Is God Calling You?

What if God calls you to go to one of the poorest countries in the world, would you respond?

Danny and Dovie Siega faced the same question, too.

They were both graduates of the Asian Center for Missions (ACM), the missionary training arm of CBN Asia. In response to a divine call echoing in their hearts, they went on a transformative journey as missionaries in Uganda in 2005.

Despite its abundant resources, Uganda is among world’s most underprivileged countries. Along with the extreme poverty, a significant portion of Ugandan students struggle to attain even basic levels of literacy and numeracy.

The heart of the missionary couple resonated with Uganda’s pressing needs. Having determination and hearts full of kindness, they didn’t let challenges or cultural differences discourage them from helping the Ugandan community.

Their journey began with reaching out to children, establishing a school for the little ones of Uganda to care for them and share messages of hope.

It didn’t stop there. The children’s parents were also able to hear about Jesus. As the seed of faith grew, the couple planted a children’s church that also thrived.

Trusting in God’s guidance, Danny and Dovie continued to spread love and hope to Ugandan children. Their school that started with just 8 students grew into a thriving school teaching thousands. The joy of seeing so many children get the chance to learn and succeed was a reward beyond measure for the couple.

“If you want to change the nation, you need to invest in education,” Danny shared.

Do you share the same heart with Danny and Dovie?

Do you feel that God is calling you to bless the nations?

When Danny and Dovie heard God’s call, they responded in faith. They extended their reach to Sudan, a neighboring country facing similar struggles—poverty and education. Danny used his knowledge of aquaculture to introduce fish farming, while Dovie poured her heart into an orphanage, sharing hope with vulnerable children.

They also stepped in as compassionate trauma counselors, spreading comfort and God’s peace to communities caught up in the armed conflicts in Sudan.

To Danny and Dovie, the Asian Center for Missions has been a key support throughout their missionary journey.

“I thank God for ACM for investing in our lives. We were able to see our purpose,” Danny shared.

Dovie’s voice echoed with sincerity, “To all the staff of ACM, whether you’re here or in the mission field—may the Lord bless you. Glory to God!”

Is God calling you?

May this story inspire you to answer in faith. Danny and Dovie’s missionary journey proves that as you heed God’s call, He will always be with you—as He promised in Joshua 1:9 (NIV):

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Do you also have a heart for the nations?

Be a volunteer, a trainee, or a partner of Asian Center for Missions. Go to

If you have any prayer concerns, you may connect with the CBN Asia Prayer Center. Our prayer counselors are available to listen and pray for you.

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