Derly and her husband experienced one of the worst tragedies any parent could ever go through – the loss of their unborn child due to ectopic pregnancy. Here's how she found hope and healing from God.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Derly Panganiban and her husband experienced one of the worst tragedies any parent could ever go through – the loss of their unborn child due to ectopic pregnancy.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

It happened so fast that it left the couple reeling from their loss.

Derly could not bear losing their second baby and the tragedy left her traumatized. She quietly grieved for her baby.

The pain consumed her and she could not see the light at the end of this season filled with regrets and fear.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

“It was so painful. I loved my child and I thought I took care of us very well.” Derly lamented, “But now, my baby is gone.”

She blamed herself for the tragedy and wondered if their marriage could even survive. “What would my husband think?” She worried, “What if his love for me changed?”

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Even in these dark times, Derly still believed that God saw her brokenness and somehow, she knew that He could heal her shattered heart. Her relationship with God became her strength during this very difficult time.

She didn’t know when or how but she knew that in the midst of her tears, she would find hope and peace.

Thankfully, Derly came across The 700 Club Asia the exact moment the host prayed for a woman who just underwent a medical operation and doubted if she could still bear a child.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Encouraged by the prayer, Derly believed that if it was God’s will for her to get pregnant again, it would happen.

“I had new hope,” she shared. “I entrusted everything to God.”

A few months later, Derly found out she was pregnant again! She successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl and named her Shekinah, because she is a symbol of God’s presence in their lives.

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

“I want to thank The 700 Club Asia for allowing God to use your program in giving me hope,” Derly said. “God healed my heart through your show. Our baby gives us immense joy! She is a huge blessing from God.”

Do You Need Hope and Healing Today?

Like Derly, do you need hope and healing right now?

When circumstances are challenging, you can take comfort that God will hear you as you pray. Find hope that He will rescue you, as you trust Him to restore your heart and your health.

“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (Psalm 107:19-20 NLT)

Do not hesitate to visit and reach out to The 700 Club Asia Facebook page, or call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you.

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Can you still give generously even in your financial need?

This seems impossible, but Nelia Ansaldo’s story is proof that you can with God’s provision.

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Nelia, a sales agent, and her husband, a mechanic, have done their best to provide for their family. However, even with all their hard work, they still struggled financially.

“It is so tiring to run after money. It is hard to see your family struggle in that situation,” Nelia said. There were even times when they had to borrow money from their neighbors just so their children can have their daily school allowance.

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Are you also in the same situation as Nelia?

Take heart! God is creating a way for you just as He had done for Nelia.

During those difficult times, Nelia watched television programs just to take a break from the stress brought by their financial problems. That’s when she stumbled upon an episode of The 700 Club Asia that changed the course of her life.

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

She was touched by the story of generosity shared by someone who was able to donate despite their financial constraints.

“I was inspired when I learned that the donations given to CBN Asia are helping communities in need, through Operation Blessing’s wells projects. You can also help people who are affected by catastrophes,” she shared.

Nelia realized that she could be a vessel of God’s blessings to others. So, she began to trust that God will provide in the middle of their financial problems, and with a cheerful heart, she donated to the ministry.

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Few days after Nelia experienced the joy of giving, God’s provision followed.

Her earnings doubled and she was able to provide for all the needs of her family, including the educational expenses of her children.

“I thank the Lord for His faithfulness!” Nelia happily said. “I witnessed God’s continuous goodness to my family and our lives.”

Do You Trust God amid Scarcity?

Are you also waiting for God’s breakthrough?

Have faith. Help is on the way.

Most of the time, God wants to teach you something first, so that when the breakthrough comes, your heart will be ready, just like what happened Nelia.

And just like Nelia, no financial constraints can hinder you in continuing the mission of paying forward the blessings of God through generous giving.

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38 NIV)

Bless and be blessed.

Are you praying for God’s provision?

We are here to pray with you! The CBN Asia Prayer Center is open 24/7, just call 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

5 Meaningful Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Mom

When you look at your mother, what do you see?

Do you see the world’s best chef, a genuine friend, or a great provider? Is she your cheerleader, teacher, and responsible housekeeper?

While all mothers wear many hats, one of the most important roles they play is to give their children nurturing love.

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to thank them for all the love and sacrifice they have done and eventually, keep your bond strong!

Coach and Beyond Small Talk host LA Mumar, son of actress Coney Reyes, shares 5 meaningful ways to help you strengthen and improve your relationship with your mother:

1. Keep your relationship God-centered

Oh, how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)

A God-centered relationship with your mother means Jesus operates between the two of you. You speak and act with God’s love, joy, and kindness. It is a relationship where respect and grace abound.

