How Can I Be Joyful If I Have Lost Everything?

Have you been a victim of scams?

Have you been despised and rejected?

Is depression taking a toll on you?

Maria Theresa Malit experienced all these aggravating and painful things when she chose to trust some people and partner with them on a business venture.

In her desire to accumulate more earnings, Maria Theresa lost not just hundreds of thousands, not even a few million. In an instant, she lost P16,000,000!

Are you, like Maria Theresa, looking for ways to generate more income?

Do you want to accumulate wealth to have a stable future for your family?

Are you longing for a financial breakthrough?

People who desire these things should not be judged as materialistic and greedy. However, they need guidance and wise counsel because money and material wealth, if not handled wisely, can ruin and destroy a life, relationship, and future.

Maria Theresa can attest to this.

When she got scammed, she did not just lose millions of pesos, she also faced the agonizing decision of her husband when he, instead of backing her up, gave her up and returned her to her parents.

As she endured another shattering blow in her life, she felt despised, alone, unwanted, and hopeless.

After losing all their hard-earned money, her husband leaving her, and risking the future of their children, Maria Theresa sank deep into depression and decided to end her life.

Can you identify yourself with Maria Theresa?

If you are on the verge of giving up because of a painful and hopeless situation, we want you to know that you are not alone in your battle.

When your senses and circumstances tell you that you have reached your end, turn your eyes to the One who has given His life for you to overcome all things. Jesus is there to save you and be your hope!

In your desperation, call upon Him!

That was what Maria Theresa learned when she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia one sleepless night during the most depressing period in life.

She did not just receive hope, she was also blessed by the story of a mother who chose to give cheerfully to the Lord even if it was her last money.

She was inspired to give to the Lord despite her lack and challenges in life because she witnessed the testimony of this mother who experienced the miracle and joy of giving.

“I was challenged by the testimony I watched,” Maria Theresa shared. “I tried to donate because I was encouraged after witnessing people giving cheerfully and wholeheartedly.”

As she discovered the joy of giving, she started to cultivate her personal relationship with Jesus. Little by little, the Lord healed and restored her relationship with her husband, and eventually with her entire family.

She was amazed by how God truly listens to and answers our prayers. Indeed, God has raised her up from the pit of depression and helplessness.

The Lord did not just restore her relationships, He also enabled them to pay their business mortgage and loans. Even more, He blessed them with new business and a source of income.

Even with the blessings she received, the motivation behind Maria Theresa’s giving is her overflowing love to God who gave her a new life filled with His love and reality.

“We will experience true blessing not in material wealth, but through genuine joy in our hearts and peace in our minds.”

Are you struggling to find reasons to be hopeful and joyful?

Focus on God!

The Lord can restore what has been broken, what you have lost, and what has been destroyed.

It is a great reason to rejoice! The Lord who created and loved you is mighty and faithful. He can bring joy to your life that nothing else can bring.

What the enemy meant for evil in your life, God can turn it around and use it for your good. Believe that He will turn your mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11).

When we choose to seek Him, dwell in Him, and trust His Word, He will be more than faithful to show us more of His character and power. Having and experiencing God in our lives is the most wonderful gift we can enjoy.

Would you like to receive His precious gift? We would love to lead you as you make room for Jesus into your life.

Is the Lord prompting you to give and partner with our ministry so we can win more souls for Jesus? You are welcome to partner with us!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13, NIV)

Are You Frustrated by Your Small Income?

Not everyone is as privileged as the people you see on TV. Some are really struggling to earn their living and provide for their family.

Have you ever wished to have a higher income, too? Are you having a hard time budgeting your small profit to pay your bills?

Solita knows what it’s like to work hard for a higher income. Her husband’s salary was not enough for their needs. So, she only depends on her small Sari-Sari Store as their source of funds.

Small stores like Solita’s do not make a lot of profit because, in most places, there are sari-sari stores on every corner. This means that the customers were divided, so she only had a few.

Just when she thought it could not get any worse, another problem arose.

