Has God put a desire in your heart for your family? Career? Finances? Health?
But as you walked through life, disappointment and discouragement have steadily crept into your heart because until now… you’re still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled.
Perhaps, you’re asking God, “Is this really going to happen?” or “Are You hearing my prayers?”
Let’s be honest…
Waiting is frustrating and exhausting, especially if you are not given a timetable as to “when” God’s answer is going to happen.
However, while your “when” is still unclear, you need to trust the One “who” made the promise – God.
For Maricris Pammit, it was a promise of a new house for her starting family.
She can still vividly recall the struggle they went through.
“We moved to seven different places, one of which is a room for rent with no windows. It was not even sturdy enough to withstand the rain. Another one was too hot and too small,” she shared.
At this point, the most reasonable response is to give up when you feel like everything is against you. But, remember that in your walk of faith: It’s about fully trusting God even when you don’t see the promise yet.
This is what Maricris did.
Despite the stress of moving from one place to another, God planted in their hearts that one day, they will find a decent home to settle in.
She believed it and lived out her faith through the power of giving.
One night, she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and was deeply moved by the faith-filled stories.
“My husband and I donated without expecting something in return. It was out of an overflow in our hearts because we saw the impact Operation Blessing had helping in the far-flung communities,” she said.
Beyond Maricris’ awareness, God was transforming her heart to prepare her for the promise.
Through continuous watching of The 700 Club Asia and the guidance of her church, God revealed to her the principle of giving.
Her prayer turned from “Lord, please provide for us,” to “Lord, we want to be channels of your blessing.”
When the focus of their prayer changed, they started seeing improvements in their financial situation.
Years passed, then doors of God-given opportunities opened for her family.
“I received promotional increases in my company one after another. It was unexpected! God brought into my remembrance that I was reaping the money we sowed in CBN Asia years ago,” she said.
Maricris and her family cultivated a lifestyle of generosity!
Blessing after blessing ran after them. In God’s perfect time, the promise of a new home finally came.
“God provided our every need. We dedicated the whole house to Him,” Maricris said.
More than the blessings she had received, she knew she gained greater treasures – a heart that trusts, obeys, and pleases God.
“Our motivation for giving is we want to be used by God. We want to give back to Him because after all, everything we have comes from Him,” she shared.
Like Maricris, what is it that God is teaching you in the waiting?
You may be praying for your breakthrough for years already. We hope that Maricris’ story encouraged you that God has not forgotten about you nor His promise to you.
But while you are in the waiting, you can do something.
Is God teaching you to give in faith? To pray and declare again for your breakthrough? To offer a sacrifice of praise? To read the Word of God? To connect with people who will journey with you?
Do not ignore God’s calling.
Hope in His Word in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.”
If this story blessed you, partner with us today so we can continue reaching people for Jesus!
We are here for you if you need prayers. Call us anytime at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.