We always hear the saying, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.”
But how could we ever learn to appreciate our own beauty when all people see are our “imperfect” and “unattractive” parts?
Jenine Baldove knew the feeling of rejection all too well, but she was able to rise above her insecurities because she holds on to a perfect love that redeemed her identity.
“You’re ugly!”
“You look dirty!”
Jenine was familiar to kinds of insults while growing up.
What’s more painful is the fact that these words came from the very people who were supposed to appreciate her—her siblings.
“I really felt unattractive,” Jenine painfully recounted. “I felt so insecure that I didn’t bother improving on my looks. It’s such a waste of time and effort.”
Did these kinds of thoughts cross your mind, too?
Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Jenine focused her attention on doing well at school.
But the ghosts of her past keep on haunting her.
Because of this, Jenine built walls and hid her true self from the people around her.
“I learned to conceal my real feelings to other people because of my insecurities,” she said.
Whenever we bury our emotions and mask our wounds instead of bringing them to light, they can lead to more unbearable heartbreaks.
But beneath Jenine’s wounded being is a soul of a beautiful woman who wants to be set free from the heart-wrenching labels hurled at her.
“I want to worship God without being conscious of how I’ll look like,” she shared. “All I desire is to raise my hands and sing Him praises at the top of my lungs.”
Indeed, God can use our brokenness to lead us to the path of healing and wholeness.
One night, Jenine came across The 700 Club Asia’s story of a prostitute who learned to value herself when she accepted Jesus in her life.
“Even in her dirtiest state, God made her white as snow,” she said. “I thought to myself, ‘Healing is indeed possible when we encounter Jesus.’”
Like a beautiful work of art whose value is determined by the artist, our beauty is defined by the One who created us—God.
King David in the Bible was dazzled by the truth that God’s beauty is displayed in us, His creation. He wrote:
“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14 AMP)
You are beautiful because a perfect and majestic God created you!
Jenine stripped off the hurtful labels that had held her down for many years.
She fully embraced her brand-new identity as a precious, beautiful child of the Most High God.
“I’m now a new creation in God,” Jenine confidently declared. “I’m no longer this insecure girl who easily gets envious and compares herself to other people.”
Jesus’ death and resurrection turned our mess into a marvelous masterpiece. His light radiates through us, making us beautiful inside and out.
And for Jenine, her beautiful heart enabled her to forgive those who hurt her.
“I was able to forgive the people who caused me deep pain,” she said. “My heart overflowed with peace and joy that comes from Jesus.”
Jenine’s story of redemption can also happen to you! You are beautiful in God’s eyes. Embrace your true identity as His child!
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