Her son, who has always helped them financially, suddenly lost his job and is struggling to find a new one because of the pandemic.

Her family was big and she was burdened with how she could generate money for their needs.

It even got to the point when she felt depressed and hopeless because of their situation.

Solita did everything she could to grow her profits. She kept the store open even until dawn just so people, who are up all night, can buy from her.

One night, as she was manning the store in the evening, she came across The 700 Club Asia, airing on her TV. At the time, the people who donated to The 700 Club Asia are testifying about how the Lord has blessed them.

She saw that the Lord really provides.

So, from then on, she has always watched the show and joined the hosts during prayer time. She would always pray for her son’s job applications to be accepted

Her little grandson sometimes watches with her. His grandson heard from the show that donations, even as low as 300 pesos, are welcome. That’s when she was inspired to donate 500 pesos.

Despite her financial struggle, she managed to set aside 20 pesos from her earnings every day, until she saved up 500 pesos as her first donation.

Not long after, the Lord sent His blessings to Solita because of her faithfulness in giving.

From her small daily earnings, she now ends each day with a 2,000 – 2,500 pesos profit from her Sari-Sari Store.

Not just that, after Solita had the heart to bless other people through donations, her son came home one day with good news. He finally got accepted into one of the jobs he applied for.

That time, there was nothing else she could say other than “Praise the Lord!”

Solita had financial struggles of her own, but it did not stop her from helping other people through giving donations. Now, she and her family experienced the blessing of the Lord and discovered that He is really faithful to people with a good heart.

We have our own unique challenges in life, but instead of letting them stop us, we can take them as an opportunity to be faithful to God.

Are you struggling with something too?

We are willing to pray for you as you wait on the Lord for an answer.

Just call us at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

If Solita’s testimony moved you to bless others too and give to CBN Asia Family of Ministries, you can partner with us today.

Do you feel like God has forgotten you

Do You Feel Like God has Forgotten You?

You may feel that your suffering will never end.

You may be on the verge of giving up.

You may think God has forgotten you.

Hang in there! You’re not alone. Ian Villaluz understands how you feel. He’s been through a dark place before.

Do you feel like God has forgotten you

Ian’s own family gave up on him when he got addicted to drugs.

“I wasn’t even allowed to go inside our home. I was like a dog just being given food,” he recalled.

Without someone to guide him to the right path, Ian has gone further with his vices. His addiction pushed him to commit theft, which later got him in jail.

A concerned friend encouraged Ian to turn to God, but he chose the fleeting comfort found in his vices. He drank, took drugs, gambled, and womanized recklessly.

His choices and actions hurt his loved ones—especially his wife. When she couldn’t take the pain any longer, she left Ian and flew to Qatar to work.

Do you feel like God has forgotten you 2

Ian felt hopeless. Lonely and miserable, he wanted to end his life.

Like Ian, have you ever felt like there was no way forward for you anymore?

No matter what trouble you’re in right now, here’s the truth: God’s not done with you yet! He has never forgotten you, just like how he’s never forgotten Ian.

And it took a simple prayer and a whole lot of faith to change his life.

One night, when he was about to watch a pornographic film, he chanced upon The 700 Club Asia.

“I never watched The 700 Club Asia, but when I opened the television, I saw people praying. Then they featured a story of a man who broke free from drugs and his family was restored,” Ian shared.

He recounted that moment when he hesitated to join the hosts’ prayer, “At first I didn’t want to pray because I couldn’t let go of my vices! But I remembered my wife and I wanted her to come back home. I knew I had to change. I joined the prayer.”

Ian’s life took a sweeping turn!

He turned away from his old ways, went to drug rehab, and wholeheartedly decided to surrender his life to Jesus. He dropped the drugs and alcohol and picked up his Bible, read it day and night, and soaked himself in prayers.

God also moved in the heart of Ian’s wife. After seven years of separation, she came back home to rebuild their family. He also reconciled with his siblings and shares with them the saving love of Jesus.

After witnessing the transforming love of God, Ian was empowered to visit jails and share the gospel to inmates who were also enslaved by drugs.

