Are You Struggling to Forgive?

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

If you are struggling with forgiveness, then you can relate to Angeline’s story.

What would you do if you were given an opportunity to go to college?

Most people would agree that a good education is a ticket to a brighter future. But for Angeline Gacosta, it is a perfect plot for revenge.

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

Angeline went to college and took up Criminology because she wanted to have a gun. She thought that maybe a gun could protect her from bad people, from abusers… from her own father.

To say that Angeline hates her father would be an understatement. Time heals all wounds for some people, but for Angeline, the pain her father inflicted on her still stung even after all these years. His beatings. His cruel words. She remembers everything as if they were just yesterday.

“I did not feel that my father ever loved me because of the things he did to me,” Angeline lamented.

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

But more than the bruises and wounds from his fists, Angeline’s father did what no father should ever do to an innocent child. Angeline was molested by her own father.

She was too young to know what was “normal behavior” then, but she felt what her father did to her was wrong. What hurts her more is that her mother knew about it, but she did not do anything to stop him.

“My mother was in denial about what happened. Growing up, I had to force a smile or a laugh to hide all my fears,” Angeline cried. “I told myself that I will not be a girl. I will hide my pain and would never let any man touch me again.”

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

Dread overtook Angeline when she realized that their home had not been a safe place for her growing up. The trauma and the horrible memories from her father’s abuse and her mom’s denial of it left Angeline angry, confused, scared, and scarred for a long time.

To mask her pain, Angeline dressed and behaved like a man. She took all the rage she felt toward men and tried beating up her younger brother. The pain affected almost every area of her life.

“I took up Criminology because, with a gun, I could protect myself from men,” Angeline confessed “Eventually, I realized that taking that course just so I can avenge myself was wrong.”

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

However, her epiphany wasn’t enough to dissolve all the hate in her heart. Angeline spiraled into depression and decided to end all her miseries.

“Before jumping off our school building, I prayed, ‘Lord, why did this happen to me? Why is my family like this?’” Angeline recalled.

Do you, like Angeline, struggle to forgive? Do you find it difficult to let go of your painful past?

Trust that God can set you free!

Believe that there is a loving God who can help you let go of any pain or bitterness. Believe that He can mend your brokenness and make you feel whole again!

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

This has been true to Angeline. Just before she jumped off the building, God spoke to her heart.

She remembered, “The wind blew, and I heard a voice saying, ‘Hold on, My child. I love you. I am here for you.’ It was the first time I heard God’s voice.”

Angeline got to know God better when she joined Youth with a Mission – a Christian movement that helped her realize God’s purpose for her life. As she experienced God’s transforming love, she also learned to forgive her parents and herself.

“I had to release forgiveness so that I could forgive myself, too. If it wasn’t for God, I never could have forgiven my father. I never would have asked the forgiveness of my brother,” Angeline said.

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

She discovered that time doesn’t heal all wounds – forgiveness does. And if you are struggling to forgive someone who hurt you deeply, Angeline has a message for you:

“We just have to embrace life’s challenges and allow them to point us to our faithful Lord. Troubles come and go, but God’s love remains forever,” Angeline ended.

Are You Struggling to Forgive?

Come to Jesus and let Him help you break free from the shackles of your past. Call upon Him and let His power lift all your heartaches, pain, and unforgiveness.

God is willing to give you a new heart – a heart that truly loves and truly forgives. Just ask for it!

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT)

Do you also want to experience God’s love and restoration?

We are here to pray for you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

Is there Blessing in Giving?

Is there Blessing in Giving?

For pre-school teacher Sharon Pagang, the answer will always be a resounding yes.

Sharon first learned the value of giving from her parents. This lesson stayed with her as she grew up and had a family of her own.

Is there Blessing in Giving?

One evening, Sharon and her husband Jovenal chanced upon The 700 Club Asia. They saw the many struggling families helped through Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines (OB) and it touched their hearts. Without any hesitation, the couple heeded the call to help through giving.

Is there Blessing in Giving?

“My husband and I were encouraged by the stories of people who were touched by God’s faithfulness. That night, we decided to give to Operation Blessing,” Sharon recalled.

Like Sharon, do you long to give whenever you hear and witness the struggles of others?

It is easy to be a blessing to others when life is all good and easy, but what about when it’s hard? Barely a month after Sharon decided to bless others, she found out that she had kidney stones.

Worried and anxious about the possibility of a medical operation, she doubted if she was physically and financially ready for this challenge.

