7 Common Triggers for Holiday Blues

Feeling anxious, sad, or stressed this Christmas?

You are not alone. While many people are excited and filled with joy this time of year, the holidays bring negative feelings for others.

If you are feeling down and blue, perhaps you are wondering what causes those feelings so you can start addressing it.

Beyond Small Talk is here to help you figure that out!

Singer-songwriter Trisha Denise, Counselor at Amara Counseling and Training Center Archie Dela Cruz, and The 700 Club Asia host Peter Kairuz share 7 common triggers for holiday blues.

1. Early and long Christmas in the Philippines and the tendency to compare with other people.

To say that the Pinoys love Christmas is an understatement. As soon as “BER months” arrive, the holiday countdown begins!

And as lights and sounds fill the streets and malls, some people feel pressured into putting up decors or buying gifts. People tend to compare their holiday preparations with others, which might trigger the holiday blues.

 2. Pressures on finances

December is a budget crunch time for many Filipinos. People are feeling the pressure of trying to make this year ‘extra special’ for their loved ones. And the pressure is amplified by the ongoing pandemic.

3. The pressure to lose weight and exercise

With Noche Buena, Media Noche, and a couple of holiday parties in between, staying in shape seem to be a challenging task for some.

Counselor Archie shares that people become more conscious of their bodies during the holidays, which adds to the pressure and holiday blues they feel.

4. Stress caused by heavy traffic

Now that the government has lifted lockdowns, more and more people are going out and meeting their loved ones face-to-face. This means that heavy traffic resumes, too! Traffic congestion and noise pollution are legit sources of stress, leading to holiday blues.

5. Lack of love life or romance

Known as a season of togetherness and love, some people feel lonely—and even pressured—that they don’t have a romantic partner to share the holidays with. Trisha observes this trend, too.

“As a songwriter, I am always asked to write about hugot Christmas songs during this time. I think some girls and guys of my age treat Christmas season as Valentine’s season too. They ask why they don’t have a significant other this Christmas,” she said.

6. When people go through a period of transition

It’s totally overwhelming to find yourself grieving or experiencing life changes during the holiday season.

“As a counselor, I’ve seen, witnessed, and heard people who go through mourning during the holidays, because apart from losing a loved one, transitions are always difficult and challenging,” Archie shares.

If you are going through difficult or major life changes, Peter has an encouragement for you: You can make it through.

“Every time we go through transitions or we enter a new season, there’s going to be changes and it’s going to be challenging. But if we apply ourselves properly, we’re going to come out of that situation as champions.”

7. Unnecessary or unwanted breakups

The holiday season is never a great time to have relational problems, but it happens. Breakups and tensions in relationships as Christmas and New Year arrive also adds to experiencing holiday blues.

What about you, what triggers your holiday blues?

Comment below so we can pray for you. You may also call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and our trained prayer counselors will reach out to you.

If you need help in managing those negative emotions, catch the next webisode of Beyond Small talk to learn tips on how you can cope with holiday blues—streaming this Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

tips to overcome financial stress

Experiencing Financial Stress this Christmas? Check Out these 5 Tips!

The holiday season is officially here!

While it’s a season of merriment and cheer and ultimately celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, there are also people caught up in financial stress.

Overspending, paying off debts or bills, and buying gifts and Noche Buena are just some of the many things that cause financial stress during the holidays. In fact, many would agree that these challenges are amplified by the ongoing pandemic.

While we can all recognize the changes that the pandemic brings, there are ways that can reduce your financial stress this Christmas. Steer clear of unwanted holiday stress with these 3 tips:

tips to overcome financial stress

Tip #1: Create a spending plan and stick to it

Before you dig into your pocket and purchase those gifts and meals, make a spending plan so you won’t go over budget.

The Business World cited a survey stating that since the start of the pandemic, more Filipinos are trying to save up. If you’re one of them, don’t reverse your progress with unnecessary shopping this year. List down how much you have and what you need, then spend within your means.

Tip #2: Talk to your family about holiday expenses

Income has changed for everyone during the pandemic. Whether you’re making more or less, it’s best to talk to your family about holiday budget and expenses.

Do you want to cut your holiday spending? Do you plan to recycle gifts or not give and receive gifts at all? Would you rather skip exchange gifts this year and help someone in need instead?

Tell them! Financial experts from NBC News affirms that it’s okay to set limits and communicate boundaries with your loved ones this holiday. Set and mention the expectations so there will be lesser stress on your end.

tips to overcome financial stress

Tip #3: Revisit your financial goals

Christmas and New Year celebrations would still be different this year, but these changes can be good too. Changes help you adapt and reassess your financial goals.

With smaller meals and less travels, how much can you save this holiday season? Remembering your goals and redirecting those savings to your goal help ease financial stress, Help Guide agrees. It allows you to focus on long-term plans than short-term festivities.

tips to overcome financial stress

Tip #4: Reexamine your attitude toward money

Have you ever wondered why some people are not stressed about spending beyond their means even though they don’t have much? Likewise, there are some who have the financial capacity but get stressed over purchasing inexpensive gifts.

