In 2013, CBN Asia launched the beloved Bible-oriented animated show Superbook Reimagined on Philippine television. Through its current partnership with ABS-CBN, a new generation of Filipino children is learning about Bible stories and their life-changing lessons.
Superbook gets its 2nd Anak TV Seal!
As Superbook Reimagined celebrates its 10th year in the Philippines, we also celebrate our latest award: the Anak TV Seal Household Favorite Television Program for 2023! The award was accepted by The 700 Club Asia host, Kata Inocencio.
CBN Asia’s manager for Superbook Icko Gonzalez expresses his gratitude for each opportunity that Superbook can extend its reach.
“We thank God for our partnerships with various media channels who share our commitment to bring the positive messages of the Bible to more Filipino families worldwide,” he said.
It is Gonzalez’ prayer that the Word of God would take root and flourish in the hearts of everyone who has been reached by Superbook, “May their faith and love for Jesus deepen even further as they navigate life’s challenges.”
What’s next for Superbook Philippines?
Superbook has done so much in a decade, but it does not stop there. According to Gonzalez, the Superbook Philippines team has many more surprises in store for the audience in 2024!
First up is the release of all Superbook Season 1 episodes in Bisaya, along with live events in the Visayas region. This comes after the successful launch of Superbook Cebuano last October 2023.
Gonzalez also gave another exciting news: Superbook Season 5 will soon have a simultaneous broadcast on A2Z and Kapamilya Channel! He invites everyone to join the fun.
“Get ready for a wave of excitement, especially for our multi-generational #CertifiedBatangSuperbook followers—there’s a lot to look forward to!”
Thanks to your love and support, Superbook can continue to reach thousands of Filipino children. Do you want to be our partner today? Visit