11 Ways to a Better Marriage amid the Pandemic | Beyond Small Talk

How is your relationship with your spouse lately?

If you have a hard time answering that question, perhaps you need to take the time to pause and reflect about your marriage today.

In a time of a global pandemic, it is not always “marriage as usual.” You may be grateful to be with your family at this time of quarantine, but worries, uncertainties, and responsibilities could still pile up and get the best of you and your partner.

To help you overcome these marital challenges, Beyond Small Talk hosts Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz and husband Marco are here to share tips on how to grow your relationship with your spouse even when you are stuck with each other 24/7.

1. Pray together and seek God as a family

Have you ever tried praying together your family? Seeking God’s presence has never been more important in these trying times.

As Marco shared, “Pray for each other, pray together as husbands and wives, and pray as a family.” Through prayers, invite God to reign over situations where you need Him most.

2.Read the Bible together

In good and bad times, where do you and your spouse turn to? Marco suggests that you turn to praying and Bible-reading.

3. Develop a personal relationship with God

Having a relationship with God matters. He is the glue that holds all your other relationships together.

4. Love God more than your spouse and your children

Make your relationship with God your highest priority, over everyone and everything else in your life. You would be amazed by how He would take care of your relationship with your spouse and children.

5. Acknowledge that you cannot do anything apart from God

Recognizing God as all-powerful takes a lot of humility And it’s important for a good reason: Humbling yourself before God also allows Him to do His work in your family. You need to recognize that apart from Him, you cannot do anything.

As Jesus said in John 15:5 NLT, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

6. Talk to each other openly and honestly

You and your husband cope differently in a crisis. That’s why it’s important to openly communicate with each other to understand your needs and responsibilities as husband and wife.

7. Never stop pursuing your wife

If you’re the husband, Marco advises that you continue to pursue your wife, even after you’ve already won her heart. It’s God who gave her to you. No matter how simple, make sure to give encouraging words and gestures that would fill up her love tank.

8. Submit to, respect, and serve your husband

If you’re a wife, Lara encourages you to submit to, respect, and serve your husband. Loving him unconditionally is like serving God by being a good steward of marriage.

9. Focus on and appreciate the good things that your spouse does for you

Instead of focusing on your partner’s negative behaviors and mistakes, why not focus on the positives?

Appreciating the good things help strengthen your relationship. If a pressing matter needs to be dealt with, do it with all humility, gentleness, and patience (Ephesians 4:2 ESV). Remember that like you, your spouse is still a work in progress.

10. Forgive each other

Ephesians 4:32 ESV encourages you to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. You cannot love God and not forgive your spouse. God wants both of you to constantly forgive each other, just as Jesus constantly forgives you.

11. Put your trust in Jesus Christ alone

Above all, people and seasons change, but God’s love remains forever. As Lara puts it, “He is the only one who never changes. He is good all the time.”

For better and for worse, may you always trust Him and make Him the center of your marriage.

Do you need someone to help you pray for your marriage? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700, or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Stay tuned to the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk on Saturday, October 2, 2021, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page.

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

If you are, then perhaps you can relate to Lorelie Zablan’s story.

Lorelie could not count how many times she had prayed and hoped for a baby. When she and her husband married, they wanted to get pregnant right away.

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

But, after six long years of trying, the couple still remained childless. They eventually found out that Lorelie has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which prevented her from conceiving.

“The egg cell doesn’t multiply; it is not enough for me to conceive. I was also thinking, what if my husband looks for another woman because I cannot give him a child? I was so scared,” Lorelie shared.

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

All her horrors came to life when her spouse confessed that he was having an affair.

Scared, frustrated, and devastated, Lorelie spiraled into depression. She couldn’t help feeling that she failed as a woman and as a wife.

She recalled, “It came to a point where I asked my husband, ‘Am I ugly? How could you do that to me?’ He said the problem was not me. But when you’re in that situation, how else would you think? I didn’t know what to do.”

Lorelie got an answer while watching The 700 Club Asia.

Inspired by the encouraging prayers of the hosts, she got in touch with the CBN Asia Prayer Center. She poured out all her emotions, hoping that one day, her miracle would come.

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

“I texted my prayer requests to the Prayer Center. I was praying for a baby and asking God to restore my marriage,” Lorelie said.

The prayers from the Prayer Center inspired Lorelie so much that she wanted to share the comfort she received. Partnering her prayers with obedience, she decided to donate 500 pesos every month to the ministry. She also learned to forgive her husband.

“God helped us fix our marriage,” Lorelie said. “My husband asked for forgiveness and showed me that he regretted all his actions.”


Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

Two months after she watched The 700 Club Asia, Lorelie became pregnant!

She gave birth to a healthy baby boy and named him Elijah Dave – a symbol of God’s hope and strength in their lives.

