5 Ways to Cope with Pandemic Stress | Beyond Small Talk

Imposed quarantines from time to time, news about the rise and fall of COVID-19 cases here and there, plus health and safety reminders everywhere. Can you believe that the world has been battling this pandemic for a year and a half now?

How are you holding up?

If these unsettling scenarios stress and fill you with anxiety, know that God wants you to be free from all worries (Psalm 34:4).

God gives you the power to break free from stress!

Here are 5 essential tips to help you cope with your pandemic stress, from inspirational speaker and Beyond Small Talk guest, Carl Pascua.

Tip #1: Slow down and rest

Did you find yourself feeling extra stressed when the pandemic started? You are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during the pandemic.

Perhaps, uncertainty becomes the gasoline that fuels your stress fire.

Don’t worry. You don’t need to force yourself to be okay all the time. Carl suggests that you process your emotions. Take time to figure out where the sadness or stress comes from and take a much-needed rest.

Tip #2: Exercise and stay healthy

Science has long proven that your mind and body are strongly linked.

“Remember, a healthy body can result into a healthy mind and a good emotional condition,” Carl reminds.

The American Psychological Association support’s Carl’s assertion and states that as your mental health declines, your physical health can worsen, and if your physical health declines, you can feel mentally “down.”

So, get off the couch and start a simple exercise routine. Also, be extra mindful of what you eat!

Tip #3: Talk about your problems

Whether it’s with a family member, a trusted friend, or a mentor, sharing your thoughts and concerns with other people can help relieve stress.

Likewise, you can help others feel that they’re not alone, too!

Like you, each person you know could be fighting a battle you don’t know about. So don’t hesitate to reach out. Encourage each other and build each other up! (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

Tip #4: Let go of the idea about control

Who would’ve thought that by 2020, going to malls, restaurants – or even work – could be a health risk? Who would’ve thought that by the summer of 2021, you would still be cooped up in your home and praying for a pandemic to end?

No one.

But it happened. This goes to show that no matter what your plans are, you cannot control everything. Ease your pandemic stress by letting go of your need to control things, and trusting in Someone greater who is always in control – Jesus Christ.

As Proverbs 19:21 ESV puts it, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

Tip #5: Put your faith in Him

If anything, the pandemic proved the famous saying, “Everything changes, except the word change.”

If you put your happiness and trust in things that change – like your career, health, or even relationships – you might feel stressed when things don’t work out the way you had hoped they would. It’s high time to put your joy and faith in a God who never changes.

“Other people may not understand everything that is going on in your life, but God knows. That means you can go to Him, cry to Him, and you can seek help from Him. Problems can be big, but our God is bigger, our God is stronger!” Carl concluded.

No matter what you’re going through, keep going! You can always find comfort and overcome through the help of your merciful God!

“In the multitudes of anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.” (Psalm 94:19 NKJV)

Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed?

We are here for you. Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we will pray for you.

Mark your calendars and catch the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel!

Afraid of Rejection? Here are 6 Tips to Help You Overcome

Have you ever been rejected? 

Many people have experienced some kind of rejection and it changed how they feel about themselves and the world. Some were deeply hurt, while others remain crippled by the fear of being rejected again.  

If you are one of those people, this article is for you! 

Check out these 6 practical tips to help you conquer your fear of rejection, from an inspirational speaker and Beyond Small Talk guest, Carl Pascua. 


Tip #1: Know that it is normal to be rejected

Rejection comes in many forms. It could be as big as being turned down for a dream job or as “mild” as a friend put you on “seen” when you invited them to hang out. 

You see, people will experience rejection at least once in their lifetime. Rejection hurts, it’s almost inevitable. But accepting that rejection is part of life will help you deal with it. 


Tip #2: Understand that fear of rejection will limit you 

In an interview with NBC News, social and personality psychologist Mark Leary says concern with rejection is normal. However, the fear of rejection might prevent you from seizing good opportunities. 

“But being excessively worried about it — to the point that we do not do things that might benefit us — can compromise the quality of our life,” he warned.  

Don’t allow the fear of rejection to stop you from doing new things, taking risks, or chasing your dreams. If you are too scared of what other people might think of you, you might want to ask yourself, “Whose life am I living?” 


Tip #3: Learn self-affirmation 

No one can ever invalidate you if you have already validated yourself. 

That is one of the reasons why positive self-affirmations are important. They are phrases or statements that you repeat to yourself, to restore self-regard and help you overcome negative thoughts, based on Claude Steele’s Self-Affirmation Theory. 

So whenever you feel like you’re caught up in negative self-talk or struggling with fear of rejection, list down the positive affirmations to encourage yourself. As a start, take a deep breath and tell yourself: 


“I am free from fear of rejection!” 

“I accept rejection with a positive mind.” 

“I accept myself no matter how others may think. I am worthy and loved!”  


Tip #4: Have a support group 

Simply put, surround yourself with people who will encourage you and love you enough to tell you which areas in your life need improvement. 

As Carl suggests, “It’s important to have a group who can motivate us and can be honest about what we can improve about ourselves.” 


Tip #5: Take rejection as an opportunity for growth. 

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! 

Instead of wallowing in sadness, see rejections as redirection or an opportunity for growth. Remember, you have the power to turn that seemingly negative experience into a positive one. 

Ask yourself, “Is there something that I need to improve?” “What does God want me to learn from this rejection?” Nobody is perfect, but everybody can grow! 


Tip #6: Hold on to Someone bigger and greater 

The idea of rejection doesn’t have to hold you back, because God’s got your back. 

“If we see ourselves as small and inadequate, we can hold on to Someone who is powerful and greater – and that is our Creator. No matter what other people think of me and my abilities, I believe that God is sovereign over all,” Carl affirms. 

Whenever the fear of rejection creeps in, praise God for who He is and who He made you be. 

Praise God that you are loved! 

You are worthy! 

You are special! 

You are God’s masterpiece! 

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14 NIV) 


Are you struggling to overcome your fear of rejection? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center at 8-737-0-700 and we would love to pray for you. 

Don’t miss out on the next webisode of Beyond Small Talk this coming Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM, on The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube channel!  



What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


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His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3


What It Takes To Believe in God

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3you with unfailing kindness.


The Fearless Life | God’s Word Today

His love for you is endless. That’s the kind that never fades. He reminds us all of his love for us in Jeremiah 31:3