The Principle of Sowing and Reaping Is Real!

Have you ever heard the saying, “You reap what you sow?”

To “sow” something literally means to “plant seeds,” while to “reap” something means to “collect a crop.” These actions apply to more than just gardening and farming. The Bible also teaches this concept.

One of those who believe in this principle is Gina Mendoza. Her heart always longs to help those who are in need and share her blessings with those who are less fortunate than herself.

“There are many people in need, but sometimes, our heart is not open to help them,” she realized.

Not only is Gina a giver, but also an avid viewer of The 700 Club Asia. Through the show, she discovered that she could reach out to her kababayans by supporting God’s ministry.

“I learned that Operation Blessing helps a lot of people. They go to remote areas to make water wells and help children go to school,” Gina said, recalling the episodes she watched.

She was deeply moved by the stories of how Operation Blessing, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, helps those in need. Because of this, she decided to make a commitment to give to the ministry, believing that those in need will benefit from her giving. She made her way to M. Lhuillier to donate Php 3,000.

Little did she know that while she was sowing in the lives of others, God was working on the things she was about to reap!

Gina has been suffering from her migraines for over a decade. One night, while watching her favorite show, The 700 Club Asia, she saw the hosts prayed for a woman who was suffering from migraines at that very moment.

She prayed for healing and to her amazement, was healed after claiming the prayer! Up to this day, the migraine never came back.

Not only that, God also answered a prayer that she has already forgotten.

A few years ago, Gina prayed for a commercial property. But it turned out that it was already purchased by another buyer. God is so amazing that after many years have passed, the lot became available again. He also provided Gina with the means to purchase the property!

“I learned that God does not forget the desires of our heart,” she said.

Your acts of compassion are not unnoticed by God, who rewards them abundantly. And since no one can outgive God, you can expect numerous blessings from Him in return. It may be in a different form, but it will surely come!

In giving, carry this verse with you:

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NIV)

Start applying the principle of sowing and reaping and see how God can surprise you!

Help our kababayans in need by partnering with CBN Asia. If you are in need of provision, our 24/7 Prayer Center is always available to pray with you.

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