“God never forgets us! There are times when we feel like He’s abandoned us but that’s not true. God’s greatest work in my life is that He changed me.  We all need Him,” Ian ended.

If you feel like God has forgotten you, look up!

Your Heavenly Father is aware of your situation. You might not understand it right now, but do not cease praying! Allow God to transform your life and your heart. He’s done it with Ian, He can do it in your life, too.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT)

Feeling alone? We are here to encourage you through prayers. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

Help us proclaim lives and transform lives through Jesus Christ! Partner with us today!

How Can I Trust God

How Can I Trust God When Bad Things are Happening?

It’s one thing to suffer from COVID-19, another thing to have your entire family acquire the virus.

Arnie Tupas, a unit manager in an insurance company, experienced one of the scariest things that can happen in life. He, along with his wife, 3-year-old son, sibling, and parents who are senior citizens, got infected with COVID-19.

“I was so scared that my parents and son wouldn’t survive since both of them are vulnerable to the virus,” he shared.

How Can I Trust God

Like Arnie, are you facing an overwhelming problem in your life?

Here’s how he was able to weather through this life-altering challenge.

Despite being overcome by anxiety from the reality that a lot of people lose their lives because of the virus, Arnie chose to put his trust in God. Even while he was sick, Arnie held on to prayer and God’s Word. He acknowledged that God holds their lives in His hands and only He can heal and restore them.

At night, Arnie watches The 700 Club Asia and joins the prayers of the hosts. The prayers gave him peace and comfort to endure the trials their family were facing. He believes that praying to God and praising Him should not stop even when there are troubles in life.

How Can I Trust God

“The 700 Club Asia helped me a lot. I gained strength through God’s powerful word and prayers,” he shared.

Aside from watching the show, He was also encouraged by CBN Asia’s 24/7 Prayer Center. They supported him and his family with prayers and inspiring words that helped ease his worries and fears.

How Can I Trust God

As Arnie was praying, God was working. Soon enough, Arnie started receiving financial help from his friends and other family members. All of them were able to recover from the virus, making their story a testimony for others who are battling the disease.

Are you in the middle of a tough situation?

In God’s Word it says, “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.” (Psalm 112:7)

The pandemic may have brought a lot of challenges in our lives, but God’s faithfulness will never change. He will always take care of us through the highs and lows of life.

How Can I Trust God

Like Arnie, God will move mightily in you, and you will overcome all the hurdles and come out stronger.

Do you need prayers? The CBN Asia Prayer Center is here 24/7 to pray for you.

Help us reach more people like Arnie know about God’s promises! Be a CBN Asia partner today.

can god heal my broken heart

Can God Heal My Broken Heart?

This question lingered on the mind of Donna Teano.

Have you ever been betrayed by someone that you loved and trusted the most?

Was your pain so unbearable that it seemed as if life had already become pointless and empty?

That was what Donna felt when she discovered her boyfriend’s secret. She was heartbroken, but she found that God’s grace and love were enough to make her whole again.

can god heal my broken heart

Donna’s heart was full of joy when she was together with her “perfect and dreamy” boyfriend. She loved him so much that she put him at the center of her universe.

“He became my ideal man in terms of physical appearance, and he was always thoughtful and sweet. He always thought of my welfare. I dreamt of having a good family with him,” Donna admitted.

can god heal my broken heart

But her perfect little fairy tale was shattered when she discovered that he was cheating on her. When he left, her heart was so broken that she could not eat, and she cried herself to sleep.

Donna turned to alcohol to numb her pain, but it never gave her peace and happiness. One night, when she did not have anyone to drink with, she came across The 700 Club Asia on TV.

can god heal my broken heart

“Are you sad? Do you need prayers?”

Those words from The 700 Club Asia caught Donna’s attention, so she decided to try calling CBN Asia’s Prayer Center.

Although the prayer counselor did not know her personally, Donna felt genuine concern and love. She soon realized that it was God’s love that was shared with her.

can god heal my broken heart

Have you ever experienced a heartbreak like Donna?

