Jing Ramirez was, but she wasn’t praying only for herself. She was praying for financial blessings so she can bless Christian missionaries.

It’s perfectly okay to pray for financial blessings. Who doesn’t want to be debt-free and financially capable?
In fact, God wants to bless you exceedingly, abundantly!
God is ready to bless you, but apart from personal gain, the real question is: Why are you praying for financial breakthrough?
Jing found her answer to that question when she met her husband Dan. An active member of their church, Dan was committed to support missionaries even in lack.

“There was a call for giving towards overseas missions but that time, my husband didn’t have any money. The only thing that was left to his name was his beloved motorcycle. Before leaving for Manila to work, he donated his motorcycle to the church,” Jing recalled.
This obedient gesture encouraged their whole church to start supporting missionaries, and inspired Jing to have a heart for missions too.

As the couple grew in love with each other, with God, and with missions, their trading business grew exponentially.
“I prayed, ‘Lord, if You are going to call us into missions, I pray that You give us the courage to say yes. But if not, we are also willing to give and to pray,’” Jing shared.

Until the day comes when their generosity was tested.
Their business started to dwindle—and eventually went bankrupt. Left with nothing but faith that God won’t forsake them, their family went home to Bacolod to start a new life.
How about you, do you feel like your faith is also being tested whenever you experience financial struggles?
How do you overcome?
Jing and Dan responded with prayers and obedience. Despite their financial problems, their commitment to the ministry remained unshakable. They faithfully endured the test and continued supporting their brothers in sisters in the mission field.
Jing’s budding love for the ministry grew deeper when she was invited to a Missionary Training Program by the Asian Center for Missions (ACM)—the missionary training arm of CBN Asia. Hearing the stories and struggles of missionaries tugs a string in her heart and inspired her to give.

“When ACM encouraged us to support missionaries, the Lord put an amount in my heart. It was way beyond our means, so I prayed about it. He confirmed that I should give that amount,” Jing said.
Though the couple didn’t ask for anything in return, God honored their faithfulness!
Their journey of giving started with a single motorcycle, and now, God blessed them with a motor apparel store in Bacolod. Their business venture is success defined, as it became the main supplier of motor and bike apparel in and out of the country!

“The Lord really provided way beyond what we were expecting,” Jing testified.
Even though Dan passed away years ago, Jing continues their legacy of giving to missionaries who devote their lives in sharing the gospel to the nations.
She continues to pray for and give to missionaries with pure joy in her heart—knowing full well that every peso she gives goes toward a cause that is important to God.

“There’s a bigger mission field outside! If we do not give, how would people know about the Lord? So I’m glad that there’s ACM who we could trust, who brings the fund to where it is needed most,” Jing ended.

Like Jing, are you praying for financial breakthrough so you can bless others?
Do you wish to support missionaries in sharing God’s saving love to the world?
You can do it in the comfort of your own home by giving to ACM or supporting the entire CBN Asia Family of Ministries!
Meanwhile, ACM will conduct another Online Missionary Training Program this February 2022. The program is open to Filipinos and non-Filipinos worldwide, ages 23 to 60 years old.
If you are called to do missions and you want to be equipped, register now through this link. For more information about the training, visit ACM’s Facebook page.
We would also love to pray for you. Call our Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.