Celebrating Chinese New Year? Here Are 3 Things To Remember

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is well-celebrated in the Philippines.

Following the movement of the moon, it is observed either in January or February based on the lunar calendar where each year is represented by an animal sign known as the Chinese Zodiac, Alina Bradford explained in her article Chinese New Year: Customs & Traditions by Live Science.

Traditions, symbolism, and customs are hallmarked during this 15-day celebration which can leave many people confused about whether to participate in it or not.

To help you be enlightened, here are 3 things to remember as you celebrate the Chinese New Year.

1. Be careful not to join practices contrary to the Bible. 

Take for example the traditional practices of worshipping deities and ancestors or trusting horoscopes to determine your destiny.

Be careful not to engage in magic spells, sorceries, omens, witchcraft, spells, spiritists who consults the dead. These are dangerous and detestable to God.

The Bible also commands us to refrain from idols because it is only God who must be worshipped and served.

2. Meditate on the Word of God.

There are many outside voices that will try to deceive, mislead, and snatch you away from the Truth planted in your heart.

Get yourself in God’s Word and continuously meditate on it (Joshua 1:8). Put on His full armor, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:10).

3. Celebrate it in a way that glorifies God.

“Christians can eat, drink and be merry during the new year without any involvement in superstitious matters,” affirms Rev. Elijah in an article ‘Annual Debate’ on Chinese-Tradition and Christianity: Should Christians Celebrate Chinese New Year? by Elsie Hu published in China Christian Daily.

Seize the opportunity to share the Gospel with your loved ones who needed to hear the Word of God. Enlighten them with the Truth because they, too, need to experience the saving power of Jesus Christ. (Klonopin online)

If you and your loved ones need prayers, call us at 8-737-0-700 or go to CBN Asia Prayer Center. We would love to pray for you.

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