Do You Want To Make Your Marriage Stronger? | Beyond Small Talk

Marriage requires hard work. There will be bumps along the way and battles you have to win together.

When the road gets tough, do not give up.

You can make your marriage stronger and rekindle the romance by following these tips from Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz.

1. Practice God’s command to “Die to yourself.”

It means “when we die to ourselves, we crucify our pride and open our hearts to the healing, reconciling, and restoring love of God,” says Jennifer Slattery in her article What Does Dying to Yourself in Marriage Really Mean? in Crosswalk.

It is daily dying to your own will and allowing the Word of God to fully function in your life. As the Bible says in Ephesians 5, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord…. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. ( ”

So, husbands, reassure your wives of your love, loyalty, and faithfulness. When you do that, it will be easier for your wife to respond with respect and submit to your leadership.

2. Always consider each other.

Philippians 2:3 in ESV said, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”

It is not about your own interest anymore. Remember, as said in Mark 10:8, when you get married, the 2 of you become 1 flesh. It means that everything you and your spouse own becomes 1 – even your finances.

Don’t give your spouse any reason to doubt you. Combine your money together. Don’t keep a secret bank account because everything needs to be laid on the table.

Moreover, husbands, make it a habit to consider your wife when you plan. Your wife has to know your whereabouts and the people you’re with. It is your way of valuing and respecting her as your wife.

3. Speak words of life to your spouse.

“When you read God’s Word, you will realize more and more that words matter,” Peter Kairuz exclaimed.

It says in Proverbs 18:21 NIV, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

So, what words are you saying to your spouse every day?

Take time to reflect and ask God to give you the grace to obey His Word. Remember tip number 1, practice God’s command to “Die to yourself.”

We want to pray for you and your marriage! Just call CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

Stay tuned for more wisdom-filled webisodes from Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Caring for the Called: Ministering to Ministers in Laguna

Pastors and their spouses serve in the ministry for countless hours. They are always there to encouragand pray for people. And they, too, need equal support and care not just in the ministry work, but also, in their personal lives. 

To help keep the marriage of pastors and their spouses ablaze, CBN Asia Prayer Center conducted a Ministering to Ministers (M2M) seminar at Hotel Marciano, Calamba City, Laguna, last February 15. 

After a moment of intimate worship, CBN Asia CEO Peter Kairuz and wife Christine shared their life-changing testimonies of hope, forgiveness, and God’s unending grace. 

The couple also imparted biblical principles and essential tips on keeping a God-centered marriage to further empower the ministry couples by strengthening the foundation of their married lives.

It was indeed a day full of love, laughter, and learning as the attendees actively joined the fun activities prepared for them. One of them is Hermie Oracion, who shared that the Ministering to Ministers event greatly help her and her husband.

We have learned a lot when it comes to husband and wife relationship in a deeper way. Thanks a lot for sharing these learnings, we’ll surely apply them into our lives,” said Hermie of Jesus is Lord Worldwide Church in Calamba. 

Pastoral couple Eduardo and Darlyn Soriano of Christ’s Commission Fellowship Calamba also expressed their gratefulness for the practical insights and prayers they received from the M2M. 

The marriage seminar was very useful. We learned a lot about how to value our roles as husband and wife. We really enjoyed how Peter and Christine shared their knowledge on how to become good husbands and wives.” 

M2M is one of the programs of CBN Asia’s Prayer Centerseeking to minister to ministers as they labor in the Lord’s vineyard.

Help us share these life-changing truths with many more ministers by partnering with us. You may also contact CBN Asia’s Prayer Center – External at 8-737-0700 local 903 for more details.

Do You Always Fight with Your Spouse? | Beyond Small Talk

Misunderstandings and disagreements are part of marriage.

They are normal and are in fact, healthy!

According to David Klow, a licensed marriage and family therapist, as cited in the article How Much Fighting Is Too Much in a Relationship?, “Couples who are able to go through conflict into harmony end up having productive fights, which leads to greater intimacy.”

But then, if your fights are becoming more frequent and unresolved, you might want to reassess how you handle your conflicts.

In this Beyond Small Talk webisode, hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz, revealed the common causes of misunderstandings in marriage and how to solve them.

1. Lack of communication.

“When you talk of communication, there needs to be a listening part and a talking part,” says Peter.

Husbands, when your wife is talking to you, listen. This will show how you honor and respect her and her input.

On the other hand, wives, do not be critical when communicating with your husband. Give him a chance to explain his side in an argument as well.

As Philippians 2:4 ESV says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 

2. Lack of affirmation.

Christine revealed, “Wives get hurt when their husbands fail to appreciate them.”

Husbands, it does not take much to notice and appreciate the sacrifices your wife makes for you and your children.

If you have not, put down your phone and tell her, “I love you,” and “Thank you!” These simple words matter to her because it shows that she and her sacrifices are recognized by the person she loves.