Remember that only God, not alcohol or any other thing in this world, has the power to heal your broken heart. Through Christ, Donna found hope and purpose to live. She read the Bible, prayed, and joined a local church.

Donna received Christ as her personal Savior. As she grew deeper in her faith, her heart also started to heal.

Now, whenever she faces difficulties in her life, she knows that she has God by her side!

can god heal my broken heart

Donna did not only receive a brand new heart of hope, peace, and joy. Her heart is now full of generosity and service as well!

She started giving to CBN Asia despite having a tight budget. Because she experienced God’s help through the Prayer Center, she also wanted to be a channel of blessing to others.

Truly, God rewards those who honor and love Him. Blessings began pouring out to her. One of these is when she met an Australian boss-turned-friend who gave her a stable job.

can god heal my broken heart

Are you praying for the restoration of your broken heart too?

May you be inspired by Donna’s testimony of healing and joy! She learned to stop putting her hope on anyone or anything apart from God. After all, only He can fully restore her life!

“Jesus is sovereign. There is no wasted pain, hurt, or tear. When you surrender them to God, He will use them to expand His Kingdom and glory,” Donna testified.

You can experience God’s restoration too. Psalm 147:3 (ESV) says that “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Trust in His promises!

Do you need to talk to someone about your problems?

The CBN Asia Prayer Center is always ready to listen to you!

You can also be a partner of CBN Asia by supporting and donating! Discover how to be a channel of blessings for others here.

Are You Praying for Healing and Provision?

Do you believe that God is faithful in keeping His promises?

Times of sickness and difficulties can sometimes make us wonder if God really keeps His promise to be our Healer and Provider.

Can you relate to that sentiment? Read Joffer and Irene Narciso’s story that proves that our God is a promise-keeping God!

While Joffer suffered extreme pain from his neck to back, his wife, Irene, experienced muscle spasms. Their conditions became so unbearable that they couldn’t even do their daily activities.

Aside from that, they had already used up all their healthcare benefits and insurance. They now have to spend money on all their check-ups and medications!

But despite their difficult situation, Joffer still consistently donated to CBN Asia.

“You can see that even though you are sick, there are other people who are more in need of help. Through the small amount that God led you to donate to the ministry, you’ll see that God works many miracles through The 700 Club Asia,” Joffer recalled.

God uses people to bless and keep His promises. While Joffer served as a blessing to others through his donations, God also used someone to provide for his needs!

Although Joffer did not expect anything in return for his donations, God touched the heart of his spiritual counselor. Joffer and Irene’s therapies are expensive, but the spiritual counselor gave them free therapy sessions.

God also kept His promise of daily grace to them. As it turns out, Joffer’s condition could have paralyzed him. But, as his therapist said, it is only by God’s grace that he could still stand and walk!

God hears your prayers, and He answers them according to His will. Remember to stop underestimating the power of prayer, especially when you’re going through hard times.

Joffer’s spinal problem gave him extreme pain. He recalled praying to the Lord during one of his therapy sessions. “Lord, what is happening to my spinal cord?” he cried out.

Many people, including his therapist and a pastor, started praying for Joffer’s healing, and he immediately felt relief.

Joffer thanked God and testified that He truly worked a miracle in his life.

As if that’s not enough, his wife, Irene, was also completely healed of her condition!

Are you also praying for God’s healing and provision today?

According to 2 Corinthians 1:20 (ESV), “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”

Remember that God keeps all His promises. When He said that He is your Healer and Provider, you can trust that He meant it.

Like Joffer and Irene, hold on to God’s promise that He will never leave nor forsake you. He is walking with you, and He knows when and what to provide for you. Stay faithful while waiting for God to answer your prayers.

Are you looking for a prayer partner?

The CBN Asia Prayer Center is always ready to help you!

You can also be a blessing to others by supporting CBN Asia. Click here to learn how to donate.

beautiful in the eyes of god

Am I Really Beautiful in the Eyes Of God?

We always hear the saying, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.”

