Do you want your kids to know more about Jesus this Holy Week season?
Watch the Superbook Holy Week Marathon with your whole family on the Batang Superbook Facebook page LIVE from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, 3:00 PM, and learn these amazing lessons about Jesus this Holy Week.
1. Jesus was baptized even though He didn’t have to.
Jesus got baptized to fulfill the prophecy that He is the Messiah. In the “John the Baptist” episode, when John baptized Jesus, a dove came over Him and God spoke that He is the Son whom God is well-pleased.
Being baptized is Jesus’ way of fulfilling His role as the obedient and devoted Son of God. Jesus’ obedience to God’s will resulted in the salvation of many people.
2. Jesus’ miracles build faith.
In the Superbook episode, “Miracles of Jesus”, Jesus healed the sick, calmed the storms, and drove evil spirits away! He did all these impossible things because He wants people to have faith in Him as the Son of God and to help them build their faith muscle.
You can believe that no matter how difficult a challenge can be, Jesus can make things possible.
3. Jesus is a humble King.
In “The Last Supper” episode, Jesus rides a donkey during His triumphant entry to Jerusalem. Later, He washed His disciples’ feet. His actions are things that kings never do!
Even though He’s a king, Jesus showed humility. Jesus’ action sets an example for believers to be humble servants just like Him.
4. We were saved from sin and death by God’s love.
Sin separates people from God, and no one can remove their sins based on their own efforts. Because God loves people so much, He sent Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice for their sins.
Because of what Jesus did, men are saved from eternal death, the consequences of sin. This is God’s perfect love for mankind – taking upon Himself the punishment meant for humans.
5. Jesus is alive!
After three days, Jesus was raised from the dead. Through His death and resurrection, the relationship between God and mankind has been restored.
His resurrection also proved that death is not the end of life and sin has no power over His children anymore. If a person leaves this life, he will spend eternity with Jesus in heaven. Jesus wants to spend eternity with everyone, that’s why He commanded His followers to share the story of His resurrection.
Holy Week is yearly observed to remember God’s great love when He saved mankind from sin through His death and resurrection. This is a great time to go to church to pray and reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross.
Help your kids learn more about the Holy Week through Superbook. Watch the Superbook Holy Week Marathon with the whole family on the Batang Superbook Facebook page! LIVE from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, 3:00 PM.