Is Success Possible Despite Growing Up in a Broken Family?

Abandoned. Rejected. Never enough.

Those were the thoughts of young Joanna Sedol when her father left their family for another woman.

At first, her young mind couldn’t understand why she had to grow up in a broken family and why she suffered because of her father’s mistakes.

It was unfair.

But as she grew to become a young adult woman, she concluded that every man on the planet was like her father—irresponsible, had no sense of commitment, and would always leave her alone in the end.

Joanna’s bitterness toward her father led her to find a sense of belonging and completeness in her friends and to turn to alcohol to escape the pain.

However, life always finds a way to force you to confront your reality.

Joanna was unable to avoid the reality of poverty. She realized this after graduating from high school—she was unsure if she could finish her studies because her family could not afford it.

But God works in mysterious ways, indeed.

When she was ready to accept that someone with a broken family and a poor background would never succeed, a friend invited her to a youth camp.

There, she heard for the first time that she wasn’t fatherless. Instead of being abandoned, she was chosen. Instead of being rejected, she was accepted wholeheartedly. And instead of not being enough, she realized that she had been made complete.

All because of Jesus, who died for her sins.

“I realized that all along, I was not alone. God was with me,” she said.

Because of her newfound faith and having received God’s unconditional love, Joanna chose to forgive her father and initiate contact with him. She was surprised when her father asked her forgiveness, too.

With her heart free from anger and bitterness, God awakened a strong passion in her to continue her studies and teach people God’s Word.

With the help of Operation Blessing’s Back to School Program, Joanna graduated Cum Laude with her bachelor’s degree.

“I’m so thankful for Operation Blessing for helping someone like me without asking anything in return,” Joanna said.

If you know someone who is like Joanna—a child who felt hindered due to broken family situations and poverty—know that you can help change their lives for the better, too.

Partner with us today!

Superbook Shares the Gospel to the Aeta Community

There’s no stopping Superbook from sharing the gospel with the children all over the Philippines!

The Superbook team brought the fun-filled event Gizmo on the GO! at To God Be The Glory Christian Academy in Zambales. Many children from the Aeta community attend this school.

The day was filled with joy as the students arrived. They couldn’t hide their smiles and excitement! Everyone eagerly participated in the games and activities.

The highlight for many was watching the Superbook episode He is Risen, which tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection to save mankind from sin and death (John 19-20). This timeless Bible story not only taught them life lessons but also led them to receive Jesus in their hearts.

Fifteen-year-old Rijanaly shared her thoughts after watching Superbook. “Having Jesus in our lives is important, especially when we face tough times. I also learned to love and obey my parents,” she said.

Teacher Romalyn Ladringan shared that Superbook is an effective tool in teaching God’s Word to children, “It’s crucial to instill God’s Word in children so they can carry these lessons with them throughout their lives.”

The students’ excitement soared when their beloved robot friend, Gizmo, joined them. Together, they joyfully danced and sang along to The Salvation Poem. They also prayed a heartfelt prayer to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, making the day more meaningful for them!

The children also received loot bags filled with yummy snacks and Superbook gifts.

Through Gizmo on the GO!, CBN Asia not only brought a joyful afternoon to the children of the Aeta community but also sowed seeds of faith, hope, and love. The lessons they have learned from Superbook can resonate in their hearts for years to come, shaping their character and guiding them on their life journey.

Join Superbook’s mission to share Jesus and touch the lives of children and families throughout the Philippines. Send us a message on Facebook if you want to be involved in our ministry.

God Can Turn Your Coins into Miracles

Have you ever asked this question: What can simple coins get me?

Vicky Leal wondered about the same thing, and was surprised as God showed how her simple coins could lead to great joy and miracles.

Vicky lives a simple life as a seller of gallons of water. From her humble income, she would set aside coins and save them in hopes of putting them to good use.

Little did she know, God will show His faithfulness with the little that He entrusted Vicky.

