You may feel that your suffering will never end.
You may be on the verge of giving up.
You may think God has forgotten you.
Hang in there! You’re not alone. Ian Villaluz understands how you feel. He’s been through a dark place before.
Ian’s own family gave up on him when he got addicted to drugs.
“I wasn’t even allowed to go inside our home. I was like a dog just being given food,” he recalled.
Without someone to guide him to the right path, Ian has gone further with his vices. His addiction pushed him to commit theft, which later got him in jail.
A concerned friend encouraged Ian to turn to God, but he chose the fleeting comfort found in his vices. He drank, took drugs, gambled, and womanized recklessly.
His choices and actions hurt his loved ones—especially his wife. When she couldn’t take the pain any longer, she left Ian and flew to Qatar to work.
Ian felt hopeless. Lonely and miserable, he wanted to end his life.
Like Ian, have you ever felt like there was no way forward for you anymore?
No matter what trouble you’re in right now, here’s the truth: God’s not done with you yet! He has never forgotten you, just like how he’s never forgotten Ian.
And it took a simple prayer and a whole lot of faith to change his life.
One night, when he was about to watch a pornographic film, he chanced upon The 700 Club Asia.
“I never watched The 700 Club Asia, but when I opened the television, I saw people praying. Then they featured a story of a man who broke free from drugs and his family was restored,” Ian shared.
He recounted that moment when he hesitated to join the hosts’ prayer, “At first I didn’t want to pray because I couldn’t let go of my vices! But I remembered my wife and I wanted her to come back home. I knew I had to change. I joined the prayer.”
Ian’s life took a sweeping turn!
He turned away from his old ways, went to drug rehab, and wholeheartedly decided to surrender his life to Jesus. He dropped the drugs and alcohol and picked up his Bible, read it day and night, and soaked himself in prayers.
God also moved in the heart of Ian’s wife. After seven years of separation, she came back home to rebuild their family. He also reconciled with his siblings and shares with them the saving love of Jesus.
After witnessing the transforming love of God, Ian was empowered to visit jails and share the gospel to inmates who were also enslaved by drugs.
“God never forgets us! There are times when we feel like He’s abandoned us but that’s not true. God’s greatest work in my life is that He changed me. We all need Him,” Ian ended.
If you feel like God has forgotten you, look up!
Your Heavenly Father is aware of your situation. You might not understand it right now, but do not cease praying! Allow God to transform your life and your heart. He’s done it with Ian, He can do it in your life, too.
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT)
Feeling alone? We are here to encourage you through prayers. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.
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