Earth Day Turns 50: How to Celebrate the Environment on a Quarantine?

The planet we live on is a tangible display of God’s goodness, grace, and glory.

However, climate change and other environmental problems have ruined the world’s beauty. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 to further efforts to save our planet, but the pandemic has put those activities to halt. Now, how do you celebrate the environment while staying at home? 

Here are 3 meaningful ways to celebrate the 50th World Earth Day this April 22: 

1. Join at-home Earth Day activities 

This year’s Earth Day remains a worldwide observation – just virtually. 

Although people are socially distancing, a few science and environment authorities have prepared online activities in commemoration of Earth Day

NASA will stage a NASA Science Live” broadcast and a live Q&A with an astronaut to discuss how technology helps in improving the environment. The Earth Day Network launched Earth Day challenges and is set to spark conversations on the environmental crises by bringing together artists, musicians, scientists, and leaders around the globe. Meanwhile, the United Nations has published an interactive report about man’s progress on climate actions.  

Share these activities with loved ones and inspire each other to show concern for the environment! 

2. Start a conversation about nature and God’s work in it 

Have you ever had a conversation with others triggered by what can be seen in nature? It could be a great tool in sharing the goodness of God! 

Mark Brown of Campus Crusade for Christ International has suggested 5 questions you may use in building conversations about nature and God with family and friends 

Promote harmony between man and nature by opening up simple discussions to show that everything is part of God’s creation, as said in John 1:3, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 

3. Pray. 

Take a pause. Gather your loved ones. Take a moment to utter words of gratitude to God for the breath-taking creation His loving hands made. Praise Him and pray that He touches the heart of every man that they may also learn to love the environment we live in.

Pray for the healing of the land, the restoration of biodiversity, and the salvation of mankind – that the present and future generations may enjoy more sunrise, sunsets, and the fullness of His glory. 

As said in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”  

Earth Day matters because God cares about how you treat the environment. More than just ditching plastic cups or shooting your trash directly into the bin, you are also encouraged to fully participate and be more involved in protecting the natural resources God has given.

Do you want to know more about the Creator of the world and all the good things He has done for youClick here to know more about Him today

Staying Home Doesn’t Have to be Boring | 3 Fun Things for Kids on ECQ

Are you struggling to keep your kids productive during this enhanced community quarantine?

Fret not! Here are 3 simple yet fun activities to do at home that will entertain your little ones and make their day a little bit brighter: 

1. Exercise with the kids 

Who says being healthy can’t be fun? 

Spending time with your children doesn’t have to be all about textbooks and problem-solving. You can also keep them entertained by putting your child’s favorite music on and starting simple exercise and dance routines. 

KidsHealth even claims that kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges. Strengthen your bond with the youngsters in a practical and healthy way! 

2. Cook nutritious meals 

From decorating bread or pastriesfrying eggs, to letting the kids collect ingredients from the fridge, cooking is a practical way of spending time together while you’re stuck at home. 

Letting the kids help you in the kitchen, according to Carolyn Tomlin of Early Childhood Newsencouragecreativitybuilds self-confidence, and develops their small motor control. 

Because bonding over food is an activity that other members of the family enjoy, a stay-at-home cooking show would be a great idea to uplift the household, too! 

3. Play educational games

Do you know that educational games are helpful tools in developing your children’s thinking process while keeping them engaged?

One of the educational games that will surely challenge their brains is the Oy! Oy! The Oyayi Game Show appYou and your kids can enter the world of Kuya Maki, Tama Raw, Bon Haribon, Diva Butanding, Dok Pil, and Tarsiera with over 300 questions about Family, Arts, Culture, Environment, Literature, and History! Your little ones can also learn from its fun trivia and laugh over the hilarious bonus questions! 

The good news? This app can be downloaded for free on the Apple App Store. 

Now that the kids are free from homework and classes, isn’t this quarantine a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with them? Aside from doing exercise, cooking, and playing, it’s a good time to show affection and influence them with good values that would come handy as they grow up. 

