Facing Marriage Problems? Here are 3 Tips to Overcome

No marriage is immune from having ups and downs. All relationships hit unforeseen speedbumps like issues of trust, intimacy, finances, family, communication—there are so many boxes to tick!

How you and your spouse face those obstacles can determine how you are going to make it in the long run.

Worry not. Beyond Small Talk is here to help you!

Guest Bearwin Meiley shares 3 practical tips to help you overcome if you are experiencing marriage problems:

1. Submit to God and obey Him

Have you ever tried praying together as a couple? Seeking God’s presence has never been more important in these trying times.

As Bearwin shared, “My wife and I have shortcomings, but we submit first to the Lord. The more you and your spouse grow closer to God, the more you grow closer to each other.”

2. Be each other’s accountability partner

In good times and in bad, where do you turn to?

Bearwin suggests that you turn to praying and Bible-reading—and encourage your spouse to do the same. Often people turn to friends, relatives, or churchmates for motivation, but it is good to know that marriage thrives on openness, honesty, and being each other’s cheerleader.

In tough times, remember that your spouse is the accountability partner God provided for you.

“My wife and I check on one another, ‘How’s your devotion?’ That is what I appreciate about my wife. When we started growing in God, whatever we were praying for, my wife would submit—and that is very, very important in marriage,” he testified.

3. Help each other in leading your children to God

As your family go through a challenging season, it is crucial to help your children develop a strong, enduring, and close relationship with God.

Marriages are not perfect, but they ought to know that they have a perfect God whom they can take refuge in when the going gets tough.

“One thing that I am so grateful, is that our 2 children know who God is and how He saved them. Everything is temporary, but your relationship with God is more than enough,” Bearwin shared.

Husbands and wives, God designed marriage that you must work as a team united with Him to carry out what He has called you to do even when—and especially when—times are rough.

No matter what marriage problems you are facing right now, know that God is your ever-present help. May you always seek Him and tune into what He wills for your marriage and your household!

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 ESV)

Do you need someone to help you pray for your marriage? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700, or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Stay tuned to the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, August 6, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Are You Struggling to Forgive? Beyond Small Talk Wants to Help You!

Is there someone you need to forgive today? Are you taking care of a longtime resentment toward what they did in the past?

What’s stopping you from letting it go?

Forgiveness isn’t easy, especially when the pain is just too deep, and it was caused by the people closest to you.

If you are in this difficult situation, here’s an encouraging message for you today: Forgiveness and reconciliation are possible. You can heal!

Beyond Small Talk brings you a new season that will help you journey through forgiveness!

In this 4-week study, you will discover the benefits of forgiving wholeheartedly, learn how to heal past hurts, and get to know practical tips that can help you cultivate forgiveness in your home and community.

All that and more with guests Jobert Austria, Danny and Dawn Urquico, Daisy Callanta, and Ali Ng- Gui. Tune in as they answer your most frequently asked questions about forgiveness and unlock the key to joyful living.

So, mark your calendar and join us every Saturday, 7:00 PM, starting July 9, 2022, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel!

If you are struggling to forgive, we are here to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

How to Dad: 6 Helpful Tips to Be a Better Father

Being a father is one of the most fantastic gifts you can have in life. It is a beautiful opportunity that can bring great joy.

On the other hand, it can also bring great struggles. Why?

Because men are taught many things in life—how to play basketball, how to bike, work, or repair broken things at home—but no one is taught how to be a father. And unless you become one, most of the time you have no idea what it’s like to ride the rollercoaster called fatherhood.

Don’t worry, amazing dads. Beyond Small Talk is here for you!

Media practitioner and a father of five Anthony Pangilinan shares 6 helpful tips on how you can be a better haligi ng tahanan and be your child’s greatest M-E-N-T-O-R:

M – Meet them at their need

Some parents are too caught up in providing what they think is best for their child that they sometimes forget what their child actually needs.

Asking your child, “Is there anything you need?” or “How can I be a better parent?” can be nerve-racking, but  Focus on the Family suggests that you ask your child so you’d know how you can love them better.

It’s also good to consider that different people have different needs. You cannot assume that your panganay has the same needs as your bunso. When in doubt, ask! Whether they’re 8 or 18, ask and discover what each person’s unique needs are.

E – Encourage the heart

Do you frequently give your child praise, words of encouragement, or a pat on the back?

Fathers, encouragement is one of the best gifts you can offer to your child. Your positive words and supportive gestures don’t just inspire them—it helps them become strong individuals.