“At the end of the day, we can have great relationships with one another despite our shortcomings, because we receive God’s love. We can share that love with our moms and with the people around us. I think that’s the most important part,” LA shared.

2. Do your best to understand one another

No one is perfect; people make mistakes – including your mother.

When all is said and done, you have the choice to forgive. Try to understand why they do what they do. Ask God to give you the power to see right through any differences and see your mother through the lens of love.

LA agrees, “Let’s have a deeper understanding of one another, let’s understand both ways. I am a son, and I am also a parent. Let’s love our parents and understand what they are going through.”

3. Communicate with each other

Good communication with your mother entails more than just talking. It is knowing when to talk when to listen, as well as what to say and how to say it.

Family Education suggests some points to keep in mind the next time you chat with your mom: respect her privacy and boundaries, listen objectively, and do not interrupt or use words that are accusatory.

4. Make a continuous effort to strengthen your relationship

As LA succinctly puts it, “Of course, this is a two-way street.”

Sometimes, it is not a lack of love that ruins relationships but a lack of effort. Thankfully, there are many ways to strengthen parent-child relationships, which means there are many ways to show constant love and appreciation to your mother!

5. Pray for God’s grace and strength to sustain you

The flesh and heart may fail, but God’s sustaining grace will hold you together.

This piece of truth comes in handy when you want to strengthen your relationship with your mother. Seek God and ask Him to give you a mouth that speaks life, hands that are gracious to comfort, and a heart that loves unconditionally.

“With the grace and strength God has given us, I am sure, relationships can flourish,” LA said.

Watch out for more inspiring content from Beyond Small Talk this June!

Catch the next webisode this coming Saturday, June 5, 2021, at 7:00 PM on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel!

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

If so, then you are at the right place.

Merrie Sarmiento has found the solution to all her problems, and she will share it with you today.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

Growing up, Merrie never experienced having a complete and happy family. In hopes of having one, she married young and decided to build a family of her own at the age of 19.

It seemed like a dream come true, right?

Absolutely. Until the reality of life started to unfold right before her eyes.

“I was full of fears that time – fears about my childhood experience and fears about my life now that I have my own family. My husband and I were not ready,” Merrie confessed.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

Thankfully, her scared and confused mind found solace when she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia.

In one of its episodes, the hosts prayed for someone who is struggling and has so many questions about life. She did not hesitate to join in that prayer.

“I felt relieved while praying with them. I said ‘Lord, now I see You’re with me all along.’ While watching The 700 Club Asia, I saw how God helped and loved many people,” Merrie narrated.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

She surrendered all her fears, even confessed her sins and anger, and said, “That’s when I felt peace in my heart.”

Soon after, Merrie and her husband joined a Bible Study – a huge step of faith that allowed them to grow in their newfound relationship with God. All is well and sailing smoothly.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

However, things went south when her husband flew to Taiwan. Their smooth-sailing marriage hit a huge boulder. Calls became less frequent. Their relationship went cold.

Merrie’s suspicions grew, and it came to a crushing end when she saw a picture of her husband with another woman. Miles away from the man she loves, she did not know what to do.

Like Merrie, are you also dealing with a problem that is beyond your control?

How do you cope?

Sinking slowly into despair, she texted the CBN Asia Prayer Center.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

“The Prayer Center encouraged me amid all my troubles. Their prayers were a huge help for me,” Merrie said.

Little did she know, she will discover that the solution to all her problems is only a prayer away.

God started to transform her husband’s heart. And as Merrie experienced the saving love of Jesus, she also learned how to forgive her spouse.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

“God answered my prayers. He found a church in Taiwan where God changed him. Our communication was restored. Our marriage was transformed, as well as his relationship with our children. God’s love is so great. It’s good to forgive because God forgave us first,” Merrie ended.

Having experienced the saving, comforting, and transforming love of God, Merrie is confident that He is the solution to all her troubles.

“God is the solution to all my problems!” she ended.

Are You Looking for a Solution to All Your Problems?

Are you experiencing pain, troubles, or discouragement?

Know that God is only a prayer away. He may not magically solve all your problems instantly, but He will give you the strength to continue even in the midst of adversity.

Call upon the name of Jesus – the only name that brings miracles and wonders.

“Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14 NKJV)

If you need prayers, do not hesitate to contact us. Call the Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send in your questions to our Facebook page.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

Arlene Valera does.

She believes that God will always take care of their needs even when she lost her source of income during the pandemic.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

Have you also lost your job during the pandemic? Let her story inspire you that God can and will provide for you and your loved ones.

