Do You Want to Experience the Miracle of Giving?

“I will try to give when I have extra.”
“Whenever I give, I just lose something.”
“Only those who have plenty can afford to give.”
“There’s no benefit in giving, it is just a waste of resources.”

Have you had thoughts like these when you were asked to give or share your blessings?

It is human instinct to survive and thrive. Being limited in abilities and resources, it is innate for people to focus on their own needs.

In short, people are born takers. It is the reason why there is a struggle whenever there is an opportunity to give.

But like any other struggles, there is a way to win over it despite the lack, scarcity, and crisis.

Are you struggling to give?

Orlan Sacman can confidently attest that you can rise to the challenge and be a blessing to others despite your lack.

As the head of the family, one of his main responsibilities is to provide for the household. But as a full-time pastor who receives a meager allowance for his commitment, he had nothing else but his faith in God.

He trusted God to provide for their needs as he took care of God’s people.

How about you? When you have nothing else but God’s promise, would you stand firm in your faith or succumb to fear?

Since it is human nature to depend on your own and to base your hopes on what your senses can perceive, most of the time, it’s easy to give in to worries and anxieties.

But Orlan, and his wife Lori, held on to their faith and believed in what God has spoken in Genesis 12:2 (NLT), “I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.”

When they chose to live by faith and be a blessing, God opened doors of opportunities for them to bless others. They chanced upon The 700 Club Asia, and witnessed how Operation Blessing extended comfort to Super Typhoon Yolanda survivors.

They were inspired to pledge Php 500 monthly to bless their disaster-stricken kababayans and out-of-school youth who dreamed of finishing their studies but had no means to continue.

Through Operation Blessing, Orlan was able to reach people living in places he was not able to visit.

Would you like God to expand your territory and your sphere of influence?

Let God use you to be His instrument of hope and blessing! Even if you have nothing but faith, God can work wonders and miracles just like what He did in Orlan’s life.

As they were faithfully giving to CBN Asia Family of Ministries, God led Orlan to start a widows’ ministry in His desire to minister to families who lost the pillars of their home.

“This ministry is given by God, and I will continue it as long as He wills. I always say, ‘It is God’s grace that I am entrusted. Even in little things we were able to share it, especially to the widows,’” Orlan shared.

The struggle whether to give or to keep ceased as they rely on God. They have cultivated the gift of giving in their hearts that it already became a habit.

God, who is their hope, rewarded their selfless giving and sacrifices.

His own child was able to graduate in college. His church allowance increased. And he was able to start a business. Aside from those material things, Orlan and his wife are grateful for the joy they experience because of giving.

“God continues to supply our needs. Thank God because Operation Blessing is our inspiration to do this ministry,” Orlan shared.

Have you been hesitant to give and be a blessing to others?

You can be honest with God and ask Him to show you how it is more blessed to give than to receive. As what Orlan testified, “You cannot outgive God. No matter how big or little, if your heart is to really help the people, the needy, and to give generously, the Lord will also bless you generously.”

Witness the miracle of giving as you partner with us in blessing our kababayans through Operation Blessing’s relief operation, medical mission, and children’s program. Visit Operation Blessing’s website to know the ways you can give.

May the Lord bless you, make your name great, and make you a blessing to others!

Is There Hope for a Broken Home?




That was how Fatima De Guzman described herself when the dad she looked up to and adored walked away and left their family for another woman.

Fatima and her mother had to step up and fill the shoes of a father even though what happened was heartbreaking. Moving on from a good home and happy family was the only choice.

“My mom had to work. I had to take care of my siblings. We were all on our own.” Fatima painfully shared.

At that moment, she needed to be strong. She had to fight back the tears. Despite her suffering, she needed to carry on.

But the pain and the emotions she repressed eventually caught up.

“While I was washing the plates one night, I thought of killing myself with a knife because I thought there was nothing left to live for. What if I just ended this?” Fatima recalled.

Gladly, she didn’t push through with it. But the suicidal thoughts remained.

That same night, something divine happened. For some reason, she was led to sit beside their telephone rack where she saw a calendar of The 700 Club Asia. With a longing to be heard, understood, and released from her pain, she dialed the numbers from the calendar.

“I vividly remember what the prayer counselor said, ‘God has a plan for your life’,” Fatima recounted with tears.

Looking at her life, she found it hard to believe that God had a plan for her and her family. She burst into tears on that phone call.

Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever doubted if you’d still be able to live a good life?

