Here’s How You Brought Lifesaving Relief to Your Kababayans in Rizal

Mass vaccinations here and there, lockdowns lifted, and reopening of malls and face-to-face classes.

As the government slowly ease COVID-19 restrictions, you might feel as if the pandemic is over. You might feel that everything is going back to normal.

Here’s the truth: The pandemic is not yet over.

Weary and weakened Filipino families continue to go hungry as the crisis ensues. Food assistance is a vital lifeline for people who, after almost two years, are still reeling from the pandemic’s impact.

Many are still struggling to get by. Sadly, the current challenges have exhausted their resources and hope.

Thankfully, you stepped in!

Your partnership with Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, helped bring life-saving relief and spark hope to indigenous communities in Rizal.

Through your generosity, 150 indigent families in Sapinit, Antipolo, have received much-needed food bags last week. Though masks covered everyone’s smiles, the disaster response team and off-road volunteers surely felt the happiness and gratitude of the beneficiaries!

Meanwhile, undernourished children in Sitio Kabuhuan, Barangay Puray in Rodriguez, Rizal have gained weight after months of daily feeding!

They are part of Operation Blessing’s Bless-a-Child program and are all given healthy meals every day to improve their health and well-being.

Operation Blessing’s medical volunteers visited the children to help their families address health concerns like common colds, cough, and rashes. The children also received free tutorials with their modular learning!

Join us in ensuring that no family is left behind.

Partner with Operation Blessing and bless them today!

You may donate any amount through Operation Blessing’s website, through GCash (Operation Blessing), or through the following bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:

Banco De Oro (BDO)

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33

For more information on how to support your kababayans, you may visit Operation Blessing’s Facebook page or contact 0939-921-5543 or 0918-906-7753.

If you wish to support the entire CBN Asia Family of Ministries, here are the ways to give.

(DSWD-SB-SP-000061-2021-Nationwide. Valid until November 23, 2022)

how to overcome back to work anxiety

5 Tips to Overcome Back-to-Work Anxiety

For nearly two years since the onset of the pandemic, you are probably one of the employees who have been working from home.

But just recently, with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and the continued vaccination efforts of the government, going back to the office became a talk among employees.

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, as much as employees love to reunite with colleagues, transitioning to face-to-face work may induce anxiety among them.

An article published by the University of California featuring an interview with a psychologist points out that people who are coming out to work onsite are concerned about their safety against the virus, new onsite setup, financial adjustments, and personal issues at home.

Do you also have the same concerns?

Here are some tips to help you overcome your anxiety about going back to the office and continue to work joyfully:

how to overcome back to work anxiety

Tip #1: Acknowledge your anxiety

It all starts with accepting that you are having anxious thoughts about transitioning to onsite work.

Identify where the anxiety is coming from. Maybe it’s because of health concerns, financial adjustments, or location.

To cope with your anxiety, try breathing exercises. The quiet time will help you process your overwhelming thoughts and release the negativities cluttering your head.

how to overcome back to work anxiety

Tip #2: Voice out your concerns

After clearing your mind from anxious thoughts, you may still have some second thoughts about reporting back to the office due to personal reasons.

It’s time to analyze your situation. List your concerns and discuss them with your supervisor. Schedule a one-on-one conversation with them to not only share your concerns but to also walkthrough the policies and precautions prepared for onsite workers.

Be transparent about your concerns, whether they are emotional, mental, physical, or financial reasons.

Through this conversation, you and your employer can come up with possible solutions such as a hybrid work setup as you adjust to the new policy.

how to overcome back to work anxiety

Tip #3: Develop a new routine

As much as some people are given the freedom to choose their work setup, not all jobs are suitable for flexibility.

Another way for you can overcome your anxiety about going back to the office is to develop a new routine.

Psychiatrist Renju Joseph of Priory Hospital suggests adjusting your daily routine days or weeks before the first day of your onsite duty to help you adjust easier.

