When Others Count You Out, Count on God to Help You!

Imagine the pressure of being the last hope of your family toward reaching a better life.

For Angelica Baculinao, that pressure was a heavy toll to bear.

Growing up in an impoverished life, Angelica often heard discouragements from people around her about their situation. They would often tell her that no one in their family would be able to finish school because they are poor.

“It was so difficult to live a life like this. We can’t buy things we like, and we always worry if we will survive the day,” Angelica shared.

Her ultimate dream is to finish her studies but even that seemed impossible to accomplish.

Having to live off Php 150 daily by selling fish paste, Angelica’s father found it hard to make ends meet and provide for her needs in school. For him, they were fortunate enough they have food on their table for a day.

Have you ever experienced this kind of desperate need?

How did you manage to keep hope alive?

For Angelica, she held on to her dreams and placed her faith in the Lord, believing that He is able to sustain them as a family.

“I am still thankful to the Lord because He taught me so much as I faced challenges in my life. My faith continues to grow, and I consistently trust in His will and plans,” Angelica shared.

God did not disappoint Angelica.

He opened the door for Operation Blessing, the humanitarian arm of CBN Asia, to visit Angelica’s hometown in Capiz. She became part of Operation Blessing’s Back-to-School Program which aims to help students with their educational needs.

Operation Blessing committed to paying all her tuition fees and provided a means for her to fulfill her dream of finishing college. The ministry also provides for Angelica’s allowance and rent for her boarding house.

“I am so happy that I now have an allowance to sustain my daily needs. I am also thankful for Operation Blessing for helping me continue my dream,” Angelica shared, thankful that it is now possible for her to help her family in the future.

Angelica also became a blessing to their church. She became an inspiration for the youth that despite their challenging situation, God can provide favor and release blessings to His children who are in need. She did not allow her situation to stop her, but rather, she persevered by being steadfast in her faith in God.

She is a great example of God’s faithfulness to those who choose to trust in Him!

Are you facing a challenging situation today?

You can count on God to help you. He was able to save Angelica from her dire situation—pray and believe that He can do the same for you.

Jesus replied, “Why do you say ‘if you can’? Anything is possible for someone who has faith!” (Mark 9:23 CEV)

Through your generous giving, Operation Blessing can help more students and give them hope and a future to look forward to!

Be a blessing today. Consider supporting Operation Blessing and CBN Asia by making a one-time or monthly gift: www.cbnasia.com/give.

When A Seed of Faith Grows into A Full Tree

Did growing up feel smooth for you?

For Nadine Calagui, childhood was tough. Her parents often argued, and it broke her heart.

One night, Nadine found comfort in watching the 700 Club Asia and felt like it was a message from God. Seeking more, she reached out to the CBN Asia Prayer Center, which helped her family to find a church.

But even with their newfound faith, her parents still ended up separating.

Ever thought everything was going great, only to see it all fall apart?

Because of this, Nadine looked for love in the wrong places and found herself in tough spots. She became a mom at the young age of 14 and dealt with a relationship where she was physically abused by her live-in partner.

Despite these experiences, she continued attending church.

“Every time I heard God’s word, it brought me comfort and conviction,” Nadine admitted. “However, after Sunday, I would find myself going back to my sinful life. I knew this wasn’t the life meant for me.”

With courage, Nadine broke free from her toxic relationship after having a terrible fight with her partner. She knew she had to escape. Calling out to the Lord for help, He answered her.

God had a plan for Nadine. She met and married Albert, who accepted her completely.

At this point in her life, Nadine saw God’s faithfulness from childhood to now. Moving forward, she held onto His promise.

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6 NIV)

Now, Nadine alongside Albert, ministers and reaches out to the youth.

“I believe I’m whole, redeemed, and lack nothing because of God’s work in my life,” Nadine shared.

Join us in reaching out and proclaiming His words to people like Nadine! Visit cbnasia.org/give.

Are You Praying for a Miracle?

