How can good come out of something that’s bad?
How can the trials that you face today – the sickness that has rendered you jobless, the dysfunctional relationships that have given you trauma, or the job-induced anxiety that has kept you awake every night – be something that you’d be grateful for tomorrow?
Let the story of Marilyn Teodoro encourage you that every pain you endure has a purpose; that what the enemy meant for evil, God truly meant for good.
Marilyn was no stranger to suffering. At a young age, she witnessed the separation of her parents. While it was something she learned to accept and live with, it was something that scared her.
This gave birth to the fear that if she got married, she would also have a broken marriage.
This fear became a painful reality as she endured physical abuse from the husband she unconditionally loved. She fought for that marriage to work at the expense of being a battered wife. (
Marilyn eventually mustered the strength to walk away from the destructive marriage, a decision that marked a turning point in her life.
We all have suffered in one way or another. And when you’re in the middle of the trial, it can be difficult to believe that God has a good purpose for it.
But believe it when God says through Scripture that suffering is never for nothing.
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (James 1:2-4 NLT)
The suffering that Marilyn despised was the very place God used to introduce Himself as her personal Savior.
Coming out of that abusive relationship, Marilyn found her way to a church where she came to know Jesus and the community which encouraged her to watch The 700 Club Asia.
With everything that she’s been through, The 700 Club Asia and her community have helped her find the deeper purpose of her suffering. She realized that faith and prayer are the cornerstone of a joyful life.
Knowing this, she called CBN Asia Prayer Center and opened up about her greatest desire – that God would reconcile her broken family.
A year later, Marilyn received news about his father, who was suffering from lymphoma. While this was heartbreaking news, God used this situation to bring the family together and reconcile her parents.
Marilyn shares, “I was surprised because my mom held my dad’s hand and said that she sought forgiveness and hoped for his healing. My dad was moved to tears.”
God has answered her prayer for a happy home, a heart free from hatred, and the grace to forgive the person who abused her.
Her heart overflows with gratitude for the Lord and this has compelled her to give and support CBN Asia.
Truly, God is faithful to His promises in His Word.
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20 ESV)
All that Marilyn went through was a prequel to the beautiful plans and purpose God fulfilled: her finding God as her friend and Savior and the joyful home God always wanted her to have.
Truly, no suffering is for nothing.
If you want to see God’s purpose for your suffering and receive His help, all you must do is to believe, accept, and declare that He is Lord and Savior. Accept the eternal life He freely gives.
Are you suffering and need to be prayed for? Just call us at 8-737-0-700 if you’re in Metro Manila. If you’re outside Metro Manila or the Philippines, send us your prayer requests here.