One day, Vicky came across an episode of The 700 Club Asia, featuring families who received help from the ministry’s humanitarian arm, Operation Blessing. It moved her heart to support CBN Asia with the coins she has saved up.

“I am so happy because I get to help people like the ones I watched on the show. They really need help. We may not provide everything they need, but at least we get to ease their burden,” Vicky shared.

Do you ever feel like what you have is not enough?

Have you doubted blessing others, and felt that it’s not worth it?

Vicky thought about those things, too. But God proved His faithfulness to her and showed that giving is worth it. Her obedience pleases God.

Not long after, an answered prayer came to Vicky’s life. She received a ticket to go to her province and spend time with her family—all expenses paid.

Vicky lives a simple life. She doesn’t have the most glamorous one, but she has a joyful heart through her generous giving. Through the little that she had, she was able to bless and improve the lives of others.

“Life is good and enjoyable when Christ is at the center. God’s love for me and my love for others—these are the things I’m proud of and thankful for,” she said.

Through Vicky’s partnership with CBN Asia, many families received the help they need and heard about God’s saving love.

You, too, can be a blessing like Vicky.

Truly, it’s not about the amount, but the heart of the giver—the willingness to give. Remember, the little you give may be the answer to someone else’s prayer.

So, with a cheerful heart that gives, pray and believe that God can turn your coins into miracles.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV)

Join us in reaching our kababayans in need and sharing God’s love and hope! If you desire to make a difference and be part of this incredible mission, partner with us today, go to

I Feel Hopeless and Worthless, Is There Still a Chance for Me?

What would you do if you feel hopeless and worthless? Would you give up or would you still hold on to the promises of God?

Myrna Dalag spiraled into a deep depression and blamed herself for the misfortunes that her family experienced. She even had suicidal thoughts because she lost hope completely.

Life became a burden for Myrna after she got into a motorcycle accident. Her injuries brought great discomfort, and due to financial problems, she could not afford medical check-ups and medicine. They often turned to herbal products and home remedies because this was all they could afford.

Myrna often thought about taking her own life and would sometimes tell her husband JR to leave along with their children. Feeling worthless due to her injury, she thought her family should let her suffer alone.

Like Myrna, have you lost all hope?

Do you feel like your life no longer has meaning?

This was a very difficult situation for her. But despite the difficulties of their life, Myrna was blessed because JR decided to stand by her and show her love. He hoped that life would get better as long as they are together.

A glimmer of hope sprung out of their dire situation. One pastor from a local church, Pastor Pio Arce, partnered with Operation Blessing during the pandemic and extended help to the tribes in their area.

They decided to give goods to the families in the area when they heard of the story of a woman dealing with pain in her leg – Myrna.

She was filled with darkness in her heart and had lost all hope. In her eyes, nothing can be done in her situation.

But God intervened through the help of Operation Blessing, the humanitarian arm of CBN Asia.

With the help of Kalayag Childcare and Youth Community Center and Operation Blessing, Myrna received a free medical checkup at the Tebow Cure Hospital. They found out that she had a broken bone in her hip and she needed metal plates to be inserted.

“Myrna was so hopeless, but suddenly a group of people came to her rescue,” Pastor Pio recalled. She thought she was a lost cause, but God has more pages in her story.

She underwent the operation through Operation Blessing’s Life-changing Surgery Project.

After the surgery, Myrna’s life was never the same. After going through multiple treatment processes, slowly, she recovered. From just sitting down and being unable to move, Myrna can now stand up and move slightly!

Operation Blessing visited Myrna again to check her recovery. Aside from the free surgery, they also provided Myrna with basic items for her family.

Not only did she experience physical comfort, but she was also introduced to her great comforter – Jesus. She received Jesus as her Lord and Savior and this gave her a new life, a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

“Thank you very much, Operation Blessing! Without you, there would not have been a solution to my problems,” Myrna exclaimed.

With a grateful heart, she now faces life with hope and faith in God.

Her situation changed, her mind was renewed, and her life was restored through the help of the Lord and faithful partners of Operation Blessing.