Can you imagine losing your sight and not being able to see your loved ones now?

This was Mary Jane’s dilemma last year when her right eye became completely blind, and she could no longer help her husband and do what she loves—teaching children.

In 2022, Mary Jane Condes began experiencing blurry vision and dark spots in her right eye, affecting her retina. According to the doctors, they need to prepare Php 200,000 for Mary Jane’s operation.

Her husband, Danilo, who is a full-time Pastor, worried about where to get the money for her wife’s operation.

Last year, Mary Jane’s condition became worse. She would cry, as she felt very worried about her and her family’s future.

“I was always looking at my husband and kids because I knew that sooner or later, I wouldn’t be able to see them because of my condition,” Mary Jane recalled.

She prayed and cried to the Lord for a miracle. She prayed that would God heal her so that she could continue serving Him.

God answered Mary Jane’s cries through Operation Blessing.

From Iloilo, they went to Manila for her operation. With the help of Operation Blessing’s Life-Changing Surgery Program, Mary Jane’s operation was a success! Even with her medications, God provided for her through Operation Blessing.

Mary Jane can now see her family clearly and she can now continue teaching children in their community. She can also continue to help her husband in their ministry.

“I thank Operation Blessing because they are a blessing for me,” she shared.

Like Mary Jane, are you also praying for a miracle?

God can do miracles for your life today. Pray and believe what the Bible says in Psalm 77:14 (NIV), “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”

Keep the faith and allow God to show You His power!

Through the generosity of Operation Blessing’s donors, many families and individuals like Mary Jane receive the help they need. Do you also have the heart to serve others? Partner with us today! Visit cbnasia.com/give to make a one-time or monthly gift.

One Call Away from Receiving a Miracle

Imagine a single father seeing his son fighting for his life and not knowing what to do.

It’s a circumstance that is very similar to what happened during Jesus’ time, when an official’s son almost died and begged Jesus to save him.

“Jesus then said, “Your son will live. Go on home to him.” The man believed Jesus and started back home. Some of the official’s servants met him along the road and told him, “Your son is better!” He asked them when the boy got better, and they answered, “The fever left him yesterday at one o’clock.” The boy’s father realized that at one o’clock the day before, Jesus had told him, “Your son will live!” So the man and everyone in his family put their faith in Jesus” (John 4:50, CEV).

It was like that for Teddy Baldera, a single father who does odd jobs to support his two children.

Teddy took on various jobs to sustain his two children. “I was just doing my part for us to survive,” he said.

He and his 9-year-old son Kent rummage trash for scrap metal, which is one of his sources of income. However, Kent began to have lung issues, possibly due to pollution.

Kent was sent to a nearby hospital, and thankfully, he got better.

Meanwhile, it became a habit for Teddy to watch the episodes of The 700 Club Asia. He was inspired and encouraged by the testimonies he saw. He was also always taking notes on the lesson he learned and writing on a notepad the Prayer Center’s contact information.

For Teddy, CBN Asia was a reliable help in times of need.

And he wasn’t wrong.

Kent began to have difficulty breathing while playing a year after recovering. He was gasping for air, and Teddy was panicking, not knowing what to do.

But then he remembered he had the Prayer Center’s contact information. Teddy hurried to a nearby store and used their phone to make a call, desperately asking for prayers.

A Prayer Center representative prayed for him and said, “God healed your son; go home to him now.”

Teddy came home to see Kent looking healthy and normal, as if nothing happened. He realized he was one call away from receiving a miracle.

Are you sick and need healing? God can heal you, too.

Call us now and together, we will bring your concerns to God.

Why Do I Constantly Experience Setbacks?

Have you ever wondered why it feels like your life is always a series of crises and difficulties?

Lerma Gabane had.

The feeling was so strong that the question was engraved in her mind.

As a mom, caring for a growing family and managing a household is already challenging and exhausting.

For Lerma, thinking about their financial needs has also been a heavy burden, as her partner’s weekly earnings of Php 500 could never meet their daily necessities.

