Join soul, gospel, and R&B duo allen&elle as they radiate God’s love through their music tonight on a brand-new episode of "One Music One Hope", hosted by Sonjia Calit.

Join praise and worship band Brokenchains as they sing songs of thanksgiving and adoration to God on this episode of “One Music One Hope”, hosted by Sheena Lee.

Be amazed at God’s incomparable love as you listen to English, Filipino, and Cebuano worship songs from singer-songwriter Yeuseff, on One Music One Hope, hosted by Ellene Cubelo.

Award-winning composer, arranger, producer, music director, and Gospel artist Arnel De Pano will share the stories behind his well-loved songs, on this episode of One Music One Hope, hosted by Sonjia Calit.

Find hope, rest in God’s love, and enjoy the music of Filipina-American singer and songwriter Rhema Smithwick a.k.a. Armor Amor on this brand-new episode of One Music, One Hope, hosted by Sonjia Calit.

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