For first-time parents, a baby’s smile brings pure joy.
But when Pia and Alex saw their baby Jhorex, tears filled their eyes. Jhorex was born with cleft lip and palate – a condition where there’s an opening in the upper lip or the roof of the mouth.
“When I saw my son for the first time, I cried. I couldn’t accept his condition. I felt sorry for him,” Pia Jurado confessed. She spent sleepless nights blaming herself and their lack of money for his son’s condition.
Seeing Jhorex having a difficult time eating because of his condition, his father Alexis Campaner also worried about the future.
“What if people mock him when he grows up? Whenever I think of it, I would just cry,” he lamented.
Alex worked hard to save up for Jhorex’s cleft repair surgery. But no matter how hard they try to make ends meet, their family couldn’t afford it.
Pia reached out to hospitals – desperately looking for someone who could help their beloved son. Until they bumped into Edwin Luis, a concerned citizen.
“I was at the lobby of the hospital when I saw the mother carrying the child. I approached them and asked if I can post their picture, so other people can help too,” Luis narrated.
Thankfully, Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, CBN Asia’s humanitarian arm came across Edwin’s post. Through Operation Blessing and the support of faithful partners, Jhorex received his first cleft lip and palate surgery in 2019. Even in the middle of the pandemic, he received the second surgery.
Once full of tears, his parents Alex and Pia are now full of gratitude for the blessing they received—the gift of smile for their son. Jhorex is now a happy, healthy, and full of vigor baby!
“Operation Blessing, I can’t explain how happy I am because you helped my child. Now I’ve got tears of joy!” Pia shared.
With or without pandemic, Operation Blessing continues its mission of bringing free medical care to our kababayans in need. Just recently, the ministry launched its state-of-the-art mobile clinic to make medical support more accessible to the most vulnerable.
You too, can take part in bringing more smiles to our kababayans!
Partner with Operation Blessing today and support our medical missions! You may give any amount through Operation Blessing’s website, through GCash (Operation Blessing), or through the following bank accounts with account name: Operation Blessing Foundation Phils., Inc.:
Banco De Oro (BDO)
Peso Account: 003-000-055-279
Dollar Account: 103-000-11-3333
Swift Code: BNORPHMM
Union Bank of the Philippines
Peso Account: 00-216-072163-9
Dollar Account: 13-216-000170-0
Swift Code: UBPHPHMM
Peso Account: 270-3-27050273-4
Dollar Account: 270-2-27000282-4
Swift Code: MBTCPHMM
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
Peso Account: 3001-0040-33
For more information on how you can support, visit Operation Blessing’s Facebook page or contact 0918-906-7753.
(DSWD-SB-SP-000061-2021-Nationwide. Valid until November 23, 2022)