The new year sounded like a fresh beginning for Arlene. All her plans were set, and she was determined to go back to work as a cruise ship waitress. It was not easy to be a single parent, but that job became her bread and butter, and helped her support the growing needs of her son.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

However, the unexpected happened. The COVID-19 pandemic toppled all the plans she built.

“At first, I was terrified. My son was about to enroll in school. If only I knew that there will be a pandemic, I would have returned to work early in January,” Arlene recalled.

All she could do was wait – wait for the pandemic to end so she can return to her job, wait for an opportunity to earn because they have exhausted all her hard-earned savings, and wait for God’s provision.

The waiting lasted for weeks, months, and now, for a year.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

Are you waiting for God’s provision, too?

If you are, then hold fast to your hope.

That is what Arlene did. She faced her financial struggles with prayers and watched The 700 Club Asia as her source of encouragement. Meanwhile, the CBN Asia Prayer Center became her prayer companion.

The 700 Club Asia inspired me to read my Bible. The stories also inspired me to give a small amount to help those in need,” she narrated.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

Arlene did not wait in vain. Backing up her prayers with perseverance, she taught herself how to bake and ventured into a small business which she called Awlyn Sweets Delights and Delicacies.

Despite the small income, the single mother was grateful that God sustains them every day. She also sets aside a part of her earnings so she can donate to CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm.

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

“I save up so I can give 500 pesos every month to Operation Blessing,” Arlene shared. “Through God’s grace, each time I give, my customers will message me to order cakes. Praise God!”

God’s provision did not waver. Arlene was in awe when she won a mall raffle worth Php 20,000, allowing her to pay her son’s tuition fees in full.

She exclaimed, “It was my first time to win in any raffle. The 500 pesos I gave turned into 20,000! I am so happy despite all the challenges. I am thankful because God did not forsake me.”

Do You Trust that God Will Provide for Your Family?

God will provide.

You may have heard and said that phrase a million times, but the question is: do you really trust that God will provide for your family?

God promised that He is your shepherd – the kind of shepherd that feeds, leads, and meets all your needs. So when God said that He is your shepherd, you can rest assured that He will always be.

When God said that He will provide for your family, you can trust that He will truly provide for all your needs.

“The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” (Psalm 23:1 NLT)

Are you anxious about providing for your family during this pandemic?

We are here to pray for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

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Do You Want to Receive God’s Comfort?

When Cecille Marasigan prayed for God’s comfort, she received it and more. 

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She experienced God’s faithfulness when she flew to Saudi Arabia and served as a nurse for 17 long years. Through that noble job, Cecille was able to provide a comfortable life for her children and allowed her to support her parents in the Philippines. 

However, in 2014, she had to let go of her growing career to take care of her beloved father who suffered from a stroke. 

Like Cecille, have you ever had to choose between career and family? If so, then you can relate to her story. 

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“I was taking care of other patients, but I was not able to do it for my own father. So, I had to go home to take care of him,” Cecille recalled. She and her 3 children flew back to the country while her husband remained in Jeddah to support the family.  

They were trying to make ends meet, but they have scraped out what was left of their savings when their children got sick. Their son suffered severe asthma while their daughter was brought to the hospital due to stomach problems. 

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“It was the most challenging season of my life. We came to a point when we only have Php 3,000 in our wallets,” she narrated. That moment, she was left torn and wondering how they would stretch their resources for the medical expenses of her ailing father and children. 

Where do you find comfort during times of trouble? 

Cecille found comfort in the arms of her loving God. 

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During one of her sleepless nights, she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and was blessed by how God used the ministry in reaching out to people in need.  

Cecille realized that God has comforted and sustained them against all odds. With the limited resources that she had, she trusted God’s, unlimited love. 

She prayed and immediately took out Php 1,000 from their remaining budget and donated to CBN Asia, “I learned that as you give, you glorify God. Gratefulness overflowed in my heart.” 

Although she was not expecting anything in return, a mighty rain of blessings started to pour into their lives.  

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God healed Cecille’s loved ones and opened a business opportunity for their family. He also blessed them with a product center of herbal supplements and a health and wellness clinic. Her husband already went home because they even surpassed their earnings while they were working abroad! 

Having experienced God’s comforting love, Cecille can reflect that comfort to the people around her. And as she continues to give, lead, and care for her neighbors’ well-being, she also learns that God’s love is indescribable because it has no limits. 

“It’s a joy for me to help. God’s mathematical equation when it comes to giving is multiplication. The more we give, all the more will He course His blessings through us,” Cecille ended. 

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Are you struggling to believe that God can comfort you? 

Whenever you feel that way, you can always come back to this truth: His comforting, saving love came down to reconcile you with the Heavenly Father, so you can experience the fullness of His grace. And through trials, God’s compassion for you will always remain.  

