Wondering How You Can Support Your Child’s Learning? Check Out these Tips

Now that schooling will be done differently because of the pandemic, you are probably thinking about what steps to take to support your child’s learning. 

You might be wondering, “What will happen? What will schooling look like? Would it be efficient and effective?”

Worry not! Beyond Small Talk is here to help you!

Here are tips from The 700 Club Asia host and homeschooling momFelichi Pangilinan-Buizonto help you guide your little ones as they navigate the new normal way of learning.

1. Familiarize yourself with the terms being used 

Distance learning or homeschooling – is there a difference?

As the school opening nears, iwould be helpful for parents to know the terminologies and jargon being used.

Instead of the regular classroom setup, the Department of Education (DepEdwill be implementing a distance learning approachIn distance learningyour child’s learning takes place at home, online, or through the help of take-home learning kits from school.

Distance learning is guided by a teacher through a gadget or computer. For students who do not have access to gadgets and internet connectionsmodules will be provided according to DepEd. Lessons will also be delivered via radio and television as an alternative mode of learning.

On the other handhomeschooling is a way of learning at home wherein parents serve as the primary teacher. It is facilitated by parents using a curriculum based on the children’s interests or family’s lifestyle.

As Felichi puts it, “Homeschool is more child-centered. But as they say, different families, different needs, different seasons. 

It is important to know and identify what would work best for your child.

2. Be willing to learn and be ready to brave challenges 

Your child’s learning is not a one-man’s job. The government, teachers, parents, and children all need to work together to overcome the challenges that come with these new learning approaches.

I know this is a challenge to us parents because there are things that we need to learn–or give up–to focus on our children’s education, Felichi said.

Amid the worries and questions, it is important to ask God for wisdom and strength. Pray that He would bless and protect your child as your little one embarks on the new back-to-school scenario. 

Trust that you and your child can do this, through His loving guidance.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NIV)

Are you looking for more back-to-school tips to help your child’s learning?

Catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk next Saturday, September 26, 2020, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Staying Home Doesn’t Have to be Boring | 3 Fun Things for Kids on ECQ

Are you struggling to keep your kids productive during this enhanced community quarantine?

Fret not! Here are 3 simple yet fun activities to do at home that will entertain your little ones and make their day a little bit brighter: 

1. Exercise with the kids 

Who says being healthy can’t be fun? 

Spending time with your children doesn’t have to be all about textbooks and problem-solving. You can also keep them entertained by putting your child’s favorite music on and starting simple exercise and dance routines. 

KidsHealth even claims that kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges. Strengthen your bond with the youngsters in a practical and healthy way! 

2. Cook nutritious meals 

From decorating bread or pastriesfrying eggs, to letting the kids collect ingredients from the fridge, cooking is a practical way of spending time together while you’re stuck at home. 

Letting the kids help you in the kitchen, according to Carolyn Tomlin of Early Childhood Newsencouragecreativitybuilds self-confidence, and develops their small motor control. 

Because bonding over food is an activity that other members of the family enjoy, a stay-at-home cooking show would be a great idea to uplift the household, too! 

3. Play educational games

Do you know that educational games are helpful tools in developing your children’s thinking process while keeping them engaged?

One of the educational games that will surely challenge their brains is the Oy! Oy! The Oyayi Game Show appYou and your kids can enter the world of Kuya Maki, Tama Raw, Bon Haribon, Diva Butanding, Dok Pil, and Tarsiera with over 300 questions about Family, Arts, Culture, Environment, Literature, and History! Your little ones can also learn from its fun trivia and laugh over the hilarious bonus questions! 

The good news? This app can be downloaded for free on the Apple App Store. 

Now that the kids are free from homework and classes, isn’t this quarantine a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with them? Aside from doing exercise, cooking, and playing, it’s a good time to show affection and influence them with good values that would come handy as they grow up. 

As Proverbs 22:6 says, Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  

Do you need someone to pray for your family? You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Asia Facebook page and we would love to pray for you! 

How Can You Help Kids Cope with COVID-19?

Quarantine. Social distancing. COVID-19.

These words might sound confusing or overwhelming for children and may cause them fear and stress. In difficult times like this, kids need extra love, care, and attention.

Are you looking for ways to help your kids cope with COVID-19? Here are some tips, from OperationSAFE International:

1. Ask the kids how they feel

Ask, “How do you feel about our situation?”

Not every child can voice out what is going on in his or her head instantly. Ask how kids feel about the current situation and assure them that should they need someone to talk to, you’re always willing to listen. Listen closely to their concerns and respond in a supportive way.

