It’s one thing to suffer from COVID-19, another thing to have your entire family acquire the virus.
Arnie Tupas, a unit manager in an insurance company, experienced one of the scariest things that can happen in life. He, along with his wife, 3-year-old son, sibling, and parents who are senior citizens, got infected with COVID-19.
“I was so scared that my parents and son wouldn’t survive since both of them are vulnerable to the virus,” he shared.
Like Arnie, are you facing an overwhelming problem in your life?
Here’s how he was able to weather through this life-altering challenge.
Despite being overcome by anxiety from the reality that a lot of people lose their lives because of the virus, Arnie chose to put his trust in God. Even while he was sick, Arnie held on to prayer and God’s Word. He acknowledged that God holds their lives in His hands and only He can heal and restore them.
At night, Arnie watches The 700 Club Asia and joins the prayers of the hosts. The prayers gave him peace and comfort to endure the trials their family were facing. He believes that praying to God and praising Him should not stop even when there are troubles in life.
“The 700 Club Asia helped me a lot. I gained strength through God’s powerful word and prayers,” he shared.
Aside from watching the show, He was also encouraged by CBN Asia’s 24/7 Prayer Center. They supported him and his family with prayers and inspiring words that helped ease his worries and fears.
As Arnie was praying, God was working. Soon enough, Arnie started receiving financial help from his friends and other family members. All of them were able to recover from the virus, making their story a testimony for others who are battling the disease.
Are you in the middle of a tough situation?
In God’s Word it says, “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.” (Psalm 112:7)
The pandemic may have brought a lot of challenges in our lives, but God’s faithfulness will never change. He will always take care of us through the highs and lows of life.
Like Arnie, God will move mightily in you, and you will overcome all the hurdles and come out stronger.
Do you need prayers? The CBN Asia Prayer Center is here 24/7 to pray for you.
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