Try to still schedule the habits that you used to do while working from home. Maintain a schedule where you are available for doing workouts, visiting your mini garden, or simply reading books.

You can always find time for the things you love.

Tip #4: Maintain minimum health standards

Aside from adjusting your schedule, practice minimum COVID-19 health precautions while at home for a seamless transition to onsite duty. To ease your worries, come prepared.

Cleveland Clinic advises that you continue to practice social distancing—and let others know that you do. Wear a face mask, and bring hand sanitizer with you at all times.

When you continue to practice these health precautionary measures, you not only ease your anxiousness but also the worries of others within your department while working onsite.

how to overcome back to work anxiety

Tip #5: Pray for protection

Most of all, be still before God and pray. Surrender all your anxious thoughts to Him, and let Him do His part. Rest your heart knowing that He is in control of your life and in all situations.

Before you step out from your home, pray for God’s protection to be with you in your commute and work inside your office.

You can always rely on God, so be at peace!

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3 NIV)

how to overcome back to work anxiety

Do you still feel anxious about working back in your office?

Let us pray for you. Call CBN Asia’s Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 anytime.

And if you want to experience the fullness of God’s protection, visit this page to start your journey of faith today.

3 Tips to Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health During the Pandemic

Have you been feeling really overwhelmed lately?

When we neglect our mental and emotional health, especially during these trying times, it can start to worsen – sometimes to the point that it becomes anxiety and depression.

Good news! There are ways to get our mental and emotional health back on track!

Here are three ways we can improve your mental and emotional health, from Licensed Clinical Counselor, Mental Health Advocate, and Beyond Small Talk guest, Dr. Tito Almadin:

1. Accept the reality

It is time to stop resisting reality.

The pandemic is real. The troubles we’re experiencing right now are actually happening. The changes might be hard to accept, but you can only move forward when you learn to accept that they are happening.

Acceptance isn’t a passive state of contentment. Psych Central says it’s good to practice radical acceptance. Radical acceptance means accepting life on life’s terms. Doing so helps you conserve emotional energy and gain clarity on what you need and how to get it.

Embrace the past and find ways on how you can move forward today!

2. Behave appropriately

“When is this pandemic going to end?”

If you’ve asked this question to yourself, you are not alone. Everyone deals with the uncertainty brought by the crisis, and many have spiraled into overwhelming panic.

Do your best to focus on what you can control, plan for what you can, and ease your “pandemic panic” by refusing to succumb to negative thinking.

As Dr. Tito puts it, “Let’s not panic. Let’s not be too paranoid and scared or think negative thoughts so that we don’t get discouraged.”

3. Commit to be better each day

You can make the changes you need to improve your mental health. But to be able to do that, you need to commit.

You need to commit to take steps to improve your condition. Seek help from loved ones and mental health professionals. Make a commitment to yourself that you will take care of yourself more.

You’re not stuck! Find support. Seek help. Seek God’s help.

“Adjust every day. Give yourself a chance to get better. Find people who can help you and talk to them about your feelings and struggles. Don’t keep your problems to yourself,” Dr. Tito encouraged.

Are you struggling with your mental and emotional health?

Begin your steps to peace today and allow us to encourage you through prayers. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Stay tune for more tips about mental health! Watch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, November 13, 2021, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel. 

See you there!

Why is Bayanihan Important in this Time of Pandemic?

There has never been a more important time to keep the bayanihan spirit alive.

During the pandemic, many people lost their lives and livelihoods, their health and well-being suffered, and it stalled our children’s education and even the global economy. Nearly two years on and the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on everyone’s lives.

So, if you are wondering why we need bayanihan imore than ever, here’s a quick answer: bayanihan saves lives. And through your donations to charities and organizations like the Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, you help keep that Filipino spirit alive.