This struggle is shared by many families who face the difficulties of living without a stable and sufficient income.

If you find yourself in Lerma’s shoes, hold on and let her story help you discover how you can unlock God’s blessings for your life.

Faced with overwhelming challenges, she questioned why her life wasn’t improving despite her earnest efforts to bring about change.

“Lord, You said You love me, so why is it still like this? I’ve accepted You, thinking I would be lifted from hardship. What more is hindering me?” she would pray.

Do Lerma’s thoughts resonate with you?

Do you wonder why you are still suffering even after inviting Jesus into your life?

While there are various reasons why people suffer in life, Lerma discovered hers when one sleepless night she stumbled upon The 700 Club Asia and heard Peter Kairuz’s prayer.

As she joined the prayer, she was convicted when the host spoke about someone who was living a sinful lifestyle.

The Lord opened her eyes to realize that her setbacks were due to her sinful lifestyle—cohabiting with someone as her spouse outside the context of marriage.

You might be wondering how it became sinful when almost everyone does it today. However, the Word of God is clear on this matter.

As Hebrews 13:4 (NLT) says, “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

The Lord, the Author of marriage—not the patterns of the world nor the societal norms—holds the authority to define what is acceptable, moral, and righteous.

Upon realizing her position before the Lord, Lerma aspired to prioritize pleasing and obeying God.

After 11 years, she and her partner finally tied the knot, sealing their union under the blessing of marriage.

From that point onward, the Lord began to pour out His favor and blessings upon her and her household.

Her husband, who used to work as a contractual laborer, has finally secured regular employment. He earns more than triple his previous weekly income.

Before, they had to search for different apartments because they couldn’t settle the rental fee. Now, they are enjoying the comfort and peace of having their own home.

Additionally, their children have become responsible and compassionate, assisting them now that they have jobs of their own.

“I am super blessed. Just follow God. Hold onto His promises, and you will surely succeed in every aspect of life,” Lerma happily shared.

Truly, those who obey God will enjoy a harvest of blessings!

There may be hardships but the Lord is the One who will sustain, strengthen, and save everyone who chooses to obey Him.

“Thanks to the Lord, thanks to The 700 Club Asia. I truly gained lessons. The difficulties I’ve been through, it turns out, will strengthen me,” Lerma stated.

“How joyful are those who fear the Lord—all who follow his ways! You will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joyful and prosperous you will be (Psalm 128:1-2, NLT).”

Do you also want to enjoy life with the blessings God has for you?

Choose to seek and follow Him! The key to unlocking God’s blessings is through obedience.

Following God’s will may seem daunting, but as you deepen your understanding of God, you will come to love obeying His commands.

On the other hand, disobedience brings curses, unnecessary heartbreaks, and troubles. When we neglect God’s commands, we are blocking the flow of blessings into our lives.

If today, you feel like nothing good is happening in your life—no growth, progress, or change—perhaps the Lord wants to address something in your heart.

We are here to help you lift your concerns and struggles to the Lord! The CBN Asia Prayer Center is available 24/7 to pray for you and with you.

Experience joy, regardless of the circumstances you face, as you deepen your relationship with the Lord.

If you would like to witness more stories of hope, transformation, miracle, and healing, you can watch The 700 Club Asia’s featured stories anytime, anywhere.

And if the Lord is prompting you to partner with us as we bring His love, joy, and hope to many other families and communities who are yet to hear and experience the Lord, we encourage you to partner with us!

Thank you so much for supporting our ministry! May God’s love and truth richly dwell in you, and may He grant you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed (Psalm 20:4).

Your Suffering is Not for Nothing

How can good come out of something that’s bad?

How can the trials that you face today – the sickness that has rendered you jobless, the dysfunctional relationships that have given you trauma, or the job-induced anxiety that has kept you awake every night – be something that you’d be grateful for tomorrow?