Her story shows that there is hope for the hopeless and His name is Jesus. If you feel hopeless or worthless, hold on to God and find comfort in the truth that He can rescue you–for He loves you.

“He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.” (Psalm 107:20-21 NIV)

Do you want to help people like Myrna to get back up on their feet? Consider donating to Operation Blessing and supporting their mission to bring God’s love to those who need it.

Visit CBN Asia’s website to know more about the CBN Asia Family of Ministries and how you can support.

Are You Worried About Your Family’s Future?

Nelia Ansaldo used to be.

The combined income from her sales agent job and her husband’s work as a mechanic was not enough to meet their family’s needs. They constantly struggled with financial lack, leading to ceaseless anxiety for Nelia.

“It’s exhausting to always chase after money. It pains me to see my family in this situation,” she shared.

There came a time when Nelia couldn’t even provide her children with school allowances, intensifying her fears for her family’s well-being.

Do you relate to this? Keep reading to discover how Nelia overcame this challenging situation.

To alleviate her stress, Nelia would often watch the television. One night, she stumbled upon The 700 Club Asia.

“I was deeply moved by a testimonial from someone who gave her last money to the ministry. She received more blessings in return,” she shared.

This experience inspired Nelia to give, despite her own financial struggles. She was inspired by the work of the ministry, particularly Operation Blessing, the humanitarian arm of CBN Asia, in helping kababayans in need.

Armed with courage, she set aside a small amount from her depleting funds and entrusted it to the Lord by donating to the ministry.

“Lord, may Your will be done,” she prayed as she gave.

Through The 700 Club Asia, Nelia and her husband also discovered their faith in the Lord and began the habit of reading the Bible. She learned that no amount of wealth can replace a relationship with God.

In just a few days, blessings started flowing into Nelia’s life. Her sales commission tripled due to the numerous memorial plans she was able to sell. This helped them pay off their debts, send their children to college, and renovate their home.

“The Lord provides for those who seek Him and those who help others,” she shared.

Ten years have passed, and Nelia continues to faithfully support God’s ministry through CBN Asia.

If you find yourself facing financial lack, may Nelia’s story inspire you. What happened to her can also happen to you.

God is capable of blessing us abundantly. He is a generous God. In His Word, it says, “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.” (Luke 6:38 ESV)

Even in the face of difficulties, put your trust in God. Place the future of your family in His capable hands. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. If you are in need of prayers, our Prayer Center is available 24/7, ready to offer intercession on your behalf.

Help more people like Nelia know Jesus, partner with us today.

Will You Still Trust God After Losing Everything?

What would you do if everything you have were lost? Will you still hope in God and believe that He can restore everything?

Maris Pascual admits that she always feels hopeless. Though she and her husband have a regular job, she finds it hard to see God’s hands in her finances. Maris always feels like it’s not enough. Because of this, she had to borrow some money.

Like Maris, are you struggling financially? No matter how hard you work, what you have does not seem enough?

To cope with financial stress, they tried to establish a slipper business. Things seem to be going well!

But then, a disaster happened. Her business, along with all they own, was destroyed by Typhoon Ondoy.

Have you experienced the same thing Maris went through? Things are going well, but it was only for a short period. How did you get back on your feet?

Maris and her family went back to zero. Aside from losing the business, they have a Php 50,000 loan from the slipper supplier. She also finds it hard to sleep at night especially when it rains because the memory of Ondoy flashes back in her mind.

In her sleepless nights, Maris decided to watch The 700 Club Asia and chanced upon a story of a girl planning to take her own life but encountered God through the show. Maris was amazed and realized that even though things seem hopeless, God is still there—ready to help her.

“I told God that I entrust our lives to His hands. If this is what we have, I cannot multiply it on my own but God can, so I will entrust this matter to Him,” Maris declared.

Armed with faith, Maris decided to donate to Operation Blessing because she was inspired by what she watched on The 700 Club Asia. When Maris obeyed God’s call to give, she witnessed His faithfulness.

