Are You Praying for Financial Breakthrough?

Jing Ramirez was, but she wasn’t praying only for herself. She was praying for financial blessings so she can bless Christian missionaries.

It’s perfectly okay to pray for financial blessings. Who doesn’t want to be debt-free and financially capable?

In fact, God wants to bless you exceedingly, abundantly!

God is ready to bless you, but apart from personal gain, the real question is: Why are you praying for financial breakthrough?

Jing found her answer to that question when she met her husband Dan. An active member of their church, Dan was committed to support missionaries even in lack.

“There was a call for giving towards overseas missions but that time, my husband didn’t have any money. The only thing that was left to his name was his beloved motorcycle. Before leaving for Manila to work, he donated his motorcycle to the church,” Jing recalled.

This obedient gesture encouraged their whole church to start supporting missionaries, and inspired Jing to have a heart for missions too.

As the couple grew in love with each other, with God, and with missions, their trading business grew exponentially.

“I prayed, ‘Lord, if You are going to call us into missions, I pray that You give us the courage to say yes. But if not, we are also willing to give and to pray,’” Jing shared.

Until the day comes when their generosity was tested.

Their business started to dwindle—and eventually went bankrupt. Left with nothing but faith that God won’t forsake them, their family went home to Bacolod to start a new life.

How about you, do you feel like your faith is also being tested whenever you experience financial struggles?

How do you overcome?

Jing and Dan responded with prayers and obedience. Despite their financial problems, their commitment to the ministry remained unshakable. They faithfully endured the test and continued supporting their brothers in sisters in the mission field.

Jing’s budding love for the ministry grew deeper when she was invited to a Missionary Training Program by the Asian Center for Missions (ACM)—the missionary training arm of CBN Asia. Hearing the stories and struggles of missionaries tugs a string in her heart and inspired her to give.

“When ACM encouraged us to support missionaries, the Lord put an amount in my heart. It was way beyond our means, so I prayed about it. He confirmed that I should give that amount,” Jing said.

Though the couple didn’t ask for anything in return, God honored their faithfulness!

Their journey of giving started with a single motorcycle, and now, God blessed them with a motor apparel store in Bacolod. Their business venture is success defined, as it became the main supplier of motor and bike apparel in and out of the country!

“The Lord really provided way beyond what we were expecting,” Jing testified.

Even though Dan passed away years ago, Jing continues their legacy of giving to missionaries who devote their lives in sharing the gospel to the nations.

She continues to pray for and give to missionaries with pure joy in her heart—knowing full well that every peso she gives goes toward a cause that is important to God.

“There’s a bigger mission field outside! If we do not give, how would people know about the Lord? So I’m glad that there’s ACM who we could trust, who brings the fund to where it is needed most,” Jing ended.

Like Jing, are you praying for financial breakthrough so you can bless others?

Do you wish to support missionaries in sharing God’s saving love to the world?

You can do it in the comfort of your own home by giving to ACM or supporting the entire CBN Asia Family of Ministries!

Meanwhile, ACM will conduct another Online Missionary Training Program this February 2022. The program is open to Filipinos and non-Filipinos worldwide, ages 23 to 60 years old.

If you are called to do missions and you want to be equipped, register now through this link. For more information about the training, visit ACM’s Facebook page.

We would also love to pray for you. Call our Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

Missional amid the Pandemic: Start Your Free Missionary Training this August!

Missional amid the Pandemic: Start Your Free Missionary Training this August!

Are you looking for an opportunity where you can learn how to do cross-cultural missions so you can share God’s hope and love around the world?

Look no further!

The Asian Center for Missions, CBN Asia’s missionary training arm, opens a free Online Missionary Training Program (MTP) this August!

The online MTP is open to all Filipinos who have the heart to do cross-cultural missions locally or internationally, current and aspiring Overseas Filipino Workers, and missionaries who want to be equipped more on cross-cultural missions.

It will take place from August 2021 to April 2022 via Zoom – every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Philippine Time.

In the safety of your own home, you will receive free training on topics of world missions, leadership, communication, missionary life, and more!

Interested? Here are the requirements:

  • Open to ages 22 to 60 years old
  • Pastor’s recommendation
  • You actively engage in local church ministry
  • You lead a Bible Study Group or Discipleship Group
  • You commit to 2 years of cross-cultural ministry after the training or when the pandemic ends

Missional amid the Pandemic: Start Your Free Missionary Training this August!

If you want to be equipped in doing God’s work and know how you can take part, you may register today by clicking this link and answering the online form:

Register today and be God’s bearer of hope and saving love amid the pandemic!