Let the story of Marilyn Teodoro encourage you that every pain you endure has a purpose; that what the enemy meant for evil, God truly meant for good.

Marilyn was no stranger to suffering. At a young age, she witnessed the separation of her parents. While it was something she learned to accept and live with, it was something that scared her.

This gave birth to the fear that if she got married, she would also have a broken marriage.

This fear became a painful reality as she endured physical abuse from the husband she unconditionally loved. She fought for that marriage to work at the expense of being a battered wife. (fmcg-viet.com)

Marilyn eventually mustered the strength to walk away from the destructive marriage, a decision that marked a turning point in her life.

We all have suffered in one way or another. And when you’re in the middle of the trial, it can be difficult to believe that God has a good purpose for it.

But believe it when God says through Scripture that suffering is never for nothing.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (James 1:2-4 NLT)

The suffering that Marilyn despised was the very place God used to introduce Himself as her personal Savior.

Coming out of that abusive relationship, Marilyn found her way to a church where she came to know Jesus and the community which encouraged her to watch The 700 Club Asia.

With everything that she’s been through, The 700 Club Asia and her community have helped her find the deeper purpose of her suffering. She realized that faith and prayer are the cornerstone of a joyful life.

Knowing this, she called CBN Asia Prayer Center and opened up about her greatest desire – that God would reconcile her broken family.

A year later, Marilyn received news about his father, who was suffering from lymphoma. While this was heartbreaking news, God used this situation to bring the family together and reconcile her parents.

Marilyn shares, “I was surprised because my mom held my dad’s hand and said that she sought forgiveness and hoped for his healing. My dad was moved to tears.”

God has answered her prayer for a happy home, a heart free from hatred, and the grace to forgive the person who abused her.

Her heart overflows with gratitude for the Lord and this has compelled her to give and support CBN Asia.

Truly, God is faithful to His promises in His Word.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20 ESV)

All that Marilyn went through was a prequel to the beautiful plans and purpose God fulfilled: her finding God as her friend and Savior and the joyful home God always wanted her to have.

Truly, no suffering is for nothing.

If you want to see God’s purpose for your suffering and receive His help, all you must do is to believe, accept, and declare that He is Lord and Savior. Accept the eternal life He freely gives.

Are you suffering and need to be prayed for? Just call us at 8-737-0-700 if you’re in Metro Manila. If you’re outside Metro Manila or the Philippines, send us your prayer requests here.

God is a God of Second Chances

Jessamine Anievas’ story is here to prove that.

Before she received a second chance from God, her life was a mess, and she felt the same way about herself, too.

She knew who Jesus is but had no personal relationship with Him. She felt He is too good to be true, and she was too wretched to be saved.

Everything changed when her husband, Rio, was jailed due to drugs.

Confused, devastated, angry, and lost, Jessamine didn’t know how to raise their child alone, especially since she didn’t have a job.

If you were in her shoes, what would you do?

Jessamine couldn’t do anything because she was crippled by all her problems coming at once.

But God did something.

She chanced upon one of the episodes of The 700 Club Asia and was surprised to hear that most of the testimonies reflected her story!

Like a beacon of light in the darkest of times, The 700 Club Asia sparked hope in Jessamine to believe again—to believe that God is the God of second chances, and it’s not too late for them.

“I found hope that our family would be complete again,” she recalled.

Jessamine gave her life to Jesus. She accepted Him as her Lord and Savior, and she was never the same.

She wanted the same thing to happen to her husband, but little did she know, God has already met Rio where he was—inside his prison cell.

While in prison, Rio repented and called on God day and night, asking for strength.

Pastors visited Rio and his cellmates to preach and to read the Bible for them. That was when he realized how great God’s grace was—enough for Him to give Rio a second chance at life.

Who would have thought that all this happened 5 years ago?

Now, Jessamine and Rio serve at a local church, where they grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even financially. Rio is currently working as a driver, while Jessamine has a work-from-home job.

