How to Overcome Insecurity? Beauty Queen Answers in Beyond Small Talk

You’ve had enough. 

You are fed up with insecurities ruling over your life. 

You are tired of faking confidence in front of others and you just want to be a really confident person. 

Beloved, to be insecure is not part of God’s plan for you. As a matter of fact, you were made to be free and confident of who you are in Jesus Christ! 

And yes, you can stop being insecure. Beauty queen and Beyond Small Talk host Venus Raj suggests tips to help you overcome insecurity and fully embrace your God-given identity. 

Tip #1: Ask yourself why you are feeling insecure 

Only when you know the real cause is when you can heal the root and liberate yourself. 

So instead of wallowing in your insecurities, the first step is to face and analyze them one by one. On your journal, write down all your insecurities and ask yourself, “Where do I think this insecurity comes from? Why do I compare myself with others?”  

It’s time to recall that life experience or deeply rooted childhood trauma that caused your insecurities and fear, so you can start to heal. Overcoming insecurity doesn’t happen overnight, but you can start praying for them and re-writing a positive belief about yourself. 

Tip #2: Stop comparing yourself with others 

To Venus, comparing yourself to others can be healthy if you want to learn and improve. However, if the comparison brings you to a point where you feel bad about yourself or you feel better than other people, then you should stop. 

She admits that despite being a beauty queen, she also had a fair share of insecurities, and eventually learned from them, “I realized that the main reason of my insecurity was actually comparison. Comparison kills, and comparison is not glorifying in the eyes of the Lord.” 

Tip #3: Be honest with God. Let Him know what you feel. 

Insecurities are deeply rooted in fear — fear of not being enough, fear of what other people will think of you, fear of exposing your weaknesses to the world. 

It could be hard to overcome your insecurities when you’ve been living with them for so long. 

Thankfully, the Word of God is here to remind you of this truth: 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— 

 whom shall I fear? 

The Lord is the stronghold of my life— 

    of whom shall I be afraid?” 

(Psalm 27:1 NIV) 

The solution to insecurity is not to attempt at perfection, but to rest in the stronghold of your life – Jesus. You cannot knock out all your insecurities at once, but you can work on them one at a time with the help of a perfect God that covers all your imperfections. 

So don’t be afraid to be humble, honest, and vulnerable to God. Whether it’s physical, emotional, financial, or intellectual insecurity, you can pray and ask Him to heal them one by one. 

Don’t allow the standards of others to dictate how you feel about yourself. As Venus puts it, you might struggle with your insecurities, but they don’t define your identity. 

“We cannot overcome insecurity apart from the one who gives us security, and that is the Lord. Your emotions are valid, but I pray that you would find your security in the Lord again. Nothing can fill in the void that is in our heart that’s supposed to be filled by the Lord alone,” she ended. 

You are whole.  

You are fully accepted. 

You are loved. 

So starting today, keep your head up high. You are precious in your Heavenly Father’s eyes! 

Are you still struggling to find your worth, value, or identity? Are you crippled by insecurities? 

We are here to encourage you through prayers. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page.  

Watch out for the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, March 3, at 7:00 PM on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel!   

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