Got questions? Contact [email protected]. To know more about the work God is doing through in and through the ACM, you may visit ACM’s website and Facebook page.

“The LORD has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” (Isaiah 52:10 ESV)

missions awareness seminar

Are you an OFW? This Free Missions Awareness Seminar is for You!

Calling all Overseas Filipino Workers!

Is your heart longing to serve God in the midst of the pandemic? Do you want to support His ministry and Filipino missionaries, but you are on the other side of the world? 

Wherever you might be in the world right now, you can be God’s faithful servant and a blessing to many nations! 

Do you want to know how? 

The Asian Center for Missions (ACM), CBN Asia’s missionary training arm, is here to guide you! 

ACM opens a FREE Online Missions Awareness Seminar for OFWs like you, so you too can be a bearer of God’s hope and love to many people. The seminar will take place on January 29, 2021, from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM  Philippine Time.

missions awareness seminar

Know why God’s mission is important and how you can take part! You may register today by clicking this link and answering the online form:  

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15) 

Do you want to know more about the work that God is doing through the ACM? Visit their website and Facebook page. 

If you want to support the entire CBN Asia Family of Ministries, visit this page to know how you can partner with us in proclaiming Christ and transforming lives.

11042020_Missional amid Pandemic ACM Opens Free Missions Awareness Seminars

Missional amid Pandemic: ACM Opens Free Missions Awareness Seminars

If you see this pandemic as an opportunity to share the saving love of God and a chance to serve the hopeless and hurting, then these seminars are for you!

Mark your calendars as CBN Asia’s missionary training arm, the Asian Center for Missions (ACM), offers 2 online missions awareness seminars this November.

With hopes of cultivating the importance of missions to the Filipino youth, ACM will conduct an Online Youth Missions Awareness Seminar for young people, ages 13 to 24.

The seminar will take place via Zoom this Saturday, November 7, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. If you want to know why God’s mission is important and how you can take part, you may register today by clicking this link and answering the online form 

In addition, pastors, church leaders, and church members who are 25 years old and above can participate in another Online Missions Awareness Seminar that will be held on November 9, Monday, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

Discover God’s heart for all nations by joining this online event. Interested? You may visit this link to register

Get to know God’s plan and how you can still express your heart for missions amid the current pandemic. Register now!

For more information about the seminars and about the work God is doing through the ACM, you may visit ACM’s website and Facebook page.

Asian Center for Missions: 25 Years of Serving God through Missions

Towards no more unreached!

The Asian Center for Missions (ACM), CBN Asia’s missionary training arm, is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year.

Since its inception in 1995, ACM has been providing cross-cultural missionary training to our kababayans who have been called by God to reach the nations and proclaim His saving love to unreached people groups.

ACM also helps facilitate the deployment of missionaries and care for those who are already in the mission field – in close partnership with local churches and organizations. As of today, the ministry has helped mobilize more than 600 Missionary Training Program graduates to over 40 nations.

On its 25th year, ACM declares God’s faithfulness for all that He has done in and through the ministry!

It continues to believe that the Philippines is a missionary-sending nation and that every Filipino is called by God to be involved in missions either by praying, mobilizing, going, sending, or giving.

You can show your support to its #TowardsNoMoreUnreached movement by partnering with ACM! 

You may visit ACM’s website and Facebook page to know how you can take part in blessing the nations.

Called to Reach: Is It Possible to Reach Nations with Diverse Beliefs?

“We’re all in this together!” 

Iseemed to become everybody’s cheer in this time of global pandemic. Regardless of race, religion or culture, the world is one in fighting the unseen enemy. This only goes to show that solidarity, unity, and hope could still come out from a tight corner.

If you’re wondering how you can reach out to more people of diverse beliefs, here are 3 simple ways to show love and care this World Day for Cultural Diversity.

1. Understand diversity

God teaches in His Word that the human race is one, “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth.” While that is absolutely truefactors like gender, race, religion, culture and economic background also come to the picture like puzzle pieces that make up someone’s identity.

Although diversity somewhat divides people, God is not concerned about someone’s country or skin color. He loved and saved the whole world, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) 

As His children, there is this special calling to understand other cultures and people groupslove others beyond their beliefs, and respect people despite the differences.

2. Pray for nations 

Have you experienced waking up one day and thinking about the hungry people in Africa? How about those who are caught in armed conflicts in Afghanistan? Moving closer to home, have you ever thought of the most vulnerable families in the Philippines?

God promises that He hears those who pray and seek His face. He also said that He will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). But who prays for those who can’t? Who will pray for those who doesn’t know God yet?

