Feeling Abandoned and Alone?

“Why did they leave me?

This is the question Sofia (not her real name) longs to ask if she ever meets her biological parents.

At just three years old, she was found by a security guard, wandering alone near a mall entrance. Sadly, being abandoned at such a young age may have left her with trauma so deep that she has no memory of her past or her family.

She was referred to a children’s home and over the years, moved between government and non-governmental organization shelters. Throughout those years, Sofia deeply longed for a family of her own, just like her friends and classmates had.

“It means so much to me to have a family. This is my greatest wish,” Sofia shared.

Have you ever felt abandoned?

From this moment on, know that you are never truly alone. God is with you, and He will bring people into your life to show you that He sees you and hears you, just as He did for Sofia.

Sofia’s dream of having a family seemed unlikely to happen when the children’s home where she lived was unable to process adoption papers because they don’t have a license.

Yet, God being a good Father, made a way for her.

In 2019, Sofia was transferred to a children’s home supported by Operation Blessing through Orphan’s Promise. She received care and saw her dream starting to come true as her adoption application was processed.

“Through prayer and reading Bible verses like Jeremiah 29:11, which says that God has a purpose and a better plan for me, I held on to hope and did not give up,” Sofia said, her voice filled with hope.

After two years of waiting, Sofia was matched with an adoptive family from Michigan, USA. They are a Christian family who enjoys outdoor activities and spending quality time together—things that Sofia loves as well.

Now, Sofia’s greatest dream came true, all because she held onto hope and believed it would happen.

This is what a child-like faith looks like, a confident trust that God will provide not only what you need but also the deepest desires of your heart.

If you’ve been feeling alone and abandoned, remember Sofia’s story. Just as God was with Sofia and saw every detail of her journey, and fulfilled her dream, He can do the same for you.

Operation Blessing is working hand in hand with Orphan’s Promise to help children get out from dangerous situations and help them reach their full potential. You can join us in giving these children hope and a brighter future. Partner with us today!

How a Desire for Affection Led to Finding God’s Love

What would you do if the very thing you were searching for led to the most devastating pain in your life?

At a young age, Genny Babela had a misguided idea about what love meant. When she was 5 years old, Genny was molested by two boys.

Because of this, she constantly looked for affection and carelessly entered relationships.

Genny often asked, “Is this what love is all about? Being forced to do things you don’t like just because you love a person.”

Since then, because of her trauma, Genny got involved with different partners and had a long list of flings and relationships in a desperate search for true love and acceptance.

As she went through her desperate search for love, Genny’s father would not approve and remind her about waiting for the right time.

Despite her father’s reminder, Genny continued to be reckless with love which led to her poor decisions.

“I was aware that what I was doing was wrong but because of my emotions, I continued,” Genny shared. Because of this, not only was her heart shattered into pieces, but her confidence dwindled.

In this moment, God met Genny and showed her the love she deserved.

Genny was invited into a church that introduced her to Jesus and changed her life. She committed to Bible studies and church ministries and her faith grew.

But after 6 years, another failed relationship shook her. This opened her eyes and reminded her of her worth in Jesus.

She came across a song released by Shekinah Gram under Reverb Worship PH, the music arm of CBN Asia, titled Pansumandali, which changed her perspective on life and love.

“Normally, I would let my emotions dictate my actions, but when I let God take over, I am assured that I would get better outcomes,” Genny shared.

Through God’s help, she completely let go of her wrong beliefs about relationships and fully embraced God’s amazing love.

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” (Ephesians 3:18 NLT)

Help Reverb Worship PH create more songs that would inspire and transform so that more people like Genny could hear God’s message of love and hope! Partner with us today.

Feeling Hopeless?

Have you ever dealt with never-ending problems in life? As if before you could even stand back up, another challenge strikes and puts you down?

That was exactly what Mhadel Comia felt.

When her father passed away from lung cancer, Mhadel had to put her dreams on hold and work to provide for the family.

However, she was laid off from her factory work because of the recession. She put up a sari-sari store but eventually closed it to pursue a job abroad.

A year later, she was back in the Philippines trying out different jobs and businesses but failed. But just when she was about to lose hope, she experienced God’s mercy and grace in her life!