In the midst of her uncertainty, Sharon was reminded that God is her great healer. She decided to remain prayerful, faithful and committed to her calling.

“I told my husband that in spite of what we are going through, we will continue to help God’s ministry,” Sharon said.

Little did she know, she was up for a miracle.

Just weeks after she prayed, the kidney stones were flushed out of her body! It meant two things: she no longer needed a medical operation and she just received God’s miraculous healing.

Is there Blessing in Giving?

Sharon exclaimed, “Yes, Lord! We are forever grateful to You for Your healing touch.”

Exceedingly grateful for God’s faithfulness, Sharon’s generosity increased. She and her husband happily gave more than what they initially pledged to Operation Blessing.

Truly, God is the source of provision, healing, and life.

No one can ever outgive God, and Sharon’s story is wonderful proof of this fact. Blessings followed after Sharon and her husband blessed others with their giving. Business opportunities opened for their family; her husband was promoted to a managerial role.

And that’s not all. “We have been praying for a baby and because God is so faithful, He gave us one!” Sharon shared. “We are so happy and thankful, and we will never forget the outpour of blessings we received from Him.”

Is there Blessing in Giving?

Even in a pandemic, God’s divine sustenance never fails to amaze the couple. Sharon and Jovenal found God’s peace during these trying times – the ultimate blessing they receive whenever they give.

And if like them, you want to experience the blessing that comes from giving, the couple has a message for you:

“This pandemic is the time where we can show our gratitude to God. One way of showing how thankful we are is to give. Learn to share. Do not worry for tomorrow for we cannot fathom His plans for us.”

Is there Blessing in Giving?

Are you blessed by this story?

Do you also want to experience the blessing in giving, but you do not know where to start?

Partner with us in proclaiming Christ and transforming lives! Call 8-737-0-700 or contact us via Skype (The700clubasia). To know more about the work God is doing through Operation Blessing, you may visit OB’s website and Facebook page.

What Does Your Faith Look Like?

For Rolly Monsurahis faith is like an array of different colors. For him, his life is God’s beautiful masterpiece. 

Even after suffering from polio at such a young ageRolly still sees a bright future ahead of him. He never lost hope because he knew that the God his father introduced to him is a good and loving God. 

So instead of focusing on his health conditionRolly honed his talent. The boy developed a passion for the art of drawing and painting. Growing up, he found his spot in the world of marketing as a marketing manager in a hotel. 

However, Rolly’s experiences were not always sunshine. He also had a fair share of grief, specifically, when his marriage fell apart. During his darkest days in the 1980she chanced upon The 700 Club and found comfort watching the program. 

“Pat Robertson was praying, and there’s always an invitation to call for prayer and counseling. So, I called,” Rolly shared. 

Life went on. Rolly resigned from his job and focused on his freelance works in advertising 

This change, however, greatly affected their family financially. There came a point when he could not afford the schooling of his son anymore. Fees were piling up.  

As a loving father, it broke his heart that he was unable to provide for his son. Once again, Rolly felt his life hit rock bottom.  

Yet, he endured these tough challenges and more through prayers and God’s graceHe phoned CBN Asia’s Prayer Center who intently and intensively prayed for him and his family. 

“I was calling the Prayer Center almost every week. I have a deadline, but I was assured that God will take care of those things for me,” Rolly recalled. 

God turned Rolly’s gloomy moments into hope. His faith burned brighter and stronger in the midst of those trials.  

God did not disappoint him. Rolly’s powerful prayers and unwavering faith paved way for God to bless him with a new project that enabled them to pay his son’s tuition fee. 

After experiencing God’s kindness firsthand, Rolly decided to pay it forward by being a faithful partner of CBN AsiaBelieving that he is called to be a good steward of God’s blessings, Rolly became a regular donor since then

Now, he continues to live with childlike faith. 

Even though I have a lot of shortcomings, God is still good to me. I am very grateful that I was enlightened. Everything fell into place!” Rolly ended. 

How about you, what does your faith look likeDo you feel like you’re surrounded by darkness right now? 

Like Rolly, believe that you are God’s work of art! Thus, He won’t allow you to perish and be left alone in a gloomy world. Let Him paint your life with vibrant colors of hope and mercy! Suffering may last for a while, but God will reward your faithfulness for His glory. 

As what 1 Peter 1:6-7 reminds usIn all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Do you need prayers right now? You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 and take your first step to peace. 



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3