Earth Day Turns 50: How to Celebrate the Environment on a Quarantine?

The planet we live on is a tangible display of God’s goodness, grace, and glory.

However, climate change and other environmental problems have ruined the world’s beauty. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 to further efforts to save our planet, but the pandemic has put those activities to halt. Now, how do you celebrate the environment while staying at home? 

Here are 3 meaningful ways to celebrate the 50th World Earth Day this April 22: 

1. Join at-home Earth Day activities 

This year’s Earth Day remains a worldwide observation – just virtually. 

Although people are socially distancing, a few science and environment authorities have prepared online activities in commemoration of Earth Day

NASA will stage a NASA Science Live” broadcast and a live Q&A with an astronaut to discuss how technology helps in improving the environment. The Earth Day Network launched Earth Day challenges and is set to spark conversations on the environmental crises by bringing together artists, musicians, scientists, and leaders around the globe. Meanwhile, the United Nations has published an interactive report about man’s progress on climate actions.  

Share these activities with loved ones and inspire each other to show concern for the environment! 

2. Start a conversation about nature and God’s work in it 

Have you ever had a conversation with others triggered by what can be seen in nature? It could be a great tool in sharing the goodness of God! 

Mark Brown of Campus Crusade for Christ International has suggested 5 questions you may use in building conversations about nature and God with family and friends 

Promote harmony between man and nature by opening up simple discussions to show that everything is part of God’s creation, as said in John 1:3, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 

3. Pray. 

Take a pause. Gather your loved ones. Take a moment to utter words of gratitude to God for the breath-taking creation His loving hands made. Praise Him and pray that He touches the heart of every man that they may also learn to love the environment we live in.

Pray for the healing of the land, the restoration of biodiversity, and the salvation of mankind – that the present and future generations may enjoy more sunrise, sunsets, and the fullness of His glory. 

As said in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”  

Earth Day matters because God cares about how you treat the environment. More than just ditching plastic cups or shooting your trash directly into the bin, you are also encouraged to fully participate and be more involved in protecting the natural resources God has given.

Do you want to know more about the Creator of the world and all the good things He has done for youClick here to know more about Him today

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