4 Blessings and Benefits of Home-based Learning – Beyond Small Talk

What was your reaction when you first heard that classes will reopen despite the pandemic?

If you were among the parents who have already expressed their opposition and frustrations about the distance learning that will take effect this school year, your reaction is quite normal.

In fact, thousands of parents, students, and groups tried to “cancel” the idea and petitioned for #AcademicFreeze, furthering the digital divide.

However, it looks like there is no turning back. Schooling will push through even outside the typical face-to-face, classroom scenario.

To help ease the doubts and worries you may have, Beyond Small Talk host Felichi Buizon is here to help you list down the blessings and benefits that come with home-based learning.

Benefit #1: Health preservation 

No parent would want their child’s healtto be compromised.

Now that classes will be done in your household, your child can stay safe at home and stay away from higher exposure to the virus. If your child has other health conditions, with home-based learning, you can monitor them and watch over them better.

Benefit #2: Opportunity to strengthen the family 

Home-based learning gives you more time to be with your loved ones, especially if your family is one of those who haven’t spent time together because you are too caught up with life’s busyness.  

“This is a time that we can get to know our children better and they can get to know us better. And why is this needed? Experts say that children learn more when they are in good terms with their teacher. With terror teachers, children’s minds tend to shut down. No learning takes place,” says Felichi.

Instead of scolding or mere lecturing your child, have a caring conversation with them. Ask them how they are doing because they, too, are affected by the pandemic. They, too, lost their connection with friends, teachers, and their normal way of life.

Benefit #3: Motivated learning 

Because your child’s learning takes place near you, you now have the chance to encourage them and develop their love for learning.

To Felichi, excitement is contagious, that is why you can inspire your child to learn by joining them and showing that you are excited for them. 

You don’t need to take over their tasks. Allow them to be independent in completing their assignments. However, you can motivate them to adhere to their class routine and reassure them that you always got their back when needed. In return, you may get a deeper appreciation of your child’s learning experiences.

Benefit #4: Extra time to enjoy their hobbies 

Piano, guitar, or dance lessons?

Home-based learning buys your child extra time so they can pursue their other interests and hobbies. Felichi, who is also a homeschooling parent, suggests that you allow your child to enjoy and explore other things that could expand their skills.

“If you have pre-schoolers, let them play! Experts say that playing is important for their growth. If your child likes to dance or play musical instruments, you can help them look for online tutorials and lessons, Felichi said.

It might take time before you and your child could fully adjust to home-based learning. But what good would it bring if you focus on what’s lacking or missing?

Allow yourself and your child to focus on the good things that you have at hand. Allow yourself to be grateful, prayerful, and faithful – in lack and in abundance.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)

Let us know what you think about these benefits, and feel free to add more!

Join the online discussion and don’t miss the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk as Felichi talks more about how you can support your child’s home-based learning. Catch the new webisode on October 3, 2020, at 7:00 PM on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

Keep Your Child Focused and Engaged while Learning at Home! Here’s How

What are the challenges that you and your child encounter during distance learning?

For some children, it can be challenging to maintain focus and stay engaged as they learn inside your home-slash-classroom-slash-quarantine place.

The good thing is, with your supportthey can still thrive amid challengesYou can ensure that they would participate well during their classes and accomplish their distance learning tasks.

To help keep your child focused and engaged, check out these simple yet helpful tips from online educator and Beyond Small Talk guest, coach Lyqa Maravilla.

Sit by your children in the same room 

Just like how children want to see their parents while having classes at school, they will also be at peace knowing that there is an adult who looks after them while they learn from home.

“If the kids know that there is an adult supervising them – even though they are busy with their own tasks – can keep them from dozing off or not paying attention to their teachers,” coach Lyqa explains.

The Family and Children’s Agency agrees that being around your child is a huge help. Also, it would be helpful if you start and finish the day with a simple check-in with your child. Ask them about their learnings, schedule for the day, and resources or help needed.

Set up a reward system for your child 

Keeping your child engaged in lessons for several hours a day is not easy. But with a bit of effort and a sprinkle of creativity, you can encourage them to stay on track. 

Coach Lyqa suggests that you reward your child for completing their distance learning tasks and assignments.

If they participate in their online classes, if they follow their schedule, it would be nice if they can trade it for points. It could be an extra screen time for movies or other activities as a reward. That way, they have additional incentives and something to look forward to,” she shared.

Providing immediate positive feedback, according to the John Hopkins School of Education, is also a great way of rewarding your child. Apart from sincere words of praise, a reward could be a simple star, ice cream, or extra minutes to play before bedtime.

Parents like you are now juggling more responsibilities than usual. Yes, the new learning setup is a huge challenge. But, it is also a great opportunity.

It is an opportunity for you to spend more time with your little ones, teach them, and learn new things together. And who knows, you might learn new things from your child, too.

As you begin to see it that way, may you lean more on God’s wisdom. May you pray more and trust more, knowing that God will find ways to return your trust and prayers.

Be in faith that He will guide, lead, and protect you and your beloved child.

“The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” (Psalm 28:7 NLT)

Do you have worries about your child’s learning this pandemic?

We hear you, and we are here to pray for you. Do not hesitate to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page. 

For more tips about learning amid pandemic, catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, October 24, 2020, at 7:00 PM at The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel. 

Wondering How You Can Support Your Child’s Learning? Check Out these Tips

Now that schooling will be done differently because of the pandemic, you are probably thinking about what steps to take to support your child’s learning. 

You might be wondering, “What will happen? What will schooling look like? Would it be efficient and effective?”

Worry not! Beyond Small Talk is here to help you!

Here are tips from The 700 Club Asia host and homeschooling momFelichi Pangilinan-Buizonto help you guide your little ones as they navigate the new normal way of learning.

1. Familiarize yourself with the terms being used 

Distance learning or homeschooling – is there a difference?

As the school opening nears, iwould be helpful for parents to know the terminologies and jargon being used.

Instead of the regular classroom setup, the Department of Education (DepEdwill be implementing a distance learning approachIn distance learningyour child’s learning takes place at home, online, or through the help of take-home learning kits from school.

Distance learning is guided by a teacher through a gadget or computer. For students who do not have access to gadgets and internet connectionsmodules will be provided according to DepEd. Lessons will also be delivered via radio and television as an alternative mode of learning.

On the other handhomeschooling is a way of learning at home wherein parents serve as the primary teacher. It is facilitated by parents using a curriculum based on the children’s interests or family’s lifestyle.

As Felichi puts it, “Homeschool is more child-centered. But as they say, different families, different needs, different seasons. 

It is important to know and identify what would work best for your child.

2. Be willing to learn and be ready to brave challenges 

Your child’s learning is not a one-man’s job. The government, teachers, parents, and children all need to work together to overcome the challenges that come with these new learning approaches.

I know this is a challenge to us parents because there are things that we need to learn–or give up–to focus on our children’s education, Felichi said.

Amid the worries and questions, it is important to ask God for wisdom and strength. Pray that He would bless and protect your child as your little one embarks on the new back-to-school scenario. 

Trust that you and your child can do this, through His loving guidance.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NIV)

Are you looking for more back-to-school tips to help your child’s learning?

Catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk next Saturday, September 26, 2020, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3