It all boils down to a person’s attitude toward money. Do you allow money matters pressure you? Remember, you don’t need to force yourself to give gifts if you don’t have time and resources. You don’t need to reciprocate gifts.

Organize your values and mindset about money. When you know what you want, how much you have, and what you can afford—you won’t be too stressed.

Tip #5: Remember the real reason for this season

It’s normal to experience a little bit of stress during the holidays, especially when you’re on a tight budget. Afterall, you just want the best food, gifts, and experience in the most wonderful time of the year.

However, these things could also be the reasons why you’re caught up in the financial stress.

Though it’s good to give, it’s not the price tag but the spirit of the giving that makes it worthwhile. Though it’s good to share a feast, you can find peace in the fact that Christmas is more about being with your loved ones, being grateful, and experiencing Jesus Christ, our Savior.

May God’s joy, peace, and love be upon you this Christmas!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV)

tips to overcome financial stress

Experience more of Jesus this Christmas and New Year with Tanglaw Devotional Book Volume 2! Tanglaw brings you daily Bible verses, practical yet inspiring words of encouragement, and the ultimate experience of discovering God’s love and light. Grab your copies now through SuperGifts PH on Shopee and Lazada.

How to deal with holiday blues

5 Ways to Deal with Holiday Blues

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us once again.

Everywhere you look, you see people happy and excited for parties and gifts.

And then, even in the glow of Christmas lights and holiday festivities, there are also people who are dealing with loss, anxiety, and depression. Are you one of them?

According to Kendra Cherry in her article on Very Well Mind, people who are anticipating the holidays can also experience the blues during this time.

One of the signs and symptoms of holiday blues is the repeated feeling of sadness at the start of the holidays. A few symptoms of this are changes in mood, appetite, and sleeping patterns at around November and December.

So, if you are feeling blue this holiday season, here are a few tips to help you cope joyfully this time of the year:

How to deal with holiday blues

1. Set Boundaries

Large gatherings and other compulsory corporate or social events may seem overwhelming these holidays.

It’s hard to avoid the flood of party invitations from co-workers, former schoolmates, or even family reunions coming from everywhere.

Psychologist Dr. Dawn Potter through Cleveland Clinic said in an article that one of the ways to cope with holiday stress and depression is to set boundaries.

Dr. Potter said that it is alright to decline invitations to events or parties you are not comfortable attending.

Being honest about how you feel could help you cope and eventually find peace amid your holiday blues.

2. Connect to people

As much as you want to limit your interaction this holiday season to avoid being overwhelmed, fight the urge to isolate yourself from others.

The Mayo Clinic encourages us to reach out through chat or call to close family members and our trusted circle of friends to help decompress the emotional stress building inside us.

You can also seek company from online support groups where you can meet new people even in this pandemic.

Aside from these groups, try joining social events that interest you or even volunteering for programs to help others.

Joining these activities could give you a new environment and perspective, as well as widen your network with new people.

3. Let go of the past

Sometimes, holiday blues come from past holiday experiences.

So, if reminiscing about the good (or bad) old times of holidays is negatively affecting your mental health, let it go.

In Counseling Today, licensed Professional Counselor Esther De La Rosa Scott said that positive actions combat holiday stress. One of these positive actions is letting go of the past.

Everything changes. Every holiday has its own unique story, and you should embrace and enjoy each one.

Furthermore, she said that you should not be disappointed in yourself when your holidays are not the same as the ones you used to have.

Instead of focusing on past events, write down your present blessings and things you are grateful for.

4. Rest and recharge

Holidays are not requiring you to stay active all the time. You can also use this season to rest and recharge your body.

While most of the people are taking this time to party all night, go ahead and take this time to have quality sleep. Embrace JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out) to get some rest.

Schedule 15 to 20 minutes of your day to enjoy quiet time. Spend a few minutes doing some of your favorite stress-relieving activities such as reading a book, listening to music, or strolling outside.

Find rest in the presence of God. After all, Christmas is about the birth of the Savior who can redeem you from all your burden and pain.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

5. Be honest with God in your situation

As you come to the Lord, the best thing to do when you are feeling blue is to open your heart to Him.

Release every bit of sadness to Him comfort you. Go ahead and confess to Him your heart’s desires through prayer.

As you spend time with God, your heart finds rest and clarity. God’s presence can bring you peace even in the midst of the busy atmosphere this holiday season.

If you are feeling blue, remember this Word of God from Philippians 4:16 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Let go and let God.

Do you still feel sad and lonely this holiday season? Know where you can find the ultimate comfort and peace.

Let us also pray for you! Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer requests to our Facebook page.

May you experience the joy of the Lord this holiday season!



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3