They started a new bag business with the help of her aunt. After just 2 years in business, God expanded their equipment from 2 sewing machines to 20 sewing machines, and from 3 workers to almost 50 workers!

Through this, they restored their house that Typhoon Ondoy damaged and even bought properties, and a car, and paid off their debts. She also decided to stretch a hand to the people in need!

She trusted God and He did not fail her.

From zero, God restored what they had and gave them so much more. Believe that He can do the same for you, because He loves you. If you lost everything, trust that the Lord is faithful to restore those who believe.

“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” (Psalm 36:5 ESV)

Do you feel hopeless? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you.

You can also be a blessing to the hopeless and hurting. Visit this page to know how you can give.

Operation Blessing Responds to Earthquake in Turkey

Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, sent out a team of medical professionals to provide immediate medical assistance to the survivors of the magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey that left more than 4,000 buildings destroyed and killed 50,000 plus people. They also sent a team of staff and volunteers to help in the disaster response.

As the Turkish communities still experience shock and trauma due to a series of earthquakes, Operation Blessing conducted psychosocial activities for the traumatized children, helping them to process their grief and trauma through holistic mental health program.

Moreover, the team also arrived in Hatay and traveled to the city center where many survivors benefited from its medical services. The survivors in the area were given food boxes, water, and were provided emotional and psychosocial support, especially to those who had already lost their loved ones.

Currently, the Operation Blessing continues its medical assistance and relief efforts as many people remain in evacuation centers and need basic necessities and support to ease their pain and trauma caused by disaster.

Do you want to help Operation Blessing to aid with the people affected by disasters? You may visit For inquiries, call 09399215543 or 09189067753.

‘We can start rebuilding our home’: OB helps fishermen’s families in Bohol 

Families of fishermen who suffered from Typhoon Odette received construction materials like GI sheets and plywood from CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm, Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, last March 1 at Getafe, Bohol.  

Ebsel Bone, a fisherman’s wife, was one of the survivors when Typhoon Odette devastated their province in 2021. The aftermath of the typhoon left them with just the clothes on their backs as they immediately evacuated to Jandayan Elementary School.  

In the evacuation area, her family, together with other survivors, waited for help from the government.

“The government was quick to respond, providing us with a tarpaulin sheet to use as a roof,” Ebsel said.  

The family did not have enough money to build a proper roof for their home, they used the tarpaulin sheet as their roof for months. When the tarpaulin sheet leaked, the family adjusted their sleeping positions to avoid getting wet by the pouring rain.  

It was a good thing that Operation Blessing went to their community and chose Ebsel’s family as one of its beneficiaries for their disaster response project.

“Finally, we can start rebuilding our home, where we can feel safe and secure. Thank you, Operation Blessing!” said Ebsel.  

In partnership with the 702nd CDC, 7RCDG, Reserve Command, 47th Katapatan Infantry Battalion, Tagbilaran City’s local government unit, and the Bohol Evangelical Pastors Association, Operation Blessing gave construction materials for the fishermen’s families and other survivors in Bohol so that they can build their homes and start anew. 

Do you want to help our countrymen who have suffered from natural disasters? You can donate to Operation Blessing. Visit

How Can I Keep on Giving When I am Facing Financial Lack?

Starting a business is not easy.

Sustaining a business during a worldwide pandemic seemed like a difficult task.

The couple, Aljohn and Florence Galang, can attest to that.

When the pandemic hit, one of the businesses that were affected drastically was the veterinary clinic of Aljohn and Florence. Due to the health and safety protocols and lockdowns, patients and income decreased.

“Our savings have run low, and we didn’t have any patients, so our worry back then was how are we going to survive,” Florence shared.

They were placed in a difficult position because not only were they fighting for their daily expenses, but they were also preparing for their baby, so it was a very stressful time for the couple.

Florence admits that she surrendered their situation to God. “I told God, ‘Lord, I will give this up to You because I can no longer think of ways to get through this’,” she shared.

Amid the difficulty, Aljohn and Florence remained committed to supporting God’s ministry. Even if they had limited income, they did not forget to give God what is for Him.