It’s inspiring to see that God can use one episode to give someone a second chance.

In these dark times, would you want to be a beacon of hope and also give a second chance to those in need? Partner with us now!

If You Are a Breadwinner, Here’s What God Wants You to Know

You are not alone in bearing the weight of your problems. God is willing to take care of your family’s needs.

Would you trust Him?

This question confronted Rogene Puli and his wife when they thought they were at the end of their ropes after a financial crisis hit their family.

As a public school teacher and sole provider for the family, Rogene’s salary was not enough to afford his premature baby’s medical needs.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but he had no other way but to resort to borrowing money.

“We were scared for our baby’s life. What are we going to do if we run out of money?” he lamented.

Are you also facing the same situation as Rogene’s—lacking and needing a financial breakthrough?

Would you allow God to intervene and show Himself faithful?

This is exactly what happened when Rogene and his wife chanced upon The 700 Club Asia one night.

While watching, their eyes were opened to other people’s needs. And despite their lack, God touched the couple’s hearts to give to people who are also in need.

Even if they couldn’t see any chance that their financial situation would get any better soon, they took a step of faith and promised to give Php 500 to CBN Asia.

For Rogene, it felt like a challenge. He thought, “What would God do with our need when we respond to His call to help others?”

Truly, God did not disappoint them.

When Rogene proceeded to borrow money, he was surprised to know that he would actually get Php 12,000 back because of an overpayment for a previous loan.

That miracle changed Rogene’s life.

“I believe that it was a gift from God,” he said joyfully.

As Rogene continued putting his faith in God and giving to help others, blessing after blessing followed.

Not only did God take care of Rogene’s financial needs, but He also promoted him and blessed his son with good health!

Their story is just one of countless stories of God’s promise being fulfilled.

If you are a breadwinner, know that God is willing to take care of your family’s needs—just like how He took care of Rogene’s family.

When you trust Him, you will experience His faithfulness. He will not only provide for you—He will also give you the ability to help others.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV)

Do you want to be used by God as an instrument of blessing? Partner with us today, go to cbnasia.org/give.

Embracing God’s Plan Even in Times of Crisis

When God allows you to face a crisis, would you still trust and serve Him, even if it causes discomfort and suffering?

For Ronnie Cabuhat, enduring challenging times is better than witnessing families and youth live in hopelessness and brokenness.

“God planted in my heart the desire to reach out to those dysfunctional families that have lost hope. Those youth who are lost, who will guide them?” Ronnie shared.

Having lost his way during his youth, Ronnie’s desire to share the Gospel compelled him to persevere despite the trials he and his family encountered.

He believed that the Lord is his Shepherd, and he would lack no good thing (Psalm 23:1).

What about you? Do you believe that the Lord can take care of all your needs, even your desires?

Keep delighting in God, and trust that He will give you the desires of your heart (Proverbs 37:4).

Ronnie, who is now a pastor, can attest to that promise.

As he sought God, the Lord empowered him to start a church community where he could lead families to Jesus.

Their church grew. However, another issue emerged.

Their place of worship became unusable during rainy seasons due to flooding. Due to financial constraints, they could not afford to find another place of worship.

Enduring trial after trial can be so disheartening and frustrating, especially when you give up all that you have to obey God and His will for your life.

If that resonates with you, let this story inspire you to hold on to God’s promise.

Instead of sulking and seeking help from other people,  Ronnie and his family chose to give the little that they had to reach more people for Jesus.

While their family and the church they led faced financial struggles, they remained open-handed and gave cheerfully to God’s work through partnering with CBN Asia.

“Truth is, it is never easy to give the little that you have. But because I believed not in the principles of men, I held onto the principles of God, where when you support the very work of the Lord, the Lord will bless you,” Ronnie recalled.

Do you agree with Ronnie?

Giving in times of crisis is never easy, but it becomes joyful and comforting when you focus on the Source of everything you have.

