What is Sin?

You have probably encountered the word “sin” many times in your life. And perhaps, you even easily explain this word as a transgression to the law of God to people who ask.

Although you already have a general perception of the word sin, there is still a lot to know about it. So what is sin, really?

Here are some biblical truths that can give you an in-depth understanding of sin:

Origin of Sin

In the beginning, God made a perfect world and all that is in it. But then, Adam and Eve committed sin. You can read the account in Genesis 3.

Adam and Eve violated God’s command to not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of Eden. They had the freedom to enjoy everything except that fruit, yet they did not obey the commandment of God and sinned.

 ”The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.” (Genesis 3:6 NLT)

Here, sin clearly originated from the disobedience of man. Adam and Eve overruled the will of God in their lives by deciding to disobey Him.

Causes of Sin

But before their disobedience, it is also important to see that it was the lies of the enemy deceived Adam and Eve that caused them to sin in the first place.

Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?” “The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” (Genesis 3:13 NLT)

Even today, this is still happening to every person, to non-Christians, and much more to Christian believers.

The lies of the enemy are always around you, causing you to sin. This deception makes your heart to rebel against God and sin.

So, it is crucial that you guard your thoughts and heart against these lies at all times.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT)

Forgiveness of Sin

When you fail to guard your heart and eventually sin, you will die. As said in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death…”

But the good news is God will not let that happen to you. And as you continue to read the same verse, “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

God made a way to save you from this pit of unrighteousness and bring you back to His presence.

Through the blood of His son, Jesus Christ, you could have salvation and a new life, free from sin and shame.

God’s redemption is always available for you. The question is, are you willing to accept the salvation God freely gives you?

Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center today at 8-737-0-700 and experience a changed life in Jesus Christ!

How Can I Come Back to God?

Have you ever felt so distant from God? Or perhaps, you feel like you never had a relationship with Him?

Was there a time when you don’t feel like going to church or praying and you don’t feel His presence anymore?

If you now feel that unexplainable sorrow, frustration, and emptiness in your heart – God is inviting you to come back to Him.

God cares for you. God loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to feel lost. He wouldn’t want you to tread in the wrong direction.

Like the prodigal son mentioned in Luke 15 who realized a life without his father is not worth living, you might be at the same point in your life.

You ask, “How can I come back to God?”

To fully experience His fatherly love and come back to His loving arms, start with repentance.

What is Repentance?

Repentance is the starting point of your new life. It starts when you acknowledge that you have gone in the wrong direction, and would like to turn back now. Repentance is turning away from your sins, rebellious ways and reckless ways of this world, and turning back to the righteous ways of God.

As you encounter God in prayers and in reading the Bible, you will know that His kindness is intended to turn you from sin (Romans 2:4). The good news is, God is so gracious and compassionate! He will not turn His face from you if you return to Him (2 Chronicles 30:9b, NIV).

In fact, your Heavenly Father will meet you the same way the father in the parable met his prodigal son.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20, NIV)

This is God’s heart when you come to Him in repentance.

Change of Heart and Your Daily Walk with God

In repentance, God will also move to change your heart. 2 Corinthians 7:10 gives a glimpse of what real repentance is, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”

Worldly sorrow is experiencing fear for having to suffer the consequences of sins, while Godly sorrow is feeling truly sorry for breaking God’s heart. It brings life-changing repentance. Unlike worldly sorrow that brings nothing but spiritual death, Godly sorrow produces fruit and real change in character and in the way you live.

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Matthew 3:8, NIV)

And because only God can change hearts, repentance takes humility and faith. It is confessing and surrendering to God and believing that no one can cleanse you of your sins but Him. It is an everyday journey of seeking His ways, living in His presence, and living out His glorious purpose for your life.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV)

Come to your Heavenly Father now. He is waiting to receive you with open arms.

Do you want to repent and find your peace in God?   You may call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8737-0700 and we would love to guide you and pray for you!



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3