What Happened to Cancer Patients during the Pandemic? | Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“Our condition got worse because of COVID-19. This is how Mila Dollente, diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, described what happened to her during the pandemic.

Mila’s journey has been filled with rather grueling obstacles.

While Mila bravely faces her own battle, her husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Both had to stop working due to their serious conditions – making it hard for the family to make ends meet.

Their eldest, who is a working student, helps in supporting the needs of their family. However, the lockdown caused by the pandemic affected their child’s job.

Due to COVID-19, it is especially hard for us to provide our daily needs,” Mila lamented.

Through the help of some neighbors and relatives, somehow, they managed to get by. Nevertheless, it was not enough to cover all their needs. Furthermore, they did not receive any aid from the government since the lockdown started.

On top of their existing medical conditions, the couple had to endure hunger so that they could prioritize her oral chemotherapy and her husband’s maintenance medicines.

Most of the time, we would just eat twice a day so that our budget could cover our other expenses,” Mila shared, whose only prayer is for her and her husband to live a longer life so that they could cherish it with their 2 children.

At the end of her rope, she decided to send a message to the Facebook page of Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm.

Operation Blessing came to the rescue and brought relief to Mila’s family. She received much-needed food items so that her family won’t have to worry about what they would eat for a week.

More than the material relief, Mila also got the chance to know and receive the saving love of Jesus Christ through the Operation Blessing team.

“Our whole family is so grateful for all the help you have given us, Operation Blessing. Because of your aid, we can now eat thrice a day. Thank you!” Mila ended, who is glad of her newfound hope in God.

Mila is just one of the many breast cancer patients who experience fear and endure hunger amid the pandemic. A lot of them remain unreached, needing assistance and encouragement.

This Breast Cancer Awareness Monthlet us strengthen our support for breast cancer patients. Join in the cause to help men and women in need today! 

Through Operation Blessing, you too can reach out to patients and show compassion and support toward affected kababayans.

You may give through the following bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.

Banco De Oro (BDO) 

Peso Account: 003-000-055-279 

Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333 

Swift Code: BNORPHMM

Union Bank of the Philippines 

Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9 

Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0 

Swift Code: UBPHPHMM


Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4 

Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4 

Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) 

Peso Account: 3001-0040-33

For more details on how to donate and make sponsorship, you may contact us at 09399215543 or 09189067753, or visit Operation Blessing’s website 

Meanwhile, if you are a breast cancer patient or you know someone who is battling against it, we want to journey with you through prayers. You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 or send in your prayer requests to our Facebook page. 

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