“I will try to give when I have extra.”
“Whenever I give, I just lose something.”
“Only those who have plenty can afford to give.”
“There’s no benefit in giving, it is just a waste of resources.”
Have you had thoughts like these when you were asked to give or share your blessings?
It is human instinct to survive and thrive. Being limited in abilities and resources, it is innate for people to focus on their own needs.
In short, people are born takers. It is the reason why there is a struggle whenever there is an opportunity to give.
But like any other struggles, there is a way to win over it despite the lack, scarcity, and crisis.
Are you struggling to give?
Orlan Sacman can confidently attest that you can rise to the challenge and be a blessing to others despite your lack.
As the head of the family, one of his main responsibilities is to provide for the household. But as a full-time pastor who receives a meager allowance for his commitment, he had nothing else but his faith in God.
He trusted God to provide for their needs as he took care of God’s people.
How about you? When you have nothing else but God’s promise, would you stand firm in your faith or succumb to fear?
Since it is human nature to depend on your own and to base your hopes on what your senses can perceive, most of the time, it’s easy to give in to worries and anxieties.
But Orlan, and his wife Lori, held on to their faith and believed in what God has spoken in Genesis 12:2 (NLT), “I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.”
When they chose to live by faith and be a blessing, God opened doors of opportunities for them to bless others. They chanced upon The 700 Club Asia, and witnessed how Operation Blessing extended comfort to Super Typhoon Yolanda survivors.
They were inspired to pledge Php 500 monthly to bless their disaster-stricken kababayans and out-of-school youth who dreamed of finishing their studies but had no means to continue.
Through Operation Blessing, Orlan was able to reach people living in places he was not able to visit.
Would you like God to expand your territory and your sphere of influence?
Let God use you to be His instrument of hope and blessing! Even if you have nothing but faith, God can work wonders and miracles just like what He did in Orlan’s life.
As they were faithfully giving to CBN Asia Family of Ministries, God led Orlan to start a widows’ ministry in His desire to minister to families who lost the pillars of their home.
“This ministry is given by God, and I will continue it as long as He wills. I always say, ‘It is God’s grace that I am entrusted. Even in little things we were able to share it, especially to the widows,’” Orlan shared.
The struggle whether to give or to keep ceased as they rely on God. They have cultivated the gift of giving in their hearts that it already became a habit.
God, who is their hope, rewarded their selfless giving and sacrifices.
His own child was able to graduate in college. His church allowance increased. And he was able to start a business. Aside from those material things, Orlan and his wife are grateful for the joy they experience because of giving.
“God continues to supply our needs. Thank God because Operation Blessing is our inspiration to do this ministry,” Orlan shared.
Have you been hesitant to give and be a blessing to others?
You can be honest with God and ask Him to show you how it is more blessed to give than to receive. As what Orlan testified, “You cannot outgive God. No matter how big or little, if your heart is to really help the people, the needy, and to give generously, the Lord will also bless you generously.”
Witness the miracle of giving as you partner with us in blessing our kababayans through Operation Blessing’s relief operation, medical mission, and children’s program. Visit Operation Blessing’s website to know the ways you can give.
May the Lord bless you, make your name great, and make you a blessing to others!