Let Fatima’s words bring encouragement to your heart.

“God made me realize that what I am going through is what He will use to make me stronger, that something beautiful will happen, that there is hope,” Fatima shared with conviction.

After that phone call, she found relief, peace, and a revelation that God indeed has a good plan for her. That phone call was God’s divine intervention.

Since then, Fatima has become an avid watcher of The 700 Club Asia. Through the program and the stories of how God changes lives, their family’s faith was strengthened.

After 8 long years of waiting, hoping, and wrestling in prayer, the reconciliation she wanted for her mom and dad finally happened. God also transformed her once drug-addicted father into a new man. Ultimately, God restored their broken home.

If God can reconcile and restore Fatima’s family, He can also do the same for you!

“Whenever I and my dad talked, he would say that it was not only him who learned but the whole family, ” Fatima happily shared.

She added, “While it was a long process, God was teaching all of us something. And what really helped was prayer.”

Truly, there is no family too broken or messed up that God can’t reunite. There is no trauma or scar too deep that can’t be healed. So, draw near to God and surrender.

Who knows? Maybe the reconciliation or healing you desire is at the end of your next prayer.

Now, Fatima is busy making new memories with her family. As she looks back, she thanks God for the CBN Asia Prayer Center because she found someone who listened and genuinely cared.

“I am really thankful to God for leading me to call the Prayer Center that night, that He intended for me to have someone to talk to. Because if not, I wouldn’t have experienced what God has planned for my life,” Fatima shared.

Fatima’s heart overflows with joy and gratitude for what God has done in her life. The truth that God changed and fixed her life fuels her worship.

“Jesus really is a superhero. He is the superhero of my life and my family,” Fatima ended.

If you are still doubting if there is still hope for your broken family, Fatima’s story is a reminder that yes, there is always hope for a broken home.

Are you praying for restoration in your marriage, family, or any area of your life?

We want to pray with you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center hotline, 8-737-0-700 or send a private message on our Facebook page.

Do you want to be part of God’s work of transforming the lives of your kababayans? Be a CBN Asia partner today!

Overcoming Addiction is Possible in Christ

Fernando Patulot has been addicted to drugs for 25 years.

His addiction caused big conflicts in their family. To sustain their everyday needs, his wife resorted to gambling which buried them deeper into debt.

“I was so hooked on drugs that I did not care about my family anymore,” Fernando recalled.

This addiction brought Fernando and his family to a place of utter mess. Everything was falling apart. His children were harboring hatred towards him and as if that’s not enough, his wife tried taking her own life.

More than anyone, Fernando’s wife was affected the most and everything became too much for her to bear.

Are you also a captive of addiction?

Is your family falling apart?

Always remember that God is your living Hope. You can go to Him and ask help for any hopeless situation.

Although Fernando and his wife had a serious conversation about his vices, it still wasn’t enough to convince him to stop his addiction. Until one night, Fernando chanced upon The 700 Club Asia.

He was moved by the story of the testimony giver who was also addicted to drugs but came to know Christ and had his whole life transformed.

Fernando prayed with the host wholeheartedly and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

“Lord, please forgive me. Make my paths straight. Teach me what to do,” he prayed.

Fernando started going to church. Slowly, God was able to free him from his addiction. Soon after, through their small business, they were able to pay off their debts.

A lot of people thought it was impossible for Fernando to change. Even his own family lost hope.

But his story is a reminder that when you allow God in your life, transformation can happen. The Lord is in the business of changing lives, and He will change your life if you let Him.

Help more people like Fernando to know Jesus and be set free from the bondage of addiction. Be a CBN Asia partner today.

Are you having a hard time and in need of prayers? The CBN Asia Prayer Center is here 24/7 to pray for you. Call us at 8-737-0-700.

Do You Believe that God is Good Even in Times of Trouble?

If you are you going through a difficult situation, it might be hard to believe that God is still good and that He cares for you.

It might be challenging to still see God as a good Heavenly Father because of the difficulties you experience.

Like you, Danilo Perez and his family also faced a very difficult and painful situation.

After 8 long months of waiting, Danilo’s wife—who had been pregnant with their third child—experienced a miscarriage.

“It was painful. We have waited for so long. I knew the baby was from God but now the baby is gone,” Danilo lamented.

Like Danilo, have you also lost something or someone so close to your heart?

In times like this, know that God sees you and He knows exactly how you feel. Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

God has never left your side. He was, He is, and He will always be with you to carry you through. Just like how He carried Danilo through his troubles.

