5 Most Popular Filipino Culture and Values – Which One Do You Love Most?

What makes you a proud Filipino?

The Filipino culture is an exuberant story that tells of the nation’s journey through the centuries. The values and customs many Pinoys hold dear to their hearts reflect a colorful history, a celebration of life, and their unwavering faith in God.

To mark this year’s National Culture Consciousness Week, here are 5 of the most popular Filipino culture and values that bind the Pinoys to each other. Which one do you love the most?

5 Most Popular Filipino Culture and Values

1. Pagmamano

The westerners shake hands, the east Asians bow down, while some southeast countries clasp their hands. Then there’s the Filipinos with their own cultural trademark called pagmamano.

Pagmamano is an honoring gesture that communicates warmth and respect when the younger ones greet or say goodbye to their elders. It is done by taking the elder’s hand and touching it lightly on your forehead—a distinct way of showing respect and receiving blessings from them.

2. Using po and opo

Kumusta po?

Aside from pagmamano, po and opo are words Filipinos use to show respect when talking to elders or someone they respect. Opo is a polite way to say ‘yes,’ and its contraction po punctuates or ends a sentence.

The origin of the words remains unclear. Nonetheless, these simple catchphrases continue to win the hearts not just of Filipino elders, but also of foreign guests.

3. Bayanihan

There used to be a time when bayanihan looks like neighbors carrying a bahay kubo to a new location. Nowadays, people describe bayanihan as an outpouring of community spirit as people give their all for the common good.

From lifesaving heroic acts to simple yet sacrificial deeds, anyone can be a bayani when they unite to help their kababayans. And through your partnership with humanitarian organizations like Operation Blessing, you help keep that Filipino spirit alive.

4. Filipino hospitality

They say the Filipinos are the most hospitable people you may find anywhere. Whether it’s a long-lost relative visiting from out of town or a foreign guest, the Pinoys take the extra mile to show how they care for others.

The Filipinos bring this warm hospitality to other nations or wherever they set foot. So whether in the homeland or overseas, sharing God’s kindness is a sacred duty. Naturally friendly and hospitable, Filipinos are effective in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to other nations. You too, can share God’s saving love to others! Visit this page to know how.

5. Love for God and family

Having close family ties is also one of Filipinos’ unique cultural values. They give so much value to the family that they labor so hard and sacrifice so much for the ones they love.  Sentimental. Devout. The Filipinos’ heart is as warm as their sunshine.

It’s the kind of light that illuminates the land in times of crisis and hardships; the light that trusts the Almighty and believes that the nation’s strength emanates from Him. Compassionate, courageous, and God-loving—a clear national identity that is unmistakably Filipino and truly Christian.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” (Psalm 33:12 ESV)

Do you want to share God’s benevolent love and rich Filipino culture and values to other nations?

Kababayan, wherever you might be in the world right now, you can be God’s faithful servant and a blessing to the Philippines and beyond!

Partner with the Asian Center for Missions to know how you can help mobilize missions, care for existing missionaries, and train aspiring missionaries who are called to go and preach the gospel to the nations.

You may visit ACM’s website and Facebook page to learn about the work that God is doing through the ministry.

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