As Proverbs 22:6 says, Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  

Do you need someone to pray for your family? You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Asia Facebook page and we would love to pray for you! 

How Can You Help Kids Cope with COVID-19?

Quarantine. Social distancing. COVID-19.

These words might sound confusing or overwhelming for children and may cause them fear and stress. In difficult times like this, kids need extra love, care, and attention.

Are you looking for ways to help your kids cope with COVID-19? Here are some tips, from OperationSAFE International:

1. Ask the kids how they feel

Ask, “How do you feel about our situation?”

Not every child can voice out what is going on in his or her head instantly. Ask how kids feel about the current situation and assure them that should they need someone to talk to, you’re always willing to listen. Listen closely to their concerns and respond in a supportive way.

2. Explain what’s happening in a way they can understand.

Ask, “What questions do you have?”

Speak calmly and provide clear information about what is happening. Try to explain in words kids can easily understand. Address their questions. It is also equally important to teach them about how they can reduce the risk of being infected by COVID-19.

3. Admit your concerns, but stress your ability to cope

Say, “Don’t worry. We’ll get through this together.”

As a parent, letting your children know how you feel about COVID-19 can help validate their feelings. Be truthful, yet calm; honest yet reassuring. Remind them that despite the situation, your family will get through this together.

4. Reassure them with a hug

Ask, “Can I give you a hug?”

Amid COVID-19, you are your child’s biggest supporter. Aside from lifting them up with encouraging words, giving them a warm embrace is another way to make them feel safe and loved. Your nurturing touch is like a blanket that covers them and makes them feel secure.

5. Spend extra time with them.

Ask, “What do you want to do today?”

Spending time with your kids is a good opportunity to model a positive disposition in the middle of this crisis. Playing, cooking, and doing chores together will surely help strengthen your bond with each other.

6. Re-establish your daily routine for school, play, meals, etc.

Say, “It’s okay. Things will be better soon.”

Whether it’s time for breakfast, exercise, play, or household chores, maintaining your children’s daily routine can help protect their physical and emotional well-being. It’s like telling them that things will get back to normal eventually.

7. Involve them and let them be a part of the recovery.

Ask, “Can we pray?”

Aside from reminding your children that medical frontliners are doing their best to fight the pandemic, allowing them to be a part of the recovery can help, too. Encourage them to write thank you letters for frontliners or help pack foods to be given away to neighbors who are in need. Most importantly, teaching them to pray for their family, for others, and for the country is one of the best ways to guide their spiritual journey.

As a parent, you might also feel challenged in taking care of your little ones because of your own worries and questions about the pandemic.

But you don’t have to fear for God is with you (Isaiah 41:10). Remember that you can always ask Him to help and equip you as you go through this season. He will protect you and give you the wisdom that you need to take good care of your loved ones.

As Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

Do you need someone to pray for you and your children right now? You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Asia Facebook page.

Lent in Time of COVID-19: How to Spend Meaningful Holy Week on Quarantine

Are you wondering how you can spend a meaningful Holy Week during this time of pandemic?

Over the years, most Filipinos observe Holy Week through various outdoor activities such as visiting a church, going to prayer mountains, or enjoying a relaxing vacation with loved ones. However, doing such things may seem out of the question now, as most are on quarantine to stay safe from COVID-19. 

Worry not, here are some ways to make your Lenten season still meaningful even when you’re stuck inside your household: 

1. Spend time with God.

The world needs your prayers, now more than ever.

Whether as an individual or as a family, this quarantine provides an opportunity to spend more time with God. Close that door, open the Bible and meditate on God’s Word.

Ask, “What is this crisis telling me? How can this pandemic lead me closer to God?”

Apart from praying for protection, provision, and healing of this nation, may your prayer times be aHannah Goodwyn puts it in her CBN article entitled Lent: What Is It Good For? The days of Lent are a time of meditation, fasting and repentance, and a time to wage war against desires that may be contrary to God’s Word. 