If the challenges you face make you doubt and worry, let God’s faithfulness in the life of Ronnie motivate you to stay faithful in pursuing His plans for your life.

As he held onto God’s promise and showed generosity even in crisis, the Lord showed His faithful generosity to Ronnie.

They received a movie house as their new place of worship. Their church grew from 60 to 300 attendees—people who worship and serve God with their families.

Furthermore, Ronnie and his family experienced God’s goodness. From owning a house and car to sending their kids to school, he can attest that it is truly better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

The calling to bring hope and new life to the hopeless and hurting became a joy for Ronnie as he saw God’s faithfulness and power to transform.

His faith was greatly tested as he chose to follow God’s plan.

Due to his perseverance, many other families found the joy of partnering with God.

He, along with his family, encouraged their church community to actively participate in expanding God’s kingdom, not just in their community but also throughout the Philippines and the world by supporting the CBN Asia Family of Ministries.

You, too, can become a CBN Asia partner today!

As you choose to be a blessing, hold firmly on God’s Word in 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV), My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Experience God’s empowering grace as you embrace His plan for your life even in times of crisis!

Are You Struggling to Find a Job?

To be independent, secure, and happy with a well-paying job – that’s all a college graduate could ask for. After years of studying, it’s time to harvest what you have sowed, to reap the fruits of your labor.

But that wasn’t the case for Aaron Tristan Balanza.

Just 6 months after his graduation, he found himself struggling to find a job. If you are too, know that there is hope for you—just like how Aaron found hope.

“Lord, are you punishing me? What do you really want to happen in my life?” In that season of unemployment, these were the only words Aaron could muster to God. His excitement about achieving the life he wanted quickly fizzled out, replaced by growing resentment towards his life and what felt like a deaf and absent God.

After applying for countless jobs and facing continuous rejections, he began to believe the lie that God wasn’t good and that his life was destined to be unproductive, jobless, and a burden to his family.

He started losing faith. And when he needed it the most, his prayer life died. His motivation in life dwindled, and exhausted, Aaron hit rock bottom.

Like Aaron, have you found yourself in a rock-bottom situation? Are you left daydreaming about the life you want and envious of other people’s successes?

You are not alone. Aaron’s story is a testament that when you’re down, the only way is up. God can help you.

While Aaron was scrolling through social media during those hard days, he found The 700 Club Asia‘s Facebook Page. He messaged the page, hoping for something good to come out of it. And that hope didn’t disappoint, because minutes later, a prayer counselor responded. That call was a Godsend, as it rekindled his faith.

“Lord, just give me a breakthrough, and I will give to you,” Aaron recounted a prayer.

What he saw as the lowest point in his life became a launchpad for the breakthrough he’s been longing for. Afterward, he got hired as a “Collection Specialist” on his birthday. At that moment, tears streamed down his face as he experienced God’s kindness.

God’s work didn’t stop there. Through Tanikala—CBN Asia’s Holy Week special—Aaron was encouraged to support the ministry and help his kababayans, a decision that paved the way for an even greater breakthrough in his life.

Amid the pandemic, he secured a part-time job as a financial advisor for an insurance company. Because of his giving, the Lord continued to bless him with more clients and an even higher salary in his newfound job—ultimately enabling him to become a greater blessing to his family.

Thanks to God, Aaron, once an insecure and unemployed college graduate, now stands as a secure and fulfilled career man. Truly, there is hope for those who feel hopeless and discouraged.

If you are struggling in life, Aaron has an encouraging message for you, “The security of my life is in Jesus. When you are faithful to God and put Him first, He will be faithful as well.”

To you who are reading this article, refuse to believe the enemy’s lie about your situation and about God. Have faith that you will be at the center of the prayer you’re uttering right now. Soon, you’ll be secure, employed, and living the abundant life that God wants for you.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 NIV)

Experience God’s breakthrough by giving! You may start doing so by supporting His ministry and partnering with CBN Asia. Give through GCash or through cbnasia.org/give.