There are many more reasons to keep lending a hand, and here are a few more:

Bayanihan alleviates people’s suffering

Life was already difficult for many Filipinos, even before the pandemic. So when Severe Tropical Storm Maring—known internationally as Kompasu—ravaged the northern parts of Luzon last month, many of our kababayans had to rely on others’ help to get through the day.

Because of your bayanihan with Operation Blessing, we were able to give relief to families affected by the typhoon. The disaster response team visited Barangay Maynganay Sur in Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur last October 28 and delivered much-needed food bags to help our starving kababayans.

Bayanihan sparks hope

Persons with disabilities are among the most vulnerable, and also often the most in need of support like medications and medical devices like wheelchairs.

Thanks to your help, Operation Blessing was able to give them the gift of mobility!

In partnership with the Local Government Unit of Piddig, Ilocos Norte and a local church partner, persons of disabilities received brand new wheelchairs last week. Through your support, we can  wheelchairs to more of our kababayans to so they could have freedom of movement and independence.

Bayanihan rebuilds lives

According to Philippine Statistics Authority, almost 4.14 million Filipinos lost their jobs during the pandemic.

Some of our kababayans in Mindanao are among the people struggling to make ends meet. And though are doing their best, most of them still have a hard time finding comfort, relief, and hope that they can rebuild their lives.

Your giving helps them get back on their feet! Last week, our brothers and sisters in Balagonon, Bansalan, Davao del Sur received lifesaving supplies and much-needed encouragement from Operation Blessing.

Through tangible relief and uplifting words and prayers, jobless and disaster-affected families in Davao del Sur were comforted and encouraged to rebuild their lives.

Why is bayanihan important in this time of pandemic?

Bayanihan is important because it shows the heart of Filipinos – a heart of generosity, unity, and compassion to deliver hope where it’s needed most.

Keep the bayanihan spirit alive by partner with Operation Blessing today!

You may give through Operation Blessing’s website or through the following bank accounts with account name Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:

Banco De Oro (BDO)

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33

For more information on how you can donate or sponsor, call 0939-921-5543 or 0918-906-7753.


5 Tips to Prepare Your Family and Community for a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are inevitable.

Earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, and the like  are unforeseen catastrophes that could strike at any time so, you must be prepared.

Being ready for a natural disaster will help you and your family prevent harm and save lives.

This International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction, here are 5 tips that can help you and your family become ready for a natural disaster.

1. Create a family evacuation plan

Planning ahead of time makes all the difference in disaster preparedness. emphasized that it is important to involve all the family members in the preparation before a natural disaster.

Talk with your family members and train them on what to do before, during, and after a disaster strikes.

Aside from this, you can also conduct family drills once in a while. Remember to discuss all the necessary hotlines and evacuation details they need to know in case of calamities.

2. Be updated with the latest news and information

Always keep yourself informed with the latest news coverage on the natural disaster. Make sure to have a list and know the locations of nearby evacuation centers.

Before a calamity strikes, prepare an updated directory of local news stations for information and government hotlines for rescue and evacuation.

Also, emphasized that making a plan and building a kit are as important as being informed. Prepare a charger and enough batteries for your means of communication. Have a working radio, cellular phone, and extra power banks in case of extended power interruption.

3. Build a kit with enough basic food supplies and medicine

Another thing to prepare is your food supplies which, according to CNN,  should last for at least one week.

Stock up on basic food supplies like canned goods, bread, and potable water. Better to pack food that will not spoil even without refrigeration. Stock up on ready-to-eat or easy-to-cook food.

Aside from water and food provision, prepare a stock of your basic medicines and a first aid kit. Prepare a separate kit for those who have a health condition for their own medication. Make sure you have enough medicines and medical supplies to last for at least a week.

4. Encourage others to be disaster-ready

As you prepare as a family, it is important to help others be disaster-ready too. By simply sharing the tips on disaster preparedness on your social media or other means of communication, you can encourage your neighbors and community to be disaster-ready. also shared that young people can generate creative ideas in sharing disaster preparedness programs, making the tips more engaging and easier to grasp.