But how could we ever learn to appreciate our own beauty when all people see are our “imperfect” and “unattractive” parts?

Jenine Baldove knew the feeling of rejection all too well, but she was able to rise above her insecurities because she holds on to a perfect love that redeemed her identity.

beautiful in the eyes of god

“You’re ugly!”

“You look dirty!”

Jenine was familiar to kinds of insults while growing up.

What’s more painful is the fact that these words came from the very people who were supposed to appreciate her—her siblings.

“I really felt unattractive,” Jenine painfully recounted. “I felt so insecure that I didn’t bother improving on my looks. It’s such a waste of time and effort.”

Did these kinds of thoughts cross your mind, too?

beautiful in the eyes of god

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Jenine focused her attention on doing well at school.

But the ghosts of her past keep on haunting her.

Because of this, Jenine built walls and hid her true self from the people around her.

“I learned to conceal my real feelings to other people because of my insecurities,” she said.

Whenever we bury our emotions and mask our wounds instead of bringing them to light, they can lead to more unbearable heartbreaks.

beautiful in the eyes of god

But beneath Jenine’s wounded being is a soul of a beautiful woman who wants to be set free from the heart-wrenching labels hurled at her.

“I want to worship God without being conscious of how I’ll look like,” she shared. “All I desire is to raise my hands and sing Him praises at the top of my lungs.”

Indeed, God can use our brokenness to lead us to the path of healing and wholeness.

One night, Jenine came across The 700 Club Asia’s story of a prostitute who learned to value herself when she accepted Jesus in her life.

“Even in her dirtiest state, God made her white as snow,” she said. “I thought to myself, ‘Healing is indeed possible when we encounter Jesus.’”

beautiful in the eyes of god

Like a beautiful work of art whose value is determined by the artist, our beauty is defined by the One who created us—God.

King David in the Bible was dazzled by the truth that God’s beauty is displayed in us, His creation. He wrote:

“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14 AMP)

You are beautiful because a perfect and majestic God created you!

beautiful in the eyes of god

Jenine stripped off the hurtful labels that had held her down for many years.

She fully embraced her brand-new identity as a precious, beautiful child of the Most High God.

“I’m now a new creation in God,” Jenine confidently declared. “I’m no longer this insecure girl who easily gets envious and compares herself to other people.”

Jesus’ death and resurrection turned our mess into a marvelous masterpiece. His light radiates through us, making us beautiful inside and out.

And for Jenine, her beautiful heart enabled her to forgive those who hurt her.

“I was able to forgive the people who caused me deep pain,” she said. “My heart overflowed with peace and joy that comes from Jesus.”

Jenine’s story of redemption can also happen to you! You are beautiful in God’s eyes. Embrace your true identity as His child!

Need a friend to talk to? The CBN Asia Prayer Center is here 24/7 to listen to your stories!

Help us reach more with the love of Christ! Be a CBN Asia partner today.

Did You Lose Your Job During the Pandemic?

Jason Gonzaga was in the same situation.

In the middle of the pandemic, Jason was one of the many people who experienced job insecurity.

But despite the challenges, witness how God remained faithful to provide for him amid all the uncertainties.

Jason’s Japan work visa expired last December 2020. He and his wife had just gotten married and he was anxious that immigration could deport him back to the Philippines any time. He couldn’t work either.

“It was hard for me to see my wife working for us while I can’t do anything to help her since nobody will accept me for work,” Jason confessed.

Do you also feel hopeless and couldn’t find a way out of your situation?

Keep believing. God will make a way.

Despite this, Jason did not lose his faith that God can turn things around for their good.

He eventually received a spouse visa which let him apply for work again. He eventually landed a new job at an automobile company.

But challenges seemed to follow him as he faced another uncertainty with his work.

A few months later, because of the pandemic, one of his company’s clients temporarily shut down its business. Eventually, their client’s closure affected the work of Jason.

From five working days, Jason was tapped to work for only two to three days a week. Reduced working days meant lower income for Jason.

At this time, his wife was pregnant and had also given up her job.

