Do You Want to be a Great Leader? Here are Qualities You Should Have

There are many great leaders throughout history, but there’s only one person who has set the standards and embodied the true meaning of leadership.

It’s none other than Jesus Christ – the greatest servant leader of all time.

Scroll down to see His life and remarkable leadership qualitiesthings you should aim for, as discussed by Beyond Small Talk hosts Peter Kairuz, Jericho Arceo, and Paul Herrera. 

1. A true leader knows how to sacrifice.

Even if Jesus knew He was God (Philippians 2:6-7), He chose to put Himself down to connect with His people and become a humble servant. He came to earth not to be served but to serve mankind and gave His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). 

A leader should be someone who will sacrifice, serve, and go the extra mile for his or her constituents. 

2. A true leader teaches and models how to lead.

He or she does not only instruct nor dictate what followers should do but models it. 

“Jesus modeled servant leadership by serving others through the washing of His disciples’ feet and dying on the cross,” Paul Herrera explained. 

3. A true leader allows his or her followers to do things on their own.

Jesus allowed His disciples to minister on their own and be able to apply what they have learned from Him. Doing so helps build accountability and encourages the followers to be leaders too. 

How has this episode helped you?

Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! Join our online discussion and watch more webisodes of Beyond Small Talk every Saturday, 7:00 PM at The 700 Club Asia Facebook page and YouTube Channel. 

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