2. Explain what’s happening in a way they can understand.

Ask, “What questions do you have?”

Speak calmly and provide clear information about what is happening. Try to explain in words kids can easily understand. Address their questions. It is also equally important to teach them about how they can reduce the risk of being infected by COVID-19.

3. Admit your concerns, but stress your ability to cope

Say, “Don’t worry. We’ll get through this together.”

As a parent, letting your children know how you feel about COVID-19 can help validate their feelings. Be truthful, yet calm; honest yet reassuring. Remind them that despite the situation, your family will get through this together.

4. Reassure them with a hug

Ask, “Can I give you a hug?”

Amid COVID-19, you are your child’s biggest supporter. Aside from lifting them up with encouraging words, giving them a warm embrace is another way to make them feel safe and loved. Your nurturing touch is like a blanket that covers them and makes them feel secure.

5. Spend extra time with them.

Ask, “What do you want to do today?”

Spending time with your kids is a good opportunity to model a positive disposition in the middle of this crisis. Playing, cooking, and doing chores together will surely help strengthen your bond with each other.

6. Re-establish your daily routine for school, play, meals, etc.

Say, “It’s okay. Things will be better soon.”

Whether it’s time for breakfast, exercise, play, or household chores, maintaining your children’s daily routine can help protect their physical and emotional well-being. It’s like telling them that things will get back to normal eventually.

7. Involve them and let them be a part of the recovery.

Ask, “Can we pray?”

Aside from reminding your children that medical frontliners are doing their best to fight the pandemic, allowing them to be a part of the recovery can help, too. Encourage them to write thank you letters for frontliners or help pack foods to be given away to neighbors who are in need. Most importantly, teaching them to pray for their family, for others, and for the country is one of the best ways to guide their spiritual journey.

As a parent, you might also feel challenged in taking care of your little ones because of your own worries and questions about the pandemic.

But you don’t have to fear for God is with you (Isaiah 41:10). Remember that you can always ask Him to help and equip you as you go through this season. He will protect you and give you the wisdom that you need to take good care of your loved ones.

As Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

Do you need someone to pray for you and your children right now? You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Asia Facebook page.

5 Simple Habits to Strengthen Relationship with your Child

Are you having a hard time connecting with your kids?

True as they say, strong relationships don’t just happen. You need wisdom and intentional efforts to make it flourish.

To help your parent-child relationship flourish, here are 5 habits to strengthen your bond, from CBN Asia Holy Week special Suklob: 

 1Spend time together 

Spending quality time with each other is essential to bonding and forming good character. Perhaps, it’s time to limit your phone use and use that extra time to spend with your child.

Nett Gochuicoplayed by actor Kristoffer Martin in TanikalaI presents Suklobfelt neglected when his father refused to spend time with him. Their bond started to grow only when they learned the importance of hanging around each other. 

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 also pointed out the importance of spending time with your child to hone godly characterLove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

2. Use kind words

In SuklobNett’s father physically and verbally abused him, scarring his childhood forever.  

Before you talk to your child, bear in mind that kind words bring life, but cruel words crush one’s spirit(Proverbs 15:4). Know that you can always give correction without destroying their hearts and discipline them without crushing their spirit. 

3Believe in your child’s potential

Nett’s endless yearning for fatherly love, approval, and support continued even till his adult life. He found the validation and affection he needed from other people because he never heard it from his own parents.  

Would you want your child to look for affection elsewhere? Tell them that you appreciate them and that you support their endeavors. Don’t just show – tell. Let them hear and see that you believe in their full potential. 

4. Welcome emotions

Believing that no one listens to him, Nett kept his emotions bottled up for many years. Those negative emotions and unmet hunger for love turned into anger and unforgiveness toward his parents. 

Welcoming your child’s emotions helps them consider the needs and feelings of others, too. When their feelings are acknowledged and respected, they will be more open and confident to go through the many seasons of life.  

Ask God to give you a listening ear and an understanding heart, and He will give it to you, as promised in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

5. Practice forgiveness 

Not everyone has the strength to forgive instantly. Don’t worry, God understands you.  

Yet He wants to tell you that there is healing in His name and that you’re already forgiven for all the wrongs you have done. Because you received forgiveness, you can now overflow with love and forgive others as well, such as your own family.

Meanwhile, children look up to their parents as their superheroes, their role models. Thus, showing them how to forgive could help them forgive more and strengthen your bond as you cultivate this habit in your household. 