Through these efforts, together as a community, you can save lives.

5. Stay calm and pray for God’s protection

Most of all, it is best to stay calm and seek God’s deliverance and protection amid catastrophes. Rest your heart knowing that God is in control no matter what disaster that will come your way.

When you or your loved ones are troubled with all the disasters happening in the world, remember that you can always seek refuge in God’s presence through prayer.

“I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:4 NIV)

Do you still feel distressed and worried? Let us pray for you. Call CBN Asia’s Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 anytime.

And if you want to experience the fullness of God’s protection amid any disaster, visit this page to start your journey of faith today.

Help Our Kababayans Recover from ‘Typhoon Jolina,’ Gear Up for ‘Typhoon Maring’

Thirty-six-year-old Carlo Lomuardo looked weary when he arrived to collect relief items from the Operation Blessing distribution site in Catbalogan, Samar.

The roof and walls of his wooden house in Barangay Rama fell to the force of Typhoon Jolina – known internationally as Conson – which battered the central Philippines last month.

Carlo’s family struggled on until the winds and rain became so heavy that he thought they wouldn’t make it.

“We nearly died because of that typhoon,” Carlo narrated.

During the onslaught of the typhoon, the flood waters engulfed their home and swept away their entire family.

“If it hadn’t been for a bamboo pole that we held on to during the storm, we don’t know where we would be right now,” he recalled.

Typhoon Jolina already left the Philippine Area of Responsibility, but it also left Carlo’s family and the whole province reeling from its impact.

To ease their suffering, Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, distributed much-needed food bags and other essential items to thousands of Samareños.

The disaster response team also prayed for the affected families to give them hope and encouragement. We also partnered with a local church in the area to continue reaching out to them.

“This is a big help for us, especially the rice supply. We appreciate your kind gesture. (Klonopin) Thank you, Operation Blessing,” Carlo said.

Although our kababayans have tried to minimize disruptions to their life as much as they could during this pandemic, the recent typhoons have brought fresh challenges. One is Typhoon Maring – another severe tropical storm that is currently lashing the northern parts of Luzon.

Support Operation Blessing’s One Step Ahead drive and help us gear up for Typhoon Maring relief operations!

Call 8-737-0-700 or visit the Operation Blessing website to know how you can give. You may also send your donations through the following bank accounts with account name Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:

Banco De Oro (BDO)

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33


4 Tips for Caring for an Elderly Loved One

Are you taking care of an elderly loved one at home?

If caring for older adults has become extra challenging for you during the pandemic, you are not alone. Social isolation presents physical, emotional, and mental challenges for both elderly people and their families.

Great news! You can still help an elderly loved one feel safe, happy, and comfortable during these trying times with these four practical tips:

1. Help them stay in touch with friends and family

Unlike younger people, older adults have limited access to phones and social media. Being cooped up in their homes, without any means of communication with others, is a bit cause of anxiety and loneliness. In fact, Scientific Reports says that the pandemic had severe impact on older adults’ mental health.

That’s why it’s important to help them stay connected with family and friends.  Schedule a video call with their peers or even organize a virtual dinner with relatives. It’s a great way to make them feel connected.

Most importantly, always check up on them. Talk about their day. Share your joys. Discuss your concerns and ask their advice. Bring up conversations that instill happiness and hope.

2. Encourage and support their interests

What are their hobbies?

Find ways to support their interests and help them discover new ones. Do they love reading, gardening, or playing board games? If the budget allows, bless your elderly loved one with materials and supplies that support their interests.

If they want to and if they’re physically capable, let them to help in the house. Doing household chores help them feel that they still have an essential role in the family. Encourage them to exercise, too! Make sure they get some sun in the morning. Encourage them to care for their well-being and give them reasons and opportunities to find things to look forward to.

3. Know their needs and what help they need

Talk with your elderly loved one and assess what kind of help they need.