She was re-hired by her former company, and her boss was kind enough to let her pursue her studies while working.

When COVID-19 struck, Mhadel stopped working to continue her studies, and her family supported her financially.

She also found inspiration through the social media posts of The 700 Club Asia.

Things were going smoothly until Mhadel discovered a lump on her breast, which was possibly cancerous. She had to undergo an operation, and she grew more and more hopeless every day.

During this time, CBN Asia became her prayer partner in facing her challenges.

True enough, her prayers had been answered: her doctor confirmed that the lump was not cancerous!

“It was really a miracle. I cried out to God and declared that He is real,” Mhadel said.

Together with the miracle of healing, Mhadel received another blessing from God.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship as a cum laude! It was more than what she had prayed for.

“I was really blessed by God’s miracles in my life. He can turn things around. We just have to trust and surrender our worries to Him,” Mhadel testified.

She experienced what King David said in Psalm 34:17, “The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.”

CBN Asia can continue to pray for others and give hope through your support. Tap here to be our partner today: cbnasia.com/give.

Will There Finally Be Healing After Years of Pain?

Have you ever been bullied at school because you were different?

Jeremy Recoco grew up with a big love for chocolates and sweets. His mother often reminded him to stop eating so many and to brush his teeth afterward. But Jeremy didn’t listen.

He knew that his disobedience was causing him pain, and he was teased and laughed at because of his bad breath and decayed teeth.

On top of that, he frequently suffered from toothaches and headaches. Because of this, he often missed school. Jeremy asked his parents for help, and they tried everything they could think of, but nothing seemed to make a difference.

When Jeremy heard that Operation Blessing was coming to his hometown in Albay, he grabbed the chance to get help. A volunteer dentist saw Jeremy’s condition and immediately decided to perform surgery to remove all his decayed teeth.

“I’m so grateful to God for using Operation Blessing and the people involved to help me with my tooth problems,” Jeremy said.

Now, Jeremy is saving up for dentures. He feels relieved that his tooth problems are being fixed and that he’s no longer suffering from excruciating pain.

Sometimes, help comes in unexpected ways. You can also be a blessing to someone in need. Partner with Operation Blessing today!

God Can Move You from Despair to Hope

Are life’s hardships weighing you down?

Norma Baltazar understands this feeling.

Norma relied on a small pig farm to make ends meet, but when African Swine Flu struck, most of their pigs died, wiping out their primary source of income.

Her daughter then took on the responsibility of providing for the family.

However, Norma’s world was shattered when her daughter tragically passed away from lupus. The loss left her grieving deeply, and also without the means for necessary check-ups or medication.

As she was still trying to recover, another blow came. A year later, her husband had a tumor which prevented him from working.

“I don’t think of myself anymore. I only think of my family,” she shared.

Not long after, her husband passed away, leaving Norma utterly heartbroken and without a steady income. Each day that followed seemed to deepen her sorrow, as the weight of her losses grew heavier, and the future appeared increasingly bleak.

Despite her grief, Norma found a glimmer of hope when Operation Blessing’s Medical Brigade arrived in her community in Ilocos.  Norma lined up early in the morning with her sister-in-law.

The Medical Brigade provides free medical care such as general checkups, and dental and optical services. They also provide free medicines and hygiene kits.

The volunteers greeted them with kindness and care, providing not just the essential medical check-ups and medications that had become so hard to afford, but something even more precious—God’s Word and prayer.

“Our community really needed this medical brigade,” Norma shared.

As the team prayed with her and shared God’s comforting words, Norma experienced a warmth in her heart she hadn’t felt for a while.

She remembered she wasn’t alone, that God had not forgotten her even during her tough times. At that moment, her heavy burden started to lift, giving way to a fresh feeling of peace and hope.

Norma’s story is a beautiful reminder of how God’s love reaches us even in our most desperate times. As Psalm 34:18 NLT says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Let Norma’s story encourage you to keep hoping, no matter what problems you face.

Your support can bring hope and healing to others who are struggling like Norma. Share your blessings and help Operation Blessing conduct more medical brigades all over the Philippines. Partner with us today!