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness.” (Titus 2:7) 

Longing for a perfect family? 

That doesn’t exist. God doesn’t intend families to be perfect, but to be Christ-like. Surrender your parenting to your Heavenly Father and ask Him to give you the wisdom, the heart, and the character of a good and loving parent. 

Are you dealing with family problems right now? Allow us to pray for you. You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Prayer Center or call 8-737-0-700 and find encouragement today.

Do You Always Fight with Your Spouse? | Beyond Small Talk

Misunderstandings and disagreements are part of marriage.

They are normal and are in fact, healthy!

According to David Klow, a licensed marriage and family therapist, as cited in the article How Much Fighting Is Too Much in a Relationship?, “Couples who are able to go through conflict into harmony end up having productive fights, which leads to greater intimacy.”

But then, if your fights are becoming more frequent and unresolved, you might want to reassess how you handle your conflicts.

In this Beyond Small Talk webisode, hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz, revealed the common causes of misunderstandings in marriage and how to solve them.

1. Lack of communication.

“When you talk of communication, there needs to be a listening part and a talking part,” says Peter.

Husbands, when your wife is talking to you, listen. This will show how you honor and respect her and her input.

On the other hand, wives, do not be critical when communicating with your husband. Give him a chance to explain his side in an argument as well.

As Philippians 2:4 ESV says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 

2. Lack of affirmation.

Christine revealed, “Wives get hurt when their husbands fail to appreciate them.”

Husbands, it does not take much to notice and appreciate the sacrifices your wife makes for you and your children.

If you have not, put down your phone and tell her, “I love you,” and “Thank you!” These simple words matter to her because it shows that she and her sacrifices are recognized by the person she loves.

As Proverbs 16:24 ESV says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

3. Disciplining your children.

Although you are raised differently by your own parents, you both should be on the same page when setting rules and regulations for your children.

You need to carve out time to discuss and agree on how you will discipline them.

4. Spending without permission.

Nothing should be done in secret – even in spending.

Consult each other first before you spend. What you can do is to agree on a certain amount or set aside a budget for both of your needs and wants.

5. Failing to fulfill the husband/wife role.

If you want to know your role according to what the Word of God says, read the Keys to A Successful Marriage.

Do you need prayers for your marriage?

We are here for you.

Do not hesitate to call CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

If this webisode helped you and your spouse, share it in our online discussion and watch Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Is It Really Possible to Heal Past Wounds?

Verbal abuse, they say, cuts deeper than physical pain. But, imagine how worse it can be if you suffered both. 

Is healing still possible? Can you really heal from that painful past that prevents you from living your life today? 

Yes. Take it from Mary Jane’s story. 

Mary Jane is an intelligent teacher, a loving mother, and a faithful wife. However, her seemingly wonderful world dimmed when she experienced cruelty at the hands of her own husband.  

With every slap and bruise, she endured from the man that was ought to protect her from harm, the battered wife was made to believe that she is unworthy of love. 

“He made me feel that I was worthless,” said Mary Jane, recalling how her husband treated her during the first years of their marriage. 

Things got worse for Mary Jane when she gave birth to her second sonVictorio, who was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. Being in an abusive relationship and being pained while seeing her son ill led Mary Jane into thinking that her whole life revolved around pain and suffering. 

In her frustration, she uttered, I am sorry, but please tell me, Lorddid you give me my son so I can have a reason to live or did you senVictorio to punish me?” 

While hungry for answers, Mary Jane was able to find encouragement through watching The 700 Club Asia regularlyOne night, after praying with the program’s host, she decided to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center. 

The program and the people I talked to gave me a renewed hope. They made me realize that our God is a God of grace and blessings,” Mary Jane pondered. 

For the sake of their child, Mary Jane and her husband set aside their conflicts. They surrendered to God and allowed Him to reign over their lives. Eventually, the couple’s relationship was restored. God heard their fervent prayers and even miraculously healed Victorio. 

We were not aware of it, but God was already moving in our lives. He restored everything,” Mary Jane ended. 

Like Mary Jane, do you wonder if it is really possible to heal from past wounds? 

The Word has given us an answer in Psalm 147:3, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 

Your wounds are not hidden from God. He sees each one of them – may it be physical or emotional! He knows that your pain can be overwhelming, yet He promises to heal you and bind up your wounds.

Let Jesus heal your brokenness. Surrender your life to Him to experience His sustaining grace and be amazed at how He can turn everything around in your life.

Are you ready to experience God’s healing? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center and we would love to pray for you.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3