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University backs this up, suggesting that the single most common factor for developing resilience is the presence of at least one supportive adult in a child’s life. It’s time to be your child’s greatest cheerleader!

“Sometimes, encouragement means telling them, ‘You can do it, fight!’ or sometimes you just cry with them and say, ‘I grieve with you, son. I am sorry this happened.’ That’s both encouraging to the heart,” Anthony explains.

N – Nurture their skills

Although your child’s skills, knowledge, and talents can be honed in school, they will surely treasure the moments you support their dreams.

Unlock your child’s potential by providing them with the tools, materials, and opportunities that will further nurture their gifts.

As for Anthony, taking singing lessons with his daughter serves as a good avenue to nurture her skills and a great bonding experience for them, “Right now I am practicing singing with my 10-year-old daughter. Find their talent, and then you nurture the nature in them.”

T – Take time

Fathers are often too busy working to provide for their children, that sometimes they couldn’t find time to spend with them.

The trick is not to find time, but to make time. To intentionally set aside a moment to spend with your child. It doesn’t have to be a grand vacation—the little things and simple routines in your daily lives are great opportunities to strengthen your bond.

So whether it’s eating together, enjoying a movie marathon, or asking how their day went—you can make them feel that you are present in their lives and willing to give the necessary attention, love, and care they deserve.

O – Open doors

Not all fathers have the connections and resources to cement a successful future for their children. But if you do, you can help your child thrive in life by opening doors of opportunities for them.

“I do that for my kids,” Anthony said. “I tell them, ‘I know that person, do you want to have your internship there?’ or I ask my business partners if they want to partner with my children or get them as endorsers. You have to open doors of opportunities for your children.”

But what if you don’t have those kinds of connections? What if you have limited resources?

Fathers, it is best to rely on your limitless God. Ask for God’s provision and believe that He can supply the needs of your children.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 ESV)

R – Reflect a life that they will want to live

To Anthony, living by example and inspiring your children would be the biggest challenge of all. Don’t worry if you fail at being the best dad sometimes. Truth is, there are no perfect fathers here on earth.

Thankfully, there is a perfect God who can help you to be a better father. So, seek God’s guidance in leading your family and living a life that reflects His love and goodness.

“There must be some inspiration in your life, too. It’s not that you are perfect—but you are struggling, you are in pursuit. God will honor that, and your children will see that. They will see God in your life. They will say, ‘Thanks, dad!’ Then you’ll say, ‘It’s not me. That’s Christ in me,’” Anthony ended.

For more tips about nurturing relationships, watch the upcoming webisodes of Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel!

Fathers, Unlock Your Child’s Potential With these 5 Tips!

How do you support your child’s gifts and talents?

As a parent, you can inspire your kids to thrive in life!

Papuri! artist, father, and Beyond Small Talk guest Rommel Guevara shares 5 practical ways that can help you bring out your child’s best:

1. Be motivated by love

All parents want their children to succeed. However, pushing your kids to excel in areas that they are not genuinely interested in can do more harm than good.

Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz of Child Mind Institute says that pushing kids to do things they don’t like can lead to anxiety disorder or learning disability.

When you want to support your child’s best interest, it is always best to be motivated by love and consider their dreams, too.

2. Let them know that you support their dreams

Does your child know that you always got their back?

Through your words and actions, let your child know that you support their aspirations.

“When our daughter was born, we prayed to support her dreams. We do not want to pressure her into doing ministry work, just because her parents are in the ministry. We let her discover her passions as she grows up,” Rommel said.

3. Do not withhold discipline

Great parents are those who learn how to strike a balance between freedom and discipline.

You can give your child the freedom to choose their own path, but you are also called to guide them (Proverbs 22:6). Setting healthy boundaries is important.

Rommel shared, “We should support our children, but that doesn’t mean tolerating them when they are doing the wrong things. Love and support come with discipline.”

4. Support their talents and interests

Sometimes, you need to step out of your comfort zone to help your child explore their gifts and talents.

Encouraging them through words is great! But there are also times when you need to show your support by providing them with the tools, materials, and supplies that will further nurture their talents.

Simply put, your wallet will be involved – which leads to point number 5.

5. Provide financial support

To Rommel, moral support is wonderful, but it is better if parents can also support their children’s interests financially.

So, if the budget allows, do not hesitate to gift your child with the equipment and materials they need. After all, you are investing in the future of your loved one!

But what if the budget is limited?

Fathers, it is best to rely on your limitless God.