2. Spend time with family.

Spending quality time with your family is one of the many things you can do during the quarantine.

You may gather and watch shows that foster good family values, help find your identity in Christ, and help you strengthen your faith and believe in miracles again. You may also dig into child-friendly resources online so the youngsters can enjoy them, too! 

Now that everybody’s at home, it could be a perfect time for expressing love, restoring relationships, and creating meaningful conversations with your family members.

Extend help.

Aside from taking care of the family, God also calls His people to show compassion to their neighborsBut, how can you perform acts of charity in a time of social distancing? 

Good news! You can help protect the frontliners and help families who are severely affected by COVID-19 by donating to organizations, like Operation Blessing, which distributes much-needed protective gear and food packs to hospitals and communities. Also, avoiding hoarding suppliecould help lessen the plight of others. 

As the saying goes, every crisis is an opportunity. Being on a quarantine this Holy Week could be a good opportunity to spend time with God, spend time with your family, and extend help to your kababayans in need. May you have a safe and meaningful Holy Week. 

Do you need prayers and encouragementSend your prayer requests to CBN Asia Prayer Center or call 8-737-0700. We would love to pray for you!

(DSWD Authority/Solicitation Permit No.:DSWD-SB-SP-00018-2020)

Staying at Home? Here are 5 Things You Can Do During Community Quarantine

With hopes of preventing the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), President Rodrigo Duterte has placed Metro Manila under a 30-day community quarantine which started last March 15. 

During the community quarantine, classes and other forms of mass gatherings are suspended. Travelling has now restrictions and social distancing is also being practiced. Workers are even encouraged to work from home – leaving much time for Filipinos to stay indoors. 

To help make your time at home a productive and meaningful one, here are 5 things you can do during the community quarantine:

1. Rest 

COVID-19 is a contagious and deadly diseaseWhile we are advised not to downplay the situationlet us not allow fear to cripple us, too 

Panic is already taking its toll on people’s minds. So, stay calm as much as you can and do something that lifts your spirit.  

Play your guitar, read a book, listen to your favorite worship song, or catch on that much-needed sleep. Take this time to recuperate and enhance your physicalmental, and spiritual well-being.  

Rest in God. As said in Matthew 11:29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

2. Moderate Social Media Use 

Feeling bombarded by a lot of information about COVID-19? Feeling saturated by unverified or fake news? 

Perhaps, it’s a good sign to limit your time online. Log out and take a break from social media or follow only credible news sources and verified pages. 

3. Clean up 

Aside from taking good care of your personal hygiene, you may also want to tidy up your surroundings.  Declutter your room or your closet. Disinfect your household to protect the family and keep yourself occupied 

Take this time to be reminded of how God has also made you a steward of your environment. 

4. Spend time with your family 

Create meaningful conversations with them. Listen and empathize with their fears, check up on each other’s queries, and talk about your concerns. 

Being on the same page with your family members could help straighten out worries. If a loved one is on a self-quarantine and isolates themselves, checking up on them even through calls or texts to make sure they’re okay could mean a lot. 

You can also plan simple indoor activities for everyoneExercise, play games or eat together.  

5. Pray intently 

Most importantly, ask God to protect you and your family. Ask Him to remove fear and panic in every household. Pray that He heals the sick, comforts the scared, and provides for the needy. Also, pray for wisdom in the decision-making of the country’s leaders, health workers, and the front liners who selflessly sacrifice their time to help fight this pandemic. 

Pray that God will turn this difficult time into a good, that people will seek and be drawn into Him and His saving glory, as what the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

Pray, in the Name of Jesus, for the spirit of God to reign in this land – because He is the spirit of peace, comfort, and protection. 

Time flies – as the saying goes. However, during this entire community quarantine, the days could seem so long.  

You don’t have to spend those long hours worrying! Pray without ceasing and respond in faith that God will reveal His glory and greater purpose in these trying times.

Do you have any prayer requests? You may message the CBN Asia Prayer Center or call 8737-0700 so we can pray for you.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3