Depressed? Anxious? Physically Ill?

Public school teacher Edilyn De Lima had little time to be all that. But in 2014, she noticed an abnormal lump under her left breast. She had a feeling that it was a sign of something worse.

“It was very painful; it felt like it was going to explode,” Edilyn recalled. “I was thinking, ‘God, what is this cyst? Is this cancer?’”

Edilyn started to feel depressed, anxious, and physically ill, but because of extreme fear, she chose to keep her condition to herself.

Do you also keep your problems to yourself?

Are you also overpowered by fear and worry?

Edilyn could relate to you. She thought that she had no time to succumb to her trials—she has a family to support and a class to take care of. She couldn’t put her loved ones into this. So, for six long years, Edilyn battled silently, hoping that it will soon go away.

But she was wrong.

Her condition did not improve, in fact, it worsened. Until this year, the pain and swelling in her left chest became unbearable. Edilyn could not take the excruciating pain any longer and rushed herself to the hospital.

Right there, she was confronted by the truth that she has been avoiding for so long—her doctors discovered that there is a cancerous cyst growing in her left breast.

“The doctor told me that I need to undergo a biopsy. My mother did not want me to undergo biopsy as she feared it might cause complications,” Edilyn shared.

She has gone through numerous trials in life, but nothing prepared her for the fear, anxiety, and confusion that were caused by the malignant tumor spreading in her body.

In times like these, where do you turn to for hope and comfort?

In this desperate time, Edilyn experienced God’s comforting love through Tanglaw, CBN Asia’s devotional app.

The devotional was about the story of King Jehoshaphat, who won a war despite not having enough soldiers. Edilyn was amazed by how God gave them victory because Jehoshaphat sought him in prayer. She realized that she, too, can seek God’s help.

“Whenever we have problems, look up! Let’s look to the Lord and fix our eyes on Him, because He is a victorious God,” Edilyn declared, claiming victory over her illness.

This message encouraged her to pray and seek God’s guidance. It encouraged her to trust the process and undergo biopsy. During this tough season, the CBN Asia Prayer Center became her prayer companion.

“Everything that I’ve been through at the hospital—step by step—I would message CBN Asia. God truly gave me the strength to face all problems,” Edilyn said.

Praying, waiting, and holding on to her miracle.

This was Edilyn’s posture in front of her adversity. She was told to wait for a month to see the results of her biopsy. But on the 15th day, God surprised her with her long-awaited healing.

“I have never been that nervous in my life. When I heard the results, I cried tears of happiness. They said my tumor is benign!” Edilyn recalled in tears. The doctors successfully extracted the cyst, and by God’s grace, she is completely healed.

Today, Edilyn loves to share about the power of prayer and a God who heals.

“No one is exempted from experiencing trials in life. What’s different about having Jesus in our lives is we have the courage to face those trials,” she ended.

Have you been depressed, anxious, and physically ill for too long?

God was able to speak peace to the heart and mind of Edilyn. He can do the same for you. Seek God in prayer and allow Him to prove that He is your great and awesome healer.

When the sick and distressed cry to God, He hears them. He delivers them. From emotional healing to recovery from sickness, God in His love speaks, and it is done—the body and soul are restored to health.

“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man!” (Psalms 107:19-21 ESV)

Do you need prayers for healing?

Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you.

If you are also moved to share God’s love to the hopeless and hurting, we welcome you to partner with us.

3 Tips to Strengthen Your Bible-Reading Experience

Have you opened your Bible today?

Maybe you have been consumed with the demands of work, family, or personal errands that you sometimes forget to read the Bible.

If you have been like this, you are not alone.

According to Ponce Foundation, only less than half of the Christian population are reading the Bible. So, if you want to overcome the struggle of consistently meditating on the Word of God, here are some tips to strengthen your Bible-reading experience:

1. Set a schedule

From social media notifications to chit-chats from your family and friends, focusing is really a struggle nowadays.

According to Psychology Today, one of the ways to help you remove these distractions that easily divert your attention is through timeboxing or scheduling a time, solely, for a certain activity.

Schedule your day for all your tasks including your daily Bible-reading plan. By doing this, you can effectively manage your time and not overthink about other things you want to accomplish and check.

Additionally, setting a time means being intentional in seeking the Word of God. So, make reading the Bible an essential part of your daily schedule.

2. Seek the Holy Spirit

Before you start reading your Bible, pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for God’s revelation and pray for specific answers you want to hear from God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with wisdom as you read the Bible and learn from the Word that will be revealed to you.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:15 NLT)

Remember that strengthening your Bible-reading habits is not about the number of passages you have read but rather on how you heard God through reading His Word.

As you seek the Holy Spirit, you may ask these questions: What does God’s Word say, and what does that mean to your life?

3. Journal your reflections

After reading the Word and hearing from God, write down your key takeaways. Whether God revealed to you a promise, a warning, or an answer to your prayer, keep that in a journal.

According to Web MD, you are less likely to forget something when you keep track in writing the things that are essential to you.

Writing can help you recall these notes which can eventually be good reminders for you in the future. So, keep meditating on the Word of God and discover a clear direction on living your life.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8 ESV)

Do you want to start your Bible-reading journey today?

Start knowing the Lord through Tanglaw, CBN Asia’s Filipino devotional in Volume 2. Grab your copy now through Supergiftsph on Shopee and Lazada.

Happy reading!

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Download Your Free Holy Week Devotional “The Hope for Redemption”

If you are not quite sure how you will spend your second Holy Week in a pandemic, you are not alone.  

COVID-19 has changed the way people observe Holy Week. Instead of visiting prayer mountains, churches, and other places of worship, many people are cooped up in their homes all day long. 

Praise God for opportunities to know Him more despite the pandemic! 

You and your loved ones can still rediscover the passion of Jesus Christ wherever you are through CBN Asia’s free Holy Week Devotional, The Hope for Redemption. 

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This free devotional e-book takes you through Jesus’ final week on earth, as accounted in the Bible. Revisit His timeless teachings and the events leading up to mankind’s redemption – from His triumphal entry in Jerusalem to His crucifixion and resurrection. 

Visit this page and complete the form to receive your FREE copy! 

Rediscover and celebrate the risen God’s victory! Download The Hope for Redemption and share this article with your family and friends so they, too, will be blessed. 

Are you still looking for more devotional material? 

Walk in God’s light and love this Holy Week with Tanglaw App – the first Filipino devotional mobile application in audio and text format.  

Tanglaw will feature devotions especially written for Holy Week, starting Maundy Thursday, April 1, up to Sunday, April 4. 

Download the Tanglaw app from Google Play or the App Store for FREE or stream it on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, and Google Podcast. 



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3