In their dark situation, Danilo and his wife lost their focus and failed to manage their business well.

But despite all these, Danilo did not lose hope. He continued to praise God, “You are always faithful in our lives, we will hope in You alone. We will put our trust in You.”

Danilo sees God’s goodness in times of troubles. By watching The 700 Club Asia, he was inspired to give and has experienced a different kind of joy. Despite what they were going through, he remained faithful in his giving.

“God is truly good and He gives us opportunities to be used by Him and be of blessing to others,” Danilo said.

His faith grew stronger and he believed that despite what happened, God can still bless them with another child, “I am really hoping in God, He is a good and generous God.”

Through God’s grace, Danilo’s wife got pregnant again. However, on the third month, she experienced heavy bleeding. The couple feared that they might lose their baby.

Once again, Danilo called to God, and God heard his prayers! He has given them a healthy baby boy, and they named him Daniel.

God’s faithfulness did not end there. He expanded their business and blessed them with their own car. Danilo was overflowing with joy and was very grateful to God for how He has been using The 700 Club Asia to reach many lives!

Indeed, no matter what hardship you face, God remains as a good and faithful Heavenly Father. In Nahum 1:7 it says, “The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him.”

He can transform your dark situation into a powerful testimony of His goodness!

Do you want to experience God as your good Heavenly Father, too?

Know Jesus and accept Him in your heart today! You can also reach more lives through CBN Asia by partnering with us, call 8-737-0-700 or visit

God Can Turn Your Financial Crisis into Breakthroughs

Do you feel like it’s impossible to get out of your troubles?

Are you doubting if God can really make something out of the rubble?

For CJ De Mata, he gained something bigger after they lost their business due to fire. But through that financial loss, he found his biggest breakthrough.

Let his story inspire you.

When fire razed their family clothing business in 2012, their dreams collapsed as well.

That business was the only source of their family’s income.

“We were devastated when the fire broke out because we relied so much on our business. When that happened, it was so hard to bounce back,” CJ recalled.

That financial blow greatly affected the family’s daily needs as well as CJ’s studies. “During those times, we didn’t how where to get the funds to support my studies,” CJ continued.

This financial burden also affected CJ’s health. He spiraled into stress eating—weighing 290 pounds with blood pressure of 190/110. His sugar level was so high that it was almost prediabetes.

How do you handle your financial problems? Have faith that God will take care of you, just like how he took care of CJ.

CJ applied to TV commercials to help rebuild their family business.

“I’d like to help my family in my own little way that’s why I auditioned for TV commercials. In pursuit of an acting career, I came across the CBN Asia actors guild. When I started attending workshops and met Christian friends, I enjoyed visiting their studio because they’re like a second family to me,” CJ shared.

All he wanted was to support his family but through the ministry, CJ found his biggest blessing.

“I came to know Jesus Christ through The 700 Club Asia. I remember when the host, Ms. Miriam Quiambao, shared this Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for your, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

After hearing the Word of God, CJ realized that the challenges he is facing in life are not meant to harm him. Instead, God is using the trials to teach him a lesson.

He learned how to surrender his life to Jesus and received the breakthrough that no amount of money could ever buy—everlasting peace and eternal life.

The 700 Club Asia paved the way for me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I surrendered my life to Him,” CJ recalled.

He also shared how the ministry helped him deepen his relationship with God. He was inspired to turn to prayer and lean on His Word for guidance.

“When you feel like you have nothing left and you don’t know what to do, just hold on to the Lord. That’s one of the lessons I learned from Prayer Center. They’re an instrument in strengthening my faith in God. I would call them every time I have a problem or if I have an important decision to make. They send Bible verses to help me in my decision-making,” CJ shared.

God gave him and his household the strength to rise from the rubble. After some time, they were able to recover their clothing business. CJ, who recovered from his health struggles, also finished his degree in Culinary Arts while her sister got a Multimedia Arts degree.

“I was able to finish my studies because of God’s miracles. After I passed that challenging situation, I learned that when you surrender your life to God, you should not worry anymore because He is our provider,” CJ said.

God can turn your crisis into breakthroughs as you learn to lean on His power and provision. God will provide, but He provides more than just material things. He gives comfort to the hopeless and strength to the weak. Accept Jesus and be ready to receive your greatest treasure—the peace that He freely gives.