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

“God surprised me! My husband and I burst out crying. It was an unexplainable feeling. Even though we had problems in our marriage, God still blessed us with a child.”

Lorelie once longed for a baby. Now, her heart is overflowing with the testimony of God’s miracles and blessings!

She continued, “When I saw my baby for the first time, I could not contain my happiness. I felt whole. Nothing is impossible with God! (https://www.musicapopular.cl) ”

Are You Childless and Praying for a Baby?

Like Lorelie, are you childless and praying for a baby?

Waiting is not easy, especially when it is beyond your control. Thankfully, those who wait and trust in God will have the strength to press on.

Don’t give up on your miracle. Keep on praying, believing, and standing firmly on His promises!

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14 NIV)

Allow us to join you in prayers. Feel free to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Derly and her husband experienced one of the worst tragedies any parent could ever go through – the loss of their unborn child due to ectopic pregnancy. Here's how she found hope and healing from God.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Derly Panganiban and her husband experienced one of the worst tragedies any parent could ever go through – the loss of their unborn child due to ectopic pregnancy.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

It happened so fast that it left the couple reeling from their loss.

Derly could not bear losing their second baby and the tragedy left her traumatized. She quietly grieved for her baby.

The pain consumed her and she could not see the light at the end of this season filled with regrets and fear.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

“It was so painful. I loved my child and I thought I took care of us very well.” Derly lamented, “But now, my baby is gone.”

She blamed herself for the tragedy and wondered if their marriage could even survive. “What would my husband think?” She worried, “What if his love for me changed?”

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Even in these dark times, Derly still believed that God saw her brokenness and somehow, she knew that He could heal her shattered heart. Her relationship with God became her strength during this very difficult time.

She didn’t know when or how but she knew that in the midst of her tears, she would find hope and peace.

Thankfully, Derly came across The 700 Club Asia the exact moment the host prayed for a woman who just underwent a medical operation and doubted if she could still bear a child.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Encouraged by the prayer, Derly believed that if it was God’s will for her to get pregnant again, it would happen.

“I had new hope,” she shared. “I entrusted everything to God.”

A few months later, Derly found out she was pregnant again! She successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl and named her Shekinah, because she is a symbol of God’s presence in their lives.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

“I want to thank The 700 Club Asia for allowing God to use your program in giving me hope,” Derly said. “God healed my heart through your show. Our baby gives us immense joy! She is a huge blessing from God.”

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Like Derly, do you need hope and healing right now?

When circumstances are challenging, you can take comfort that God will hear you as you pray. Find hope that He will rescue you, as you trust Him to restore your heart and your health.

“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (Psalm 107:19-20 NLT)

Do not hesitate to visit and reach out to The 700 Club Asia Facebook page, or call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you.

Let God’s Boundless Peace Heal Your Broken Heart

Trigger warning: self-harm

“Can God restore shattered marriages?”

This was Lucire Barcinas’ question every night when she sees the empty side of their marriage bed.


Before tying the knot in 2000, Lucire asked his then-suitor Rodel countless times about his intentions to her.

“I grew up in a poor family where everyone is expected to work hard to provide for our daily needs. Saying ‘You like me,’ isn’t enough,” Lucire said as she stresses the importance of perseverance and commitment in a relationship.

After exchanging vows to each other, Lucire and Rodel’s honeymoon phase was filled with joy and intimacy.

But just when she thought marriage was a bed of roses, something unexpected happened.

Lucire’s picture of a perfect family was torn into pieces when she saw Rodel with another woman.

“He knew that he has a family to take care of,” Lucire said in reproach to her husband’s infidelity. “I’ve always worked tirelessly to help him provide for our child’s needs.”

Lucire’s struggles of a shattered marriage aren’t uncommon. Have you experienced a heartbreak so painful that the thought of restoration seemed impossible?

Lucire and Rodel decided to split up after 6 years of marriage. But being a solo parent to their two children wasn’t an easy feat for her.

Tired and hopeless, Lucire could only think of one “solution” to stop her agony—to end her and her children’s lives.


“With a knife in my hand, I thought of killing my children before myself,” Lucire recounted with tears.

A few minutes before she did the unthinkable, God stepped in.

Lucire was sitting on the edge of her bed, and the TV program that night was The 700 Club Asia.

Then she heard Peter Kairuz, exhorting, “You, who’s watching right now. You are on the edge of your bed, holding a knife and contemplating about committing suicide.”

She was startled by how accurate the statement was in her current situation.

“How did he know what I was about to do?” Lucire asked herself.

Peter then said, “The Lord wants to carry your problems. Leave all your burdens to Him. Make the Lord your Provider, and you will experience peace and satisfaction.”

After praying with the host, Lucire experienced the Lord’s comfort soothing her broken heart.