No love compares to that. 

“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54:10 NIV) 

It is our joy to comfort you through prayers. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700. 

If you are also moved to support the ministry, you may do so through this link 

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Are You Looking for Ways to Support a Loved One with COVID-19?

Do you have somebody at home that has asymptomatic COVID-19? 

Do you want to support a family member or a friend who is hospitalized due to the disease? 

Supporting a loved one who tested positive for COVID-19 can be extremely challenging, but don’t worry! God is your ever-present help! (Psalm 46:1) 

Here are simple yet meaningful ways to support them, from CBN Asia’s Holy Week special: Tanikala presents Habang May Ngayon: 

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  1. Ask what help they need 

Carla Manas, played by actress Karen Timbol, faced tremendous challenges when she battled the deadly virus. She was hospitalized on her 50th birthday, was separated from her loved ones, and even suffered the fear of death. 

Despite all these, she overcame them through the unwavering support of her family, friends, and medical frontliners taking care of her. Just like her and many other COVID-19 patients, your loved one needs people to rely on.  

So, ask them how you could be of help. Though there are limitations and boundaries when helping, it would boost their spirits to know that you are willing to journey with them through the sickness and into recovery. 

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  1. Regularly check up on them

In Habang May Ngayon, Carla received constant encouragement from her doctors, nurses, and loved ones. She was inspired to carry on because she was assured that whatever storm COVID-19 brings, she is not alone. 

Ask how your loved one feels about their current situation and assure them that should they need someone to talk to, you are always willing to listen without any judgment. 

Listen closely to their concerns and respond in a supportive way. Remind them that despite the situation, you will get through this together. 

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  1. Pray for them, pray with them

Not everyone has the chance to personally care for a loved one with COVID-19. Some of you would have to endure being away from the patient, hoping that things will be better the next time you see them. 

Carla’s family experienced the same situation. When her condition got worse, she was left with no choice but to isolate herself from her beloved husband and children. But there’s one thing that held them together even when they were apart: prayers. 

If the situation allows, call your loved one. Pray that God will comfort, protect, and restore them from the inside out. Surrender everything to God and trust that healing will soon come. While you’re at it, pray that He will also protect and bless the hands of frontliners who take care of your loved one. 

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As you pray, have faith in His timing. Surely, God will answer and show his miraculous mercy. (  

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13 NIV) 

Are you struggling to believe that God can heal your loved one from COVID-19? 

Let God’s peace be your assurance. 

We would also love to encourage and pray for you, so do not hesitate to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page. 

5 Tips to Successful Money Management in Marriage | Beyond Small Talk

“For richer or for poorer, for better or for worse…”

Truth be told, there are marriages that suffer for worse because of poor money management. It might be because of failed expectations, unclear priorities, or different family backgrounds on handling money.

So, how should husbands and wives manage their finances?

To avoid headaches and arguments, Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter Kairuz, Marvin Germoand Randell Tiongson share 5 practical tips on successful money management:

Tip #1: Define your roles 

Who should handle the money? Should it be the husband or the wife?

In the Filipino culture, it is a norm that the wives handle the money. But according to Randell, handling money must be conjugal. It is a matter of defining roles on who pays for what or who does what.

Who, then, manages and executes the budgeting?

It should be the one who is more disciplined, wise, and reliable,” Randell suggested.

Tip #2: Be transparent 

One of the most important things spouses can do to manage finances effectively is to be open and honest about it with each other.

As a start, list down all your expenses to have an overview of where your money goes and avoid unwanted surprises in the futureAt the end of the day, it all boils down to proper budgeting.

Tip #3: Combine all your resources

When you and your spouse got married, the two already became one. This is also true when it comes to your finances. You must combine both of your resources and treat your money as one. Practice conjugal spending.

Therefore, before making any decision on that conjugal money, it should be agreed on by both sides.

Tip #4: Give yourselves an allowance 

While it is essential to manage your money jointly, it is also good to give yourselves allowance that you can spend for your personal needs or wants – after you have addressed your financial responsibilities.

Just make sure that your spouse knows where that allowance goes, which leads you to Tip #5.

Tip #5: Let your spouse know about your expenses

Regardless of the amount, it is crucial that your spouse knows all about your cash flow.

Asking their permission and mutually agreeing on how you spend the money is one way to show your spouse that you respect and value them.

Budgeting and setting financial goals in your marriage may sound difficult but they don’t have to be. It shouldn’t be about the money – it should be about communication, mutual respect, and love.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:14 NLT)

Are you experiencing financial struggles in your marriage?

Allow us to pray for you. Feel free to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Catch the next webisodes of Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7:00 PM on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3