Blood, sweat, and tears.
One afternoon 2,000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God endured shame, pain, and mockery. Hours before He died on the cross, He uttered 7 statements which proved that He is true to His love and commitment to save mankind.
This Holy Week, ponder on Jesus’ 7 last words and remember the love that saved the world:
1. Jesus spoke to the Heavenly Father
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Luke 23:34 gave a glimpse of Jesus’ heart in the midst of suffering. Despite the unimaginable pain, He experienced from the hands of His people, He was still thinking of them as He asked His Heavenly Father to forgive them.
2. Jesus spoke to the criminal
“I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
In Luke 23:43, Jesus showed that He is a God of forgiveness and salvation. When one of the criminals crucified beside Jesus acknowledged Him as the Savior, Jesus assured the dying man of forgiveness and a place in heaven.
3. Jesus spoke to Mary
“Dear Woman, here is your son!”
Even while confronted with the impending death before Him, Jesus continued to show concern for others, this time, for His mother, Mary. John 19:26-27 recalls the moment when Jesus entrusted Mary to John, one of His trusted friends.
4. Jesus spoke again to the Father and cried out
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
In Matthew 27:46, Jesus’ agony and extreme suffering were noticeable as He neared His death. But, why? Didn’t He already know His fate?
John Piper of Desiring God explained that Jesus bore the judgment and wrath that was meant for mankind – and it necessarily involves a kind of abandonment. God the Father gave Jesus up to suffer the weight of all sins, and Jesus faced the forsakenness that was meant for His people.
Jesus knew it was coming – and He wasn’t seeking for an answer, rather, He was expressing desolation and fulfillment of the Scripture. All of which can only be understood through the lens of faith.
5. Jesus thirsted
“I am thirsty.”
Hanged on the cross and badly wounded, John 19:28 shows that Jesus lived and suffered in a human body. He felt the thirst brought by the physical effect of crucifixion. And as He knew that everything was finished at this point, He fulfilled the prophecy in Psalm 69:21 by drinking the vinegar offered to Him.
6. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy
“It is finished!”
John 19:30 records the fulfillment of the prophecy. Jesus was sent to this world to live and die for the redemption of mankind from sin. He performed every prophecy that was said in the Scriptures. The Savior’s task was completed. Mankind was saved. It is finished.
7. Jesus spoke His last words
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!”
In Luke 23:46, Jesus knew that He already won the victory over sins, Satan, and eternal death. Putting His life to the Heavenly Father’s hands, He cried out these words and breathed His last.
The 7 last words of Jesus showed His undying love for mankind. At the cost of His own life, Jesus bought salvation. As Romans 5:8 says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Everyone who accepts Him has to fear neither physical nor eternal death. There is now no condemnation for those whose freedom from sin has been given.
Jesus’ finished work is the beginning of life for every man.
Are you willing to accept the salvation God freely gives you? Call the CBN Asia Prayer Center today at 8-737-0-700 and experience the life that is made alive in Jesus Christ!