Are You Praying for Healing and Financial Breakthrough?

If you are praying for healing and financial provision, Miraflor Mardo understands how you feel.

The pandemic has caused struggles in the lives of many Filipinos and Miraflor wasn’t exempted to that.

Before the pandemic, Miraflor has already been blessed by the ministry of The 700 Club Asia. With her heart for God and people, she committed to regularly giving Php 1,000 to CBN Asia every month.

However, a great trial began when she and her husband tested positive for COVID-19. For two days, Miraflor looked for hospitals—begging and hoping for assistance and help. Sadly, none of the hospitals were able to accommodate them.

The situation seemed so hopeless. But despite the fear and worry she was feeling in her heart, she chose to put her faith in God and started reading her Bible.

She felt her perspective changed when she read Joshua 1:9, which says, This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Are you in a hopeless situation too? Be strong and courageous!

Just like Miraflor, believe that you are not alone. God is with you. Come to Him in prayer and ask God to help you in your difficult situation. With God, nothing is impossible!

After reading the verse, Miraflor cried as she was filled with hope and encouragement from God’s Word! She went to her husband and said, “This is God’s promise to us. He will never leave us. He will be with us wherever we go!”

True enough, miracles started happening for Miraflor. Her former co-worker recommended her to a hospital where they were accommodated right away.

Thankfully, Miraflor heard the good news that her lungs were in good condition and that she doesn’t have to be admitted as a patient. It wasn’t just Miraflor who experienced a miracle, her husband started to recover, too!

God’s power and miracle didn’t end there.

The couple received God’s favor through the health card coverage of her husband and an amount of almost half a million was slashed off their bill! After 11 days in the hospital, the couple was declared COVID-free.

“If you trust in God and you are faithful to Him, giving God what is due to Him, He will not abandon you. Giving back the portion that belongs to God is very important,” Miraflor said.

Do you need health and financial breakthrough, too?

As Matthew 6:33 says, Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

Now is the time to seek God and see the wonderful things He can do in your life.

Start your journey with Jesus now by accepting Him in your heart.

Do you want us to pray for you? Just call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700.

Just like Miraflor, you can be a blessing too by partnering with us! Visit this page to know how you can give.

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