Send Hope and Relief to Our Typhoon-Affected Kababayans! Here’s How

Nothing – even the pandemic – can stop natural disasters from happening.

That is why nothing – even the pandemic – can stop Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, from reaching out to our affected kababayans!

Operation Blessing braved the strong winds, rising floods, and heavy rains brought by Typhoon Fabian to deliver hope and relief to indigenous families in Oriental Mindoro.

One of the beneficiaries is Popoy, a member of the Hanunuo Mangyan Tribe residing in the town of Mansalay.

Like many of our indigenous kababayans, Popoy had a rough past. As a young teen, he was led into joining an opposition group, believing that it would make his life better. Young, confused, and broken, Popoy did not realize the danger ahead of him.

“I thought joining a rebel group would be the best decision because I had nowhere to go, and I had nothing to do. I had a problem with my family, so I decided to join them, even though I was not sure what kind of group it was,” Popoy shared in vernacular.

Due to the rebellious nature of the group, Popoy had witnessed things no 14-year-old should witness. He lived in overwhelming fear until he finally decided to leave the group, in hopes of living a normal, peaceful life. (

He confessed, “I felt bad for my wife and my child. I didn’t want to do it anymore. After everything that happened, I saw the way to embrace light and change for the better. I really hoped this was the start of our good life.”

However, Popoy found that starting a “good life” can be extremely difficult, especially in the middle of a pandemic and a calamity at the same time. Thankfully, he was listed as one of the beneficiaries of Operation Blessing’s livelihood assistance!

Through the help of the Armed Forces of the Philippines 4th Infantry Battalion and 203rd Brigade, Mansalay’s local government unit, and our church partner, Popoy and 43 other beneficiaries received much-needed farming tools and livelihood support.

Popoy can now support his family and start anew!

“I am very thankful to Operation Blessing. I have never seen this kind of generosity before. You are true to your word. These tools are necessary for our survival and it’s something that we can cherish for a lifetime,” Popoy ended.

You can help us help more!

Many communities are still recovering from the recent typhoon. Access to food, water, gas, and electricity remains challenging in many areas. With your help, we can alleviate their suffering.

Together, we can bring aid to families who are severely affected by Typhoon Fabian! Together, can send hope and relief to our kababayans!

Give online, via GCash (Operation Blessing), or through these bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:

Banco De Oro (BDO)

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33

For more information on how you can help or sponsor, send a message to Operation Blessing’s Facebook pageor contact 0939-921-5543 and 0918-906-7753.

You can also support CBN Asia’s entire Family of Ministries through this link.

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For Our Pandemic-Hit Kababayans, Your Giving is a Blessing!

When an Operation Blessing volunteer handed over food bags to Rosemarie Fajardo last week, she cannot help but become emotional. 

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Rosemarie and her family are among the tens of thousands of Filipino households who needed immediate relief right after the government declared another Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in different areas including the province of Rizal. 

The ECQ brings safety for many, but to Rosemarie’s family, it means more days of enduring hunger. 

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“We struggled a lot since the COVID-19 arrived, especially because my son suffered from a brain tumor and underwent operation when the pandemic first hit the country. His blindness was also an added burden to him,” the mother of 5 recalled. 

Taking care of a child with a medical condition and wondering how to feed her other 4 children, Rosemarie struggled to make ends meet. They slipped deeper into uncertainty, waiting to find the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Through your selfless giving, a ray of hope came through! 

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With the help of Operation Blessing’s faithful partners like you and the DLL/SAGAD Off-Roaders group, pandemic-hit families in Barangay Canumay, in Antipolo, Rizal received the rice, canned goods, and other food items that would last for a week. 

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Apart from the material relief they received, the residents were also blessed to hear the comforting, saving love of Jesus through the team. Rosemarie and their whole community received the message that there is hope and light amid any crisis. 

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Community bayanihan is a trend these days. Do you want to join the good trend of bringing more hope to families in need? 

Bless more communities today! Partner with Operation Blessing today by giving online, via GCash (Operation Blessing), or through these bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:   


Banco De Oro (BDO) 

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279     

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333    

Swift Code: BNORPHMM 


Union Bank of the Philippines    

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9    

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0    

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM 



Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4    

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4    

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM 


Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)    

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33 

If you want to know how you can sponsor, you may send a message to Operation Blessing’s Facebook page or contact 0939-921-5543 and 0918-906-7753. 

You may also support CBN Asia’s entire Family of Ministries by clicking this link. 

(DSWD-SB-SP-00029-2019 Nationwide)  



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3