“You can lose your money, possessions, and your income. But the greatest treasure is knowing the Lord in your life,” CJ ended.

“Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (Matthew 6:20-21 NLT)

Have you experienced a financial loss and you don’t know how to handle your problem?

We would like to pray for you. Feel free to call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or contact us through Viber at 0943-144-4933.

How Do You Trust God in Hard Times?

Do you fully surrender your situation to your Heavenly Father, or do you sometimes feel like you can do things without His help?

Let Cyndrell Limpiada’s story inspire you to fully trust in God.

How Do You Trust God in Hard Times?

For the 15 years that Cyndrell had worked abroad, she was able to provide well for her children and parents.

Yet, she was not able to invest in any property because she lived lavishly. She admitted that pride ruled in her heart and that she depended on herself, not on God.

But her world turned upside down when her employer in Dubai closed the business, leaving her jobless. Cyndrell, along with her husband, had to go back to the Philippines without any savings.

Have you had a similar experience too? What did the situation prompt you to do?

For Cyndrell, the crisis led her to go to Singapore and try looking for a job there. However, she faced rejection after rejection, and before she knew it, it was almost time for her to go home.

In the midst of her struggles, Cyndrell chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. During one episode of the show, she heard the hosts prayed about a woman who was unemployed for almost 4 months. They declared that God would open the door and the woman will get the job she desires— whom Cyndrell believed was her.

Do you believe in the power of prayer as well?

Like Cyndrell, trust that God hears your prayers and knows what is in your heart.

Cyndrell claimed what she heard, believing that she will eventually land a job in Singapore. Then, her miracle happened. Two days before her flight back home, she received a call for an interview!

The company immediately hired her as an account executive with a salary that was even higher than what she used to earn in Dubai!

After experiencing God’s faithfulness, Cyndrell committed to giving to Operation Blessing and became a faithful partner of CBN Asia. Blessings started to pour out for her family as she decided to make God her partner in handling her finances. She was able to provide a sari-sari store for her parents and put up her own piggery business.

Do you want to claim God’s promises in your life as well? Trust that God will provide what you need in His perfect time, just as He did with Cyndrell.

More than the material blessings, Cyndrell knows that she received the greatest blessing even the world cannot never give, which is peace from God.

“I can only find real peace in the Lord Jesus. I was transformed by Him and He really used The 700 Club Asia to deepen my faith. He is not deaf. He is really alive. He never fails,” she testified.

Cyndrell decided to make Jesus the King of her heart and partner of her finances. She set aside her pride and fully depended on God.

During hard times, remember that there is a great promise for you, written in Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Do you have prayer requests right now? Our trained prayer counselors are always ready to listen and pray for you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0700 or email [email protected].

Like Cyndrell, you can be a channel of blessing to others in need! Discover how to be a CBN Asia partner here.

Do You Feel Stuck in the Darkest Moment of Your Life?

When you are at your lowest point, it’s hard to make sense of anything. Right now, you probably feel terrified and helpless. Hopeless. Wondering if you can still get back on your feet.

Truly, there is nothing more difficult than to find yourself stuck in the darkest moment of your life.

Don’t worry. You are not alone.

Ed Embradora knows how you feel. At the young age of 16, Ed found himself in a dark place—drug addiction. It eventually led him to dealing drugs himself, which got him into prison multiple times and separated him from his family.

“In prison, our food was like pig’s food. Sometimes I couldn’t stomach it, but I had to eat it anyway just to survive. I see prison as a place that is cursed, it’s just like hell,” Ed recalled.

Life in prison was tough, but it became even harder for Ed as he was eventually diagnosed with Hypokalemic paralysis. This disease placed an unbearable discomfort on his back and made physical movement very difficult.

Life did not make sense for Ed anymore. He often saw it as meaningless. He even wished for himself to just die so that his hardships may end.

Like Ed, have you ever been pushed to your limit and were on the verge of quitting?

Have you ever questioned where God is during the darkest valleys of your life?

In times like this, be still and know that God will never leave you. He is right beside you.

Ed was devastated, but God soon revealed that He had greater plans for him just as God has great plans for everyone.

God provided opportunities for Ed to hear His Word. Ed encountered God inside the prison and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior—praying and believing that the Lord can change him.

“Despite my messy life, I believed that Jesus can turn and make it as white as snow,” Ed said. He also fervently hoped that God would heal his body from the disease that plagued him. Thankfully, God did not disappoint.