In this desperate time of their lives, Jason and his wife found a light of hope.

Jason and his wife chanced upon an episode of The 700 Club Asia on Facebook that encouraged them to keep on believing the faithfulness of God through giving.

“I salute The 700 Club Asia. They continue to proclaim God’s goodness and love, even it’s virtually or on Facebook,” Jason shared.

Blessed by the message of the show, God moved their hearts to generously support CBN Asia by sending Facebook Stars despite their financial needs.

Eventually, God granted wisdom to Jason and his wife to start a baking business that helped them meet their day-to-day needs.

God continued to move in the life of Jason.

Just this October 2021, His workplace is now on its normal operations. Aside from this blessing, Jason and his wife are now expecting a child.

Above all the uncertainties he had been through, Jason found something certain—the boundless joy from God.

“Being with God, I found the joy in my heart. God said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So, why would I worry, why would I be afraid?” Jason concluded.

If you are also struggling with finding work or sources of income amid the pandemic, remember that God’s promise of provision is always true.

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Do you want someone to pray for your needs?

CBN Asia Prayer Center would love to pray for you. Feel free to call us at 8-737-0-700 if you are in Metro Manila. If you are outside Metro Manila, click this link so we can pray for you.

And if you also want to partner with us in proclaiming Christ and transforming lives, donate now and support CBN Asia!

Is Your Business Affected by the Pandemic?

Did you lose your source of income because of the lockdown and restrictions?

Perhaps, despite your vision and goals, you had to close your business, leaving you with no stable livelihood during the most difficult time of the year.

Jenny Diño knows exactly how you feel.She invested all of her savings in a business that did not survive.

Read further to know how the Lord turned her situation around.

After working for a long time as an OFW, Jenny and her husband saved up enough money to start their own business when they come home to the Philippines for good.

And with God’s help, they were able to put up a cafeteria. Before the pandemic, everything was going well, business-wise. They made enough profit to fund for their family’s needs and bills.

But when the lockdown and no dine-in rules were implemented by the government, their business suffered.

The food industry is one of the majorly affected sectors  during the pandemic.

While this might have not caused trouble for big food companies with delivery services, small-scale food hubs like Jenny’s cafeteria were greatly affected.

Cafeterias mainly served customers who dine in, like a restaurant. But with the no dine-in policy, Jenny lost her customers.

She could not make enough for her family’s living expenses anymore. They couldn’t even make enough to keep the business going.

Instead of being a source of income, the cafeteria became a part of their expenses along with the increasing debt they couldn’t pay anymore.

So, before going fully bankrupt, Jenny decided to let go and close the cafeteria for good.

This was not an easy decision for Jenny, and it was definitely a painful one.

Though devastated and clueless of what she could do next, Jenny still held on to her faith during this difficult time.

When Jenny realized that the Lord only let her borrow and be a steward of finances, she accepted that she should be able to let go of what was not hers in the first place.

“The money? It was not mine. It came from the Lord.” She said.

You would expect Jenny to focus on earning money only for herself and to bounce back from their huge financial loss. But she did not.

Despite the tight budget, she made it a point to donate to The 700 Club Asia.

Her mind was not swayed by her loss of finances, rather she continued being a blessing to others, even while she was struggling herself.

And just when her situation pushed her to decide to apply for a job abroad, a miracle happened.

She came to her friend, from whom she borrowed money, to explain that she was planning to work abroad to pay for her debts. Her friend’s answer was the Lord’s blessing.

“Don’t worry. Jesus paid for it. Don’t leave the country because your kids need you. I will loan you money so you can start over. Start a new business.”

Jenny’s heart cried with joy and gratefulness, declaring that it was God.

“It was the Lord who used my friend to help me.”

She didn’t have to leave the country anymore, she began a new business and God  blessed and prospered it.

With great thankfulness, Jenny says, “When you are in tandem with God in all your plans, things are easy. There may be times of fear, but the Lord can do it. He is with you.”

Every day, the Lord is teaching her new things and experiences that will be helpful to her journey of life and faith.

