Struggling to Forgive your Parents? Here are 3 Steps to Help You

Are you angry with your parents? Taking care of a longtime resentment toward what they did in the past? 

What’s stopping you from letting it go?

Forgiveness isn’t easy, especially when the pain is just too deep, and it came from the people who were meant to protect you.

However, God wants you to forgive and honor your father and mother (Ephesians 6:2), that you may live a good life – with a heart free from any burden.

Here are 3 steps to help you begin healing and forgivingfrom CBN Asia Holy Week special Suklob: 

Step 1: Acknowledge the pain 

If you’ve already forgiven someone, you won’t remember the offense. 

Have you heard this phrase before? Forgiveness is not a denial. You shouldn’t pretend that the offense did not happen. You don’t have to forget it completely.

The first step toward your healing is recognizing the fault and accepting that it really happened.

Nett Gochuico, played by actor Kristoffer Martin, suffered verbal and physical abuse at the hands of his own father and felt neglected by his mother. He grew up harboring hate for both of his parents. He only started to forgive them when he acknowledged the pain they caused him.

Think of the offenses your parents may have committed against you and surrender them to God. Ask Him to heal each and every offense that keeps you from forgiving.

Step 2: Choose forgiveness. 

In Suklob, Nett has decided to forgive his father after realizing that it is the will of God and that his anger does nothing but harm his family. Despite being treated badly, he took the courageous step of breaking free from his cruel past and choosing forgiveness.

If you keep on waiting for the feeling of forgiveness to come, it might not come. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a decision to makeIt might not be easy, but the Lord can help you along the process. Ask Him to bless you with a forgiving heart and acknowledge that you cannot do it on your own.

What wounded you doesn’t have to hold you foreverChoosing forgiveness is choosing peace.

Step 3: Initiate forgiveness. 

When you’re hurt by your parents, you want them to own up to all their wrongs and apologize to you. But what if they don’t? Healing then would be difficult.

As Nett chose to spentime with his father, it gave him an opportunity to know him more, and understand that his father was hurt too. He recognized his father’s goodness that was pushed aside by pain. Nett put an effort to sit down with him, talk about his childhood wounds, and wholeheartedly initiate forgiveness to his father. He even brought his father to the saving love of God! 

Remember, to forgive is not to tolerate the bad habits or hurtful actions, rather, it’s freeing yourself from its bondage. Don’t be afraid, God has planted the good seed of forgiveness in your heart and He will help you through. 

You can’t change your past. But here’s the good news: the tale of the past pain doesn’t have to be in your future. Have faith that God has the power to heal you from any emotional trauma, free you from your emotional prison and turn your painful past into good!

As Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Are you struggling to forgive your parents right now? We’d love to pray for you. Send usyour prayer requests and visit The 700 Club Asia YouTube channel for inspiring stories of forgiveness and reconciliation. 

5 Simple Habits to Strengthen Relationship with your Child

Are you having a hard time connecting with your kids?

True as they say, strong relationships don’t just happen. You need wisdom and intentional efforts to make it flourish.

To help your parent-child relationship flourish, here are 5 habits to strengthen your bond, from CBN Asia Holy Week special Suklob: 

 1Spend time together 

Spending quality time with each other is essential to bonding and forming good character. Perhaps, it’s time to limit your phone use and use that extra time to spend with your child.

Nett Gochuicoplayed by actor Kristoffer Martin in TanikalaI presents Suklobfelt neglected when his father refused to spend time with him. Their bond started to grow only when they learned the importance of hanging around each other. 

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 also pointed out the importance of spending time with your child to hone godly characterLove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

2. Use kind words

In SuklobNett’s father physically and verbally abused him, scarring his childhood forever.  

Before you talk to your child, bear in mind that kind words bring life, but cruel words crush one’s spirit(Proverbs 15:4). Know that you can always give correction without destroying their hearts and discipline them without crushing their spirit. 

3Believe in your child’s potential

Nett’s endless yearning for fatherly love, approval, and support continued even till his adult life. He found the validation and affection he needed from other people because he never heard it from his own parents.  

Would you want your child to look for affection elsewhere? Tell them that you appreciate them and that you support their endeavors. Don’t just show – tell. Let them hear and see that you believe in their full potential. 

4. Welcome emotions

Believing that no one listens to him, Nett kept his emotions bottled up for many years. Those negative emotions and unmet hunger for love turned into anger and unforgiveness toward his parents. 

Welcoming your child’s emotions helps them consider the needs and feelings of others, too. When their feelings are acknowledged and respected, they will be more open and confident to go through the many seasons of life.  

Ask God to give you a listening ear and an understanding heart, and He will give it to you, as promised in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

5. Practice forgiveness 

Not everyone has the strength to forgive instantly. Don’t worry, God understands you.  

Yet He wants to tell you that there is healing in His name and that you’re already forgiven for all the wrongs you have done. Because you received forgiveness, you can now overflow with love and forgive others as well, such as your own family.

Meanwhile, children look up to their parents as their superheroes, their role models. Thus, showing them how to forgive could help them forgive more and strengthen your bond as you cultivate this habit in your household. 

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness.” (Titus 2:7) 

Longing for a perfect family? 

That doesn’t exist. God doesn’t intend families to be perfect, but to be Christ-like. Surrender your parenting to your Heavenly Father and ask Him to give you the wisdom, the heart, and the character of a good and loving parent. 

Are you dealing with family problems right now? Allow us to pray for you. You may send your prayer requests to the CBN Prayer Center or call 8-737-0-700 and find encouragement today.

Kristoffer Martin Plays Abused Son in Suklob

Kristoffer Martin is back in another heart-tugging, true-to-life story of an abused son in Suklob, this Good Friday, April 10, 5:30 p.m. on GMA.

Kristoffer, as Nett Gochuico, grew up doubting the existence of a loving God. Seen as bringing bad luck, he was physically abused by his father and was often blamed for the unfortunate events that happened in their family. 

The award-winning actor admits that he is always thrilled about taking on Tanikala roles. To Kristoffer, his widely acclaimed character in Buyonero and now in Suklob are some of the most challenging to portray because they have such a huge impact on its viewers. 

“When we made Buyonero, I’ve read a lot of tweets from people saying that their faith in God was strengthened after watching it. It really had an impact on their lives. It’s my second time working with CBN Asia for Suklob, and it just hits differently when you make a project with a purpose – a project that inspires people to change,” the actor expressed in vernacular.

Kristoffer could relate to Nett’s struggles with buried grief, forgiveness, and healing. 

“When we were young, I also longed for a father’s affection because he was afraid to show his love for us. We lost a sister before, so our father avoided getting too attached to anyone. When I learned about it, I understood where he was coming from and I learned to forgive. My relationship with my dad changed and we are okay now. I learned the importance of acknowledging pain, recognizing fault, and extending forgiveness,” Kristoffer shared in Filipino. 

Witness a story of love, forgiveness, and healing in Tanikala presents Suklob on Good Friday, April 10, 5:30 p.m. on GMA, directed by Derek Adapon, written by Mika Dizon, and produced by CBN Asia. 

Join our online conversations and use the hashtags #Tanikala and #Suklob. 

Do you want to see more inspiring stories? Be encouraged by visitingThe 700 Club Asia Youtube and Facebook page now. 



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3