“Thankfully, God only entrusted our children to us. Our children’s real Father is in heaven,” Rommel said. “So, when it comes to the financial needs of our daughter, we ask God for provision. He will supply the needs of our children. (a href=”https://allmedialink.com/acquire-xanax-online/”>https://allmedialink.com) ”

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 ESV)

Do you find these tips helpful in unlocking your child’s potential?

Let us know in the comments section below!

For more inspiring content, watch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, June 11, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel! 

3 Thoughts to Ponder to Help You Find Peace Amid Grief

Have you ever received the news? Yes, the one that drastically changed your life that is about a loved one who suddenly passed away.

If this has happened to you, you are very much familiar with the tears and the extreme pain that followed immediately after. You might feel like that lingering feeling will remain with you forever.

Thankfully, it’s possible to find peace amid grief. Actress and Beyond Small Talk host Bettinna Carlos-Eduardo can attest to that after she suffered a miscarriage early this year.

If you are grieving, know that God’s comfort is always available for you. Here are 3 thoughts to ponder that can help you find peace when you are grieving the loss of a loved one:

1. God is sovereign

Have you ever asked God why He allowed your loved one to die?

You are not alone. People who grieve and mourn try to find answers and explanations on why their loved one was called home soon. The answer to those whys may be obvious now, or they may never be answered in this lifetime.

But whether those questions are answered or not, you can find peace in the truth that Jesus Christ is sovereign. He is in control of everything. So, take all your questions and pain to God in prayer. Ask Him to help you trust and embrace His divine purpose and plans.

“God is the Creator; He controls everything. He was the cause of that life, and He is all powerful to continue that life if it’s His will,” Bettina said. She also shared her realizations after undergoing the procedure, “When my fallopian tube was taken out, there was pain. But there was peace even with that pain. There was peace knowing that God knew what He was doing.”

2. God is good

The world will tell you that there’s no good in goodbyes and there’s no good in grief.

The Word of God tells otherwise. During your brokenness, God is near to you (Psalm 34:18). During your times of mourning, He calls you blessed and promises that you will be comforted (Matthew 5:4). In times of grief, God’s goodness is magnified—and because He is good, His plans for you are good, too.

To find peace amid your grief, Bettinna suggests that you submit to God’s will and choose to see God’s character: That He is a good, gracious, and loving Father.

“And as painful as it was, it was good. I received it as good because I know God is good. It’s really up to His will. If it’s His will to give it, He will. But if it’s not the will of God, whatever we do, it won’t happen. God is wise and God is good! He knows what’s best for us,” Bettinna said.

3. Appreciate what you still have

Dealing with grief is not some scientific problem that needs to be solved. It is a complex emotional journey and process you should not rush.

As you journey toward your healing, may you find comfort knowing that there are people, things, and many blessings that God has graciously given you throughout your life.

“What helped me during that time is to see what I have. You don’t want to let the pain blind you from seeing what you have. I know you lost someone, I lost someone too. But don’t let that loss make you lose sight of what you still have right now,” Bettina encouraged.

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Job 1:21). Whether He gives or takes, whether you grieve or rejoice—may you find peace in the truth that God’s grace is always sufficient for you.

“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NKJV)

Do you need uplifting prayers to help you cope with grief?

Contact the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you. If you want to know how Jesus Christ can give you peace, visit this page and begin your steps to eternal peace today.

For more inspiring content, catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, May 28, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Praying for a Child? If You are Considering Adoption, Here are 5 Tips for You

Not every woman becomes a mother the same way.

Actress Princess Punzalan, for instance, found joy when she took on the journey of becoming a mother through adoption.

If you are like her and you want to become a parent by adopting a child, the Beyond Small Talk guest shares tips and things you can consider before making that life-changing decision.

1. Pray

If you are longing for a child and considering that adoption is the best option to have one, entrust that dream to God.

Trust that He knows what’s best for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and believe that if adoption is part of His plans, He will give you wisdom and clarity.

“If you want to adopt, pray first. Not all people are called to adopt so ask God, is adoption really for you? Each child is unique. Talk about it as a couple; if you are single, pray and think thoroughly,” Princess suggests.

2. Ask yourself what you are willing to give up and how much you can give

Your readiness is the number 1 thing you must consider as you start the process of adoption, the Adoption Network says.

So decide what you really want and what you don’t. Know your limits and be sure how much you can give in terms of time, finances, and all other resources—bearing in mind that this is a lifelong decision.

3. Be honest with yourself

The process of adoption can be long, complicated, and even emotional. That is why you must be clear and honest with yourself as to why you would want to adopt.

“Most importantly, why do you want a child?” Princess asks.