“The Lord still loves me and doesn’t give up on me even after I thought of taking my own life,” she realized.

That night, Lucire didn’t take her own life—she offered it to the Lord’s hands.


Since then, Lucire never stopped praying for her marriage to be restored.

After 4 years of wrestling in prayer, the Lord finally answered through a call from the one to whom she swore, ‘Till death do us part.’

“Rodel asked if we can start again as a family,” Lucire recalled. “I praise God for answering my heart’s desire.”

If God can mend Lucire’s broken heart and restore their marriage, He can also do the same to you!

The Lord’s faithfulness did not just end in reuniting their family. He even enabled them to start a mini salon business to help sustain their needs.


After everything that she went through, Lucire learned to trust God in every area of her life.

“I trust Him will all my heart. If He didn’t step in to comfort me that night, I wouldn’t be here to testify of His goodness and faithfulness.”


Trust God. Ask for His guidance. Never stop praying.

This is Lucire’s encouragement to those who are going through the same thing she has experienced.

“Always commit everything you do to the Lord. Without Him, we can’t do anything,” she shared.

Lucire’s story is a testament of God’s compassionate character described in Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Are you praying for restoration in your marriage, family, or any area of your life?

We want to pray with you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center hotline 8-737-0700 or send us a private message here.

Do you want to be part of God’s restoration in the lives of many people through The 700 Club Asia? Be a CBN Asia partner today!

Do You Want To Make Your Marriage Stronger? | Beyond Small Talk

Marriage requires hard work. There will be bumps along the way and battles you have to win together.

When the road gets tough, do not give up.

You can make your marriage stronger and rekindle the romance by following these tips from Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz.

1. Practice God’s command to “Die to yourself.”

It means “when we die to ourselves, we crucify our pride and open our hearts to the healing, reconciling, and restoring love of God,” says Jennifer Slattery in her article What Does Dying to Yourself in Marriage Really Mean? in Crosswalk.

It is daily dying to your own will and allowing the Word of God to fully function in your life. As the Bible says in Ephesians 5, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord…. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. (https://fmcg-viet.com) ”

So, husbands, reassure your wives of your love, loyalty, and faithfulness. When you do that, it will be easier for your wife to respond with respect and submit to your leadership.

2. Always consider each other.

Philippians 2:3 in ESV said, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”

It is not about your own interest anymore. Remember, as said in Mark 10:8, when you get married, the 2 of you become 1 flesh. It means that everything you and your spouse own becomes 1 – even your finances.

Don’t give your spouse any reason to doubt you. Combine your money together. Don’t keep a secret bank account because everything needs to be laid on the table.

Moreover, husbands, make it a habit to consider your wife when you plan. Your wife has to know your whereabouts and the people you’re with. It is your way of valuing and respecting her as your wife.

3. Speak words of life to your spouse.

“When you read God’s Word, you will realize more and more that words matter,” Peter Kairuz exclaimed.

It says in Proverbs 18:21 NIV, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

So, what words are you saying to your spouse every day?

Take time to reflect and ask God to give you the grace to obey His Word. Remember tip number 1, practice God’s command to “Die to yourself.”

We want to pray for you and your marriage! Just call CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

Stay tuned for more wisdom-filled webisodes from Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Do You Always Fight with Your Spouse? | Beyond Small Talk

Misunderstandings and disagreements are part of marriage.

They are normal and are in fact, healthy!

According to David Klow, a licensed marriage and family therapist, as cited in the article How Much Fighting Is Too Much in a Relationship?, “Couples who are able to go through conflict into harmony end up having productive fights, which leads to greater intimacy.”

But then, if your fights are becoming more frequent and unresolved, you might want to reassess how you handle your conflicts.

In this Beyond Small Talk webisode, hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz, revealed the common causes of misunderstandings in marriage and how to solve them.

1. Lack of communication.

“When you talk of communication, there needs to be a listening part and a talking part,” says Peter.

Husbands, when your wife is talking to you, listen. This will show how you honor and respect her and her input.

On the other hand, wives, do not be critical when communicating with your husband. Give him a chance to explain his side in an argument as well.

As Philippians 2:4 ESV says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 

2. Lack of affirmation.

Christine revealed, “Wives get hurt when their husbands fail to appreciate them.”

Husbands, it does not take much to notice and appreciate the sacrifices your wife makes for you and your children.

If you have not, put down your phone and tell her, “I love you,” and “Thank you!” These simple words matter to her because it shows that she and her sacrifices are recognized by the person she loves.

As Proverbs 16:24 ESV says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

3. Disciplining your children.

Although you are raised differently by your own parents, you both should be on the same page when setting rules and regulations for your children.

You need to carve out time to discuss and agree on how you will discipline them.

4. Spending without permission.

Nothing should be done in secret – even in spending.

