09052020_Charity amid a Crisis 3 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Give during a Pandemic

Charity amid a Crisis? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Give during a Pandemic

With months away from flipping the 2020 calendar, the battle against the pandemic is far from over.

Healthcare workers still struggle with a shortage of protective equipment. More and more kababayans face unemployment as the economy dips. And, low-income families continue to wonder where to get their next meal.

No doubt, the current crisis takes a heavy toll on every Juan.

Yes, life is quite challenging these days. It is hard to keep your face toward the sunshine when all you can see are shadows, isn’t it?

Yet one of the strongest traits of being a Filipino is the inclination to find the silver lining on every cloud. And if there’s one silver lining that came out during this difficult time, it is the bayanihan spirit that gets stronger because of the crisis.

This International Day of Charity, here are 3 things to ponder on if you are wondering about how you can take part in helping others even in the simplest way:

1. What is your motivation?

Ask yourself why you want to give and what specific things you want to accomplish by donating.

Do you want to support and sustain the health workers and other frontliners? Do you wish to feed the hungry and send aid to those who lost their jobs? Or maybe, your heart is in supporting the youth’s learning and education amid the pandemic?

Knowing your “whats” and “whys” about giving will help you with the “hows.” Your personal motivations can help you decide how to maximize your resources and execute your charitable ideas.

2. What are your resources?

Charity comes in various shapes and sizes.

You can donate goods, money, or time. However, due to the pressing health risks brought by COVID-19, more people are now actively involved in supporting those who are in need through financial means.

Giving food and other essential items is great. But if you have the financial capacity to give and make sponsorships, you may consider donating money so those in need can buy the things they actually need.

Also, are you considering a one-time donation, or would you go for a long-term, more sustainable way of helping others?

3. Do you need expert guidance on your charitable giving?

If you are a first-time donor or you simply do not know yet who to help and how you can help, partnering with charitable and humanitarian organizations is a good option.

These groups have been working closely with the communities and beneficiaries, and have projects that help people in the ways they need most. Your generous support would help them sustain such projects that truly help people.

For instance, Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines – CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm – has been working to help in the fight against COVID-19 and bring hope and comfort to kababayans who experience fear and anxiety during this pandemic.

Operation Blessing has already provided relief to thousands of patientsfrontlinersfarmerssenior citizens and childrenpersons with disabilitiesindigenous communitiesjeepney driversjobless and homeless individuals, and some of the most vulnerable families across the country.

If you want to help our underprivileged kababayans and spark hope to communities in need, you can partner with Operation Blessing today. You may give online or contact 09399215543 or 09189067753 to make sponsorships.

It takes huge faith to give away what is yours.

But instead of being close-fisted, God has opened your heart and hands for something bigger: helping others.

Know that as you donate, you give beyond money. You don’t just alleviate their current suffering – you also help restore their hope and dignity. Above all, you please your Heavenly Father, because even during the toughest days, you still choose to give with compassion, love, and charity.

“Let all your things be done with charity.” (1 Corinthians 16:14 KJV)

(DSWD-SB-SP-00029-2019 Nationwide)



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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3