As Proverbs 16:24 ESV says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

3. Disciplining your children.

Although you are raised differently by your own parents, you both should be on the same page when setting rules and regulations for your children.

You need to carve out time to discuss and agree on how you will discipline them.

4. Spending without permission.

Nothing should be done in secret – even in spending.

Consult each other first before you spend. What you can do is to agree on a certain amount or set aside a budget for both of your needs and wants.

5. Failing to fulfill the husband/wife role.

If you want to know your role according to what the Word of God says, read the Keys to A Successful Marriage.

Do you need prayers for your marriage?

We are here for you.

Do not hesitate to call CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

If this webisode helped you and your spouse, share it in our online discussion and watch Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

5 Ways on How to Be Your Spouse’s Biggest Fan – Beyond Small Talk

Are you experiencing distress and difficulty in your marriage?

Maybe you need to start showing how much you appreciate and support your spouse today. Making your partner feel loved and admired results in a stronger and more vibrant relationship.

According to researchers Allen W. Barton, Ted G. Futris, Robert B. Nielse in their study Linking financial distress to marital quality: The intermediary roles of demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions, “When couples are engaging in negative conflict patterns like demand or withdrawal, expressions of gratitude and appreciation can counteract or buffer the negative effects of this type of interaction on marital stability.”

So, how do you express gratitude and appreciation? Check out these 5 actionable ways from hosts Peter and Christine Kairuz to guide you on how to be your spouse’s #1 fan:

1. Wives, admire your husband.

Show admiration by being generous with your words. You can start by saying, “I really appreciate what you do for our family.” or “I’m proud of you.” Just remember to always affirm, encourage, exhort, and comfort your husband.

2. Wives, believe in your husband.

Believing in your husband’s abilities will energize, motivate, and inspire him to do things he has never done before. When you believe in him, you are bringing out the best in him. Then, he will have the confidence to believe in himself, too.

3. Husbands, always praise your wife and spend quality time with her.

Don’t just praise her because of the big things she does for you. Praise your wife even in the little things as well. It will show how much you take time to notice her so don’t hold back in praising and appreciating your wife because they wholeheartedly serve you without complaining.

Moreover, don’t put limits on your time together when you date or go out. Instead, focus and give attention to your wife. It will make her feel special.

4. Husbands, properly introduce your wife to your friends.

Honor your wife by properly introducing her to your friends when you’re in a social gathering and they don’t know her that well. Make your wife feel welcome and at home. Don’t let her feel like she’s a stranger in a crowd.

5. Husbands, speak highly of your wife in front of others and your children.

Teach your children to praise and bless their mother by appreciating her in front of them. So that someday, when they get married, they will do the same.

Be your spouse’s biggest fan and use your words to express appreciation, admiration, and gratitude. As it says in Proverbs 18:21 NKJV, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Your words can either bring courage or disappointment, esteem or pain. Choose to be the one who gives life-giving words, so you can keep your marriage alive and growing.

Let us know what you think about these tips. Join our online discussion on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to also watch Beyond Small Talk’s next webisode this coming February 15, 2020, at 7 pm.

Keys To A Successful Marriage | Beyond Small Talk

Do you know your role as a husband or as a wife?

As the Bible instructs, you are called to submit to one another out of your reverence for Christ.

Wives are to submit to their husbands as you do to the Lord, while husbands are to love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Here’s the key to a successful and long-lasting relationship: Both of you should fulfill your role according to what the Word of God says.

To help you further here’s Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter Kairuz and his wife, Christine’s advice:

God works in divine order.

Christine explained, “God is our commander-in-chief. The husband is the commander and the wife is the assistant to the commander.”

As the head of the wife, husbands should be the leader of the house.

However, take note that “Husbands are not dictators. They should not demand. They should not rule over their wives,” according to All About God in their write-up Role of Husband in the Bible.

“Instead, husbands should influence their wives and families in accordance with biblical teaching. They should exemplify, with their voice and their actions, attributes that bring glory to God and value to their spouse and family,” they said.

You have also been given the responsibility to provide for the needs of your family and to protect your home.

It is your duty as well to reassure your wife that she is loved, valued, and secured.

On the other hand, wives are helpers. From the Hebrew word Ezer in the Bible, helper means “helpmeet.” Ezer is a military word that means assistant to the commander.

“You are also an administrator and a companion,” says Christine. With the wisdom and the skills given to you by God, you should be able to manage your household with confidence and grace.

Another God-given role of the wife is being a lover and a companion to her husband.

“As a wife, you should always be ready for your husband,” Christine said.

Think of it this way.

“The husband is the head of the home, and the wife is the neck. The neck supports the head and helps the head to fulfill its duties,” shares Beth, a wife, in an article Role of the Wife in the Bible by All About God.

God designed it to be this way that you must work, not as enemies, but as a team united with Him to carry out what He has called you to do.

Do you want more tips about marriage and relationships?

Don’t miss Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7 pm on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3