One night, while watching The 700 Club Asia inside his prison cell, Ed witnessed the hosts praying for people with severe back pain. He responded and claimed the prayer of healing for himself with all his heart.

With just one prayer, Ed felt that the pain in his back was released, and he was able to move around with ease. His strength was renewed, “For those who will believe and trust the Lord, they will receive a miracle!” he exclaimed.

After experiencing God’s miraculous healing, Ed dedicated his life to God and committed to attend Bible study groups to grow in his faith.

He was eventually released from prison and from the chains of his past. With a brand-new life, he continued to follow God and is now reunited and serving the Lord with his family.

From a life that seemed meaningless, he now enjoys a newfound purpose in Jesus Christ. Indeed, when Jesus enters the scene, He changes your life!

You too, can experience God’s transforming grace. If you feel stuck in the darkest moment of your life, you can surrender everything to Jesus so He can shine light into your path. Allow Him to transform you from the inside out.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

Help people like Ed know Jesus and His transforming love. If you have the desire to reach out to others through CBN Asia, call 8-737-0-700 or visit to partner with us today!

A Controversy Made Her Quit, But God Had Greater Plans

Most people think that controversies only affect those who have huge influences– celebrities, public servants, business magnates, and the likes.

Seldom do you hear a teacher’s story whose career was hindered because of it.

Yet, here is Reichelle Cunanan, a 5-year long special education teacher in Singapore, who faced a dispute that pushed her to leave her job.

But the very thing that would supposedly impair her career became a significant turning point in her life.

Reichelle’s story proves that, indeed, God redirects the path of the people He loves, and what others meant to harm you, He would turn it for your good.

At an early age, Reichelle knew what God called her to do. That is, to serve and teach students with special needs.

“I’m so blessed to be in this profession because I know that this is the calling of the Lord for me,” Reichelle said.

It had always been her desire and dream to build a school for children, that’s why she tried her best to excel and teach students with utmost sincerity.

But in 2020, she got herself involved in a controversy she didn’t see coming. Her faith was tested, and her dream was threatened.

“There was a misunderstanding between the school personnel, parents, and me. At that time, they didn’t listen to my side of the story,” she recalled.

If you were in her situation, what would you do?

Would you fight, and prove them wrong? Would you defend yourself?

Reichelle did try to defend herself, but again, no one listened to her.

So, left with no choice, she came home to the Philippines. Without a job, and with a heavy heart and mind filled with questions.

Have you also questioned God why bad things happen to you?

“Why did something so trivial hinder me from pursuing my dreams?”

“Why am I being punished when all I did was follow You?”

“Why me, of all people?”

You’re not the only one who asked those questions. Reichelle did, and so do others who couldn’t understand why God allowed things they didn’t want to happen.

But despite the questions in her head and the depressing emotions she felt, Reichelle chose to pray and praise God instead.

God, being the faithful and wonderful Father that He is, answered in a very unexpected way. Reichelle chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and saw the hosts praying for the audience!

“Lord, would You give each one a willing heart to be healed, to be renewed, to be released from that bitterness and pain,” host Peter Kairuz declared.

She prayed alongside the host and received God’s peace.

Just like that, she experienced the kind of peace that surpasses understanding that the Prince of Peace, Jesus, alone could give!

“The testimonies, stories, and encouragement from The 700 Club Asia helped me. This ministry helps people in their spiritual walk with God,” Reichelle said.

It only took one person praying on the screen, and another receiving that prayer, to shift a situation. This is possible for you, too.

Since then, Reichelle started looking at things differently.

She used her time to share the gospel to her family, relatives, and friends at the height of the pandemic. She also initiated doing online Bible studies for kids!

When the year 2021 came, God granted her long-awaited dream.

Reichelle now has a tutorial center for kids, named ‘Chesed,’ which means, ‘God’s loving kindness.’ The center has more than 30 students, and continuously grew for the past months. Reichelle is also on the mission of providing jobs for teachers who lost theirs when the pandemic happened.

She said, “This is the verse I was holding on to: ‘And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns,’ (Philippians 1:6).”

How about you? Did you experience being pushed to the wall, having no better options to choose from but quit?

May Reichelle’s story give you hope that God’s ways are always greater! He sometimes shows up the least you expect Him, but in the way you need Him to be.

Believe that this can happen to your family, friends, and loved ones, too.

Help us in the mission to help more people like Reichelle. Together with CBN Asia Family of Ministries, you can be an instrument to change people’s lives and make their dreams come true. Partner with us!