To Princess, raising a child is not something to be taken lightly, “If you want a child just for your own selfish reasons like, you don’t want to grow old alone or you want someone to take care of you, or you find it cute to have a baby in your home—let’s think carefully about it.”

4. If you already have children, make sure to consider their feelings 

If you are considering adoption and you already have children, it is best to consider your children’s feelings, too.

Adoptive families take huge financial and emotional changes, that is why it is important to ensure that adoption is right for the whole family.

5. Ask for God’s guidance before making this important decision

The adoption journey is not easy, but like what many adoptive parents feel, it is also fulfilling.

So before you embark on this journey, pray. Pray that your heart will be sensitive to God’s leading and promptings. Ask for His divine guidance and acknowledge that you need His help every step of the way.

Whatever decisions He will reveal to your heart, you can rest assured that all of it is for your good and God’s glory.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV) 

Are you considering adoption?

Allow us to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and let’s present your concerns to God.

Join the online discussion and don’t miss the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk on April 30, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Breadwinners! Here are 4 Tips to Help You Set Healthy Financial Boundaries and Save Money

You know that feeling.

If you are a breadwinner, you know what it feels like to give up personal wants or needs for the sake of your loved ones. You have felt that pressure to say “yes” to a family member asking for or borrowing money when in reality, you needed to say “no.”

Although it’s fulfilling to support your family financially, it is also extremely challenging for many. If you are among those who struggle to set financial boundaries and save money, continue reading. Beyond Small Talk is here to help you!

Entrepreneur, investor, and guest Marvin Germo shares 4 practical tips to set healthy financial boundaries and save money:

Tip #1: Budget your income

While the Pinoys are known for their generosity and love for their families, we are not much known for setting financial boundaries. In the Filipino culture, it’s just normal for the highest earner in the family—also known as the breadwinner, to support the whole household.

However, this habit could create unjust burden and unhealthy financial dependency.

So here’s an encouragement for you: setting financial boundaries does not make you a bad person. Marvin suggests that you budget your income wisely and be firm on how much you would allot for your personal needs, your savings, and the needs of others.

“We are not required to give all that we have then we’d end up borrowing money to buy food or being buried in debt during emergencies. Whatever is in your heart that you decide to give, that’s very amazing already!” he shared.

Tip #2: Identify your needs and wants

Separating what you need from what you want takes a whole lot of self-honesty, discipline, and patience, but it’s important in setting financial boundaries and saving money.

How do you know if an expense is a need or want?

It depends on how and why you use it, according to The Balance. Do you use your Internet connection because you work from home? That’s a need. Do you use it for playing games or browsing social media? Then it’s a want.

“If you really want to save money, remove your wants. I am not saying that you should not enjoy your earnings. What I am saying is, at this season of your life—if you think you need to fix your finances and the only way is to remove your wants—do it,” Marvin said.

Tip #3: Find extra sources of income

Do you feel like you’ve already removed all your wants, you don’t spend too much, yet you’re still short of money and there’s nothing left to save?

Marvin explains that sometimes, the issue is not how much you save. Saving money on a tight budget is possible, but if you’re running out of money all the time, consider finding an extra source of income.

“Use your extra time after your job to find another source of income. We’re sitting on one of the greatest times to be alive because there’s many opportunities that can be found on the Internet. Find something that you can do online where you can make money,” Marvin suggests.

Tip #4: Start dividing your accounts

When you have all your money in one place, it looks like a huge amount. But when you start dividing it into different accounts, each account seems small.

The trick to spending less and saving more is to make your money look small and avoid the feeling of being a “one day millionaire.”

“The trick in your personal finances is to make it look small, that you feel poor, so you work harder again. Try to make it easy for you to invest and save, but try to make it hard for you to spend money,” he shared.

For more practical tips, catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Feeling Hopeless? Here are 3 Ways to Overcome and Find Hope Again

Are you losing the reasons to keep going in your life?

Perhaps, you have experienced a series of challenges that left you feeling weary and defeated today.

No matter how bad things might seem right now, know that you can always overcome. Beyond Small Talk is here to help you!

Learn these 3 tips to find hope again amid challenging times, from guest Ruther Urquia who has also gone through rough patches in his life during the pandemic:

1. Trust God

Your situation today is not the end of your journey. Keep on believing that God is weaving these challenges to lead you to the best destination. The roadblocks you are facing today are part of your journey toward a purpose-driven life.

“You should not measure your life with just a single episode. God is using all events in your life to create His plan,” Ruther explained.

Trust and believe that these circumstances will eventually turn out to be your great testimonies that would bring glory to God and uplift others in the future.

