The Lord cares for you, and He knows your needs! His grace is sufficient for you! Overcome hopelessness and discouragement as you receive God’s favor and love in action. Learn to endure and depend on the Lord as Doug Kramer of Team Kramer shares his faith journey in #LoveTheWord #LiveTheWord, hosted by Erick Totañes.
Growing without a father figure, Venus Raj sought for the love she longed for through wrong relationships and things that would satisfy her flesh. She related her story with the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11-32, specifically when God welcomed her with open arms despite her sinful past. Learn how God’s love filled the “father” void in Venus’s heart, on LTWLTW with host, Joyce Burton-Titular.
Growing up, Jemimah Ramos longed for attention and affection which led her to look for it in the wrong places. But even through the shame brought by falling into sin, God led her back to the right path, reminding her of His grace and love that overlooks shortcomings.
Growing up as a pastor’s kid, a kuya, and a leader, Nate Punzalan felt the pressure to portray a perfect image of himself. But the pandemic made him realize how God, in His grace, allows him to be vulnerable and to feel his feelings. Learn how Lamentations 3:22-23 helped him understand how much the Lord loves him despite his flaws. WATCH him on #LoveTheWord #LiveTheWord, with host Icko Gonzalez.