Consult each other first before you spend. What you can do is to agree on a certain amount or set aside a budget for both of your needs and wants.

5. Failing to fulfill the husband/wife role.

If you want to know your role according to what the Word of God says, read the Keys to A Successful Marriage.

Do you need prayers for your marriage?

We are here for you.

Do not hesitate to call CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

If this webisode helped you and your spouse, share it in our online discussion and watch Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Is It Really Possible to Heal Past Wounds?

Verbal abuse, they say, cuts deeper than physical pain. But, imagine how worse it can be if you suffered both. 

Is healing still possible? Can you really heal from that painful past that prevents you from living your life today? 

Yes. Take it from Mary Jane’s story. 

Mary Jane is an intelligent teacher, a loving mother, and a faithful wife. However, her seemingly wonderful world dimmed when she experienced cruelty at the hands of her own husband.  

With every slap and bruise, she endured from the man that was ought to protect her from harm, the battered wife was made to believe that she is unworthy of love. 

“He made me feel that I was worthless,” said Mary Jane, recalling how her husband treated her during the first years of their marriage. 

Things got worse for Mary Jane when she gave birth to her second sonVictorio, who was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. Being in an abusive relationship and being pained while seeing her son ill led Mary Jane into thinking that her whole life revolved around pain and suffering. 

In her frustration, she uttered, I am sorry, but please tell me, Lorddid you give me my son so I can have a reason to live or did you senVictorio to punish me?” 

While hungry for answers, Mary Jane was able to find encouragement through watching The 700 Club Asia regularlyOne night, after praying with the program’s host, she decided to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center. 

The program and the people I talked to gave me a renewed hope. They made me realize that our God is a God of grace and blessings,” Mary Jane pondered. 

For the sake of their child, Mary Jane and her husband set aside their conflicts. They surrendered to God and allowed Him to reign over their lives. Eventually, the couple’s relationship was restored. God heard their fervent prayers and even miraculously healed Victorio. 

We were not aware of it, but God was already moving in our lives. He restored everything,” Mary Jane ended. 

Like Mary Jane, do you wonder if it is really possible to heal from past wounds? 

The Word has given us an answer in Psalm 147:3, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 

Your wounds are not hidden from God. He sees each one of them – may it be physical or emotional! He knows that your pain can be overwhelming, yet He promises to heal you and bind up your wounds.

Let Jesus heal your brokenness. Surrender your life to Him to experience His sustaining grace and be amazed at how He can turn everything around in your life.

Are you ready to experience God’s healing? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center and we would love to pray for you.

5 Tricks to Spice Up Sex in your Marriage – Beyond Small Talk

Are you missing sex with your spouse lately?

When you are too busy at work, raising a family, and running through your responsibilities at home, sex becomes a tiresome activity for you and your spouse.

What’s worse is that sex does not excite you anymore because you have been too familiar with it.

It’s time to spice it up!

According to Marriage.com in their article entitled 10 Health Benefits of Having Sex with Your Spouse Frequently, frequent sex with your spouse can actually help you reduce stress, lower blood pressure, boost immunity, have better sleep, prevent heart attack or stroke, drive away depression, help look younger and attractive, and improve self-esteem.

Having said that, below are strategies from Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz that will help you solve common sex problems in your marriage:

1. Wives, do not withhold your body from your spouse. Freshen up. Be ready for your spouse.

Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Spray on his favorite scent. Dress sexy for him. Your mindset should always be to prepare and make yourself beautiful and attractive before your husband comes home. Do not withhold your bodies from each other.

2. Husbands, build up the momentum.

Don’t just do it right away. You need to lay a foundation first. Begin by sending sweet and meaningful messages to her before you make love at night. Romance her. Communicate with her. Wives love it when they are being pursued.

3. Husbands, stay with your wife after making love.

Don’t just disappear or watch TV after sex. Continue to talk to her and romance her. Shower her with kisses and cuddle her. Don’t rush. Take time to enjoy each other’s presence.

4. Enjoy making love with your spouse.

“Especially for young married couples, you have no excuse not to have sex,” says Peter Kairuz.

You should be in total energy and enjoy the moment when making love with your spouse.

5. For the older married couples, exercise and take supplements.

Your age should not hinder you from enjoying sex with your partner. Do some exercises like push-ups and sit-ups to strengthen your muscles for better sex. Take vitamins and supplements to boost your sex drive.

Sex is the highest expression of love with your spouse. It is a sacred and beautiful gift from God that’s meant to be enjoyed between married couples.

As it says in 1 Corinthians 7:4-5 NKJV, “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Do you find these strategies helpful in your marriage? Join our online discussion on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

Catch Beyond Small Talk’s next episode as Peter and Christine Kairuz share about common causes of misunderstandings for married couples and how to deal with it this February 22, 2020, 7pm.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3