Start with the basics like meals, medicines, schedule of medical checkups, and movement around the house. While you’re at it, you can also help them create a daily schedule that works best for the both of you.

While it’s important to guide your loved one through their needs, give them enough space so they would still feel independent. Respect their preferences. It’s a balance of helping them and still giving them freedom to do and decide things for themselves.

4. Take care of yourself

A caregiver often has multiple roles. They are juggling a full-time job, looking after young children, and providing care for an elderly parent or member of the family.

If you want to take care of your elderly loved one, start by taking care of yourself first.

Engage in self-care. Make sure that you are eating well and sleeping well. Exercising, too! Find time for rest and relaxation so you can manage your physical and mental health. You need to ensure that you’re in good shape to help others.

Lastly, ask for help from other family members in taking care of your elderly loved one. There is no shame in needing and asking for help. More importantly, seek help from God. Ask Him to give you strength, patience, and wisdom while you care for your elderly loved one.

May God continue to bless, strengthen, and give you a heart full of joy as you serve!

“The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11 NKJV)

We are here to encourage you through prayers! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

11 Ways to a Better Marriage amid the Pandemic | Beyond Small Talk

How is your relationship with your spouse lately?

If you have a hard time answering that question, perhaps you need to take the time to pause and reflect about your marriage today.

In a time of a global pandemic, it is not always “marriage as usual.” You may be grateful to be with your family at this time of quarantine, but worries, uncertainties, and responsibilities could still pile up and get the best of you and your partner.

To help you overcome these marital challenges, Beyond Small Talk hosts Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz and husband Marco are here to share tips on how to grow your relationship with your spouse even when you are stuck with each other 24/7.

1. Pray together and seek God as a family

Have you ever tried praying together your family? Seeking God’s presence has never been more important in these trying times.

As Marco shared, “Pray for each other, pray together as husbands and wives, and pray as a family.” Through prayers, invite God to reign over situations where you need Him most.

2.Read the Bible together

In good and bad times, where do you and your spouse turn to? Marco suggests that you turn to praying and Bible-reading.

3. Develop a personal relationship with God

Having a relationship with God matters. He is the glue that holds all your other relationships together.

4. Love God more than your spouse and your children

Make your relationship with God your highest priority, over everyone and everything else in your life. You would be amazed by how He would take care of your relationship with your spouse and children.

5. Acknowledge that you cannot do anything apart from God

Recognizing God as all-powerful takes a lot of humility And it’s important for a good reason: Humbling yourself before God also allows Him to do His work in your family. You need to recognize that apart from Him, you cannot do anything.

As Jesus said in John 15:5 NLT, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

6. Talk to each other openly and honestly

You and your husband cope differently in a crisis. That’s why it’s important to openly communicate with each other to understand your needs and responsibilities as husband and wife.

7. Never stop pursuing your wife

If you’re the husband, Marco advises that you continue to pursue your wife, even after you’ve already won her heart. It’s God who gave her to you. No matter how simple, make sure to give encouraging words and gestures that would fill up her love tank.

8. Submit to, respect, and serve your husband

If you’re a wife, Lara encourages you to submit to, respect, and serve your husband. Loving him unconditionally is like serving God by being a good steward of marriage.

9. Focus on and appreciate the good things that your spouse does for you

Instead of focusing on your partner’s negative behaviors and mistakes, why not focus on the positives?

Appreciating the good things help strengthen your relationship. If a pressing matter needs to be dealt with, do it with all humility, gentleness, and patience (Ephesians 4:2 ESV). Remember that like you, your spouse is still a work in progress.

10. Forgive each other

Ephesians 4:32 ESV encourages you to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. You cannot love God and not forgive your spouse. God wants both of you to constantly forgive each other, just as Jesus constantly forgives you.

11. Put your trust in Jesus Christ alone

Above all, people and seasons change, but God’s love remains forever. As Lara puts it, “He is the only one who never changes. He is good all the time.”

