the waiting, you can do something.

Is God teaching you to give in faith? To pray and declare again for your breakthrough? To offer a sacrifice of praise? To read the Word of God? To connect with people who will journey with you?

Do not ignore God’s calling.

Hope in His Word in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.”

If this story blessed you, partner with us today so we can continue reaching people for Jesus!

We are here for you if you need prayers. Call us anytime at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

Are You Praying for Healing?

If you are, then be encouraged by how God healed the son of Luvie Liao.

As any mother who loves and cares for her children, it was a nightmare for Luvie to see her son Ken in the brink of death, fighting for his life.

Luvie was already worried when Ken started feeling sick. His fever got so bad that he was delirious already. When Luvie checked, his temperature had already spiked up to 40°C! She had to rush him to the hospital fast!

Nearly out of her mind with worry, and clueless of what was happening to her son, Luvie waited for the results of Ken’s tests. Being in a hospital with sick and dying people didn’t assure Luvie at all.

A doctor finally went out to meet her at the waiting room and confirmed that her son has a severe case of the Dengue Virus II.

Luvie’s heart sank.

As the days went by, she watched her son, whom she had never even allowed to be bitten by bugs or mosquitoes, lay on a hospital bed, weak and helpless. He wasn’t getting better; in fact his sickness was becoming even worse.

Ken was in a critical condition.

Ken’s platelet count dropped. He bled from his nose and gums. Luvie watched helplessly as her son curled up from the pain in his stomach. He needed seven bags of blood, which they had no idea where they were going to get.

“I couldn’t bear to look at him. It was painful as a mother to see my child in that situation,” Luvie recalled.

It was a dark and devastating time for Luvie and her husband. The costs for Ken’s hospitalization piled up each day. They needed 25,000 pesos for an urgent transfusion. Seeing Ken almost lifeless on his bed broke their heart. They didn’t know where to turn to anymore.

Fortunately, they turned the television on and chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. Desperate and searching for any help and reassurance, Luvie and her husband joined the hosts’ prayer.

To their amazement, the hosts’ specific words were, “There’s a mother watching now, and she’s so concerned about her son who has dengue. The Lord is touching your son. As you are crying out to Him, He is raising the count of your son’s platelets. He’s being healed completely.”

Crying as she prayed, Luvie felt something divine touch the back of her bowed head.

In that moment, in front of the television with her husband, she believed and claimed that Ken was already healed.

As immediately as the following day, the doctors confirmed that Ken’s platelets has risen back to the normal levels, and he was generally doing better. They pronounced that he could already be discharged and leave the hospital because he was finally healed!

“Instant,” as Luvie described it. She came to realize that the Lord’s help is always available. She only needed to pray hard and ask for God’s intervention on all the things happening in their lives.

Their son Ken came home healed and whole from his brush from death. And this was the starting ground of Luvie’s faith in Jesus Christ. From then on, she became a partner of The 700 Club Asia. She continues to trust God’s healing and provision every step of the way.

“I am not as scared as I was before because I was able to build my faith. The Lord showed me that nothing is impossible when you believe in Him,” Luvie shared.

Are you also praying for healing? Did Luvie’s story give you hope?

Let us know by leaving a comment below.

And if you need help in praying for a sick loved one, we are here to pray for you. Call 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

Have you been touched by God to bless people with prayers and encouragement?

Visit this link to partner with us today.