How to Trust God During the Most Difficult Times?

What if the blessing that the Lord gave you was taken away immediately? Would you still trust Him?

After a year of being married, Joan and her husband were very happy to receive the good news that she was pregnant. They believe that it was a blessing from God.

But after 7 weeks of pregnancy, Joan experienced bleeding, and sadly, had a miscarriage. Grieving, she prayed to the Lord to help her accept and understand what was happening.

After a year, Joan was surprised that God answered their prayers once more: she was pregnant again.

Because of excitement, she went to the doctor the next day.

Joan’s ultrasound showed that she has a blighted ovum. It was a condition where her embryo stopped developing that caused her second miscarriage.

Joan started to ask why God allowed this to happen to her.

Do you also question God during the most difficult times?

You are not alone.

Joan had many questions too, and she felt hopeless.

Until one day, she saw a video from The 700 Club Asia on social media that featured the story of a woman who is suffering from PCOS and had a hard time getting pregnant. But true enough, our miracle-working God answered her prayers, and she soon gave birth to twins.

Joan regained her hope and began to trust God again.

She then sent a message to The 700 Club Asia and asked for prayers. She hoped to be pregnant again. She also surrendered everything to God and received Jesus as her Lord and Personal Savior.

On May 29, 2022, Joan received God’s answer to her prayers, that she was 6 weeks pregnant!

“I am very happy and I thank God because I was able to hear my baby’s heartbeat,” she recalled.

After experiencing God’s miracle in her life, Joan wanted to give back and started giving to CBN Asia. God touched her heart to give and to share His goodness with many.

Joan gave birth to her daughter, Janaya Tiffany Iris, last December 22, 2022.

“My daughter is my answered prayer. She is God’s miracle to us. Nothing is impossible with God,” she testified.

Joan’s story is a beautiful reminder to trust in God’s plans.

He is a miracle-working God and He hears the cries of your heart. Although we experience delays and setbacks in life, it is best to hold on to His promise that He has something great in store for us. In His time, He will make it happen.

As Isaiah 60:22 says, “At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Do you need someone to pray for you? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700, or send us a message through Facebook.

If God is touching your heart to become our partner in sharing His love and blessings with others, visit cbnasia.org/give.

The Secret to a Small Business Success

Allan Perez started his business with just Php 1,000—and from that modest start, it became a flourishing venture. If you are planning to start a business with only a small capital, this story reveals the secret to his success.

In 2005, Allan and his wife, Arlene, were forced to close their canteen because of low sales.

Allan worried about how his children would continue studying. They are struggling to make ends meet, having only Php 1,000 left from the canteen’s closure.

Regardless of these challenges, Allan came up with an idea – a fried chicken business.

He used the Php 1,000 to buy six pieces of chicken and a tank of gas. Then, he developed his own recipe.

“We distributed our phone number to former canteen customers,” he recalled.

Despite the excitement and preparation, their fried chicken sales were so few.

Some days, only three chickens were sold, and sometimes, it was just one. Because of this, Allan was often sleepless, worrying about how to make their business successful.

Until one night, Allan chanced upon The 700 Club Asia airing on TV. He prayed with the host, Connie Reyes, who encouraged viewers to trust in the Lord despite their financial lack.

That night, they were down to their last Php 200, but Allan and Arlene felt compelled to give it as an offering. The next morning, they donated the money to CBN Asia.

God honored their generous hearts.

It has not been a week yet, but they started getting more orders. Customers spread good feedback and recommended their fried chicken to others.

Business boomed and it sustained their family until two of their children finished college. Allan and Arlene also acquired a physical store for the business. Their humble Php 200 offering was multiplied beyond their expectation.

“I keep telling my friends that this started with The 700 Club Asia. It is God’s business, He just entrusted it to me. When you give to God, He will bless you back with so much,” Allan testified.

Today, Mang-A Fried Chicken is not just a business, it’s a symbol of God’s faithfulness.

“Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.” (Luke 6:38 GNT)

Were you inspired by Allan’s story? If you’re seeking blessing in your business, you can start by giving back to God’s ministry. Partner with God and witness His miracles in your plans.



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3