David was a Pastor’s kid so he practically grew up in church. During his teen years, he was influenced by his peers in ways that were different from what he had learned at church. Having to deal with depression and anxiety made him realize that he needed to take his relationship with God more seriously.

May was born into a broken home and it affected her childhood. She felt rejected, hurt, and frustrated because of her family's situation. She thought that this would be the worst pain she would ever feel. Later, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. How did May overcome these challenges? How did she know that God was with her in her battles? Be inspired by her story as you watch this episode of #KapitLangCBNAsia, hosted by Sonjia Calit.

Luna Inocian is a well-known playwright who has written for many theater companies. She has been married for 11 years to a well-known stage actor. Luna didn't think that in the long years of their marriage, they would face problems that would change their lives. How was Luna able to get back on her feet after discovering her husband's affair? How did she heal from all the pain and difficult things she had to go through? Watch how God came into her life and helped her start over as she shares her faith journey in #KapitLangCBNAsia, hosted by Sonjia Calit.

The situation was favorable for Micah and her husband. They bought a house, and a car, and are in the process of planning their dream wedding. However, the pandemic happened. They had both lost their jobs. In addition, they accumulated a huge debt paying for their home. How did God help them in overcoming this difficulty? Be encouraged by her story on this episode of Kapit Lang, hosted by Sonjia Calit.
Even though this world is uncertain, unstable, and always changing, God is not. He has never changed and never will. Be encouraged to find security in God's love as Audie Gemora shares his story and talks about the Word, with Sonjia Calit.

Find hope, rest in God’s love, and enjoy the music of Filipina-American singer and songwriter Rhema Smithwick a.k.a. Armor Amor on this brand-new episode of One Music, One Hope, hosted by Sonjia Calit.

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