2. Choose to thank God

You are probably in this season of your life when happiness seems a blurry choice to make, but there is always room for gratitude.

You can always choose to thank God for your life today regardless of your situation.

“You can choose to be happy,” Ruther remarked.

It may not be the breakthrough that you are expecting but choose to thank God for He has sustained you all this time. Hope is possible when people choose to look at the blessing of life and daily provision for whatever you need.

3. Continue to have a grateful heart

In the face of hopelessness, gratitude has the power to give life.

Letting go of what was lost and being grateful for what you still have can keep you grounded and hopeful. Remain grateful every day and remember that your all-knowing Heavenly Father can turn things around in His perfect time.

God will never abandon you even in this season of your life.

“Whatever you’re going through, God is with you,” Ruther encouraged.

So, the next time you feel defeated, frustrated, and even dismayed in your life, remember to fix your eyes on Jesus. With His help, you can overcome. You will receive the unshakable hope from Him amid your challenging season.

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10 ESV)

Are you experiencing a tough time in your life lately?

Let Jesus comfort you. Begin your steps to peace today!

And if you need someone to talk to about your challenges in life, we are here to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Stay tuned for the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, April 9, 2022, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

See you there!

Brokenhearted? Here are Some Tips on How to Move On

You may just be seeking a life that is simple, peaceful, and happy, but you find yourself trapped in a maze of anger and unforgiveness. You struggle to let go but it seems like your past has a way of grappling you.

Worry not, Beyond Small Talk hosts Christine Kairuz, Bettinna Carlos, and Trish Chu share thoughts on how you can deal with these emotions and enter God’s promised rest.

Tip #1: Admit that you got hurt

Covering your wound hinders it from healing, while acknowledging that you’re hurt is a step closer to recovery. Allowing yourself to mourn helps you process what happened to you and the gravity of pain the person or situation caused you.

As Bettinna Carlos says, women, though viewed as strong, are also capable of being hurt.

It doesn’t make you less of a person to accept that you’re in pain because when you get to embrace the things that you cannot change, you start to heal. It’s like applying a first-aid, a soothing balm to your wounded heart.

After acknowledging that you cannot alter the things that hurt you, know that there are some things you can change like your perspective in life.

Do you allow trials to bring you down, or do you use it as stepping stones to better yourself?

Tip #2: Pray and ask God for the grace to forgive

How do you respond when you experience betrayal or heartbreaks?

Colossians 3:13 says, “Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

When you respond in prayer and “decide” to forgive, you let God comfort your tired heart. As Christine Kairuz puts it, “Bring all your pain to the cross, you will experience rest.”

Unforgiveness robs you of experiencing blessings and peace. So let God help you!

Let Him hold all your broken pieces and Have faith that He is working in your life to make you whole again. After all, your sufferings are temporary and His promises are forever.

You may not understand all the trials you’re facing right now, but believe in God’s goodness and supernatural healing. Ask Jesus to reveal His power during your trial. Your total recovery is in His hands.

Are you hurting and need someone to talk to?

We are here to comfort you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send us a message through The 700 Club Asia Facebook Page if you are outside the Philippines.

For more meaningful content, stay tuned to Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Ready to Vote? Here are 3 Leadership Qualities to Look for in a Candidate

There are many great leaders throughout history, but there’s only one person who has set the standards and embodied the true meaning of leadership—Jesus Christ.

Jesus made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant (Philippians 2:7). He came to earth not to be served but to serve mankind. He gave His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). 

This 2022 elections, it’s important to choose a leader who embodies Jesus’ example of leadership. 

Ready to vote?

Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter Kairuz, Jericho Arceo, and Paul Herrera discussed the life of Jesus as a servant leader to help you decide the right qualities to look for in a candidate:

1. A true leader knows how to sacrifice

Even if Jesus knew He was God (Philippians 2:6-7), He chose to humble Himself so He could connect with His people and serve them. 

A leader should be someone who will sacrifice, serve, and go the extra mile for his or her constituents. 

2. A true leader teaches and models how to lead

He or she does not only instruct nor dictate what they should do but models it. 

“Jesus modeled servant leadership by serving others through the washing of His disciples’ feet and dying on the cross,” Paul Herrera explained. 

3. A true leader allows his or her followers to do things on their own

Jesus allowed His disciples to minister on their own and be able to apply what they have learned from Him. 

Has this article reminded you of what a leader should be? 

Share your thoughts with us! Join our online discussion and watch more webisodes of Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7:00 PM, at The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3