“We gave 10 percent of our income to the church, then we gave our love gift to CBN Asia,” said Aljohn.

They also constantly called the CBN Asia Prayer Center for prayer and counseling and supported Operation Blessing in their mission to bring blessing and hope to those in need.

Through their support to the CBN Asia Family of Ministries, they were given the opportunity to help, bless, and expand the kingdom of God even in their season of lack.

Florence eventually gave birth to their beautiful child, but a few days after her successful delivery, she experienced postpartum depression.

Have you ever found yourself in the same situation?

Stressed, lonely, and couldn’t catch a break from life’s troubles?

Following her sister’s advice, Florence turned her attention to baking to cope with her situation. In just a span of a few months, she completely broke free from her postpartum depression.

Her baking classes didn’t just give her a chance to cope, it also opened a new door for her to gain income through her new business, Baked with Love.

She gave a portion of her income as a donation to CBN Asia.

“We will give this money not because we need something but because this is what God deserves,” Florence gladly shared.

Through the goodness of God, He blessed their new business which helped them get back on their feet. Thankfully, their clinic reopened, and business picked up once again.

God performed more miracles as they were able to open 2 more branches of their clinic during the pandemic. Through their faith and generosity, they were able to experience favor upon favor.

“God is really a God who provides. He is Jehovah Jireh,” Florence declared.

God’s faithfulness encouraged Aljohn and Florence to be more faithful in their giving. For the couple, not even a pandemic can shake their unwavering faith in the Lord, which they consider as the secret to their success.

The apostle Paul reminds us of this truth in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

Even in the most difficult circumstances, God is still able to bless you. He still provides. If you entrust your future to the Lord, you will never be disappointed because He is true to His promises, and He never fails!

Like Aljohn and Florence, do you want to sow a seed of faith?

We welcome you to partner with us! Visit to know more about the CBN Asia Family of Ministries and how you can support.

If you are struggling financially, we are here to pray for you. Call 8-737-0-700 or send your prayer request to our Facebook page.

Do You Want to Bless Others, But You Don’t Know How?

Playing outside, watching television, reading books, meeting friends, going on a family vacation–these are what children usually do nowadays.

However, not all of them are privileged to have this kind of life.

Like Sid Espin. At a young age, he experienced a major challenge in his life.

Sid was born with Hernia­­–which happens when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle. Surgical repair is sometimes offered to patients to prevent further complications.

Because of Sid’s medical condition, he got bullied by other kids. “I cry every time they tease me,” Sid shared.

Sid’s grandmother, Rufina, shared their consultation with one of Sid’s doctors, “His doctor told us that he needs to undergo surgery, and we need to prepare Php 120,000. We don’t have enough money.”

They tried to reach out for help. Sid was about to have an operation at one of the hospitals in Davao but due to the pandemic, it was delayed.

Until one of Rufina’s acquaintances introduced Operation Blessing.

Operation Blessing is the humanitarian arm of CBN Asia. Their mission is to share God’s love by helping our kababayans in need through disaster response, healthcare, children’s program, and hunger relief.

With the help of Operation Blessing, Sid was referred to Tebow Cure Hospital. One of the good news they got was that they no longer had to worry about his medical finances!

Tebow Cure Hospital is a partner of Operation Blessing in giving hope to children with disabilities through life-changing surgery.

Rufina shared his grandson’s reaction when he heard about the news, “Sid said that he’s very excited because finally, his health problem will be solved.

After a long wait, in August 2022, Sid underwent an operation to treat his Hernia.

Rufina expressed her thankfulness, “Thank you to Tebow Cure Hospital, especially to Operation Blessing. They were the ones who led us to that hospital.”

Sid is currently enjoying his normal life with his family and friends.

“Thank you to Tebow Cure Hospital and Operation Blessing for helping me with my surgery,” Sid happily shared.

Do you want to be an instrument of hope to children like Sid? You can be a part of Operation Blessing’s mission! Partner with us now!



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3