Jenny learned a lesson worth sharing to people who are struggling with her previous challenges: to not to worry and to ask for help when she’s overwhelmed with problems. The Lord is always willing to take over difficult situations.

1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for us”.

Do you want someone to pray for you as you wait on the Lord for an answer to your business problem?

We are willing to be your prayer partner!

Just call us at 8-737-0-700 or visit CBN Asia Prayer Center.

If Jenny’s testimony moved you to bless others too and give to CBN Asia Family of Ministries, you can partner with us today.

Do You Believe that God Can Turn Your Sorrow into Joy?

What are the challenges in your life that bring you deep sorrow and sadness today?

God invites you to offer your brokenness to Him. Come and believe that He can turn your pain into purpose.

He can turn your bitterness into blessing.

He can turn your sorrow into joy.

He has the power to bring beauty from ashes the same way He did with Rodalyn Tecson.

Losing a loved one can be one of the most painful and difficult experiences you would ever have to live through.

Rodalyn knew that.

Lonely and depressed, she faced the death of her mother.

When you have lost a piece of your heart; it almost feels like it’s impossible to accept the reality that they are gone.

But God never left Rodalyn’s side. He brought CBN Asia Prayer Center to comfort and embrace her.

“I went through depression, but I thank God because I overcame it through the help of CBN Asia Prayer Center. They became my prayer partner. Through prayers, God brought back my joy,” she testified.

CBN Asia Prayer Center served as a friend she can lean on in her grief.

Aside from reaching out, one of the ways you can cope with loss is through honoring your loved one by sharing to others the beautiful memories you created with them.

By honoring and sharing her mother’s legacy through giving, Rodalyn experienced healing that sustained her during tough times.

“I admired my mother’s generous heart. She would always tell me that when you learn how to give, you will never lack,” she said.

While her mother was battling with sickness, she chanced upon The 700 Club Asia and followed the tug in her heart.

“I only had Php 1,000 that time, but I sowed that seed of faith because I was encouraged by the testimonies I watched. God is a giver of blessings and He can multiply whatever it is that you place in His hand,” she shared.

To her amazement, God turned her Php 1,000 to Php 100,000 to pay for her mother’s bills.

God showed how faithful He is through her grieving season, and He proved it again when another unexpected event occurred in her life.

She became pregnant out of wedlock.

Rodalyn was 2 months pregnant when her boyfriend left her. Despite what happened, God’s love and grace helped her raise her child.

God became her strong tower and fortress to overcome the struggles of being a single parent. Even though she encountered financial problems, she held unto her mother’s words and exercised her faith through giving.

“I may be a single mom, but it did not stop me from blessing other people. Every time I receive my paycheck, I automatically went to MLhuillier to send money to The 700 Club Asia. When I give, my heart overflows with joy,” said Rodalyn.

Because of her consistent act of faith in the God who provides and supplies, He turned her mourning into dancing when Rodalyn received a startling news.

One of her workmates messaged and pledged to sponsor her child’s education. How would you respond if you were in her position?

Rodalyn’s heart overflowed with gladness because God heard her prayers.

“I felt like I was in heaven because I prayed for this. I prayed for God’s provision, and He supplied. He used people to bless me more than I could ever imagine,” she exclaimed.

In every peak and valley, Rodalyn concluded, “Whatever it is you’re battling against, continue to be a blessing to others and it will be given back to you exceedingly. Unspeakable joy is what awaits you if you trust Him.”

Were you inspired by Rodalyn’s story?

Romans 8:18 in the ESV says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

You may be in a dark place now, but lift your head up! Your help comes from above. Turn your attention to the One who is unchanging because true and lasting joy comes from a life surrendered to Him.

If you are reading this and you want to know more about Jesus, click this to begin your steps to peace today.

Do you need a friend to talk to?

CBN Asia Prayer Center would love to pray for you. Feel free to call us at 8-737-0-700 if you are in Metro Manila. If you are outside Metro Manila, click this link so we can pray for you.

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