My Business Went Bankrupt, How Do I Start Over?

Maybe, you are in a situation right now where you feel hopeless.

You feel restless.

You feel desperate.

You ask, “God, why is this happening to me?”

“Do You really see what I’m going through?”

“Do You really care about me?”

Maricris Sarmiento knows how you feel. She experienced it, too — desperate for God to deliver her from her troubles.

Like many people, her faith was tested during the height of the pandemic.

“We were in an agricultural business at that time. Our pigs got infected with Swine Influenza Virus. They all died because of the virus. As a result, our business went bankrupt,” Maricris recalled.

Despite of what happened to her, Maricris did not let her situation stop her from pursuing God’s best plan for her life. With a heart to help people and a belief that giving to the work of the Lord is a privilege, Maricris continues to donate to CBN Asia.

“Our money belongs to the Lord. So, He will be the one who will direct us on where we will put our money,” she said.

With hope in her heart, Maricris started a new online distribution business—an answered prayer and a declaration of God’s purpose for her life.

“God’s ways are different. Sometimes, a setback can be a setup for something bigger. God will reveal His power to us when we are at our lowest point. I am confident that He will take care of my future,” she shared.

Like Maricris, do you trust the Lord with your future? Do you believe that He can help you start over?

Indeed, God is faithful to His promises­! He answered Maricris’ prayer — He blessed her new business and gave her a long-awaited financial breakthrough.

“It started from small. But right now, with the help of my business partners, our business is growing. All by God’s grace,” she said.

Maricris is living proof that God is greater than the struggles we face. If you lost your business or you are struggling with your finances, may her story remind you that God is willing to help you overcome.

“My faith grew stronger. What seems to be impossible is possible with the Lord,” Maricris ended.

God sees what you are going through. He cares for you so much.

When life feels hopeless and breakthroughs seem so far away, run to God’s presence so He can meet your every need.

Do you want to be a blessing to others like Maricris? Partner with us today!

If you have prayer requests, the CBN Asia Prayer Center is here to pray for your concerns! Call us at 8-737-0-700 or email [email protected].

Are You Struggling Financially?

Do you feel like your income is not enough for your family’s needs? Do you feel like the piling expenses are overwhelming you?

If so, then you might relate with Evelyn Caballo, who reached a point of letting go of important things just to survive.

Evelyn and her husband were both working in a hotel before the pandemic. Just like other businesses and companies, the hospitality industry was greatly affected by the health crisis. Vacations and travels were minimized and restricted to appease the spread of the virus.

This caused joblessness to hotel workers, including Evelyn.

The couple have 3 kids to support, who are all studying and have tuition fees to pay.

Aside from their family’s day to day expenses, their daughter Angela needs special care and attention. Consistent funding is necessary for Angela’s speech therapy, and as a parent who is currently unemployed, paying for all these needs is almost impossible for Evelyn.

As painful as it is for the couple, they had to cut off some important expenses, including Angela’s speech therapy.

Have you ever been in this kind of situation before? How did you overcome?

For Evelyn, the best thing she could do at such time was to seek God’s guidance.

Four years ago when Evelyn started watching The 700 Club Asia, she would always join the hosts as they prayed. This is the biggest help she got from the show — their prayer and encouraging words.

“In the middle of our difficult situations, their prayers are so heartfelt. Even when I am only watching them from a screen, it feels as though I am with them physically. They are my partners in prayer,” Evelyn said.

From then on, she committed to gather her family to kneel in prayer as they face challenges, especially when they are struggling financially. Indeed, God did not abandon them in their time of need.

Even when the salary was reduced, the company of Evelyn’s husband continued to provide groceries and food for their family. They also got consistent help from the government.

Their financial struggle did not hinder Evelyn to prioritize God by donating to Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm.

She said, “Every time that we have a need, it’s an opportunity to plant a seed.”

And after a few months of waiting, her husband fully got his job back.

This made Evelyn realize that God’s word planted in her heart gave her strength. That even in the pandemic, she continued to hold on to the truth that the Lord can bless and make someone prosper.

They were able to continue funding their kid’s studies and enrolled Angela back to her speech therapy.

“I want to tell Jesus that I love Him, and I am grateful for all that He has done,” Evelyn said.

If you are inspired and touched by Evelyn’s story and you want to extend help to others through CBN Asia, you are welcome to partner with us! Call 8-737-0-700 or visit to know more about the ministry.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3