For better and for worse, may you always trust Him and make Him the center of your marriage.

Do you need someone to help you pray for your marriage? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700, or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Stay tuned to the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk on Saturday, October 2, 2021, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page.

4 Keys to Unlock God’s Blessings Even During a Pandemic | Beyond Small Talk

“Where is God’s blessing in this crisis?”

As the whole world continues to grapple with the pandemic, you may have heard someone ask this question. Perhaps, you even asked yourself the same.

Although struggles are part of life, you can still thrive! God is more than willing to bless you, prosper you, and give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).

Check out these 4 keys to unlocking God’s blessings amid crisis, shared by Farmer, Businessman, and Beyond Small Talk guest Dodong Cacanando.

1. Pray for your adversaries

While you are on the lookout for your next financial breakthrough, take a moment to pause and pray for that unideal situation you are in and for those who stand between you and your goals.

Dodong emphasized the power of praying for your enemies by retelling the story found in Jeremiah 29, “When God told the Jews that He has a plan for them, they were in Babylon. They were in exile. When they were in Babylon, God said, ‘For I know the plans I have for you, it is to give you a good future’. And I like what verse 7 says ‘pray to the Lord for that city.’

2. Remember that where God has placed you is a blessing

You might be looking around and pondering if you need to leave the place where you are right now.

Your current situation could be the very place where God intends to bless you!

Are you struggling at work? Perhaps God is teaching you something or shaping your character through the challenges you are facing right now. Do you have problems with your business? Maybe God is leading you to your next breakthrough.

Don’t give up! Ask God to lead you and keep on pressing on.

 3. Start where God placed you

Are you planning to start a business during this pandemic? Then ask yourself, “What resources do I have today? What are my skills and what other skills do I need to develop?”

Think: “What unforeseen good could come out from this crisis?”

Wherever you are right now, know that God placed you there. He placed you there for a reason! Your current location and situation might not seem ideal to you at first, but it’s time to trust Him that things will work together for good.

4. Take good care of what you have

“Take care of what you have right now because it is part of God’s plan for you,” Dodong suggests.

What do you have right now? Work on it and improve it. Take care of your relationships, resources, and skills. Most importantly, take good care of yourself.

Nobody knows when the tough times will be over, but one thing is certain: God is working even in the toughest times. Trust God that even amid crisis, your needs will be met and He will pour out blessings for you.

Are you praying for favor and blessings?

We would like to stand with you in prayer. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center now at 8-737-0-700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Don’t miss the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, 7:00 PM on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

Hope for the Homeless: Here’s How You Help them through Operation Blessing!

Food is life.

But amid the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of our kababayans have no idea where to get their next meal.

This is the everyday struggle of street dwellers in Manila.

Even before the pandemic, they are familiar with hunger and being exposed to health risks. However, the pandemic has made their already dire situation even worse.

One and a half year into the pandemic, homeless families are still reeling from the crisis, still with no steady source of income and food.

This is why Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, worked with the Armed Forces of the Philippines to bring much-needed relief to people living on the streets.

This week, the Operation Blessing team and the 7th Civil Relations Group – Civil Relations Service AFP and 11th Civil-Military Operation ”Kaugnayan” Battalion under the Joint Task Force NCR roamed the streets of Manila. They reached out to several street dwellers and distributed food bags and Bibles.

Since the start of the pandemic, access to food has been literally lifesaving.

The good news? We can continue to bring lifesaving aid through your help!

Partner with Operation Blessing today and together, we will spark hope to homeless families who are heavily affected by the pandemic.

You can donate any amount through Operation Blessing’s website, through GCash (Operation Blessing), or through the following bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:

Banco De Oro (BDO)

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33

For more information on how to donate and make sponsorships, you may visit Operation Blessing’s Facebook page or contact 0939–921–5543 or 0918–906–7753.

Do you want to support the entire CBN Asia Family of Ministries? Visit this link to know how.




What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3