When God said in Ezekiel 22:30, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one, it is clear that you are called to stand in that gap. 

You are given the privilege to be the beacon of light to those who haven’t seen it yet by praying for the poor, persecuted, enslavedvulnerable, hurting, and sick. Above all, pray for the unreached among nations, that they may also experience the glory and comfort of God. 

3. Support missions 

As a loving Father, God wants every nation to experience His grace and glory, “But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” (Exodus 9:16) 

One way of actively proclaiming His name is by supporting the missions.  

Do you know that you can still be missional during quarantine? Wherever you are right now, you can still reach out to nations and share God’s love to the world by supporting those who are called to go and preach the gospel. 

May you be blessed a thousand-fold for your love for the nations! 

Do you want to reach out to diverse nations and bring the love of God to millions of hurting people?

Good news! You can now do it from the comfort of your home. Partner with the Asian Center for Missions (ACM) today and help proclaim the gospel to the world. You may also visit and message their Facebook page to know more. 

Want to Express your Heart for Missions While on Quarantine? Start Here

Does your heart long to bless the nations while staying at home during the enhanced community quarantine? 

Don’t worry! You can still reach out to others and be missional as you stay indoors. (  

CBN Asia’s missionary training arm – the Asian Center for Missions (ACM)suggested 4 practical ways to spread the gospel online and support missionaries. Here’s how:

1. Pray

You can still reach out to Unreached People Groups through prayers! 

The Joshua Project is one of the online tools you may use to know the different ethnic groups of the worldIt also features prayer guidescalendars, and ideas to help you pray for a specific people group each day. 

You may also check out ACM’s Facebook page which suggests different countries to pray for, together with specific prayer points.

As said in Colossians 4:2, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” 

2. Care

In a season of quarantine and social distancing, technology paves a way to bring people closer together. 

Despite being stuck in your own room, you can still care for and connect to missionaries through applications like Zoom, Skype, or FacebookMissionaries would appreciate it that you remember them during this time! 

Because the prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much (James 5:16), you can also uplift their spirits during this challenging season by blessing them with a heartfelt prayer. 

3. Learn 

Are you interested to know more about missions?

This time of quarantine is a good opportunity to level up your learnings about missionary work. 

If you’re into missions courses, check out free intercultural ministry trainings online and start your journey of being a worker in God’s Kingdom.

4. Give

Help bring the love of God to the needy and the hurting! 

You can be a stay-at-home missionary by partnering with ACM in blessing the nationsWhenever you support the ACM, you help mobilize missions, care for existing missionaries, and train aspiring missionaries who are called to go and preach the gospel to the nations.

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15) 

Do you want to know more about the work God is doing through the ACM? Visit their Facebook page to know how you can take part in blessing the nations. 

What does it mean to be a Christian Missionary?

Joel Cabanes heart beats for the unreached.  

His entire life was dedicated to reaching out to people for Christ 

It all started when Joel chanced upon a film about missions that deeply touched his young heart. In the film, he saw how Christians were being persecuted and tested because of their faith. 

Even back then, all I wanted to do was serve God. I even prayed that if He will give me a chance to choose my death, I’d rather die serving in the ministry,” Joel shared. 

Passion burned deeply in Joel’s heart. At the age of 13, he was already reaching out to people for Jesus. 

“We should not be satisfied with being saved. We should also learn to give our lives to God and His Word so other people can be saved too.”

This calling brought him from the lowlands and even to the mountainous areas of Montalban – to boldly share the gospel to strangers.

Even after building a family, he and his wife, who also has a heart for missions, planted a church right in their own home. They shared the love of God with different people – especially the youth and people they met on the streets. 

His passion grew even more as time went on.

His dreams of bringing the Word of God to unreached people groups continued to burn in his heart. So, to be fully geared in fulfilling his divine calling, Joel joined Asian Center for Missions (ACM)’s missionary training program.

“ACM has the best training. The subjects we tackled are really relevant and are what missionaries exactly needed,” Joel recalled. 

The training greatly equipped Joel and even his family when they were called to serve God in Vietnam. 

Later onthey were also able to use it when they went back to the Philippines to train aspiring missionaries. Halso partnered with ACM and other organizations in missions’ mobilization. 

Despite his enormous desire to be on the frontlines, Joel followed God’s leading to equip his fellow FilipinosAs God leads, Joel surrendered to His will. To him, being a Christian missionary isn’t all about pursuing a dream, but also, fully surrendering to God’s path.

Like Joel, do you have the heart to share God’s love with the unreached?

Don’t know where to start? ACM is here to help you! Visit ACM’s website and Facebook page and begin your journey as a missionary. 



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3